More to relationship with India than curry and cricket: MP


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May 6, 2009
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August 18,2009

Aug 18 There&aposs much more to Australia&aposs relationship with India than cricket, curry and Commonwealth, an Australian parliamentarian today said as she advocated stronger ties with New Delhi.

" There is a genuine and long-standing warmth of regard felt by Australia and Australians for India and its people that I believe goes beyond the oft-cited notion of cricket, curry and Commonwealth," Melissa Parke said.

Speaking after tabling the parliamentary committee report on relations with India, the West Australian MP also acknowledged that Australia and India had strong links that were both substantial, symbolic and growing, the AAP reported.

The report submitted by her highlights India&aposs development into a global and regional nation of enormous significance and the importance of its military capability.

"It acknowledges India&aposs success as the world&aposs largest democracy and as a nation with an outward looking and resolutely independent foreign policy," Parke said.

Besides it the report also highlights opportunities available for Australia to strengthen cultural, strategic, defence, business and trade relationship with India.

On the recent attacks on Indian students, she said,"It is heartening to see the overwhelming commitment of Australian community at all levels to the safety and well-being of Indian students, visitors and migrants within our community.

West Bengal : More to relationship with India than curry and cricket: MP : 653581

