Modernisation of Indian Army Infantry


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Apr 8, 2016
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Multi-Mode Hand Grenade - shivalik developed by DRDO

Modular in design: Two modules, i.e, fuze and main body, light in weight: Gross weight is 490 g in defensive mode and 260 g in offensive mode.
serves as both Offensive and defensive grenade i.e Lethal radius of 3 to 5 m from point of burst in offensive mode. In defensive mode, it incapacitates human being with in the radius of 8-10 m from the point of burst Uniform fragmentation pattern. More number of fragments (>4000) embedded in plastic matrix to provide higher splinter density of fragments. Time delay 3 sec and arming delay of 0.5 sec provides additional safety to the thrower. Maintenance free and highly reliable. Operational temperature range of -20 ºC to 55 ºC and storage temperature range of -50 C to 75 C .

Mechatronic fuze for multi-mode hand grenade operates in three modes, viz., time delay, impact, and dual. Pre-launch safeties have been provided through mechanical components whereas post launch safeties and intelligence have been incorporated using embedded system based electronic hardware and software. The detonator is misaligned with the rest of the explosive train during storage and transportation. The fuze is powered by primary lithium battery. The fuze has been designed to withstand accidental drop for thrower’s safety. The time delay for arming and initiation of detonator is factory settable with a high precision. The fuze has a provision of self-discharge system to avoid delayed initiation after a preset delay.

To change from defensive mode to offensive move you just have to unscrew (remove) the outer fragmentation sleeve and vice versa.



Defense lover
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Aug 23, 2017
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What about the pevious grenades are they gonna be destroyed?
We should consider donating it all to Afghanistan if possible.
These old grenades will be in reserve....

In war situation can be its life span not expired


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Mar 21, 2009
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Why do we never induct these plates? Are they too expensive to become standard issue?
This is very recent development, pretty sure the search of manufacturing partners will start shortly...
yes Ezasa was correct, tha was very recent & advance development by a Nuclear Company of India....


तस्मात् उत्तिष्ठ कौन्तेय युद्धाय कृतनिष्चय
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Aug 15, 2016
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Since the counter terror thread is closed, thought of asking this here.
Any idea if these are deployed in kashmir ?
If not, why not ?



New Member
Jul 11, 2011
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Multi-Mode Hand Grenade - shivalik developed by DRDO

Modular in design: Two modules, i.e, fuze and main body, light in weight: Gross weight is 490 g in defensive mode and 260 g in offensive mode.
serves as both Offensive and defensive grenade i.e Lethal radius of 3 to 5 m from point of burst in offensive mode. In defensive mode, it incapacitates human being with in the radius of 8-10 m from the point of burst Uniform fragmentation pattern. More number of fragments (>4000) embedded in plastic matrix to provide higher splinter density of fragments. Time delay 3 sec and arming delay of 0.5 sec provides additional safety to the thrower. Maintenance free and highly reliable. Operational temperature range of -20 ºC to 55 ºC and storage temperature range of -50 C to 75 C .

Mechatronic fuze for multi-mode hand grenade operates in three modes, viz., time delay, impact, and dual. Pre-launch safeties have been provided through mechanical components whereas post launch safeties and intelligence have been incorporated using embedded system based electronic hardware and software. The detonator is misaligned with the rest of the explosive train during storage and transportation. The fuze is powered by primary lithium battery. The fuze has been designed to withstand accidental drop for thrower’s safety. The time delay for arming and initiation of detonator is factory settable with a high precision. The fuze has a provision of self-discharge system to avoid delayed initiation after a preset delay.

To change from defensive mode to offensive move you just have to unscrew (remove) the outer fragmentation sleeve and vice versa.

View attachment 33341

Oh ! why make it so complicated ? What is "multi" in this grenade ? What is "Defensive" and what is "Offensive" use / role of a grenade ? A grande is an area weapon required for point defense / offense used as personal weapon by a soldier. There is no distinction between the two actions a soldier is required to take with respect of a grenade. Changes in Weight and and thereby Range determine radius of kill zone and distance which are parameters required for both defensive and offensive actions. Such changes does not make any weapon system particularly if it happens to be personal weapon defensive or offensive.

And why has it been so complicated ? Battery operated ? Forget about soldiers having functional grandes ? Cost of holding, maintenance and operation will be very high. Imagine minimum two grenades per soldier for such a huge army. A simple but reliable mechanical detonator what is required. Why electronic detonator?

It is a mess !


Laughing member
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Nov 23, 2017
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Oh ! why make it so complicated ? What is "multi" in this grenade ? What is "Defensive" and what is "Offensive" use / role of a grenade ?

Try googling, you'll find out...


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Jul 11, 2011
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Try googling, you'll find out...
Oh Sir, Google can not correct the stupidity and foolishness of DODOs and OFV of India?
Do not believe me ?

You please Google and let me know which Country / Army / Force in the world has "multi", "offensive" and "defensive" varieties, characterisation, classification or distinction for a personal grenade (personal means a weapon which is indispensable part of a soldiers in performance of his basic defense / task).

There could be thousands of kinds / varieties of grenades but grenade as a personal weapon has only one function. Functionality, shape and size, method of detonation may vary. However, a smoke, Sarine, Cyanide , propaganda, Anti Tank, bunker bursting, tear gas or other grenades are not "personal" weapons . There is nothing called "offensive" or "Defensive" grenade.

May please clarify further. I am willing to learn.


Laughing member
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Nov 23, 2017
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Oh Sir, Google can not correct the stupidity and foolishness of DODOs and OFV of India?
Do not believe me ?

You please Google and let me know which Country / Army / Force in the world has "multi", "offensive" and "defensive" varieties, characterisation, classification or distinction for a personal grenade (personal means a weapon which is indispensable part of a soldiers in performance of his basic defense / task).

There could be thousands of kinds / varieties of grenades but grenade as a personal weapon has only one function. Functionality, shape and size, method of detonation may vary. However, a smoke, Sarine, Cyanide , propaganda, Anti Tank, bunker bursting, tear gas or other grenades are not "personal" weapons . There is nothing called "offensive" or "Defensive" grenade.

May please clarify further. I am willing to learn.
Still won't Google, eh?

Here, let me spell it for ya.. "offensive & defensive grenades".


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Jul 11, 2011
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Still won't Google, eh?

Here, let me spell it for ya.. "offensive & defensive grenades".
I insist in conveying that for a soldier a "grenade" is a grenade which he is required to use in all military actions, be it defensive or offensive.

A grenade is an armed weapon required to be lobbed (thrown) at the enemy in a situation and condition that the soldier / the throwers is himself unaffected / covered from the blast and fragmentation of it. Simple. Be it defensive or offensive action there are not different methods, requirements or grenades as personal weapon.

When a grenade is fired or used any other way such as through 7.62 FN type rifle using a special Cartridge, UBGL, AGS, RPG etc then grenade is no more the personal weapon and we are not talking of those under this thread.

Wiki / other distinction particularly describing fragmentation grenades to be defensive and blast / stun grenades to be offensive showing two different types of designs and casing is not correct.

Military actions / military operations all start with defensive actions graduating or progressing into offensive actions and then pausing into defensive actions. For example soldiers in an ambush first take defense then carry out offensive actions and then pause again for defense. This progression can be very quick without planning and situational till operations come to an end. A soldier can not and should not have two sets of grenades with him and keep thinking which one to use

It does not happen that way.

Secondly, in a country where it is difficult to find a battery for your watch in Delhi, you are giving a soldier in Baramulla or Karakoram a grenade which is dependent on a battery.

Battery - which is tendered by MoD babus, may be made by OFB, comes to a depot, is stored there supplied from there, given to the soldiers with a paper signed by him called voucher, etc etc and suddenly the soldier finds that the battery is a dud.

you are giving a grenade to a soldier with only 10 per cent probability of functioning.

Okabe Rintarou

New Member
Apr 23, 2018
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Since the counter terror thread is closed, thought of asking this here.
Any idea if these are deployed in kashmir ?
If not, why not ?

These can't survive an IED blowing below them. Which is why MPV by OFB and Mahindra are used.

Oh Sir, Google can not correct the stupidity and foolishness of DODOs and OFV of India?
Do not believe me ?

You please Google and let me know which Country / Army / Force in the world has "multi", "offensive" and "defensive" varieties, characterisation, classification or distinction for a personal grenade (personal means a weapon which is indispensable part of a soldiers in performance of his basic defense / task).

There could be thousands of kinds / varieties of grenades but grenade as a personal weapon has only one function. Functionality, shape and size, method of detonation may vary. However, a smoke, Sarine, Cyanide , propaganda, Anti Tank, bunker bursting, tear gas or other grenades are not "personal" weapons . There is nothing called "offensive" or "Defensive" grenade.

May please clarify further. I am willing to learn.
I insist in conveying that for a soldier a "grenade" is a grenade which he is required to use in all military actions, be it defensive or offensive.

A grenade is an armed weapon required to be lobbed (thrown) at the enemy in a situation and condition that the soldier / the throwers is himself unaffected / covered from the blast and fragmentation of it. Simple. Be it defensive or offensive action there are not different methods, requirements or grenades as personal weapon.

When a grenade is fired or used any other way such as through 7.62 FN type rifle using a special Cartridge, UBGL, AGS, RPG etc then grenade is no more the personal weapon and we are not talking of those under this thread.

Wiki / other distinction particularly describing fragmentation grenades to be defensive and blast / stun grenades to be offensive showing two different types of designs and casing is not correct.

Military actions / military operations all start with defensive actions graduating or progressing into offensive actions and then pausing into defensive actions. For example soldiers in an ambush first take defense then carry out offensive actions and then pause again for defense. This progression can be very quick without planning and situational till operations come to an end. A soldier can not and should not have two sets of grenades with him and keep thinking which one to use

It does not happen that way.

Secondly, in a country where it is difficult to find a battery for your watch in Delhi, you are giving a soldier in Baramulla or Karakoram a grenade which is dependent on a battery.

Battery - which is tendered by MoD babus, may be made by OFB, comes to a depot, is stored there supplied from there, given to the soldiers with a paper signed by him called voucher, etc etc and suddenly the soldier finds that the battery is a dud.

you are giving a grenade to a soldier with only 10 per cent probability of functioning.
Sirji I have been reading your older posts while reading older pages of some threads. As a result, I am well aware of your love for "DODO" and "OFV".

But if what you say is true, why is the Army not rejecting Shivalik grenades and is instead making a repeat order after the initial order of over a million grenades?

Firstly let me address your gripe with "offensive" and "defensive". Its meant to prevent rejection from Army.
  • If DODO makes a grenade with a blast radius 5m, Army will reject it saying "the blast radius is too big, what if we want to toss it close to another one of our soldiers who is crouching close to the enemy?"
  • If DODO makes a grenade with a blast radius of 3m, Army will reject it saying "the blast radius is too small, so the grenade is not lethal enough."
Hence, the DRDO has built a modular grenade and thrust it in the hands of the Army. Now its up to you guys how you teach the basic soldier which grenade to use and how. If I may suggest sir, although I suspect Army is already doing this, don't ask the soldier to remove or install the sleeve that converts the grenade to offensive or defensive respectively. I understand that a soldier must not be bothered with technicalities when he is fighting. Get this done by the CQM saab before the grenades are handed out to the soldiers from the armoury!! Hand them out according to the mission and related threat assessment. It will not be difficult for the basic soldier to remember that the small grenade is more lethal and the larger one is less lethal. Give them a mnemonic for it, something like: "Chota packet bada dhamaka". And the soldier does not have to worry about "offensive" or "defensive" or "multimode".

Now let me address your gripe with batteries. Sirji, I am a humble engineer who uses a humble calculator its been years but the battery has never died. Even my father's calculator still works sirji, without battery change. So technologically speaking, it is possible to build a long lasting battery that is rugged and reliable. If CASIO could do it for a calculator when my father was in college, then DODO can certainly do it today for a military requirement.

As for your gripe with the long procurement procedure for requisitioning simple things that never arrive on time, I am sure you speak from personal experience sir, but sirji efforts are being made to rationalise this cumbersome supply chain.............. Field commanders have been given powers of Local Procurement to purchase for urgent, short-term purchases from OEM without having to rely on the central procurement chain. Article about this:-
Army to shut down four ordnance depots to streamline supply chain
and a circular from Controller General of Defence Accounts delegating financial powers to defence services for the year 2016:-
Delegation of financial powers to Defence Services 2016.

But before we talk about why batteries in the first place, can you please tell me if you are also against stuff like this:-

Because batteries are here to stay and so are wearable electronics. If we are so uncertain about the humble Lithium battery for a grenade, how will we overcome the hurdle of getting used to soldiers depending on wearable electronics tomorrow?


Laughing member
New Member
Nov 23, 2017
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Firstly let me address your gripe with "offensive" and "defensive". Its meant to prevent rejection from Army...
Hence, the DRDO has built a modular grenade and thrust it in the hands of the Army. Now its up to you guys how you teach the basic soldier which grenade to use and how. If I may suggest sir, although I suspect Army is already doing this, don't ask the soldier to remove or install the sleeve that converts the grenade to offensive or defensive respectively. I understand that a soldier must not be bothered with technicalities when he is fighting. Get this done by the CQM saab before the grenades are handed out to the soldiers from the armoury!! Hand them out according to the mission and related threat assessment. It will not be difficult for the basic soldier to remember that the small grenade is more lethal and the larger one is less lethal. Give them a mnemonic for it, something like: "Chota packet bada dhamaka". And the soldier does not have to worry about "offensive" or "defensive" or "multimode".
:facepalm: The new grenades can be used normally for offensive purposes, when you're assaulting a position or bunker or room & want full-powered blast within 5m radius, so your own guys won't catch shrapnels.

In case your position is being assaulted, simply put on the frag-casing so it's blast to spray shrapnels on approaching enemies over a larger area upto 20-30m.

That's it! NOT ROCKET SCIENCE!!! If some retard don't understand that he won't be in the Army (..might pull out a grenade's pin to clean ear).

The modularity of the new Grenade would allow it to be used for both purposes with ease. Would save a lot of money & they don't have to make & carry separate grenades.
Please don't give misleading info to already biased fools who can't Google.
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Okabe Rintarou

New Member
Apr 23, 2018
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:facepalm: The new grenades can be used normally for offensive purposes, when you're assaulting a position or bunker or room & want full-powered blast within 5m radius, so your own guys won't catch shrapnels.

In case your position is being assaulted, simply put on the frag-casing so it's blast to spray shrapnels on approaching enemies over a larger area upto 20-30m.
I stand corrected. Its not the blast radius but the fragmentation radius. And as per the figure provided by @porky_kicker in his post #862, its not 3m offensive, 5m defensive. Rather it is 5 meters offensive with less but lethal shrapnel and a sleeve that adds more shrapnel (thereby reducing their speed and lethality) which fly out to 8-10 meters. One question though: Since the charge is same in both modes, and the shrapnel amount less in the offensive mode, why do the shrapnel not fly further out than in defensive mode?

That's it! NOT ROCKET SCIENCE!!! If some retard don't understand that he won't be in the Army (..might pull out a grenade's pin to clean ear).

The modularity of the new Grenade would allow it to be used for both purposes with ease. Would save a lot of money & they don't have to make & carry separate grenades.
But my point of deciding the mode you want to use before the mission still applies. If you find it hard to train your men to screw on a sleeve and explain to them what different purposes it serves, then you can simply teach them about two grenades and let the CQM worry about which grenade gets issued for which mission.

Of course it will be ideal if the soldiers learn to switch the grenade mode in field, but many times during a firefight which starts unexpectedly, you don't get the reaction time to to unscrew a sleeve off a grenade before tossing it. So @Bhadra sir's point is somewhat valid. You might get ambushed and your first action is defensive. Then before you know it, you are rallying and counterattacking, so you don't get the time to unscrew a bloody sleeve. But @Bhadra sir, for such cases, you need to develop SOPs. For example, you could ask the soldiers on a patrol to carry around grenades only in offensive mode. But when you take a position, there is some time to prepare before you can expect an enemy counterattack. Teach the soldiers to screw on the sleeves in their grenades then. This is not the best SOP. But all I am saying is that Army can develop the correct SOP for this piece of equipment according to their experience.

Please don't give misleading info to already biased fools who can't Google
A little more respect please. He is a veteran.


Laughing member
New Member
Nov 23, 2017
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One question though: Since the charge is same in both modes, and the shrapnel amount less in the offensive mode, why do the shrapnel not fly further out than in defensive mode?
In offensive mode is just the explosive in a thin casing, made to maximise effect in a small radius with minimal fragmentation.

Defensive ones have a thick solid shells designed to split into (or lined below the casing) several heavy shrapnels that use the blast's to accelerate. Most anti-personnel ones are like this &


This difference has existed for long.
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New Member
Jul 11, 2011
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These can't survive an IED blowing below them. Which is why MPV by OFB and Mahindra are used.

Sirji I have been reading your older posts while reading older pages of some threads. As a result, I am well aware of your love for "DODO" and "OFV".

But if what you say is true, why is the Army not rejecting Shivalik grenades and is instead making a repeat order after the initial order of over a million grenades?

Firstly let me address your gripe with "offensive" and "defensive". Its meant to prevent rejection from Army.
  • If DODO makes a grenade with a blast radius 5m, Army will reject it saying "the blast radius is too big, what if we want to toss it close to another one of our soldiers who is crouching close to the enemy?"
  • If DODO makes a grenade with a blast radius of 3m, Army will reject it saying "the blast radius is too small, so the grenade is not lethal enough."
Hence, the DRDO has built a modular grenade and thrust it in the hands of the Army. Now its up to you guys how you teach the basic soldier which grenade to use and how. If I may suggest sir, although I suspect Army is already doing this, don't ask the soldier to remove or install the sleeve that converts the grenade to offensive or defensive respectively. I understand that a soldier must not be bothered with technicalities when he is fighting. Get this done by the CQM saab before the grenades are handed out to the soldiers from the armoury!! Hand them out according to the mission and related threat assessment. It will not be difficult for the basic soldier to remember that the small grenade is more lethal and the larger one is less lethal. Give them a mnemonic for it, something like: "Chota packet bada dhamaka". And the soldier does not have to worry about "offensive" or "defensive" or "multimode".

Now let me address your gripe with batteries. Sirji, I am a humble engineer who uses a humble calculator its been years but the battery has never died. Even my father's calculator still works sirji, without battery change. So technologically speaking, it is possible to build a long lasting battery that is rugged and reliable. If CASIO could do it for a calculator when my father was in college, then DODO can certainly do it today for a military requirement.

As for your gripe with the long procurement procedure for requisitioning simple things that never arrive on time, I am sure you speak from personal experience sir, but sirji efforts are being made to rationalise this cumbersome supply chain.............. Field commanders have been given powers of Local Procurement to purchase for urgent, short-term purchases from OEM without having to rely on the central procurement chain. Article about this:-
Army to shut down four ordnance depots to streamline supply chain
and a circular from Controller General of Defence Accounts delegating financial powers to defence services for the year 2016:-
Delegation of financial powers to Defence Services 2016.

But before we talk about why batteries in the first place, can you please tell me if you are also against stuff like this:-
View attachment 33373
Because batteries are here to stay and so are wearable electronics. If we are so uncertain about the humble Lithium battery for a grenade, how will we overcome the hurdle of getting used to soldiers depending on wearable electronics tomorrow?

Thanks for the response..

Thanks also for reading my older posts… may be very old… minimum six to ten year old. We are now on equal footings – that is being biased if I may say so.

Since you have admitted to be one of the DODOs, I must appreciate your honesty in admitting a few things :

· That you have thrust this damn grenade on Army ( they have taken it as there is no choice for them. They are your bonded labour).

· Blast radius is inconsequential to a soldiers – take it or die. No sir, blast radius should depend on soldiers capacity to lob the grenade and achieve a throw distance and conditions under which he uses grenades. Blast radius of the grenade, therefore, should be obtained / designed accordingly. There is nothing defensive and offensive about it.

· As per you the armoury NCO who issues the grenade to soldiers will have a dream how a particular battle will unfold, progress and end. Chhota dhamaka and bara dhamaka. If you guys do not understand matters military, you have no right to make any military equipment leave aside “thrusting” it.

You have shown me a big PPP type picture of battery operated equipment on a soldier in justification of use of batteries as power source for a hand grenade / personal grenade.

Sir, that is a proof of your naivety. I as a soldiers can fight and survive if any one of that equipment malfunctions or just does not function.

However, if a grenade is a dud / malfunctions or shouts for a battery in the thick of battle, a soldier’s personal safety and security is compromised. Please be good enough to provide examples of battery ignited / battery powered “personal grenade” issued to soldiers / infantrymen anywhere in the world.

The relations between DRDO and the Services has to that of a “consumer and supplier / developper” and for that the “supplier” needs to be a functional professional organisation. Supplier can not afford to be first a competitor of consumer and then a parasite on him. That monopolistic / colonial / imperialistic kind of economic relation should be a thing of past There has to a difference between the “property / real estate developer” like DLF etc DODOs.

Coming to nutshell – a personal grenade is a very basic weapon for safety, security and basic functioning of a soldier. I hope you understand the implications and meaning of a system called “personal”. It should be simple, not complicated, not offensive or defensive and dependant on its operation on something like a battery. It should be a simple and dependable defender / killer. You ask why Army has accepted it ? Those poor guys have no choice. They have been waiting for a decent grenade to fall from DODO tree for last fifty years. You have thrown it at them.

Tell me what is wrong and shortfall of a mechanical percussion detonator.

An electronic fuse is required for proximity detonation, delay, avoiding obstacles such as crests, top attacks, sensor functions etc not for a simple blast to achieve fragmentation.

I wish you would have faced and been subjected to an US or Chinese or Pakistani hand grenade thrown at you. I wish you could see that how No 36 Grenade rarely fragments into 36. I wish you could ever imagine the sense of dismay a soldier undergoes when his grenade thrown at enemy become “DODO”. I wish you to analyse the percentage of casualties the security personnel suffer due to enemy grenades.


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Jul 11, 2011
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:facepalm: The new grenades can be used normally for offensive purposes, when you're assaulting a position or bunker or room & want full-powered blast within 5m radius, so your own guys won't catch shrapnels.

In case your position is being assaulted, simply put on the frag-casing so it's blast to spray shrapnels on approaching enemies over a larger area upto 20-30m.
View attachment 33374
That's it! NOT ROCKET SCIENCE!!! If some retard don't understand that he won't be in the Army (..might pull out a grenade's pin to clean ear).

The modularity of the new Grenade would allow it to be used for both purposes with ease. Would save a lot of money & they don't have to make & carry separate grenades.
Please don't give misleading info to already biased fools who can't Google.
OK, the problem is that your visualisation of situations is bookish and that too very very limited.

How many times our soldiers have fought trench warfare after WWII ? Fixed situation, set piece battles do not occur so easily and weapons are not limited to use in those situations.

Our soldiers everyday have to perform military operational tasks such as patrolling, ambush, raids, area domination, picketing, road blocks, cordon and searches, pursuits, hideout bursting etc etc. These operations are not confined to defensive / offensive operations but entail all kinds of military skills and situations.

Suffice to say that even set piece tactical defensive or offensive progress from defensive to offensive and vise versa.

A hand grenade or personal grenade is used by a soldier when enemy is say within 10 meters or less. He takes out the pin and lobs it as as one of the last resorts. There is nothing defensive or offensive about it. It should be simple and reliable. Who has time under such urgent situations to remove or add casing, check batteries Etc. Bullshit..

The biggest problem with DODOs is that instead of making and developing military equipment, they start inventing and dictating tactics and doctrines. First they concoct an equipment and then start dictating the utility of it. That is true right from a nuclear missile down to a grenade.

That is very harmful.


Designated Cynic
New Member
Jul 12, 2014
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OK, the problem is that your visualisation of situations is bookish and that too very very limited.

How many times our soldiers have fought trench warfare after WWII ? Fixed situation, set piece battles do not occur so easily and weapons are not limited to use in those situations.

Our soldiers everyday have to perform military operational tasks such as patrolling, ambush, raids, area domination, picketing, road blocks, cordon and searches, pursuits, hideout bursting etc etc. These operations are not confined to defensive / offensive operations but entail all kinds of military skills and situations.

Suffice to say that even set piece tactical defensive or offensive progress from defensive to offensive and vise versa.

A hand grenade or personal grenade is used by a soldier when enemy is say within 10 meters or less. He takes out the pin and lobs it as as one of the last resorts. There is nothing defensive or offensive about it. It should be simple and reliable. Who has time under such urgent situations to remove or add casing, check batteries Etc. Bullshit..

The biggest problem with DODOs is that instead of making and developing military equipment, they start inventing and dictating tactics and doctrines. First they concoct an equipment and then start dictating the utility of it. That is true right from a nuclear missile down to a grenade.

That is very harmful.
Which world are you living in? Have you heard of something called GSQR?


New Member
Jul 11, 2011
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In offensive mode is just the explosive in a thin casing, made to maximise effect in a small radius with minimal fragmentation.
View attachment 33385View attachment 33387
Defensive ones have a thick solid shells designed to split into (or lined below the casing) several heavy shrapnels that use the blast's to accelerate. Most anti-personnel ones are like this &
View attachment 33388
View attachment 33390
This difference has existed for long.
View attachment 33389

So you want the soldier to take two types of grenades whenever he buttons up ? And how many ? Then you expect his officer to order " Offensive Grenade fenk" Nahin Nahin " Defensive Grenade Nikal - Fenk" ... come on DODO....

Not practicable ? only applicable for DODO classes in five star college by the side of tourist lake in Pune.

