MMRCA 2.0: News & Discussions


शक्तिः दुर्दम्येच्छाशक्त्याः आगच्छति
New Member
Aug 14, 2015
The altitude argument is often given to show, that their fighters can't take off with heavier loads, but it ignores the fact that they don't have to do it in the first place!
PLAAF has dedicated bombers and long range cruise missiles, which contrary to their air bases along the borders, will be used in the first wave of attacks against us, as it would be the case for any modern air conflict of western nations.

That leaves PLAAF fighters with CAS, SEAD and air defence / air superiority, all with lighter loads and if you follow their exercises in Tibet, or reports from their air bases there, all already visible.

PLAAF also has the clear technological advantage today, which also can be openly seen, by the deployments on their air bases! Modern medium and heavy fighters, MALE and HALE drones, AWACS and Sigint aircrafts, up to the latest stealth fighters. We already know, that they have stealth drones and soon will have stealth bombers too, while we cancelled FGFA and pray for AMCA around 2030.

Also Gagan Shakti showed that IAF is "practically" able to divert fighters or aircrafts to all areas, but that's only possible, if the defence scenario along at least 1 border area is so low, that assets can be freed!
That means, unless we have defeated or credibly reduced PAF, we can't divert aircrafts to the east against PLAAF, or the other way around.

Similarly, if IAF has to maintain air operations along eastern and western borders, there is no way that they will divert 1 of just 6 tankers to the IOR, to refuel an MKI. That's the difference between an exercise in peace times and operational necessity in war times. That's why IAF is constantly asking for more fighters, tankers and AWACS, to cover 2 front lines at all time.

The threat perception simply has changed, from inferior Pak centric, to superior China, with the risk of a simultaneous 2 front war and we need far more and far more capable assets to counter this threat.
  • Let us assume that PLAAF fighters do not have to worry about carrying AGMs. Fuel limitations still apply. A PLAAF aircraft can still not take off with a full fuel load and a full A2A weapons load-out. Hence, for adequate on-station time, air-air refuelling is imperative for them, optional for us. So many air-air refuelling tankers flying close to LAC is not viable for PLAAF given our recent order of S-400.
  • There are limitations to how many fighters PLAAF can field from its airbases on the plateau itself. And I have never seen much in the way of airfield hardening measures in these forward airbases.
  • PLAAF only has one bomber division to cater to the entire Western Theatre Command. That means ~36 H-6K bombers armed with 6 subsonic cruise missiles. Formidable, but they still need fighter escorts. These escorts will lack the long range of their bomber counterparts and will hence require to be launched from airfield close to the LAC.
  • To avoid using escorts, PLAAF may launch these cruise missiles from stand-off ranges, out of the strike zone of S-400. As far as I can tell, land-variants of these cruise missiles will be equally, if not more effective. We need to upgrade our air defences along the border. We need more AWACS, Nakshatra, Netra, MR-SAM and Akash NG. No amount of fighter imports are going to make a dent here. Even the air defence missiles need to be desi to ensure that we can make them in sufficient quantities to raise the saturation barrier that the Chinese will have to overcome.
  • Its very difficult to defend against a cruise missile saturation, so we need to ensure adequate hardening measures for likely targets, as well as invest in means to jam their recce capability so that mobile targets like mobile CPs remain relatively safer. Meanwhile, we need to utilise those inflatable dummy targets that DRDO made to the fullest extent to further complicate enemy interdiction planning.
  • At the same time, we need to invest in our own SSM and cruise missile capability. Pralay will be a welcome addition to Brahmos and hopefully Nirbhay also comes online quickly. Our Battlefield Air Interdiction capability will also increase greatly due to SAAW, NGARM, Garuthmaa and Garudaa as well as induction of Rafale. Can you imagine us relying on foreign AGMs?
  • Gagan Shakti has shown IAF's capability to maintain high sortie rates, something I am not sure the PLAAF can emulate yet.
  • J-20 will present a threat once it is available in greater numbers to the Western Theatre Command. A few years later, AMCA will join IAF. The capability gap will be real. And we need to prepare for it. By the time we have bridged that gap, PLAAF would start fielding the H-20 bomber. Platform-platform, we will not catch up to the Chinese for a long time. If we keep relying on imports like in the past, we are never going to get there.
  • I don't see the need for us to invest in strategic bombers yet. H-20 is directed towards USA. We are right next to China, we only need to invest in more cruise and ballistic missiles to hit Chinese areas of interest.
Point is, we are no push-overs. Yes we are at a disadvantage, but we need not panic and react like @arya 's suggestion of dumping Tejas and AMCA and running off to foreign vendors just 'cause the PLAAF has inducted J-20.
Now let me present the context of my previous comment which you replied to. I was responding to @arya 's knee-jerk reaction to the Chinese J-20. According to him we should:-
Su 35 is the best option for IAF + either Saab or F16 will be good for IAF

Got should go for 4 sq each & rest fighter planes should be 5.5 gen planes.

We have to beat china , we need 5 & 5.5 gen planes not medium 4 gen planes , we should induct few number of 4.5 gen planes to keep our number up
This person claims that we will lose if we fight China because they have a 5th generation fighter. So the only way we will survive is by maintaining technological superiority by buying hundreds of 5.5th generation (does that even exist) aircraft (from which country?). In another thread, @arya was lamenting the Tejas project and that we should "stop wasting money on it and buy F-16s, Gripens and Su-35s instead".

Given the disdain some people show towards the need for development of indigenous weapons, I wonder if these people ever stop to consider the long term result of our reliance on imports. In fact, the current capability gap w.r.t. China is the long term result of our reliance on imports all these past decades.

No number of foreign fighters will ensure our long term strategic security. We need to limit the intake of arms instead of stopping the development of indigenous arms capability. That is what China did.

I am thankful to IAF because they finally committed to 324 Tejas and are limiting imports of foreign fighters to around 110 more MMRCA. I am also thankful that they have put their weight behind the AMCA project. This is exactly the approach that is needed.
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New Member
Sep 25, 2011
A PLAAF aircraft can still not take off with a full fuel load and a full A2A weapons load-out.
You need to check pics of PLAAF operations in Tibet, they regularly fly with up to 3 fuel tanks + 4 AAMs. You will also find CAS and SEAD configs in exercises too. Not to mention that they have more tankers than we have.

flying close to LAC is not viable for PLAAF given our recent order of S-400.
The procurement of S400 finally gives us a counter against their force multipliers and bombers, but keep in mind that China already has them too and that, ours obviously will be prime targets for cruise missile strikes, in the early stages of a war.
We don't have an edge with S400, we only try to keep up with China in that regard.

  • Formidable, but they still need fighter escorts. These escorts will lack the long range of their bomber counterparts and will hence require to be launched from airfield close to the LAC.
Bombers, tankers or heavy lift transporters, logically will not operate from forward bases and they don't need escorts while flying over Tibet. That means the forward bases will have fighters for air defence and air superiority, that also will provide support in case bombers would cross into our airspace.

  • We need more AWACS, Nakshatra, Netra, MR-SAM and Akash NG. No amount of fighter imports are going to make a dent here.
Air defence and surveillance capability is badly needed, but those are defensive tools. To prevent attacks from a superior enemy, we need to bring the war to them!
That's where fighters come in, by striking high value targets, like air bases, or infrastructure. The more bases we can take out, the less aircrafts we have to face, similarly, the more bridges, railroads and road links we destroy, the harder for PLA ground forces can move to attack.

We don't have the luxury to sit and wait, the best defence, will be offensive capability!

Can you imagine us relying on foreign AGMs?
Sure, anything that gives us a decisive advantage to defend the country is important. Pride for inferior indigenous techs or weapons won't hold China back. Brahmos will be the key, not Nirbhay, Barak 8 not Akash, Meteor not Astra, MMRCAs, not LCA.

J-20 will present a threat once it is available in greater numbers
Wrong, stealth is a tactical advantage and not based on numbers. Even a handful stealth fighters, not only represent a credible threat to air defences, but also a critical situational awareness advantage. That's why NATO trains interoperability of F22/F35, with conventional fighters.
The same applies to the combination of J20 and Chinese Flankers.

And all this comes on top of the fact, that we have to split forces to at least 2 borderlines. So what we pose against China needs to be capable from scratch and in enough numbers, to make a difference.


New Member
Sep 25, 2011
I am thankful to IAF because they finally committed to 324 Tejas
False media reports, IAF plans with a total of 12 LCA squads, not additional 12. Total number according to Air Chief Dhanoa is 231 (20 IOC, 20 FOC, 83 MK1A, 108 x MK2).


New Member
Aug 9, 2014
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Lol not even close, MK2 replaces the orders initially planned for FGFA, to replace Mig 27, 29 and some Jags. So the cancellation of FGFA opened a replacement gap around 2025 and we only have LCA production line so far, that cam fill that gap.

First you claim 'IAF said it needs advanced tech fighters above medium tech LCA, ' now you say LCA is replacing FGFA :pound:

LCA Tejas 2 is not replacing FGFA but fill up squardon nos.

And FGFA has not been cancelled but postponed to later date.

India tells Russia to go ahead with FGFA project; says it may join at a later stage

Secondly, I suggest to check Air Chief Dhanoas recent preas conference, where he confirmed that IAF plans to have a total of 12 squads and 231 LCAs, including 40 IOC/FOC and 83 MK1A (6 squads) => 108 MK2s.
Lol you can't even educate yourself on basics?

Dhanoa said he was looking at inducting 12 squadrons of the Tejas Mark II fighter, in addition to two Tejas Mark I squadrons and four squadrons of an improved version, the Tejas Mark I-A, which are already being processed.


New Member
Aug 9, 2014
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False media reports, IAF plans with a total of 12 LCA squads, not additional 12. Total number according to Air Chief Dhanoa is 231 (20 IOC, 20 FOC, 83 MK1A, 108 x MK2).

IAF will buy 250 Tejas Mark II, to operate 18 Tejas squadrons

For the first time, the IAF indicated that retiring MiG-21 and MiG-27 squadrons would be replaced by the Tejas Light Combat Aircraft (LCA), not by medium multi-role combat fighters (MMRCAs) like the Rafale.

Dhanoa said he was looking at inducting 12 squadrons of the Tejas Mark II fighter, in addition to two Tejas Mark I squadrons and four squadrons of an improved version, the Tejas Mark I-A, which are already being processed.

That would add up to 18 squadrons of Tejas fighters of all types, making it the IAF’s most numerous aircraft, even more than the 13 squadrons of Sukhoi-30MKI fighters.


शक्तिः दुर्दम्येच्छाशक्त्याः आगच्छति
New Member
Aug 14, 2015
You need to check pics of PLAAF operations in Tibet, they regularly fly with up to 3 fuel tanks + 4 AAMs. You will also find CAS and SEAD configs in exercises too. Not to mention that they have more tankers than we have.

The procurement of S400 finally gives us a counter against their force multipliers and bombers, but keep in mind that China already has them too and that, ours obviously will be prime targets for cruise missile strikes, in the early stages of a war.
We don't have an edge with S400, we only try to keep up with China in that regard.

Bombers, tankers or heavy lift transporters, logically will not operate from forward bases and they don't need escorts while flying over Tibet. That means the forward bases will have fighters for air defence and air superiority, that also will provide support in case bombers would cross into our airspace.

Air defence and surveillance capability is badly needed, but those are defensive tools. To prevent attacks from a superior enemy, we need to bring the war to them!
That's where fighters come in, by striking high value targets, like air bases, or infrastructure. The more bases we can take out, the less aircrafts we have to face, similarly, the more bridges, railroads and road links we destroy, the harder for PLA ground forces can move to attack.

We don't have the luxury to sit and wait, the best defence, will be offensive capability!

Sure, anything that gives us a decisive advantage to defend the country is important. Pride for inferior indigenous techs or weapons won't hold China back. Brahmos will be the key, not Nirbhay, Barak 8 not Akash, Meteor not Astra, MMRCAs, not LCA.

Wrong, stealth is a tactical advantage and not based on numbers. Even a handful stealth fighters, not only represent a credible threat to air defences, but also a critical situational awareness advantage. That's why NATO trains interoperability of F22/F35, with conventional fighters.
The same applies to the combination of J20 and Chinese Flankers.

And all this comes on top of the fact, that we have to split forces to at least 2 borderlines. So what we pose against China needs to be capable from scratch and in enough numbers, to make a difference.
@Sancho I have had enough of your BS. You cannot take my statements out of context, write whatever nonsense logic you wrote and then expect me to try and defend my position.

*Your position is clear: Stop all indigenous arms development and go for imports. This is what you said:-
Sure, anything that gives us a decisive advantage to defend the country is important. Pride for inferior indigenous techs or weapons won't hold China back. Brahmos will be the key, not Nirbhay, Barak 8 not Akash, Meteor not Astra, MMRCAs, not LCA.

*My position is clear: Imports need to be tapered off gradually and we need to look at indigenisation in a serious way. This is what I said:-
we need to invest in our own SSM and cruise missile capability. Pralay will be a welcome addition to Brahmos and hopefully Nirbhay also comes online quickly. Our Battlefield Air Interdiction capability will also increase greatly due to SAAW, NGARM, Garuthmaa and Garudaa as well as induction of Rafale. Can you imagine us relying on foreign AGMs?
Given the disdain some people show towards the need for development of indigenous weapons, I wonder if these people ever stop to consider the long term result of our reliance on imports. In fact, the current capability gap w.r.t. China is the long term result of our reliance on imports all these past decades.

No number of foreign fighters will ensure our long term strategic security. We need to limit the intake of arms instead of stopping the development of indigenous arms capability. That is what China did.

I am thankful to IAF because they finally committed to 324 Tejas and are limiting imports of foreign fighters to around 110 more MMRCA. I am also thankful that they have put their weight behind the AMCA project. This is exactly the approach that is needed.

Its evident from the above what mine and your positions are. I will not entertain your crap any further because your position is diametrically opposite to mine. And you don't even have the decency to respond on a point by point basis. Instead you take my words out of context and nail your retarded logic to it like a typical paid journalist.

Now get out of my face.
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New Member
Sep 25, 2011
*Your position is clear: Stop all indigenous arms development and go for imports.
Lol hilarious how you cut down a proper debate on defence against China, to indigenous BS. My points were purely aimed on topic and the question you asked me! You can't be that blind to not see that Rafale/MMRCA and S400, or Brahmos are needed against China, exactly because we can't develop such capabilities on our own. That's why I said, anything that helps us to defend the country against a superior enemy must be considered!
In addition to these high end capabilities, of course indigenous arms and techs needs to be added, but the defence of the country has priority, not pride for indigenous developments.


New Member
Sep 25, 2011

First you claim 'IAF said it needs advanced tech fighters above medium tech LCA, ' now you say LCA is replacing FGFA :pound:
I know you have a big lack of even basic knowledge, that's why I even made it simple for you and added the names of fighters that will be replaced =>

MK2 replaces the orders initially planned for FGFA, to replace Mig 27, 29 and some Jags
So MK2 replaces 3rd generation fighters, that initially were meant to be replaced by FGFA.

IAF will buy 250 Tejas Mark II, to operate 18 Tejas squadrons

What about false media reports didn't you understand? Just 3 words, can't be that difficult. :biggrin2:

Air Chief Dhanoas recent press conference, check minute 27:45 onwards


शक्तिः दुर्दम्येच्छाशक्त्याः आगच्छति
New Member
Aug 14, 2015
Lol hilarious how you cut down a proper debate on defence against China, to indigenous BS. My points were purely aimed on topic and the question you asked me!
I never asked you any question. Not until you butted into an conversation between @arya and me. @arya was talking about how we should stop investing in Tejas MkII and AMCA. He wants us to instead buy Su-35, F-16 and Gripen (total 5 squadrons) and then he wants us to buy 5.5th generation aircraft from god knows who to fill up the remaining shortfall of >20 squadrons. All this he says is because China has the J-20 and our Air Force is useless against this. My original reply was to make him understand that we are no walkovers and it is no one-sided affair. NOBODY ASKED YOU TO BARGE IN ON OUR CONVERSATION WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING THE CONTEXT FIRST.

Reason I cut down the debate is because I have hardly the time to waste on your obnoxious self. I have tried to make you see my point in the past, and failed. We agreed to disagree once. No point in me wasting my limited free time on jokers like you. Everybody knows how hard you troll on the Tejas project and almost all indigenous weapons development. Then you try to paint it as if you are only trying to avoid "indigenous pride" from taking over your sanity. When really what you are doing is trashing any attempt at indigenisation and pointing to the import route.
You can't be that blind to not see that Rafale/MMRCA and S400, or Brahmos are needed against China, exactly because we can't develop such capabilities on our own. That's why I said, anything that helps us to defend the country against a superior enemy must be considered!
Don't put words in my mouth. I never said that we did not need Rafale or S400 or Brahmos. This is what I said, learn to read:-
we need to invest in our own SSM and cruise missile capability. Pralay will be a welcome addition to Brahmos and hopefully Nirbhay also comes online quickly. Our Battlefield Air Interdiction capability will also increase greatly due to SAAW, NGARM, Garuthmaa and Garudaa as well as induction of Rafale.

In addition to these high end capabilities, of course indigenous arms and techs needs to be added, but the defence of the country has priority, not pride for indigenous developments.
Stop using this as a defence for your trash talking of Indian weapons and systems. You are not fooling anybody.

These days I barely get any time to visit DFI. Talking to you is the least productive use of that time.


New Member
Aug 9, 2014
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I know you have a big lack of even basic knowledge, that's why I even made it simple for you and added the names of fighters that will be replaced =>
So MK2 replaces 3rd generation fighters, that initially were meant to be replaced by FGFA.
Mk 1 is replacement of mig 21 and Mk 2 as medium class is meant to replace Mig 27 and older Jags.

FGFA was replacement for Mig 29, (newer) Jags & mirage 2000. But none of these are going to retire anytime soon as these undergoing expensive mid-life upgrade including engine upgrades.

Also FGFA has not been cancelled but postponed to later date.

What about false media reports didn't you understand? Just 3 words, can't be that difficult. :biggrin2:
False media report because it does not fit your narrative right ?.

Same IAF said 36 rafale deal was good but for you it was bad deal.:biggrin2:

IAF initially acquired only 40 MK1 and now another 83 MK/A taking total 123 jets. Same applies to MK2 as well, initially IAF will place order of 108 MK2 but final order will be 200 MK2.

IAF has “firmly committed” to 123 Tejas jets at present, which will come at a cost of over Rs 75,000 crore if both developmental and production costs are taken into account. But it wants the next 201 Tejas Mark-II jets to be “entirely new fighters” with much better avionics and radars, enhanced fuel and weapons carrying capacity, and more powerful engines, say top sources.

Without 200 MK how can IAF reach 42 Squadrons ?
So 200 MK 2 will be reality because it is only way IAF can reach 42 Squadrons . You keep crying.:crying:

Looking At 12 Squadrons Of LCA Tejas Mk.2, IAF Chief Confirms

We’re looking at 12 squadrons of the Light Combat Aircraft Mk.2, Indian Air Force chief Air Chief Marshal Birender Singh Dhanoa said today at an air power conference in India’s capital, confirming months of reports suggesting the IAF was looking for over 200 of the fighters. The chief stipulated, expectedly, that such an order would only come if the improved LCA Tejas — which will feature a more powerful engine, radar and electronic warfare and avionics — met the expanded expectations of the IAF.

While the LCA Tejas’s baseline version, the Mk.1, entered service with the IAF in 2016, with about half a squadron flying now with the ‘Flying Daggers’ unit and a total order of 40 jets, the IAF is also on the books for 83 of an improved version called the Mk.1A. Livefist has reported in detail the configuration of this improved jet. The Mk.2, which will be a significantly modified jet, where the current GE F404 engine is replaced with the more powerful F414 turbofan, in addition to a near full replacement of sensors and systems, is currently under development, with the prototyping phase to hit the ground early in the next decade.
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New Member
Sep 14, 2009
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Giving one example

one kid was studying in 10 class ask a bicycle , his father say he will see & start process for procurement after 8 years father saying to kid i am giving you a new bicycle.

Boy in finial year of his post graduation and father giving him bicycle . the boy is our IAF .

Its all about time , every time i am saying we should invest in future . but yes we need few good fighter planes to counter china . rest we should invest in future .

No need to put money , time, resources in old technology


New Member
Sep 25, 2011
I never asked you any question.

Can you imagine us relying on foreign AGMs?
That's what you asked in reference of defence against China and that's what I answered to, with the same topic in mind. Now you singled out that 1 part, from an otherwise perfectly fine discussion, because you can't handle the simple fact, that we don't have anything similar. But ranting nonsense doesn't change the ground realities, we are facing a superior enemy and we need whatever we can get (indigenous or foreign), for the defence of the country.


New Member
Sep 25, 2011
FGFA was replacement for Mig 29, (newer) Jags & mirage 2000.
So you learned something, that's good. Now you only need to understand, when FGFA was meant to start that replacement and look at when MK2 now is planned to come in to understand the new replacement plan's.

False media report because it does not fit your narrative right ?
Hehe, was tough for your to hear the Air chief confirm it right?
I always look for official statements and confirmation, because our media has a tendency to sensationalise, rather than being accurate. Just look what the media reported from his statements on HAL and what he actually said.


शक्तिः दुर्दम्येच्छाशक्त्याः आगच्छति
New Member
Aug 14, 2015
Giving one example

one kid was studying in 10 class ask a bicycle , his father say he will see & start process for procurement after 8 years father saying to kid i am giving you a new bicycle.

Boy in finial year of his post graduation and father giving him bicycle . the boy is our IAF .

Its all about time , every time i am saying we should invest in future . but yes we need few good fighter planes to counter china . rest we should invest in future .

No need to put money , time, resources in old technology
  • Instead of giving me vague analogies about a bicycle, it would be great if you could understand the shortcoming in your thinking. I agree that we need more planes to counter China. But do they absolutely have to be 5.5 generation?
  • We are investing in the future with the AMCA project. Why are you certain it will also be delayed like the Tejas program was? Have you not noticed any change in the way these two projects are being handled and how different their starting points are?
  • If you consider 4++ generation fighters as "old technology" on which we should not waste our money, what do you have to say about the Chinese churning out more 4th generation fighters to replace their J-7 Dinosaurs many of which are still in service with PLAAF?
  • Truth is we do not have the money to buy only 5th generation fighters. Add to that the fact that 5th gen fighters could be more maintenance intensive, it might bring down our sortie rates.
  • And even if we had the money, do we have someone selling us 5th gen fighters of the type the IAF is interested in acquiring?

You have it backwards. You are letting the technological tail wag the strategic dog. Technological determinism does not make for a good strategy. We must accept the fact that our technological base is lagging behind China's. And the production capabilities are lagging further still. This is bound to remain so due to the simple fact that China has a 10-15 year lead over us in the level of economic development. We will not win a war with China by technological superiority gained with imported weaponry. Similarly, China will not win such a war with superior technology alone. Superior strategy, training and tactics are the major determinants in a war of arms. So stop looking at the J-20 as a silver bullet that will break all our defences and single-handedly defeat India. J-20 is a major advantage to the Chinese. But just one advantage does not win you a war. Just like technological advantage did not win the day for the Pakistanis at the Battle of Asal Uttar.


New Member
Sep 25, 2011
Its all about time , every time i am saying we should invest in future . but yes we need few good fighter planes to counter china . rest we should invest in future .

No need to put money , time, resources in old technology
Investment in the future, were projects like FGFA, AMCA, Ghatak or MTA, although we killed most of them now.
MRCA/MMRCA on the other hand, was not only meant to add capabilities above Tejas, but also to have a more cost-effective workhorse next to the MKI!
Keep in mind that the original plan was, to procure 126 x single engine Mirage 2000s and they would counter our enemies 4th to 4.5th gen fighters too (Mirage and MKI vs J10 and J11). So it's not about adding more high tech on top of MKI, but getting a complementing workhorse in numbers.


New Member
Aug 9, 2014
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So you learned something, that's good. Now you only need to understand, when FGFA was meant to start that replacement and look at when MK2 now is planned to come in to understand the new replacement plan's.
So you learned something, that's good. Now you only need to understand, FGFA has not been cancelled but postponed to later date. Buying LCA MK 2 has nothing to do with FGFA its you trying fake comparison between FGFA & MK 2.
Mk2 is planned for induction around 2025.

Hehe, was tough for your to hear the Air chief confirm it right?
I always look for official statements and confirmation, because our media has a tendency to sensationalise, rather than being accurate. Just look what the media reported from his statements on HAL and what he actually said.
Truth hurts no ?.

IAF Chief made clear it will acquire 12 squadrons of the Light Combat Aircraft Mk.2.

We’re looking at 12 squadrons of the Light Combat Aircraft Mk.2, Indian Air Force chief Air Chief Marshal Birender Singh Dhanoa said today at an air power conference in India’s capital, confirming months of reports suggesting the IAF was looking for over 200 of the fighters. The chief stipulated, expectedly, that such an order would only come if the improved LCA Tejas — which will feature a more powerful engine, radar and electronic warfare and avionics — met the expanded expectations of the IAF.

While the LCA Tejas’s baseline version, the Mk.1, entered service with the IAF in 2016, with about half a squadron flying now with the ‘Flying Daggers’ unit and a total order of 40 jets, the IAF is also on the books for 83 of an improved version called the Mk.1A. Livefist has reported in detail the configuration of this improved jet. The Mk.2, which will be a significantly modified jet, where the current GE F404 engine is replaced with the more powerful F414 turbofan, in addition to a near full replacement of sensors and systems, is currently under development, with the prototyping phase to hit the ground early in the next decade.

