Military applications of Indian Space program


New Member
Jan 12, 2020
Dr. V.K. Saraswat, former DRDO Director-General and Member, NITI Aayog now, told a group discussion on a television channel, that it was Air Commodore R. Gopalaswami's "idea that led to the commencement of work on hypersonic cruise technologies."

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
New Member
Apr 29, 2015
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Skyroot claims to offer "RAPID LAUNCH CAPABILITY" and "AIR/NAVAL (SEA BARGE)/ROAD MOBILE LAUNCH" capability on Vikram.

Said to be facilitating 3-4 launches per month (still low for a military grade system during wartime).


New Member
Oct 31, 2022
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Indian Space Startup astrogate developed Fully integrated laser communication solution offering 1 Gbps satellite-to-ground communications, resistant to jamming and spoofing .

Dimensions: cubesat/nanosat compatible 95x95x80mm


Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
New Member
Apr 29, 2015
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Indian Space Startup astrogate developed Fully integrated laser communication solution offering 1 Gbps satellite-to-ground communications, resistant to jamming and spoofing .

Dimensions: cubesat/nanosat compatible 95x95x80mm

Always, quote tweet along.
Indian Space Startup astrogate developed Fully integrated laser communication solution offering 1 Gbps satellite-to-ground communications, resistant to jamming and spoofing Dimensions: cubesat/nanosat compatible 95x95x80mm


New Member
Jan 12, 2020
11. Innovative Space Applications of Fourth/ Final Stage of Launch Vehicles

12. High Throughput Communication Satellite in LEO with User Terminals

13. Development of Network Management Port (NMP) for efficient SATCOM Bandwidth Management using multiple Satellites

14. On Orbit Maintenance and Refuelling (OOMR) technology in LEO

14.1 On Orbit Propellant Storage and Transfer system

14.2 Autonomous Docking Operations for OOMR

14.3 On Orbit Space Infra maintenance and upgrade operations

15. Development of a Computer Defence System for Cyber Situational Awareness to Secure own Satellites from Cyber Attacks

15.1 Cyber hardening Suite for Satellite Communication links/Hubs

16. Modular, Multi payload Configurable VLEO Bus

16.1 Ultra High-Resolution Optical payload with Edge Computing for VLEO Bus

16.2 CBRN Threat detection and Monitoring Sensors for VLEO Bus

16.3 HySIS Payloads for VLEO Bus

17. Advanced Extremely High Frequency (AEHF) GEO Satellite for Secure Communications

18. Secure Satellite Communication based Automated Info Broadcast system using Receive only User terminals

19. Secure, Compact, Handheld SatPhone capable of Multimedia (voice/data/image/video/PNT) transmission/reception

  • SATCOM – Enable voice and msg comn
  • PNT – Be able to receive and transmit Satl NavIC Data.
  • ISR – Capability to receive satl imagery and terrain/ weather updates.
19.1 Development of Anti-Jamming circuits for SatPhone

19.2 Development of Anti-Spoofing Circuits for PNT services

20. Secure, Space based Troop/Convoy management platform using SATCOM at dedicated Control Centres

  • small form factor terminal that can be carried by mobile teams/ vehicles
  • able to transmit its positional information (like PNT) to a centralised server using the GEO SatCom link

  • Server along with requisite storage for archiving and displaying the positional information transmitted by various user terminals
  • host a display GUI which can plot the received PNT information on a digital map at a central location
21. GEO Satellite supported IoT platform for real time monitoring of Remote Facilities/Assets from dedicated Control Centres

21.1 Cloud based Geo-AI software for monitoring of Facilities/Assets using IoT data

22. Development of V/UHF Handheld Satellite Software Defined Radio (SDR)

  • Total weight incl battery – below 500 gm.
  • Programmable V/UHF Freq band.
  • SCA 4.1 or above compliant.
  • Data Rate – Min 8 Kbps at all times over entire band.
  • MANET Compatibility.
  • Fall back mode for connecting to terrestrial TETRA/ UHF station.
  • Support communication on the move the speed up to 60 Kmph.
23. Programmable Handheld Adapter (L/S band) to convert Android Phone into a SatPhone

  • Total weight incl battery – below 500 gm.
  • Programmable L / S Band.
  • Interface – Micro USB / Type C and Bluetooth.
  • Data Rate – Min 2.4 Kbps at all times
  • Talk time – 2hrs (min) (Assuming phone is completely charged and is capable of supporting this talk time parameter)
  • Standby time – 10 hrs (min)
24. Lightweight, Compact Ka band User Terminals for mobile Ground & Airborne platforms

Low mobility Ka band terminal:

  • Data rates up to 16 Mbps for speeds ranging up to 60 Kmph (min).
  • net antenna weight should be no more than 50 kg
  • less than 75 cms in length and the overall volume (excluding the volume of battery bank) should be less than 0.1875m3
  • BUC power range of 40W to 50W.
High Mobility Airborne Ka band Terminal:
  • Support data rates up to 2Mbps at a speed of 400 Kmph with random acceleration of (+/-) 4g.
  • net weight including antenna should be no more than 10 kg
  • overall volume (excluding the volume of battery bank) should be less than 0.1m3
  • BUC power range of 12W to 20W.
25. Low Latency Multicast Data links for Accelerated File transfer and Video Streaming over existing SATCOM links and Remote Platforms/Sites

  • low latency multicast accelerated mail / FTP and video streaming for the IN SatCom network
  • multicast over the DVBS 2 / 2x network (for one to many transmission)
  • transfer of large files over FTP / mail attachments
  • For video streaming it should be able to multicast HD over the network with gradual graceful degradation as per network bandwidth
  • enhance the performance of existing video calls
  • based on server client model
  • operate in the dense EMI / EMC environment of naval platforms and should comply with relevant standards
  • stand the marine environment
26. Below the Noise Floor Modems in S / C / Ku band (1 Kbps to 20 Mbps) to operate within existing out/in routes on S, C and Ku band

  • work in server client mode with the Hub having server mounted system and the remote terminals having individual modem
  • work in various data rates from 2.4 Kbps to 256 Kbps (allow for voice / data and video)
  • work over the existing SatCom network i.e. the remote terminals and the indigenous satellite
27. Portable (Handheld/Manpack) Ku band Terminal for IN SATCOM Network

  • Handheld/ Manpack
  • Provide voice and messaging services
  • Light weight and deployable by single person
  • Self-powered as well as able to take external source
  • Self-contained and should not require any external reference
  • Inbuilt encryption which should be quantum proof
  • Operate over the existing IN SatCom network
28. Development of On-board Processing and Beam Switching payload for ‘Ku’ and ‘Ka’ band GEO Satellite for High Throughput Maritime Requirements

  • Programmable, able to be configured / updated / upgraded from ground
  • Requisite security protocols including encryption
  • Compatible with ISRO satellite bus / standards and should be space qualified
  • Protocols for ground terminals including modules to be incorporated in the ground terminals
29. Beam Steering Ku band SATCOM Antenna over IN SATCOM Network for MR Aircraft

30. Compact, Lightweight, Multiband SATCOM (UHF/ S/ C/ Ku/ Ka) SDR for Ships, Submarines and Aircraft

31. Customised Remote Modem with Ruggedized FPGA based Platform with inbuilt Post Quantum Encryption for VSAT baseband for Naval Platforms.

32. Modular SSTO Launch Vehicle System (Land/Sea launch) with Configurable Satellite

32.1 Development of Nano and Micro Imaging Satellites for LoD

33. Modular TSTO Launch Vehicle System (Land/Sea launch) with Configurable Satellites Integration Mechanism for Launch on Demand of Small Satellites

33.1 Development of a Mini Imaging/Communication Satellites for Launch on Demand (LoD)

34. Develop a High-Resolution Ground based Optical Telescope with Aperture size of 1-3m

35. Autonomous CubeSat Swarms in LEO

35.1 Attitude Determination and Control System (ADCS) for Cubesats

35.2 Micro propulsion system for Cubesats

35.3 Hall Effect Plasma Thrusters for Spacecraft orbit corrections


New Member
Jan 12, 2020

11-13th April 2023
DRDO Bhawan, New Delhi, India
ISpA echoes the Hon’ble Prime Minister’s vision of ‘Atma Nirbhar Bharat’. We work with all stakeholders to create an enabling environment for the private Indian Space industry to grow organically and thereby contribute towards addressing our National and Global aspirations.

In the recent past, one of the major achievements of ISpA has been to work closely with related stakeholder agencies for the formalisation of the New Space Policy, and curation of Def-Space Challenges which were announced by Hon’ble PM Modi during DefExpo-2022.

As a follow-up of 'Mission DefSpace' challenges, we are bringing this event based on major inputs received from stakeholders and industry to promulgate the National Space strategy. It further aims to explore India's ambitions in the space domain, with a focus on innovation, thought leadership, and disruptive technologies.


New Member
Jan 12, 2020
The Symposium is intended to create a platform for all stakeholders who have a keen interest in boosting India’s military space capability and plans. It will bring together experts from multiple domains to discuss the latest trends and challenges in the field of defence, making it an excellent networking opportunity for attendees from the defence, DRDO, and government sectors, as well as industry professionals.

It will focus on delivering space domain awareness and satellite communications to enhance military operations, and address issues related to securing funding for new space capabilities, expanding international partnerships, and developing a Defence Space Strategy in line with the National Space Strategy.

The Symposium covers a wide range of topics, including an overview of government spending on defence space around the world, institutional evolution and modernization of defence establishments from a Space perspective, procurement and exposure of demand from Defence Space to local industry, key technologies emerging to make a difference for Defence Space, and lessons and impacts of employment of Space power.


New Member
Jan 12, 2020
SISIR currently own highest AIRBORNE L BAND SAR IN the world of .2m resolution

