Masood Azhar Designated Global Terrorist by UN, Pak Loses Fig Leaf

mystic avatar

New Member
Oct 5, 2017


New Member
Mar 30, 2019
Yes it sounds stupid but pakistan is running with this story and pakis are celebrating this on SM and green forum.

This is their propaganda...
Let them celebrate . What can we do if they are so stupid. For eg . When Ind won 2011 World Cup , Pakis were whining that India paid SL to loose the final match. Don't take them seriously. There is no cure for being inbred.


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Jan 17, 2010
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Sanathan Pepe
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Sep 18, 2009
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On paki websites they are claiming Azhar's listing as a victory of pakistan. They are saying that pakistan gave green light to china for his listing. The reason they are giving is IK wants to have peaceful relation with india.

Also they are saying that they have delinked terrorism in kashmir from masood azhar (JeM) and india has agreed to it. Right now they are celebrating this as a victory on paki forums.

Is there any onus of thruth? or is this blatant propaganda from paki side.

This is the UNSC resolution:

Use your web-browser to search if the word "Kashmir" appears anywhere in the resolution.

There is nothing to suggest that this blacklisting is de-linked from the Kashmir conflict.

Earlier today I busted a porki propagandu for claiming UN commented on the Kashmir conflict:


This is another one of those "War Till Victory" moments for Pakistan.

mystic avatar

New Member
Oct 5, 2017
Let them celebrate . What can we do if they are so stupid. For eg . When Ind won 2011 World Cup , Pakis were whining that India paid SL to loose the final match. Don't take them seriously. There is no cure for being inbred.
Yes but it shows how quickly they are turning their loss into victory propaganda.


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Dec 12, 2015
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On paki websites they are claiming Azhar's listing as a victory of pakistan. They are saying that pakistan gave green light to china for his listing. The reason they are giving is IK wants to have peaceful relation with india.

Also they are saying that they have delinked terrorism in kashmir from masood azhar (JeM) and india has agreed to it. Right now they are celebrating this as a victory on paki forums.

Is there any onus of thruth? or is this blatant propaganda from paki side.
For Pakis; sun rises in the West.
This is absolute BS.

Why India went for Masood Azhar is not Masood Azhar himself; but to highlight Jaish-e-Muhammad as a terrorist organization. Indians do not know but Jaishe-Muhammad is a virtual second army in Pakistan. Its cadres are trained by retired and serving Pakistani army officers.

These are steps to initiate action against Jaish-e-Muhammad.


New Member
Feb 22, 2019
Now it is on to FATF. India will fight to put Pakistan on FATF.
The benefit of putting Masood Azhar on international terrorist list will become clear when Pakistan is on FATF.

Do not under-estimate Jaishe-Muhammad. It is like an undeclared army. Cutting funding to Jaish is very important.
I truly hope this makes a difference in security for Indian lives but I'm not holding my breath. Issues like this only get solved by one idea; Might makes right.


New Member
Feb 22, 2019
Now it is on to FATF. India will fight to put Pakistan on FATF.
The benefit of putting Masood Azhar on international terrorist list will become clear when Pakistan is on FATF.

Do not under-estimate Jaishe-Muhammad. It is like an undeclared army. Cutting funding to Jaish is very important.
I truly hope this makes a difference in security for Indian lives but I'm not holding my breath. Issues like this only get solved by one idea; Might makes right.


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Dec 12, 2015
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I truly hope this makes a difference in security for Indian lives but I'm not holding my breath. Issues like this only get solved by one idea; Might makes right.
I watch Pakistan TV debates every day. And I look for clues. Youtube is a great resource to build up your understanding.

Pakistan is heavily dependent on foreign loans. Far more than you think. And for getting loans, Pakistan has to paint a rosy picture.

FATF will be a great tool to limit Pakistan's options. Saudi and UAE can still give money to Pakistan but rest of world will shy away. This is key to destroy parallel armies of Pakistan. No army can survive without money.

Pakistan society has out of control gun culture. If Paki government stops paying them - they will kill each other.

Have you seen Islamabad houses of rich and powerful? Imagine 14 feet high boundary walls.
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mystic avatar

New Member
Oct 5, 2017
I watch Pakistan TV debates every day. And I look for clues. Youtube is a great resource to build up your understanding.

Pakistan is heavily dependent on foreign loans. Far more than you think. And for getting loans, Pakistan has to paint a rosy picture.

FATF is will be a great tool to limit Pakistan's options. Saudi and UAE can still give money to Pakistan but rest of world will shy away. This is key to destroy parallel armies of Pakistan. No army can survive without money.

Pakistan society has out of control gun culture. If Paki government stops paying them - they will kill each other.
You must also know about their usual rhetoric, such as, pakistan is located in most important geography in world, pak is a powerful nuke power, pak is leader of ummah, etc.

Also i have noted that pakistan is not just economically but also diplomatically heavily reliant on foreign countries. Every time something happens they start taking about west, china, russia, etc. will save them. Some pakis are even propagating about china might pay 100 billion loan of pakistan.

regarding current development of masood azhar there might be 2 possibilities.

1) china said they won't (can't) protect a terrorist in front of the world any longer as it would damage their reputation.

2)us, uk, france, etc. put presser on china to remove roadblock.

either way paki saw the writing on the wall and started propaganda for internal (maybe external too) consumption.


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Dec 12, 2015
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You must also know about their usual rhetoric, such as, pakistan is located in most important geography in world, pak is a powerful nuke power, pak is leader of ummah, etc.
USA would like to see Pakistan gone; far more than us.
Only Indians are fools who give Pakistan too much importance.

It is not about what Paki thinks of himself; but what the world thinks of Paki.
Pakistan is a threat to the world now, not only India.

China will respect India ONLY if India is militarily strong. Else you will see Cheeni insulting India at every possible opportunity.

mystic avatar

New Member
Oct 5, 2017
There is mass proliferation of military grade small firearms in pakistan. They even have an entire region where they produce copies of such weapons for civilians at fraction of price.

instead of recognizing this as a major security problem pakistanis on certain form claim that this as an achievement of theirs. Some members told me that in case of all out war with india, millions of weaponized civilians will take part in gazwa-e-hind along with their army to create an unstoppable force.

mystic avatar

New Member
Oct 5, 2017
There is mass proliferation of military grade small firearms in pakistan. They even have an entire region where they produce copies of such weapons for civilians at fraction of price.

instead of recognizing this as a major security problem pakistanis on certain form claim that this as an achievement of theirs. Some members told me that in case of all out war with india, millions of weaponized civilians will take part in gazwa-e-hind along with their army to create an unstoppable force.


New Member
Jun 17, 2009
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On paki websites they are claiming Azhar's listing as a victory of pakistan. They are saying that pakistan gave green light to china for his listing. The reason they are giving is IK wants to have peaceful relation with india.

Also they are saying that they have delinked terrorism in kashmir from masood azhar (JeM) and india has agreed to it. Right now they are celebrating this as a victory on paki forums.

Is there any onus of thruth? or is this blatant propaganda from paki side.
Pakistanis are attempting to separate global Jihad from Kashmir jihad, it seems. They are trying to give a spin to actual happenings.

But this attempt is not going to work, since Jihad is same every where in the world.


New Member
Jun 17, 2009
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There is mass proliferation of military grade small firearms in pakistan. They even have an entire region where they produce copies of such weapons for civilians at fraction of price.

instead of recognizing this as a major security problem pakistanis on certain form claim that this as an achievement of theirs. Some members told me that in case of all out war with india, millions of weaponized civilians will take part in gazwa-e-hind along with their army to create an unstoppable force.
The Islamabad sit in announced by Falzlur Rahman is one such thing, bring a million to their capital and arm them and defend their capital city in case of war with India.


New Member
Dec 12, 2015
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There is mass proliferation of military grade small firearms in pakistan. They even have an entire region where they produce copies of such weapons for civilians at fraction of price.

instead of recognizing this as a major security problem pakistanis on certain form claim that this as an achievement of theirs. Some members told me that in case of all out war with india, millions of weaponized civilians will take part in gazwa-e-hind along with their army to create an unstoppable force.
gazwa-e-hind is a pipe-dream. What will happen is civil war in Pakistan.

These people holding guns do not look like military material. Role of infantry has been declining in modern wars. Higher calibre and high tech weapons are the norm now.


United States of Hindu Empire
New Member
May 29, 2009
On paki websites they are claiming Azhar's listing as a victory of pakistan. They are saying that pakistan gave green light to china for his listing. The reason they are giving is IK wants to have peaceful relation with india.

Also they are saying that they have delinked terrorism in kashmir from masood azhar (JeM) and india has agreed to it. Right now they are celebrating this as a victory on paki forums.

Is there any onus of thruth? or is this blatant propaganda from paki side.
Masood Azhar became a stuck bone in the windpipe of China that they had to swallow first then vomit it out like this.

Pakistanis make fool of themselves in front of the international community. Their forums used to be full of members from different nations actively participating. Now only the bunch of jihadis and army pups rant their day and night inventing lies, changing headlines and quoting Pakistani news.

If I may further indulge into this subject which many will not tell you that India made sure their sick Daddy with end-stage renal failure, most likely surviving on one kidney of a poor Pakistani used to its last gasps to humiliate both Pakistan and superpower China in front of the world.

Their Daddy has been declared as a terrorist with the help of China lifting the technical hold. To save themselves from the shame they are now disowning their own Daddy. They are in no capacity to condemn China for giving what India wanted all those years especially in the middle of Indian elections benefiting Modi.

The motion against him at the UN was brought forward by India repeatedly.

India made sure twice or thrice a year to brought his declaration by UN as a terrorist on the agenda to expose China knowing they will block it.

India toyed China like never before that at times China publicly showed it's frustration on India's persistence.

What do you think, what course of action India had followed If China had again kept the technical hold in place yesterday? The answer is, we would have kept this issue alive and put China on a point all the time. LOL

