LOC, LAC & IB warfare

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May 30, 2017
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What bullshlakha is being spewed on this thread. This is not pakshitstain defence forum
I imagine that a limited skirmish with China gives us an opportunity to give a nice jhappad to Pakistan. Who knows, may be even reclaim shit occupied Kashmir
I feel all the actions of government to control funding of ngos, demonitization etc
Has not left much space for Chinks to maneuver in the Indian intellectual spheres. This frothing at the mouth is the only thing they might do. Remember, we don't have dedicated raksha mantri
, Still PM is not bothered, and is touring other countries. This is very unlike Modi
Seeing his calm and composed demeanor gives me hopes that he knows what he is doing. Remember, Modi is the person who has suffered at the hands of his own for 10 years. Now his people are with him, let's show these subservient children of rapes and plunder who Indian really are


Ghanta Senior Member?
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Jan 1, 2015
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So it looks like India and China will try to engage eachother on some 3rd country, example Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan... and will not encroach on eachother's territory.


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Nov 22, 2016
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My God that is very very serious and is equivalent to dissecting Bhutan. And they want Bhutan to reject Indian influence. My sense is that they are punishing both Bhutan and India for snubbing them at OBOR. Looks like prophecy of bhavisya purana is happening word to word sooner than I thought and Xi Jinping may well be the evil Jin of Puranas. This means the sequence of events is going to play out like this as per bhavisya purana:
1) Limited 2 front war between India and China and India and Pak around 2017-19 period which is inconclusive but leads to major instability in India.
2) Modi winning 2019 elections but serious internal problems in India
3) Full scale war with Pak in 2024 due to some event (maybe assassination of Modi) leading to use of nukes by both sides and subsequent Chinese and united islamic assault on India.
4) Defeat of India at hand of Sino Islamic alliance by 2026.
5) Splitting of India along North/Central South lines with North/North East under Isalmic/ Chinese control.
6) Formation of eastern alliance comprising of victors of India (China/Islamic nations) along with NoKo and Russia.
7) Start of events leading to WW3 with huge military buildup.
8) Invasion of israel in 2036 by eastern alliance followed by invasion of Europe with capital of caliphate established in Rome.
9) Full scale war with US in 2041-44 followed by global destruction.
10) Reunification of India under kalki and his generals
11) Counterassault on muslim nations by kalki and the defeat of eastern part of caliphate by kalki.
12) breaking away of Russia from eastern alliance and counterattack by United European army on islam.
13) Europe/russia accept kalki leadership and India, Europe and Russia form an alliance
14) Defeat of China around 2064 by Russia/Europe and India alliance and end of WW3.
15) New world order under Kalki and a new global religion called neo hinduism.
This is all bullshit written by some story writer. Mark my words Hinduism will get established and that too in our lifetimes. Nothing of this sort will ever happen and Kalki aavtaar has lots and lots of thousands of yrs. So chill. These stories are for selling books. I believe in all purans but looks bhavishya puran is hugely modified later
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Strategic Issues
New Member
Oct 28, 2016
I am an Indian and lets forget about these prophecies and focus on current situation. I believe that this is the most serious situation between India and China and all signs are looking omnious.
omnious for pakistan ..........


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Aug 12, 2015
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What do you mean by hype? GoI has barely reacted. The markets seem not to have taken notice. It's just people on such forums talking about the real possibility of a skirmish.
Off course GoI and market is not reacting. But don't underestimate the under current these reports would create. Indian media is virtually forcing GoI to react instead of slamming Chinese media. They way Chinese media is playing the thing out is commendable.


Strategic Issues
New Member
Oct 28, 2016
Zaid hamid can make a prophecy of capturing India and defeat hindus and here we have prophecies which tells us about defeat & destruction
4) Defeat of India at hand of Sino Islamic alliance by 2026.
5) Splitting of India along North/Central South lines with North/North East under Isalmic/ Chinese control.

trolling band kar

We will make chowmein out of these chinkees , let the war begin
great job......you caught the rat from the neck.....

abb ye kissa phad-pada raha hai saala...


Strategic Issues
New Member
Oct 28, 2016
Off course GoI and market is not reacting. But don't underestimate the under current these reports would create. Indian media is virtually forcing GoI to react instead of slamming Chinese media. They way Chinese media is playing the thing out is commendable.

abeye pakistani chuheye !!!

GoI ki kiya jarrorat hai.....china media ki gaad ne danda to humhe ker dengeye !!!


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Apr 13, 2013
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The basic chinese behaviour and character.
bitching loud and loud over small issue.
We can see no matter how trivial the matter chinese bitch.
No matter how wrong chinese are in behaving they will try to bitch and make it right.(Finally settling for what is offered :D )

We cant expect the chinese CCP any different as the gene pool is more or less same, be it border or international.

notice how much noise the chinese make over an issue that could have been dealt amicably.
the chinese "characteristics " are all over the world now that they are crawling from behind the chinese walls for the very first time in their life, that include the CCP peaceless rise too.



New Member
Nov 22, 2016
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I think what will happen is both troops will go to its original position( as good as China backing down). Chances of war are negligible and chances of small skrmish are also low. Lets see

Tarun Kumar

New Member
Dec 12, 2016
great job......you caught the rat from the neck.....

abb ye kissa phad-pada raha hai saala...
I am not a Paki but a Indian Hindu. Please do not get me wrong. I was only referring to prophecy of kalki and bhavishya puran of how kalki avatar will rise when world is full of malecchas (muslims) and Godless Jins (most likely Chinese) and even Kashi comes under their control. To my mind how can malecchas and Jins reach kashi if India is not defeated in initial phases of this war. Finally off course kalki will lead the banner of dharma to victory and he will be worshipped by Chinese and Muslims as well (along with rest of the world) but this is prophecy. You can believe it to correspond to current situation or call it gibberish. its your choice.


New Member
May 31, 2017
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I am not a Paki but a Indian Hindu. Please do not get me wrong. I was only referring to prophecy of kalki and bhavishya puran of how kalki avatar will rise when world is full of malecchas (muslims) and Godless Jins (most likely Chinese) and even Kashi comes under their control. To my mind how can malecchas and Jins reach kashi if India is not defeated in initial phases of this war. Finally off course kalki will lead the banner of dharma to victory and he will be worshipped by Chinese and Muslims as well (along with rest of the world) but this is prophecy. You can believe it to correspond to current situation or call it gibberish. its your choice.
Assuming what you are claiming is true, the so-called Bhavishya Purana is not a reliable source of any "prophecies" as it is neither smriti nor shruti but an amalgamation of multiple ideas - several of which could be from objectionable elements from people with various agendas through various times in history.

In a nuclear war, as is what will happen if Kashi falls, there won't be any one left to control Kashi, especially not the Sino-Islamic coalition you seem to be backing.


New Member
Aug 12, 2015
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abeye pakistani chuheye !!!

GoI ki kiya jarrorat hai.....china media ki gaad ne danda to humhe ker dengeye !!!
Chinese media is not going not quote you or DFI. They are not even going to quote MSM, but never the less GoI should use them as a weapon. Our spineless media too should take it upon themselves. But instead they have turned parrot and quoting what Chinese media is saying.

Tarun Kumar

New Member
Dec 12, 2016
Assuming what you are claiming is true, the so-called Bhavishya Purana is not a reliable source of any "prophecies" as it is neither smriti nor shruti but an amalgamation of multiple ideas - several of which could be from objectionable elements from people with various agendas through various times in history.

In a nuclear war, as is what will happen if Kashi falls, there won't be any one left to control Kashi, especially not the Sino-Islamic coalition you seem to be backing.
The nuclear war will kill millions in Indo-Pak region but certainly it cannot stop coalition of Muslim forces from outside Pakistan (for eg iran/Turkey etc) along with China to attack and take over India upto kashi/assam axis. If we unite PLA with armies of iran/Turkey/Arab states we are talking about 10s of millions of soldiers not a million or two. IA can hardly be expected to confront such a force.

Cutting Edge 2

Space Power
New Member
Apr 17, 2017
Situation on Indo-China border is tense. Modi and XI won't meet during G-20. Looks like we aren't going to back down.

Looks like China is pressuring India to join OBOR. Without Chinese goods reaching Indian market OBOR is just waste of money.

More CPC propaganda in coming days.

If any skirmish happen, India Russia relation will be tested.

Russia has already chosen their ally China against west. No way they will anger Chinese for India so don't expect any Russian support. Maybe this will be the final nail in India-Russia defense relations. In the end things will be more clear.

His entire article.


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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The nuclear war will kill millions in Indo-Pak region but certainly it cannot stop coalition of Muslim forces from outside Pakistan (for eg iran/Turkey etc) along with China to attack and take over India upto kashi/assam axis. If we unite PLA with armies of iran/Turkey/Arab states we are talking about 10s of millions of soldiers not a million or two. IA can hardly be expected to confront such a force.
Even if hypothetically such a situation arises, age is on our side. With average age of 24, no way any outside army can conquer India. The average age of below 35 is going to remain that way for more than two decades.

And more importantly, I believe we Indians are fundamentally violent people. It's only thanks to codified Dharmas, we have been pacified over the millennia.


New Member
May 31, 2017
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The nuclear war will kill millions in Indo-Pak region but certainly it cannot stop coalition of Muslim forces from outside Pakistan (for eg iran/Turkey etc) along with China to attack and take over India upto kashi/assam axis. If we unite PLA with armies of iran/Turkey/Arab states we are talking about 10s of millions of soldiers not a million or two. IA can hardly be expected to confront such a force.
Wrong again on several counts. One, the purported "coalition of Muslim forces" will not happen as long as the West (including Russia) stands. Two, in the aftermath of a full-scale nuclear war in a region as large as the Subcontinent and China - the region will be uninhabitable, if not inaccessible, for hundreds of years.

I would suggest you either stop believing the pile of garbage you believe to be the pure Bhavishya Purana, or just simply out yourself as a keen backer of the "Muslim forces" you deem unstoppable.

Tarun Kumar

New Member
Dec 12, 2016
Even if hypothetically such a situation arises, age is on our side. With average age of 24, no way any outside army can conquer India. The average age of below 35 is going to remain that way for more than two decades.

And more importantly, I believe we Indians are fundamentally violent people. It's only thanks to codified Dharmas, we have been pacified over the millennia.
Ultimately we will counterattack under leadership of Kalki (maybe a brilliant general) and defeat the muslims and Chinese and Russians will break free from Islam China alliance and Europe will also counterattack Islam. Ultimately we should look at coming war as sequence of battles and not one battle. We may loose initially but we will win finally.


New Member
Mar 5, 2017
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This is the exact dhimmitude I was talking about yesterday. I remember @Project Dharma's post where he was talking about one of his friends against escalating into a war because Mumbai stock market would take a hit.


People like them better give up Indian citizenship and stay wherever they are. India has had enough with spineless folks. If someone enters your home and threatens you, what will you do? Give it up and move elsewhere?

Money can't buy anyone a spine.

We should be ashamed. A country with 50b$ trade surplus is ready to go to war with us and we are backing off. And we belong in the land of Chatrapathi Shivaji and Raja Raja chola. Insulting.

"Hiranyaksha said:
I think we should not response on media to any aggressive chinese posture because Chinese actually do invest a lot in our economy and we both need each other economically. We won't be gaining much by giving hostile statements against China, so let it play its trumpet. "

How is my statement against escalating war to protect our interest ? It is just against childish rhetorics and optics on media that are absolutely unnecessary. Basically jumlebazi! :facepalm:

Tarun Kumar

New Member
Dec 12, 2016
Wrong again on several counts. One, the purported "coalition of Muslim forces" will not happen as long as the West (including Russia) stands. Two, in the aftermath of a full-scale nuclear war in a region as large as the Subcontinent and China - the region will be uninhabitable, if not inaccessible, for hundreds of years.

I would suggest you either stop believing the pile of garbage you believe to be the pure Bhavishya Purana, or just simply out yourself as a keen backer of the "Muslim forces" you deem unstoppable.
Where did I say they are unstoppable. Eventually they will be defeated.
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