LCA TEJAS MK1 & MK1A: News and Discussion

Dark Sorrow

Respected Member
New Member
Mar 24, 2009
so it means rwr+dcmaws+irst+radar
It means DRWR + MAWS + IRST + Radar + Information Available on Network (AFNet)

The bold part is most important. AFNet will have much most detailed information for proper situational awareness.
Most aircraft get their information from battlefield network.

Aircraft prefer to keep their radars power down as any RF-emission will give away the aircraft location.


New Member
Sep 15, 2021
It means DRWR + MAWS + IRST + Radar + Information Available on Network (AFNet)

The bold part is most important. AFNet will have much most detailed information for proper situational awareness.
Most aircraft get their information from battlefield network.

Aircraft prefer to keep their radars power down as any RF-emission will give away the aircraft location.
data & information. ?? aew ?? other jet ??


New Member
Mar 29, 2020
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one thing rafale has is the interferometry technique that lets it to act like passive radar , helps in passive ranging and direction of arrival which gives it approximate location of the emitting source without turning on the radar ,is there any such tech on tejas mk2


New Member
Mar 29, 2020
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RWR only provides a rough figure. You need DTOA and interferometers for high accuracy.

For example, RWR should be accurate to 10-15 deg at 200Km. Whereas with interferometers, you can get even less than 0.1 deg at 200Km. Strictly speaking, interferometers are good for anything.

I'd like to make a correction in my previous post 'cause it's quite wrong.
DTOA helps find bearing and angle. Does not find range.
Interferometer helps find range, bearing and angle.

On AEWC&S, you have the locations on the image you posted in post 911.

When it comes to fighter jets, as of now only Rafale has this capability operational and combat tested. source-- **************.org


New Member
Mar 29, 2020
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RWR only provides a rough figure. You need DTOA and interferometers for high accuracy.

For example, RWR should be accurate to 10-15 deg at 200Km. Whereas with interferometers, you can get even less than 0.1 deg at 200Km. Strictly speaking, interferometers are good for anything.

I'd like to make a correction in my previous post 'cause it's quite wrong.
DTOA helps find bearing and angle. Does not find range.
Interferometer helps find range, bearing and angle.

On AEWC&S, you have the locations on the image you posted in post 911.

When it comes to fighter jets, as of now only Rafale has this capability operational and combat tested. source-- **************.org
source-- **************. org/forums/threads/ada-amca-advanced-medium-combat-aircraft.79/page-46

Dark Sorrow

Respected Member
New Member
Mar 24, 2009
data & information. ?? aew ?? other jet ??
NETRA AEW&CS contains data-links to pass on ESM, CSM and radar data to ground stations or to pass on target information to fighters.
With upgrades most modern Indian fighters (be it Tejas, MKIs, Rafale, etc.) will be able to do the same. This is in accordance to IAF's network centric warfare ideology.
Similarly IACCS operations will ride the AFNET backbone integrating all ground-based and airborne sensors, air defense (AD) weapon systems and command and control (C2) nodes.
Through the IACCS, IAF will connect all of its space, air and ground assets quickly, for total awareness of a region. This will offer connectivity for all the ground platforms and airborne platforms, as a part of the network centricity of IAF. The IACCS also facilitates real-time transport of images, data and voice, amongst satellites, aircraft and ground stations.

Dark Sorrow

Respected Member
New Member
Mar 24, 2009
one thing rafale has is the interferometry technique that lets it to act like passive radar , helps in passive ranging and direction of arrival which gives it approximate location of the emitting source without turning on the radar ,is there any such tech on tejas mk2
That is not something unique to Rafale. All modern EW pods and Radar has this functionality. This is more of a software feature than an hardware feature and is basic requirement for effective jamming.
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Dark Sorrow

Respected Member
New Member
Mar 24, 2009
RWR only provides a rough figure. You need DTOA and interferometers for high accuracy.

For example, RWR should be accurate to 10-15 deg at 200Km. Whereas with interferometers, you can get even less than 0.1 deg at 200Km. Strictly speaking, interferometers are good for anything.

I'd like to make a correction in my previous post 'cause it's quite wrong.
DTOA helps find bearing and angle. Does not find range.
Interferometer helps find range, bearing and angle.

On AEWC&S, you have the locations on the image you posted in post 911.

When it comes to fighter jets, as of now only Rafale has this capability operational and combat tested. source-- **************.org
This problem was mainly with Analog RWR
With Digital RWR accuracy is greatly increased. DRWR can detect RF-emmision (search/track pattern), identify the band of RF-emission, categorize/classify the source and approximate the point of origin.
This is all managed by software.

In a basic scene interferometers are basically wide band RF-receivers that are tightly integrated/coupled and software identifies RF-emission, categorize/classify the source and approximate the point of origin.

The technology per say is not difficult but having a data source (bank) for all possible RF-emission pattern is difficult. Only countries with substantial EW warfare development history can do this.

India with DRDO/DARE Unified EW suite is trying to achieve this.


New Member
Sep 15, 2021
NETRA AEW&CS contains data-links to pass on ESM, CSM and radar data to ground stations or to pass on target information to fighters.
With upgrades most modern Indian fighters (be it Tejas, MKIs, Rafale, etc.) will be able to do the same. This is in accordance to IAF's network centric warfare ideology.
Similarly IACCS operations will ride the AFNET backbone integrating all ground-based and airborne sensors, air defense (AD) weapon systems and command and control (C2) nodes.
Through the IACCS, IAF will connect all of its space, air and ground assets quickly, for total awareness of a region. This will offer connectivity for all the ground platforms and airborne platforms, as a part of the network centricity of IAF. The IACCS also facilitates real-time transport of images, data and voice, amongst satellites, aircraft and ground stations.
With sensor fusion, fighter jet dependency on such system reduces - which increases respond/reaction time.
F 35 sensor fusion, a generation ahead of all.
Now the question is what kind of sensor fusion is going to used by mwf ? Sensor fusion - not c5i2sr. or command structure. Sensor fusion like eft/efj or rafale ? good thing iaf, ia and in sharing data in real time but question remain - how they going to support each other in real time ? iaf lacks cas like a10, su25/34 and most of the time busy with primary role. A issue with cds. Iaf also need more aew and cs, ags and cs. better to order more lch, uacv and land attack missile.


New Member
Sep 15, 2021
RWR only provides a rough figure. You need DTOA and interferometers for high accuracy.

For example, RWR should be accurate to 10-15 deg at 200Km. Whereas with interferometers, you can get even less than 0.1 deg at 200Km. Strictly speaking, interferometers are good for anything.

I'd like to make a correction in my previous post 'cause it's quite wrong.
DTOA helps find bearing and angle. Does not find range.
Interferometer helps find range, bearing and angle.

On AEWC&S, you have the locations on the image you posted in post 911.

When it comes to fighter jets, as of now only Rafale has this capability operational and combat tested. source-- **************.org
F35 also having similar capability.

Dark Sorrow

Respected Member
New Member
Mar 24, 2009
With sensor fusion, fighter jet dependency on such system reduces - which increases respond/reaction time.
F 35 sensor fusion, a generation ahead of all.
Main goal of sensor fusion is to improve situational awareness of pilot thus increasing their lethality and survivability.
The border airspace with Pakistan is tremendous surveillance be it RF or EO that AFNet has complete picture of battle-space. It can paint a better situational view of the battle-space. AFNet is designed for real-time communication and if their is a latency issue aircraft an always fallback to its primary fire control radar.
During Ops Swift Resort when 6 Migs from Srinagar AFS rose above the horizon, PAF strike package panicked which ultimately resulting in thwarting their plans.
Knowing and identifying the enemy and its location before enemy located and identifies you plays a very decisive role in BVR combat. This is where network centric capability and sensor fusion come into play.
Now the question is what kind of sensor fusion is going to used by mwf ? Sensor fusion - not c5i2sr. or command structure. Sensor fusion like eft/efj or rafale ?
When we say sensor fusion no one is claiming C5I2SR. It will just be to improve situational awareness like one available on different fighters. No one is going to command battle space sitting in Tejas. IAF has dedicated ground based Command and Control Infrastructure. As a matter of fact Command and Control is not even carried from Netra or Phalcon.
good thing iaf, ia and in sharing data in real time but question remain - how they going to support each other in real time ?
One of the major aspect where by all three service help each other is to monitor and track aerial activity. IA, IAF and IN independently operate Air Defense assets. By integrating them together they augment each other's capability.
IN and IAF also use AFNet to relay real time ISR data to various Command Center (Army). This was very much evident during Galwan where P8I were used to monitor Chinese activity and relay it to Army.
iaf lacks cas like a10, su25/34 and most of the time busy with primary role. A issue with cds. Iaf also need more aew and cs, ags and cs. better to order more lch, uacv and land attack missile.
As per IAF's doctrine CAS will be done by either multi-role aircraft in case of heavy ordinance or by drones for PGM or Rotary aircraft in case of light ordinance.
I agree with the statement that me need more indigenous drones/UCAV and rotary aircraft.
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New Member
Sep 15, 2021
Main goal of sensor fusion is to improve situational awareness of pilot thus increasing their lethality and survivability.
The border airspace with Pakistan is tremendous surveillance be it RF or EO that AFNet has complete picture of battle-space. It can paint a better situational view of the battle-space. AFNet is designed for real-time communication and if their is a latency issue aircraft an always fallback to its primary fire control radar.
During Ops Swift Resort when 6 Migs from Srinagar AFS rose above the horizon, PAF strike package panicked which ultimately resulting in thwarting their plans.
Knowing and identifying the enemy and its location before enemy located and identifies you plays a very decisive role in BVR combat. This is where network centric capability and sensor fusion come into play.

When we say sensor fusion no one is claiming C5I2SR. It will just be to improve situational awareness like one available on different fighters. No one is going to command battle space sitting in Tejas. IAF has dedicated ground based Command and Control Infrastructure. As a matter of fact Command and Control is not even carried from Netra or Phalcon.

One of the major aspect where by all three service help each other is to monitor and track aerial activity. IA, IAF and IN independently operate Air Defense assets. By integrating them together they augment each other's capability.
IN and IAF also use AFNet to relay real time ISR data to various Command Center (Army). This was very much evident during Galwan where P8I were used to monitor Chinese activity and relay it to Army.

As per IAF's doctrine CAS will be done by either multi-role aircraft in case of heavy ordinanceor by drones for PGM or Rotary aircraft in case of light ordinance.
I agree with the statement that me need more indigenous drones/UCAV and rotary aircraft.
''As per IAF's doctrine CAS will be done by either multi-role aircraft in case of heavy ordinance'' a huge issue for army. and cds pointed it out and iaf struggling to primary role. [IAF rejected cds statement, mig 27] -- Air Force Network and other sensors - p8i

with or with afnet, iaf can achieve those.
iaf lacks Airborne ground surveillance (AGS) aircraft, hence p8i used. for past 2 decades iaf asking for 4 ags and 3/4 more phalcons and 6/8 aerial refueling aircraft.
during pak counter attack - we lost 1 helio[accident happen], and paf jammed iaf fighter jet radio[sdr/encrpt radio- iaf asking since 2000].
Phalcon - unreliable aircraft. Netra - need more
paf - 10 aew with more in future.
balakot counter strike show the capability of paf aew, 1. they called back their jets when our jets starts airborne. 2. chinese weapons not so good as claimed. 3. Saab 2000 Erieye one of the best.
paf having jsow, and more standoff weapons and paf only used home make ones.
Now sensor fusion -
rafale -

The terms data and information can mean different things in different contexts, but the main differences between them are: Data is a collection of facts. Information is how you understand those facts in context. Data is unorganized, while information is structured or organized
when someone asked about A, others put a question B and starts answering that question. and C, D .... and question A remains. and no ones know about answer to question A.
Most good part about sensor fusion is - can acquire target fast - first shoot without help from aew or ground base. if their is aew or other means - pilot can acquire battlespace info and target info from outside.

Dark Sorrow

Respected Member
New Member
Mar 24, 2009
''As per IAF's doctrine CAS will be done by either multi-role aircraft in case of heavy ordinance'' a huge issue for army. and cds pointed it out and iaf struggling to primary role. [IAF rejected cds statement, mig 27] -- Air Force Network and other sensors - p8i
IAF and MoD has accepted the fact that we won't be be able to achieve total air-dominance in a short-conflict. Having a slow-moving ground attack air-craft flying in a contested air-space is far more risky. IAF prefers drones for this.

CAS is not the primary role of IAF, the primary role of IAF is to achieve total air-dominance.
CAS is a secondary role. With arrival of precision-guided munition for artillery or stand-off missiles/rockets elevates CAS responsibility from IAF to IA.
IA is also procuring drones for CAS mission.

with or with afnet, iaf can achieve those.
iaf lacks Airborne ground surveillance (AGS) aircraft, hence p8i used. for past 2 decades iaf asking for 4 ags and 3/4 more phalcons and 6/8 aerial refueling aircraft.
True IAF does lack dedicated ISR assets for AGS but we use drones or such mission. Almost all modern fighter aircraft IAF posses care capable for SAR, ISAR, GMIT capabilities. Such information are shared over AFNet. IAF also posses a large number of El/M-2060P for ground surveillance. But I agree, we need something like E-8 Joint STARS

during pak counter attack - we lost 1 helio[accident happen], and paf jammed iaf fighter jet radio[sdr/encrpt radio- iaf asking since 2000].
Helo accident was violation of SoP and appropriate action is being taken.
During Ops swift resort PAF did jam our radars. As for data-link they were quite obsolete, hence jammed. IAF keeping up with the import foreign made items tradition started buying Israeli SDR instead of one developed by DRDO. I have observed that Indian military is being reactive than being proactive. Instead of anticipating future problems we wait for the problem to occur then resolve it.

Phalcon - unreliable aircraft. Netra - need more
Agreed. We do plan to procure more indigenous AWACS based on airbus platform.
paf - 10 aew with more in future.
This is a cause of worry but we can't do anything about that.
balakot counter strike show the capability of paf aew,
Agreed but it was a planned affair. PAF was also be caught with their pants down when IAF conducted air strikes them. The problem is spatial distance between Indian and Pakistan is so less and with availability of stand-off ranged PGM that most strikes can be completed within a time frame of 5-15 minutes. This gives little to no-time for the other party to interfere in operation.
1. they called back their jets when our jets starts airborne.
No they called their jets back when the detected 6 Mig-21s and not when our jets were airborne.
Their is a difference in both. Due to geography of Kashmir a lot of area falls under radar shadow region. from any point of observance.
MiGs climbed in the shadow of the Pir Panjal range, Pakistan’s AWAC failed to detect them and PAF panicked when they detected 6 Mig-21 rising over the horizon of Pir-Panjal range.
2. chinese weapons not so good as claimed
What Chinese weapons were used? I was also of the impression that American weapons were used.
3. Saab 2000 Erieye one of the best.
paf having jsow, and more standoff weapons and paf only used home make ones.
I believe this was due to IAF reluctance to buy indigenous weapons.

Now sensor fusion -
rafale -

The terms data and information can mean different things in different contexts, but the main differences between them are: Data is a collection of facts. Information is how you understand those facts in context. Data is unorganized, while information is structured or organized
when someone asked about A, others put a question B and starts answering that question. and C, D .... and question A remains. and no ones know about answer to question A.
Most good part about sensor fusion is - can acquire target fast - first shoot without help from aew or ground base. if their is aew or other means - pilot can acquire battlespace info and target info from outside.
No single aircraft fights solo in any operation, that only happens in Hollywood movies.
Air- combat group is made of many elements like
  1. Aircraft specializing in air to air operation
  2. Aircraft specializing in air to ground operation
  3. Electronic Support aircraft like AWACS to scan, track and target air-space for hostiles aircraft
  4. Electronic Support aircraft that carry jammers and other ESM
  5. Aircraft carrying specialized ISR payload for ground operations
  6. Ground control station managing the battle space
  7. Ground control station managing the operation
  8. Re-fueler aircarft
  9. Ground based ISR assets
  10. Space based ISR assets
Depending on the complexity, criticality and dangers of the operating all these assets are used.

In network-centric warfare the data all these assets are merged to get an detailed accurate battle-space awareness. This important to improve chance of success of mission and reduce losses.

When you talk about sensor fusion you get data from all sensor and when you mix network-centric capability with sensor fusion you even fuse data received from other assets.


New Member
Sep 15, 2021
IAF and MoD has accepted the fact that we won't be be able to achieve total air-dominance in a short-conflict. Having a slow-moving ground attack air-craft flying in a contested air-space is far more risky. IAF prefers drones for this.

CAS is not the primary role of IAF, the primary role of IAF is to achieve total air-dominance.
CAS is a secondary role. With arrival of precision-guided munition for artillery or stand-off missiles/rockets elevates CAS responsibility from IAF to IA.
IA is also procuring drones for CAS mission.

True IAF does lack dedicated ISR assets for AGS but we use drones or such mission. Almost all modern fighter aircraft IAF posses care capable for SAR, ISAR, GMIT capabilities. Such information are shared over AFNet. IAF also posses a large number of El/M-2060P for ground surveillance. But I agree, we need something like E-8 Joint STARS

Helo accident was violation of SoP and appropriate action is being taken.
During Ops swift resort PAF did jam our radars. As for data-link they were quite obsolete, hence jammed. IAF keeping up with the import foreign made items tradition started buying Israeli SDR instead of one developed by DRDO. I have observed that Indian military is being reactive than being proactive. Instead of anticipating future problems we wait for the problem to occur then resolve it.

Agreed. We do plan to procure more indigenous AWACS based on airbus platform.

This is a cause of worry but we can't do anything about that.

Agreed but it was a planned affair. PAF was also be caught with their pants down when IAF conducted air strikes them. The problem is spatial distance between Indian and Pakistan is so less and with availability of stand-off ranged PGM that most strikes can be completed within a time frame of 5-15 minutes. This gives little to no-time for the other party to interfere in operation.

No they called their jets back when the detected 6 Mig-21s and not when our jets were airborne.
Their is a difference in both. Due to geography of Kashmir a lot of area falls under radar shadow region. from any point of observance.
MiGs climbed in the shadow of the Pir Panjal range, Pakistan’s AWAC failed to detect them and PAF panicked when they detected 6 Mig-21 rising over the horizon of Pir-Panjal range.

What Chinese weapons were used? I was also of the impression that American weapons were used.

I believe this was due to IAF reluctance to buy indigenous weapons.

No single aircraft fights solo in any operation, that only happens in Hollywood movies.
Air- combat group is made of many elements like
  1. Aircraft specializing in air to air operation
  2. Aircraft specializing in air to ground operation
  3. Electronic Support aircraft like AWACS to scan, track and target air-space for hostiles aircraft
  4. Electronic Support aircraft that carry jammers and other ESM
  5. Aircraft carrying specialized ISR payload for ground operations
  6. Ground control station managing the battle space
  7. Ground control station managing the operation
  8. Re-fueler aircarft
  9. Ground based ISR assets
  10. Space based ISR assets
Depending on the complexity, criticality and dangers of the operating all these assets are used.

In network-centric warfare the data all these assets are merged to get an detailed accurate battle-space awareness. This important to improve chance of success of mission and reduce losses.

When you talk about sensor fusion you get data from all sensor and when you mix network-centric capability with sensor fusion you even fuse data received from other assets.
First of all, the question is about a single aircraft not about warfare and insisted of providing the answer you are writing a essay, which is totally irrelevant to the question.
for your info - when a enemy/unknown jet enter our airspace, iaf only send 2 or 4 jets to intercept [identify and nullify the threat] and not ''
Air- combat group is made of many elements like
  1. Aircraft specializing in air to air operation
  2. Aircraft specializing in air to ground operation
  3. Electronic Support aircraft like AWACS to scan, track and target air-space for hostiles aircraft
  4. Electronic Support aircraft that carry jammers and other ESM
  5. Aircraft carrying specialized ISR payload for ground operations
  6. Ground control station managing the battle space
  7. Ground control station managing the operation
  8. Re-fueler aircarft
  9. Ground based ISR assets
  10. Space based ISR assets
Depending on the complexity, criticality and dangers of the operating all these assets are used.

In network-centric warfare the data all these assets are merged to get an detailed accurate battle-space awareness. This important to improve chance of success of mission and reduce losses.

When you talk about sensor fusion you get data from all sensor and when you mix network-centric capability with sensor fusion you even fuse data received from other assets.

For your info iaf enter pak airspace twice, and pak don't. Paf having raad 1, raad 2, agm154, h4, plus chinese 100plus km weapons.
Paf f16 equipped with aim9x, and jf17 also having similar one. Erieye having range of 450km. zdk03 having 360 degree radar. They panicked becz they don't want a war now. paf having 500 aim120.
iaf retired mig27 [cas] and mig23 [interceptor]. iaf don't have any uacv but paf does.
Iaf plan was to acquire upto 200 eu jets, which help to fill the gap of both. in mmrca iaf choose eft[interceptor mrca/f22] and rafale [strike mrca/f35].
buddy, i am following indian and word defence and warfare since 1999. I'm only pointing out iaf said and not my theory. if you exclude rafale, only fighter jet acquired by iaf isus are su30mki[1990 era jet] and paf/plaaf acquired f16bk50, jf17, j10a, j10b. j10c. j11.... j11d, j11aew, j16 etc. upa brought c17,c130, chinook, ah64. except c130, iaf choose c17,chinook.ah64 over il76,mi26,mi24.
now back to real question - any one knows about sensor fusion of lca mk2 ?
sensor fusion- combine data from sensors both active and passive to form clear picture of the target[info], then pilot can choose to send info to base using AFnet or other communication/data link. Afnet is a communication network like wan/lan etc, on the other hand sensor fusion is a tech to automatically producing info from different sensor. for ex- if skylink is afnet then tesla car is aircraft. sensor fusion help to improve the fighter jet pilot to understand situation, target, Survivability with out aew or afnet. AFnet helps commanders, leaders, to acquire info from fighter jet pilot or aew to understand battle field better and to control and sending or calling back aircraft.


New Member
Nov 18, 2020
Country flag
LCA Tejas to participate in Singapore Airshow 2022.:clap2::clap2::india:

The airshow will be conducted between 15th Feb - 18th Feb in Changi
Singapore Airshow to have 8 flying displays; will be livestreamed to the public

SINGAPORE: This year's Singapore Airshow will have eight flying displays and flypasts from four air forces and two commercial companies, its organiser Experia said on Monday (Feb 7).

The airshow, to be held from Feb 15 to 18 at the Changi Exhibition Centre without public visiting days, will livestream the aerial displays.

This includes a debut appearance by the Indian Air Force’s light combat aircraft or Tejas, Experia said, adding that the single jet performance will feature "impressive stunts and manoeuvres".

The Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) will return with two performances this year, featuring a pair of AH-64D Apache attack helicopters and solo aerobatics by an F-16C fighter jet.

The United States Marine Corps’ F-35B Lightning II – the stealth fighter model that RSAF has agreed to buy – will make another appearance. The US Air Force’s B-52 Stratofortress will participate in a fly-by.

Indonesia’s Jupiter Aerobatic Team – known as The Jupiters – also returns after previously featuring in the 2018 edition of the airshow, and will "thrill" audiences with their six-plane formations and precision flying.

Commercial plane watchers can expect to see demo flyovers by Airbus’ A350-1000 and Boeing’s wide-bodied B777-9.

The flying displays will be held once a day at 12.30pm on Feb 15, and at 11.30am on from Feb 16 to 18. The livestream for public viewing can be accessed via Singapore Airshow’s Facebook page or on this website.

"These stellar performances by our partners and exhibitors are testament to the recovery of the aerospace and aviation industry and we hope they will uplift spirits," Experia managing director Leck Chet Lam said.

Dark Sorrow

Respected Member
New Member
Mar 24, 2009
First of all, the question is about a single aircraft not about warfare and insisted of providing the answer you are writing a essay, which is totally irrelevant to the question.
for your info - when a enemy/unknown jet enter our airspace, iaf only send 2 or 4 jets to intercept [identify and nullify the threat] and not ''
Air- combat group is made of many elements like
  1. Aircraft specializing in air to air operation
  2. Aircraft specializing in air to ground operation
  3. Electronic Support aircraft like AWACS to scan, track and target air-space for hostiles aircraft
  4. Electronic Support aircraft that carry jammers and other ESM
  5. Aircraft carrying specialized ISR payload for ground operations
  6. Ground control station managing the battle space
  7. Ground control station managing the operation
  8. Re-fueler aircarft
  9. Ground based ISR assets
  10. Space based ISR assets
Depending on the complexity, criticality and dangers of the operating all these assets are used.

In network-centric warfare the data all these assets are merged to get an detailed accurate battle-space awareness. This important to improve chance of success of mission and reduce losses.

When you talk about sensor fusion you get data from all sensor and when you mix network-centric capability with sensor fusion you even fuse data received from other assets.

For your info iaf enter pak airspace twice, and pak don't. Paf having raad 1, raad 2, agm154, h4, plus chinese 100plus km weapons.
Paf f16 equipped with aim9x, and jf17 also having similar one. Erieye having range of 450km. zdk03 having 360 degree radar. They panicked becz they don't want a war now. paf having 500 aim120.
iaf retired mig27 [cas] and mig23 [interceptor]. iaf don't have any uacv but paf does.
Iaf plan was to acquire upto 200 eu jets, which help to fill the gap of both. in mmrca iaf choose eft[interceptor mrca/f22] and rafale [strike mrca/f35].
buddy, i am following indian and word defence and warfare since 1999. I'm only pointing out iaf said and not my theory. if you exclude rafale, only fighter jet acquired by iaf isus are su30mki[1990 era jet] and paf/plaaf acquired f16bk50, jf17, j10a, j10b. j10c. j11.... j11d, j11aew, j16 etc. upa brought c17,c130, chinook, ah64. except c130, iaf choose c17,chinook.ah64 over il76,mi26,mi24.
now back to real question - any one knows about sensor fusion of lca mk2 ?
sensor fusion- combine data from sensors both active and passive to form clear picture of the target[info], then pilot can choose to send info to base using AFnet or other communication/data link. Afnet is a communication network like wan/lan etc, on the other hand sensor fusion is a tech to automatically producing info from different sensor. for ex- if skylink is afnet then tesla car is aircraft. sensor fusion help to improve the fighter jet pilot to understand situation, target, Survivability with out aew or afnet. AFnet helps commanders, leaders, to acquire info from fighter jet pilot or aew to understand battle field better and to control and sending or calling back aircraft.
I will try to explain one last time.
As IAF's doctrine on network-centric capability, sensors from other assets are also used to improve situational awareness. In-short network is also treated as a independent senor/sensor-array.
Most of these networks are low latency networks and can be formed on ad-hoc manner.

As for AFNet it is not just communication over WAN/LAN. It is an hybrid network that is used to exchange data between different Indian Military assets.
Its primary backbone is integrated Fibre network with satellite backup. Its is capable to use LOS communication technique as well has military adaption of civilian like 4G (LTE), 5G, etc. AFNet also has provision for point to point communication via data-link.

