J20 Stealth Fighter


New Member
Aug 7, 2009
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You are right . we are not familiar with culture of blurred image , less blurred , somewhat clearer, clear and crystal clear pictures.
We are familiar with culture of either Crystal clear picture or no picture at all.

You yourself has described about how much censorship you have in China. In India if someone has a picture he need not worry about central government agencies deleting them or harassing them for publishing it .
Rockdog be prepared, the authorities to be carried out first flight of this bird Black Eagle over new Delhi to satisfied the guys like (SHASH2K2)


Respected Member
New Member
May 20, 2009
BTW,some fanboys now suspect that J20 might have finished its madein flight already in fact.....

what is showing now is just a deliberate leak!


New Member
Oct 8, 2009
normally you dont test two prototypes together unless they have flown before for the first flight data analysis it takes a lot of time to set the next prototype fly but 2001 and 2002 are the two basic prototypes , lets wish all the success for the effort
If I was the chief designer or the project manager with enough funds and in very tight schedule, I would like to build more than 2 plane. The advantage is the second plane is able to continue the flight test while the first plane is under maintenance. The two planes can also fly simultaneously for different testing purposes. If one plane crashes or is damaged because of some minor problems, like hitting on a bird or having a bug in the flight control software, you can resume the flight test as soon as possible without waiting for the damaged plane to be repaired or a new plane is built.
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On Vacation!
New Member
Apr 5, 2009
This is like a striptease!

First blurred pics, then less blurred, then different angles and slightly better quality! Show the goodies already! ;-D
Exactly. They should have posted clear pictures in the beginning itself. Why post blurry pictures and make an ass out of yourself.


New Member
Feb 16, 2009

compare the 3 i will write a post on this while i am trying to collect some facts


New Member
Dec 28, 2010
Exactly. They should have posted clear pictures in the beginning itself. Why post blurry pictures and make an ass out of yourself.
You have your way of doing things, we have our way.

Lots of stuff, such as J-16, Y-20, H-XX, JH-7B, DF-2X, UAVs, WZ-19, Z-18, Z-20 etc, are coming out in the next couple of years. You'd better get used to seeing blurry imageries for your own good .


New Member
Nov 19, 2010
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nice pics

whats this ?

loading bay ?
thats Dha bay on photoshoped thing !!damn thats called layer masking effect . How can sum1 start believing this ?? Am doing the same stuff for LCA MK2 PHOTOSHOP,still in the middle but let me give you hint! Its based on F35 and below in my signature.


New Member
Jan 13, 2010
the parachute is hide below the air brake
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New Member
Dec 25, 2010
thats Dha bay on photoshoped thing !!damn thats called layer masking effect . How can sum1 start believing this ?? Am doing the same stuff for LCA MK2 PHOTOSHOP,still in the middle but let me give you hint! Its based on F35 and below in my signature.
Yes,it is photoshoped.what great works you had done for finding this!:emot112:
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New Member
Feb 16, 2009
Chinese J-20 Fighter :- Did MIG help develop it ?

This is a post to make some points which has been in my minds since the day i saw those pictures of J-20 , i will make a part by part explanation of a layman's simple logic of putting 2+2, you are welcome to put across your views , some of the points i raise are are just too obvious for me to ignore :-

Chinese J-20 - A mig hand cannot be ruled out.

The new chinese jet has appeared all over J-20 , with a read star on its fins , which has been a prominent hallmark of MIG corporation, it is just a co-incidence or something some. lets see.

1.The new fighter has emerged some call it deliberate leak , some call it propaganda but where did this new fighter just come up ? its a work of more than a decade and i can assure you this because to build a fighter prototype does need a lot of time especially when the country in question here is not known for building jets in the past
10 years ago chinese avaitioan industry was starting out , with a lot of funds and cash inflows what was lacking was a expert designer concept and experience , round about this time, the mid nineties the Soviet union demise had caused their erstwhile ginat war machines to suffer at the hands of lack of future, funds and orders , during this time many countries had stepped in to cash in on the great soviet war machineries from the broken republics of the soviet union , one of the several gainers was china and nobody ever denied that.
Chinese aviation industries started out work on a lot of designs and projects at this time of the year round about 1997 - 98 and some of the chief ones were
Since 90s both CAC/611 Institute and SAC/601 Institute had been working their own designs for a twin-engine multi-role heavy fighter.It was speculated that 601 Institute was working on a "tri-plane" design based on canard/conventional layout/V-shape tailfin while 611 Institute working on a design based on canard/tailless delta wing/all moving V-shape tailfin/side DSI/bump inlet layout. All designs were expected to feature an internal weapon bay to reduce RCS, which has been speculated to be <0.05m2 (head-on)

Suffering from loss of orders and uncertain future the once proud workforce of aviation giants MIG has to look for greener pastures to sustain and china was an open option for them, since china still now is a closed country nobody can give you the figures as to how much level such skilled work force ight have migrated or how many designs or concepts might have chnaged hands though them was , is and always will be a secret but even the hardest of chinese followers wont deny the truth in this.

so where does it stand lets look the new j-20 is its china 5th gen plane , definitely looks but will it enter serial production , cant say what i can say with a very very good gurantee is that this is not the only 5th gen program that is running in the chinese aviation industry , this prototype is just one of the many prototypes that we will see in this decade from china.the chinese aviation industry has followed the scramble and pile technique , many design teams started their own project and goes on independently till the final outcome recahes to some thing substantial when they try and merge such minor projects and work in collaboration to make a final product ,.this J-20 is a work of many minor programs over a decade and half that is merged to make a final program , how far the chinese wish to continue with this project depends on other similar parallel projects and how much success they attain

judging fromt he initial pictures experts have made comments and i ahve read them soemthing that stands out majorly is this :-
1>The prototype features a pair of all-moving tailfins and Russian 1.44 style ventral stabilizing fins, which shield the engine nozzles.
2> Russian assistance has been in terms of software support for calculating the RCS of various designs, as well as the rumored supply of Salyut 99M2 turbofan engine (14,000kg class) to power the prototypes.
Both the russian program and the chinese program is too early to speculate on which one with be better but comparing the graphics experts have their own diverse views , what we are interested is that the chinese stealth fighter program does not revolve roud this single model ,prototype and to transform the paramerts of the desigans and work on paper to reality will take a lot of time and help and this help might already be there in the form of erstwhile aviation giants MIG.
The red star which has proudly been the hallmark of mig over the ages now sits on the tails of the J-20 and the co-incidence is too obvious for the naked eye , as times grow in a closed chinese media you will still find out how the J-20 started out from the seeds of a an erstwhile giant in aviation industry known as the MIG.

this is part 1 of my post , do point errors in the thought process
This post made in www.defenceforum.in :- Copyrighted content.

for a layman like me with limited technical knowledge i have to read and research more on technical matters to compare the two which i am doing while awaiting for a leaked video of J0 somehow

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
New Member
May 26, 2010
Currently MIG cooperation situation is sadly pathetic..

Its most powerful tool his engineers are its greatest weakness..


New Member
Jan 13, 2010
Years ago Chinese showed J11B (based on Su27, but it almost is a new fighter) to Russian, J11B had the latest technology of China at that time, I think it was an opportunity for China-Russia cooperation on next G bird.


New Member
Feb 16, 2009
Years ago Chinese showed J11B (based on Su27, but it almost is a new fighter) to Russian, J11B had the latest technology of China at that time, I think it was an opportunity for China-Russia cooperation on next G bird.
what we are saying is not a joint development but something else due to geopolitical changes , read the full article , i am preparing the part two with some obvious reasons to belive how the mig experience helped on many aviation projects in china


DFI Technocrat
New Member
Oct 10, 2009
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I don't believe MIG Would directly help the Chinese , it would be far too big of a political hot potato for Putin and co. but what is far more likely is that maybe a bunch of retired MIG engineers who had experience with the 1.44 and other 5th gen concepts got really good post retirement benefits from Zhongnanhai the likes of which the Kremlin could not match!

