Iranian Ahmadinejad applies for U.S. visa!!!


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Mar 21, 2009
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Iranian Ahmadinejad applies for U.S. visa

Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad has applied for a U.S. visa to participate in the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference from next week, U.S. ambassador to the UN said on Wednesday.
"My understanding is that as of today he has filed an application for a visa," Susan Rice said.
The review conference is held every five years and will be attended by more than 30 foreign ministers.
The United States and other Western countries suspect Iran of developing nuclear weapons under the guise of a civilian nuclear energy program. This is likely to be one of the main focuses of the conference.
NEW YORK, April 28 (RIA Novosti)

What the heck is going on!!!!!!!!!!!=xD=xD


Senior Member
Mar 21, 2009
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Very very Funny.
Does he need a visa as a President attending to such an event?


Senior Member
Mar 21, 2009
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Yes, he does.
And our ex-president Abdul Kalam got rejected when applied for US Visa.
do you mean They will reject visa????
To deny him the Visa and thus preventing him from attending the nuclear-non-proliferation conference would be the biggest and dumbest the US could make. If he wants to come, let him after all his country is one of the critical point of nuclear proliferation, without Iran's cooperation, all the other 30,40+ country effort is securing nuclear material would amount to nothing, if Iran goes ahead and proliferate their stockpiles (same with the DPRK). Also, denying him this visa and giving him the backhand may make people like angry.

"They want us to stop developing and proliferating nuclear technologies but deny us to the very same conference which aims to stop nuclear proliferation? Bunch of infidel hypocrites! We open nuclear theme park, free tickets to our Islamic "freedom fighter" brothers. Hezbollah gets buy 1 get 2 free." Now translate that to Farsi, cause i swear that's how they will spin it.
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DaRk WaVe

Regular Member
Nov 20, 2009
To deny him the Visa and thus preventing him from attending the nuclear-non-proliferation conference would be the biggest and dumbest the US could make.
Iran was not invited in the Nuclear Security Summit 2010 :)


Senior Member
Mar 21, 2009
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Iran was not invited in the Nuclear Security Summit 2010 :)
may be but as a NPT signatory Iran it is trying to attend and willing to free from in advance more sanctions........

DaRk WaVe

Regular Member
Nov 20, 2009
may be but as a NPT signatory Iran it is trying to attend and willing to free from in advance more sanctions........
thats a paradox, in Nuclear summit, Americans invited even the non NPT countries but not the NPT signatory Iran, Americans want to single out Iran & they will get support from Saudis in it without a doubt...

US not pushing Pakistan to sign NPT

WASHINGTON: The United States has said that it wants countries like Pakistan to help prevent further proliferation of nuclear weapons even if they are not willing to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Robert J. Einhorn, special adviser on non-proliferation and arms control to the US Department of State, also said that Washington wanted India, Pakistan and China to ratify the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, once it was approved by the US Senate.

At a briefing in Washington on the new US nuclear policy, Mr Einhorn said the US realised that India might never sign the NPT and accepted the Indian position.

Asked why India, Pakistan and Israel were exempted from the NPT, the official said: �We call on all countries, whether they have chosen to join the NPT or not, to work together to limit, to prevent, the threat of further nuclear proliferation. Whether you�re an NPT party or not, there�s a common interest in ensuring that this regime does not unravel.�

He warned that the non-proliferation regime was under considerable threat these days, especially because of the non-compliance of North Korea and Iran. The answer indicates a new understanding in Washington that countries like India, Pakistan and Israel cannot be forced to give up their nuclear programmes and that�s why the international community needs to find a way to work with them.

While the US has not yet spelled out a clear position on Pakistan�s nuclear programme, it already had taken a giant step towards establishing India as a nuclear power by signing a nuclear energy deal with New Delhi.


Top Gun
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2009
Its Just the US Double Standards at work again. The USA has been the most shortsighted country ever in the History of our Planet Earth (Except for the Dinosaurs, who could ve made some kinda bunker to survive the meteor hit).

Nijad might be a Crackpot, but ignoring him wont do the trick. The USA just cant make up its mind, it want to bomb, it doesnt want to bomb. Its like playing Love me, Love me not! Pretty boring also now it has become.


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Mar 21, 2009
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Clinton warns Iran against disrupting New York nuclear talks

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad might not be welcome at a UN nuclear conference in New York next week if he tries to disrupt the talks, the U.S. secretary of state has said.
A nuclear non-proliferation treaty (NPT) review conference is to begin in New York on May 3.
"If President Ahmadinejad wants to come and announce that Iran will abide by their non-proliferation requirements under the NPT, that would be very good news indeed, and we would welcome that," Hillary Clinton said on Thursday.
"But if he believes that by coming he can somehow divert attention from this very important global effort or cause confusion that might possibly throw into doubt what Iran has been up to — about which I don't think there is any room for doubt — then I don't believe he will have a particularly receptive audience," she added.
The U.S. State Department earlier said that Ahmadinejad was likely to get a U.S. visa he needed to attend the conference.
Western powers suspect that Iran's nuclear program is aimed at making weapons, while Tehran claims it is pursuing nuclear technology for its civilian energy needs.
U.S. president Barack Obama said in early April that the UN Security Council could impose a new set of sanctions on Iran as early as this spring.

WASHINGTON, April 30 (RIA Novosti)


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Oct 5, 2009
Block Ahmadinejad from entering the US: Congressmen

Ahead of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's intended visit to address a UN conference on nuclear non-proliferation next week in New York, several US Congressmen today demanded to deny his entry into the country.

Over a dozen Republican Senators wrote a letter in this regard to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and about half a dozen Congressmen from both the Republican and Democratic Party in a statement demanded that the US must not allow Ahmadinejad to travel.

"This is preposterous, and allowing it to happen will make a mockery of the effort to stop the spread of nuclear weapons to rogue states and terrorist groups. There is simply no compelling reason for Ahmadinejad to be allowed to enter the US," the Senators wrote.

"As such, the US Government has the legal authority to deny Ahmadinejad's request and bar his entry-even if he is transiting only to the UN. We ask that you exercise that authority," demanded the Senators.

Signatories to the letter addressed to Clinton were John Cornyn, John Barrasso, James Inhofe, David Vitter, John Ensign, Richard Burr, Bob Bennett, Sam Brownback, Johnny Isakson, James E Risch, Jon Kyl, Roger Wicker, George LeMieux, and Jim DeMint.

"Iran, under President Ahmadinejad's leadership, has a documented history of threatening the interests and security.

Allowing Ahmadinejad to enter the US would serve only to grant this man a symbolic stage from which to spew his rhetoric against our nation and our allies in the global war on terror," they said.

"The US must not allow this dangerous tyrant to use our freedoms and our obligations as a host country for the UN to force himself upon our country to spread his message of hate and violence," demanded another group of Congressmen in a statement including Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Kendrick Meek, Lincoln Diaz-Balart, Mario Diaz-Balart, and Connie Mack.

"This is the leader of a regime which calls the US the 'great satan,' threatens to wipe Israel off the map, bankrolls violent extremists across the globe, and helps fund insurgents in Iraq and Afghanistan which kill US troops," they said.

"Make no mistake: Ahmadinejad's attendance will make a mockery of a conference meant to stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons. It will also make a mockery of US efforts to secure global support to stop Iran's nuclear weapons pursuit, and it will turn the conference into yet another forum to attack Israel on a global stage," the Congressmen said.
Feb 16, 2009
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Ahmadinejad should attend the meeting since Iran is an NPT signatory, he has every right to attend and ask the legitimate question why being an NPT signatory and cooperative with IAEA his country is getting threatened with war??? The NPT bad boys India and Pakistan will miss this month long joke.
Feb 16, 2009
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Iran to propose reforms to a failed NPT: Ahmadinejad

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty has failed and Iran will propose changes, as he flew off to New York
on Sunday to take part in a conference to review the NPT.

The hardline Iranian leader is to address the NPT conference on Monday, at the head of a delegation including Iran's atomic chief Ali Akbar Salehi and Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki.

"The biggest threat to the world today is the production and stockpiling of nuclear weapons. For more than 60 years, the atomic threat has influenced world relations," Ahmadinejad told reporters before leaving for the United Nations in New York.

"The IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) in the past 40 years has not been successful in its mission. We have no disarmament or non-proliferation and some countries have even procured the nuclear bomb during this period."

Iran is a signatory of the NPT, a creation of the IAEA, the UN nuclear watchdog, and as such has the right to enrich uranium -- the most controversial part of its nuclear programme.

Uranium when enriched at over 90 percent level can be used to make an atomic bomb.

Washington, its ally Israel -- believed to be the only undeclared nuclear weapons power in the Middle East -- and other world powers accuse Iran of masking a weapons drive under the guise of what Tehran says is a purely civilian atomic programme.

Ahmadinejad, who has refused to abandon the uranium enrichment programme and often lashes out at the NPT structure, said Iran's delegation would propose changes to the treaty during the review conference.

"This is an important meeting. For some time now, committees have been formed to undertake a fundamental revision (of the NPT) in order to achieve the aims for which the IAEA was formed," he said, quoted by Fars news agency.

"If this meeting is successful in making fundamental reforms to the NPT, it will be a big stride forward towards world security," he said.

Ahmadinejad is expected to defend Iran's right as a signatory to the NPT to master the nuclear fuel cycle, including uranium enrichment.

He is also expected to urge other NPT signatories to pressure Israel to sign the treaty, at a time when Washington is pressing world powers to impose a fourth round of UN sanctions against Tehran for defiantly enriching uranium.

Ahmadinejad's press adviser Ali Akbar Javanfekr said Iran's "constructive" proposals should be heard by US President Barack Obama.

"The proposals are in line with the slogans of change that Mr Obama makes. If he still believes in what he says, he should welcome Mr Ahmadinejad's proposals," Javanfekr said, quoted by the official IRNA news agency.

Iranian foreign ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast said Ahmadinejad's participation "gives us opportunity to elaborate on important ideas which can bring a better understanding of the conference."

But on Thursday, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned Ahmadinejad that he will fail if he tries to disrupt the New York talks.

"If President Ahmadinejad wants to come and announce that Iran will abide by their non-proliferation requirements under the NPT, that would be very good news indeed," she said.

But if he tries to "somehow divert attention from this very important global effort or cause confusion that might possibly throw into doubt what Iran has been up to ... I don't believe he will have a particularly receptive audience."

Even before he left for New York, Ahmadinejad's trip triggered controversy, with Iranian officials saying the United States had rejected visas for several members of his delegation.

Mottaki on Saturday accused Washington of holding the United Nations "hostage" by rejecting visas for an unspecified number of Iranian delegates.


Top Gun
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2009
I had read a news scroll last week saying Mr Nejad got the Visa. They had no right to refuse actually. He has been there before, and he will come again, until and unless Iran is kicked out of UN and full sanctions imposed on it! Right now, it even heads a womens empowerment committe or something the UN!!!
Feb 16, 2009
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I had read a news scroll last week saying Mr Nejad got the Visa. They had no right to refuse actually. He has been there before, and he will come again, until and unless Iran is kicked out of UN and full sanctions imposed on it! Right now, it even heads a womens empowerment committe or something the UN!!!
This is true why have a meeting and then bar members who are signatories from attending?? India, Pakistan, North Korea, and Israel are all non signatories, India was given an invitation but the Indian govt did not accept it, which I felt is a good move at this time given the hypocrisy being demonstrated by Obama administration.

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