India's Space based Telescopes and Astronomical spacecraft

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Kitty mod
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Apr 29, 2015
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Dedicated for project PRATUSH.
@Swesh @Vamsi
Should same be done for XPoSat and INSIST when they are realised?


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Jun 27, 2020
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Dedicated for project PRATUSH.
@Swesh @Vamsi
Should same be done for XPoSat and INSIST when they are realised?
Yes, do we have same for Aditya-L1 too

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Kitty mod
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Apr 29, 2015
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From ISRO/IUCAA (Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics) - URL embedded in main text (No Copyvio intended and content has been copied for purpose of archival)
Witnessing the ‘live’ formation of dwarf galaxies with AstroSat's ultraviolet-eye
Figuer 1
Figure 1: The background is a 3-color optical image taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. The small box (left) shows a sample dwarf galaxy that was observed with the Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope on AstroSat.​
AstroSat detected extremely blue star-forming clumps on the galaxy's outer boundary (3-color UV-optical image shown in zoomed-in box).​

  • Detecting massive young star-forming complexes beyond the visible boundary of faraway dwarf galaxies using the Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope on AstroSat.
  • The discovery was made by an international team of astronomers from India, the USA and France, led by Dr. Kanak Saha, Professor of Astronomy, at the Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA), Pune and was published in Nature.
  • The discovery is an important part of a Ph.D. thesis of a research scholar, Mr. Anshuman Borgohain, the lead author of the article, from Tezpur University, Assam.
  • This is also a success story of the Associateship programme for faculty and students of Indian Universities run by IUCAA, Pune on behalf of the University Grants Commission, Ministry of Education.
Galaxies are the basic building blocks of the Universe- they come in all sizes. Our galaxy, the Milky Way, is one of the giant galaxies-with billions of stars, but little current star formation. Giant galaxies such as ours are surrounded by tens of dwarf galaxies- irregular in shape, often forming stars. As we look backwards in time we see that galaxies were smaller and more irregular (since light takes time to travel, a galaxy seen 3 billion light-years away from a Universe that is 3 billion years younger). How these dwarf and giant galaxies assemble their stars and evolve into modern-day galaxies, like our own Galaxy, is still one of the major puzzles.

A recent study by a team of scientists using AstroSat (India's first dedicated multi-wavelength space observatory) shows how the star-forming complexes in the outskirts of a dwarf galaxy migrate towards the central region and contribute to its growth in mass and luminosity. This process that is now witnessed in several dwarf galaxies is a very important link in understanding the bigger picture of galaxy growth and evolution.

The discovery was made by an international team of astronomers from India, the USA and France. The study was conceived by Professor Kanak Saha at the Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA), Pune, and is published as a research paper on July 20, 2022, by the main journal of Nature [DOI: Click here], which is the world’s leading multidisciplinary science journal.

Mr. Anshuman Borgohain, the lead author of the paper, is a young Ph.D. student at Tezpur University, Assam, mentored by Prof. Rupjyoti Gogoi from Tezpur University, Assam who is a visiting Associate at IUCAA and a contributor to this discovery. Anshuman says that “Capturing the assembly process in dwarf galaxies is considered important because the diversity in their physical properties observed today challenge the current theoretical models of galaxy evolution. AstroSat/UVIT has been a remarkable addition to the list of UV observatories to date and has opened up promising windows to probe the understanding of the galaxy assembly process”. While expressing his excitement he also mentioned that this discovery forms an important part of his Ph.D. thesis for which a lot of support was provided by IUCAA and Tezpur University. This has enabled him to achieve this discovery at such an early stage in his career.

Prof. Saha, who conceived the study, has his primary research focused on how galaxies form in the early universe and how they evolve into present-day ones. He says “We are witnessing the ‘live’ formation of these far-way dwarf galaxies! UVIT's resolving power and deep field imaging techniques have been the key to spotting some very young, large star-forming clumps. These form on the periphery and then spiral into the visible (optical) boundary of their galaxy within a billion years timescale thus adding to the growth of the galaxy. A good part of our research work consists of meticulously calculating the time required for the clumps to migrate inside the galaxy”.

He also emphasised that the key challenge has been to firmly establish the detection of these faint, extremely blue, star-forming clumps which are very far away to see although they have a million solar masses of material within them. At slightly larger distances, the UVIT would not resolve these galaxies and we do not have an example of an extended disk seen in UV in any present-day dwarf galaxies. The redshift (cosmological distance) of these 12 dwarfs has been just optimal to probe these blue clumpy structures in their outskirts.

Prof. Francoise Combes of Observatoire de Paris, France, another coauthor further added that “the discovery teaches us how surprisingly stars can form in metal-poor gas disk. Normally these dwarf galaxies are dominated by dark matter and the gas disk would not be unstable. But our discovery is direct evidence that even such a gas disk fragments.” Prof. Shyam Tandon, who is also a co-author of this study, has wondered whether these clumps could have been sources of Lyman continuum photons.

“It has been a mystery how some small galaxies like these can have such active star formation” says Prof. Bruce Elmegreen of IBM Watson Research Division, USA, who contributed to the study and mentioned that these observations suggest that accreting gas in the far outer parts can be forced to move towards the centre because of the inward torques exerted by giant gas and stellar complexes. This migration builds up the central density over the lifetime of the galaxy.

Prof. Somak Raychaudhury, Director of IUCAA, Pune, points out how this is another major success story for the visiting Associateship programme of the UGC at IUCAA: “There are currently 200 such associates who visit IUCAA with their students from time to time and always interact online, and many collaborate among themselves on national and international projects, with or without IUCAA faculty. Major national facilities thus get connected to the educators and students who form the bulk of the researchers in India. At IUCAA, we train many of them on how to use facilities such as ISRO's AstroSat, and enable access to the resources that are necessary for world-class research”

The team is thankful and privileged to have such a state-of-the-art observational facility, developed and operated by the Indian Space Research Organisation in collaboration with several Indian and foreign research laboratories, that led to this important discovery. Saha mentions that future endeavours to create such facilities would ensure the continuity of scientific excellence in India.

About the lead author:
Anshuman Borgohain
is a DST-INSPIRE fellow and a research scholar at Tezpur University who worked under the guidance of Prof. Kanak Saha of the Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics, (IUCAA) Pune who mentored him remotely through IUCAAs Associateship Programme. Under this programme, Prof. Rupjyoti Gogoi from Tezpur University who is an associate at IUCAA jointly along with Prof. Saha mentored Anshuman during his entire research journey. Prof. Gogoi said, “the current work is an inspiration to young researchers of the country as this utilises data from India's indigenous satellite, AstroSat and also showcases the glorious association of IUCAA and a university, which surely will motivate the researchers working in Indian Universities. We look forward to enhancing this type of collaborative endeavour between IUCAA and Tezpur University”.

About the Associateship programme at IUCAA
A programme wherein researchers from all over the country can avail the infrastructure facilities available at IUCAA to pursue their research while they continue to remain affiliated with their parent institution. The associate who is either a faculty member of an Indian university or a post-graduate department in a college carries out the research in their institution with scheduled short and long-duration visits to IUCAA and collaborates with scientists from the institution. It aids research scholars from remote areas of the country to contribute toward cutting-edge research and work with the best in the field.

More about UVIT & AstroSat
AstroSat was launched on Sept. 28, 2015, by the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) and has onboard it the indigenously developed UltraViolet Imaging Telescope (UVIT). The 38-cm diameter UVIT is capable of simultaneous imaging in far and near-ultraviolet bands with a wide field of view. It was developed by teams from IIA, IUCAA and TIFR from India, and CSA of Canada under the leadership of Shyam Tandon, Ex Emeritus Professor, IUCAA. The development of all the instruments for AstroSat was strongly supported by ISRO. This work is the second Nature article which uses the AstroSat UV Deep Field South (AUDFs), see the webpage:

Copyright © 2022 The IUCAA. All rights reserved.

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Kitty mod
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Apr 29, 2015
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From ISRO/IUCAA (Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics) - URL embedded in main text (No Copyvio intended and content has been copied for purpose of archival)
Black hole bonanza: India’s AstroSat witnesses black hole birth for the 500th time
Figuer 1
Figure 1: Positions of all 500 Gamma Ray Bursts detected by AstroSat CZTI. Credit: AstroSat CZTI team / Aswin Suresh, Gaurav Waratkar, Varun Bhalerao (IIT Bombay).​
The background is an optical view of the night sky (Background image credit: ESA/Gaia/DPAC).​
Black holes are the ultimate cosmic enigmas: objects with a gravitational pull so strong that not even light can escape. They are the subjects of intense scrutiny from astronomers from all over the world. But how are these black holes formed? Indian scientists are making great headway in studying black hole births using our very own space telescope – AstroSat.

One way of forging black holes is the deaths of massive stars in “Gamma Ray Bursts ” – explosions so powerful that they have been called “mini big-bangs”. They send intense jets of light and high-energy radiation shooting across the universe. Another way to create Gamma-ray Bursts (GRBs) is the collision of two neutron stars – the kind of events that generate gravitational waves which LIGO-India will start detecting in the near future. Astronomers study the Gamma-rays and X-rays from such bursts to better understand explosion and black hole formation.

AstroSat is one of the most sensitive space telescopes in the world - consisting of five instruments that can simultaneously study the universe in ultraviolet, optical, and X-ray radiation. One of these instruments is the Cadmium Zinc Telluride Imager (CZTI) - which has just witnessed the birth of black holes for the five hundredth time. “This is a landmark achievement”, said Prof. Dipankar Bhattacharya of Ashoka University and IUCAA, the current Principal Investigator of CZTI. “The wealth of data obtained by CZTI on Gamma Ray Bursts is making a big impact worldwide.”

CZTI has been studying GRBs since it first opened its eyes 6.5 years ago. “The very first scientific result from AstroSat was the detection of GRB 151006A: just hours after the instrument was powered on after launch”, said Prof. Varun Bhalerao, who leads the GRB search effort. Numerous GRB studies from CZTI have been published in reputed journals worldwide. The team has worked continuously to improve the search and detection methods, getting better results every year. A key highlight of the searches is the role played by young scientists in the process: large parts of the search procedures have been developed by undergraduate students, Ph.D. students, and trainees. They are also the group responsible for daily analysis of data. Ph.D. student Gaurav Waratkar says, “It is very exciting to work on this. Every time we look at the data, I am tantalised by the possibility of discovering a signal that originated billions of light years away!”

A unique aspect of CZTI is the ability to measure the “polarisation” of X-rays: an ability that is lacking in flagship missions like NASA’s Neil Gehrels Swift Telescope or the US-Europe Fermi Space Telescope. Tanmoy Chattopadhyay (Stanford university) plays a key role in these polarisation studies. Tanmoy says, “Polarisation tells us what is happening just outside the newly formed black hole. It is the most important measurement to distinguish between different theories of Gamma-ray Bursts”.

Animation Video :
Animation showing all the positions of all 500 Gamma Ray Bursts detected by AstroSat CZTI.​
Animation credit: AstroSat CZTI team / Aswin Suresh, Gaurav Waratkar, Varun Bhalerao (IIT Bombay).​
The background is an optical view of the night sky. (Background image credit: ESA/Gaia/DPAC)​

CZT–Imager is built by a consortium of Institutes across India. The Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Mumbai, led the effort with instrument design and development. Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC), Thiruvananthapuram provided the electronic design, assembly and testing. The U R Rao Satellite Centre (URSC), Bengaluru provided the mechanical design, quality consultation and project management. The Inter University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA), Pune did the Coded Mask design and instrument calibration, and runs the Payload Operation Centre. Space Application Centre (SAC) at Ahmedabad provided the analysis software. Physical Research Laboratory (PRL), Ahmedabad, provided the polarisation detection algorithm and ground calibration. The Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB), Mumbai leads the search and study of Gamma Ray Bursts, working closely with the Payload Operations Centre at IUCAA. A vast number of industries participated in the fabrication and the University sector pitched in by participating in the test and evaluation of the payload. The Indian Space Research Organisation funded, managed and facilitated the project.

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Kitty mod
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Apr 29, 2015
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📢 A User Meet of XPoSat (X-ray Polarimeter Satellite) - India's pioneering polarimetry mission - is arranged on
May 25, 2023.

Watch it live streamed on and from 10 am IST

to know how to use the expected outcome of XPoSat to uncover the mysteries of the universe!


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Kitty mod
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Apr 29, 2015
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Quoting about ExoWorlds from IIST annual report.

Page 98
4.4.3 ExoWorlds
The study of extrasolar planets is revolutionizing modern astronomy. Envisaging a giant leap forward, a pioneering ISRO mission, ExoWorlds, is proposed, which holds the promise to be the world-leading facility in the next decade for studies of planets beyond the Solar System – the Exoplanets. The efforts towards this future space telescope are led by IIST alongwith other ISRO Centres and the University of Cambridge. The mission will make major scientific breakthroughs in Exoplanet science and catapult India to the forefront of this emerging field. The proposed mission will be
  • The largest dedicated Exoplanet mission in the world
  • The largest astronomy mission of ISRO
  • The first astronomy mission of ISRO in L2 orbit
  • The only mission of its kind and capability in the next decade globally
The ExoWorlds Consortium includes researchers from the premier institutes like TIFR Mumbai, ARIES-Nainital, PRL-Ahmedabad, IUCAA-Pune, IIA-Bangalore, IISER-Kolkata, SNBNCBS-Kolkata, St Joseph College-Bangalore, Christ University-Bangalore.

IIST hosted the first in-person Team Meet of the ExoWorlds Mission from 4 – 6 January 2019. The meeting was inaugurated by Dr. VK Dadhwal, Director, IIST, and was attended by around 40 participants. Several sessions were planned and well executed to address various aspects of the mission. Discussion and brainstorming sessions on Payload Development, Payload Operation Centre, Ancillary Science with the mission, Science Planning and Observing Strategy, Capacity building in Modelling and Theory and Observations, Data Analysis Pipeline and Workshops & Public Outreach were conducted. These sessions witnessed active and focused participation from the team members.

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Kitty mod
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Apr 29, 2015
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The first astronomy mission of ISRO in L2 orbit
Advantages of putting spacecraft in L2 point (reference to ESA's Euclid).
L2 Lagrange point, which lies about 1.6 million kilometers from Earth. It shares the location with several other spacecraft including the James Webb Space Telescope. From its vantage point, where the Earth, Moon, and the Sun always lie behind the spacecraft, Euclid would get unprecedented views of the vast cosmos.

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Kitty mod
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Apr 29, 2015
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Enlisted all high profile space based observatories of India:
  1. AstroSat (LEO) - Retired from service, detected 500+ black holes formations till date.
  2. AstroSat-2 (LEO) - In development
  3. XPoSat (LEO) - Launch planned this year
  4. ExoWorlds (L2) - In study
  5. INdian Spectroscopic and Imaging Space Telescope (INSIST) (??) - Proposal only
  6. Probing ReionizATion of the Universe using Signal from Hydrogen (PRATUSH) (Lunar surface) - Concept study


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Jun 27, 2020
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Enlisted all high profile space based observatories of India:
  1. AstroSat (LEO) - Retired from service, detected 500+ black holes formations till date.
  2. AstroSat-2 (LEO) - In development
  3. XPoSat (LEO) - Launch planned this year
  4. ExoWorlds (L2) - In study
  5. INdian Spectroscopic and Imaging Space Telescope (INSIST) (??) - Proposal only
  6. Probing ReionizATion of the Universe using Signal from Hydrogen (PRATUSH) (Lunar surface) - Concept study
Exoworlds, INSIST & many other proposals comes under Astrosat2's - Announcement of Oppurtunity

also, when did Astrosat-1 retired


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Jun 27, 2020
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No longer getting any data from it for long and that's how I put it. It's life was supposedly 5 years which has passed long ago in 2020.
there was no official announcement regarding its retirement, so I think its better to wait untill there's a official confirmation

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Kitty mod
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Apr 29, 2015
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there was no official announcement regarding its retirement, so I think its better to wait untill there's a official confirmation
May be, would say that there's been no news about AstroSat either for too long.

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Kitty mod
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Apr 29, 2015
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