India's Moon Exploration Program


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Feb 27, 2018
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Jun 21, 2014
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Sorry for being late on this but I am very busy these days.

7th Sep was a dark day in Indian space program's history. Many dreams were crushed, many eyebrows where raised. It wasn't a simple failure but a humiliating event that will permanently change Indian space program forever.

This news came as a major let down in international media. Pakistanis are jumping in joy. Big three space powers are smiling. Even Israel and France didn't show much solidarity this time.

Historically elite space club was reserved for big 2 (USA & USSR) but China broke this duopoly. They became part of this club by sending successful missions after missions. We however only did lip service but nothing was done on the ground. We have seen only delays and failures. We may want big three space club to expand and become big 4 but this won't happen at our current speed.

After being a major national disaster in first 100 days of Modi. He must be furious at ISRO. In public he may be all relaxed but knowing Modi's true nature he must be fuming at this national embarrassment. This means a big NO for any ambitious space mission as long as modi is incharge. Modi can even cancel upcoming Gaganyaan mission due to failure of Chandrayan-2 mission.

All in all expect major budget cuts for ISRO in 2020 budget. Many people will get changed (fired) in ISRO. Speeding of new space law creation. This will open doors to private space players.

Coming to Chandrayaan mission.

How ISRO shot themselves in foot?!?!

1) Location of landing.

They chose the most difficult location that is full of creators and adverse environment for their first attempt. This was a suicide mission from beginning. If any sane voices existed in ISRO they would recommend a mush safer place like near equator.

2) delays after delays

They over complicated the mission. Added too many payload on first attempt. It was more then they can chew so delays.

3) too much hype.

Bringing Net Geo in and inviting PM may look good on paper but when you have a complicated, untested mess of a mission you better keep silent.

All in all dark days ahead for ISRO. They couldn't have more pro space gov in centre yet they managed to screw this. Now BJP will approach anything space related with extreme caution just like INC.
So u r the only person in the world walks without falling right from coming out of ur mother, Congrats. May be allah helped u by holding ur both hand for not falling.
Today u earned two cents, but tomorrow for 2 cent u may sell ur mom for 0.25 cent, 0.75 ur wife and remaing 1 cent u sell ur daughter, go and see ur business well, there ur manager eying ur dear one
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New Member
Feb 27, 2018
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To put things in perspective.

Although, we are 60 years behind thanks to Congress.
Sure...Congress was at fault......:frusty: you do realise the condition of the country for the first 30 years , right..?


New Member
Mar 9, 2019
Sorry for being late on this but I am very busy these days.

7th Sep was a dark day in Indian space program's history. Many dreams were crushed, many eyebrows where raised. It wasn't a simple failure but a humiliating event that will permanently change Indian space program forever.

This news came as a major let down in international media. Pakistanis are jumping in joy. Big three space powers are smiling. Even Israel and France didn't show much solidarity this time.

Historically elite space club was reserved for big 2 (USA & USSR) but China broke this duopoly. They became part of this club by sending successful missions after missions. We however only did lip service but nothing was done on the ground. We have seen only delays and failures. We may want big three space club to expand and become big 4 but this won't happen at our current speed.

After being a major national disaster in first 100 days of Modi. He must be furious at ISRO. In public he may be all relaxed but knowing Modi's true nature he must be fuming at this national embarrassment. This means a big NO for any ambitious space mission as long as modi is incharge. Modi can even cancel upcoming Gaganyaan mission due to failure of Chandrayan-2 mission.

All in all expect major budget cuts for ISRO in 2020 budget. Many people will get changed (fired) in ISRO. Speeding of new space law creation. This will open doors to private space players.

Coming to Chandrayaan mission.

How ISRO shot themselves in foot?!?!

1) Location of landing.

They chose the most difficult location that is full of creators and adverse environment for their first attempt. This was a suicide mission from beginning. If any sane voices existed in ISRO they would recommend a mush safer place like near equator.

2) delays after delays

They over complicated the mission. Added too many payload on first attempt. It was more then they can chew so delays.

3) too much hype.

Bringing Net Geo in and inviting PM may look good on paper but when you have a complicated, untested mess of a mission you better keep silent.

All in all dark days ahead for ISRO. They couldn't have more pro space gov in centre yet they managed to screw this. Now BJP will approach anything space related with extreme caution just like INC.
As per your argument no one should explore any science after a failure... Are you mad... The intrest in space science in India increased many fold.. they will get more fund and more attention now.. I have seen people talking about this mission at home, at shop, at bus or railway station, people are positively talking about it .. it's q great change, space science toughest field as we know and failure rate is always higher but that makes people more and more involved with it...

India was united at the early morning of 7th Sep beacuse of this mission.


New Member
Apr 28, 2019
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As per your argument no one should explore any science after a failure... Are you mad... The intrest in space science in India increased many fold.. they will get more fund and more attention now.. I have seen people talking about this mission at home, at shop, at bus or railway station, people are positively talking about it .. it's q great change, space science toughest field as we know and failure rate is always higher but that makes people more and more involved with it...

India was united at the early morning of 7th Sep beacuse of this mission.
Absolutely and this buffoons are afraid of Pakistanis laughing , what a joke. Typical Indian trait of looking at foreigners for approval. It was heartbreaking but certainly not a humiliation.
Even the chinis lost their mars probe so should the stop.
Columbia disaster was one of the worst space accidents , did NASA shutdown?? We have such a fragile attitude

Assassin 2.0

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Aug 13, 2019
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So now the question is. Does india is the 4th country to send a intact rover on moon? Even if link is not established?

Non the less isro is pride of india the things they achieved motivates every young kid and makes every indian proud.

Some dumb idiots claim this thing embarrassment are born cuck they themselves don't know they are try of 6- or 7th time of there mommy and daddy and that to after taking baba ka churan.


United States of Hindu Empire
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May 29, 2009
What are the chances of communication loss due to deviation or change of the orientation of the antenna? Or Orientation doesn't matter.


Quarantined Abdul
Feb 16, 2019
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Columbia disaster was one of the worst space accidents , did NASA shutdown?? We have such a fragile attitude
Columbia disaster was million times more devastating than Chandrayaan 2 Vikram lander loss. We as a nation needs some growing up to do. When Abhinandan was caught in PoK and was being beaten, some Indians felt so humiliated that they wished he had died in crash.

Can't expect win everytime. There will be setbacks and that's life.


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Jun 17, 2009
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As per the latest report, the lander is travelling at 59 m/s just above one 1 km, it might be a hard landing.


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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Irrespective of the outcome of Chandrayaan 2, for now I am convinced that it is “science” that can unite our country.

Somehow majority of our people of all ages seem to understand science much more easily than politics, ideology and religion.

This phenomenon needs to be studied and utilised. It’s time to create scientific celebrities on par with film celebrities. It would be better if we can find some photogenic scientific celebrities.


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Apr 24, 2019
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Is it true that ISRO's employees had cut in their salaries by the government? Many are tweeting on this topic.


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Jun 17, 2009
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Is it true that ISRO's employees had cut in their salaries by the government? Many are tweeting on this topic.
wrong, propaganda from our neighbor it seems.

They cannot digest the fact that in spite of a major glitch in landing, Indians appreciated and stood with ISRO.

Pakistani army cut their salaries, this means they failed their country in economy and security.


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Jun 21, 2018
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An ISRO official said: "Unless and until everything is intact (lander), it's very difficult (to re-establish contact). Chances are less. Only if it had soft-landing, and if all systems functioned, then only communication can be restored. Things are bleak as of now."

"I will rate it (restoring link) as good," another senior official of the space agency said, raising hope that lander springing to life again is not ruled out.

"But there are limitations. We have experience of recovering spacecraft (which had lost contact) in geostationary orbit. But here (in the case of Vikram), that kind of operational flexibility is not there. Already it's lying on the surface of the Moon, and we cannot reorient it.
Vital thing is antennas will have to point towards the ground station or the orbiter. Such an operation is extremely difficult. At the same time, chances are good and we will have to keep our fingers crossed," the official said.

The official said the lander generating power is not an issue, as it has "solar panels all around it" and it also has "internal batteries" which "are not used much."


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Jun 21, 2018
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While several offer prayers at Tamil Nadu's Chandranaar temple, ISRO comes out with good news

When several people were offering prayers for Chandrayaan-2 mission at Tamil Nadu's Chandranaar temple on Monday, ISRO came out with a good news saying that the Vikram lander is safe.

Seeking the Moon-god Chandran's blessings for Indian space agency establishing communication links with the Chandrayaan-2 moon lander Vikram, special "abhishekam" was held at the Chandranaar Temple in Tamil Nadu's Thanjavur district.

"In the morning we had special abhishekam for the blessings of Chandran so that communication link can be established with Vikram," V. Kannan, Manager at the Sri Kailasanathar Temple or Chandranaar Temple said.

He said it was unfortunate that Vikram had some problems.

According to him, Monday is a special day for Chandran God. Chandran is also known as 'Thingal' in Tamil and Monday in Tamil is 'Thingal'.

Early on September 7, Vikram while on its descent to soft-land on the lunar's south polar region apparently lost control and crash-landed on the lunar surface snapping communication links.

On September 8, Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) said it has found its moon lander Vikram on the lunar surface.

"The lander seems to have hit the lunar surface and is in an upturned position," an official told IANS preferring anonymity.

