India's Moon Exploration Program


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Apr 13, 2013
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Happy to find amatuers and scientists of Intl community commending us. Even many Britshits are silent this time. Guess they know their aukat now.

Britshits will be silent..
all the looters from India.starting from Brits has found their asylum in Britishitland.
and the looters with their looted wealth is pacing against India.

Its very natural for britshits to be silent..
read a report some months back that brits are STARTING TO THINK that India is a serious player in the future global economy and them britards found that they dont have much of trade deals and other arrangements with India..

need to wash away the COMMON WEALTH nonsense and the stoopid fests associated with it


New Member
Feb 28, 2019
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Britshits will be silent..
all the looters from India.starting from Brits has found their asylum in Britishitland.
and the looters with their looted wealth is pacing against India.

Its very natural for britshits to be silent..
read a report some months back that brits are STARTING TO THINK that India is a serious player in the future global economy and them britards found that they dont have much of trade deals and other arrangements with India..

need to wash away the COMMON WEALTH nonsense and the stoopid fests associated with it
UK has become a colony of USA. They can only bark, but nobody cares. Just wait and see what happens to them as Asia and India become the financial capitals of the world.


New Member
Apr 6, 2019
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Contrary reports are coming while this report suggests Vikram might be tripped At the same time, today's interview of K Sivan with dd nation suggest something else
Where he quote " we will try to establish A link
With Vikram" does it mean Vikram had landed safely and it's just communication lost?


New Member
Feb 19, 2017
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Britshits will be silent..
all the looters from India.starting from Brits has found their asylum in Britishitland.
and the looters with their looted wealth is pacing against India.

Its very natural for britshits to be silent..
read a report some months back that brits are STARTING TO THINK that India is a serious player in the future global economy and them britards found that they dont have much of trade deals and other arrangements with India..

need to wash away the COMMON WEALTH nonsense and the stoopid fests associated with it
They WILL come and beg us for a Trade deal within a short time. Bastards, we'll do our style of arm twistin then, for everythin they've done since independence, interest compounded. Britain is gone. Once Economy is hit, the desert cult savages will take over Not So Great Britain burrough after burrough. There will come a time when even Gibraltar seeks referendum along with Scotland and Northern Ireland.
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New Member
Mar 20, 2018
Check out the link I put up. Blokes any idea on how to upright a lander?
Depends on the state of the components in the lander.

I would think that the lander has diverters(side thrusters) that could be used to make it roll over to rest on its side. But it is highly unlikely that it could be set in upright position....given the legs the lander has.

The question now is if it is possible to get the pragyan rover out.

All questions might be moot if the comms don't work!!!
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New Member
Mar 20, 2018
Contrary reports are coming while this report suggests Vikram might be tripped At the same time, today's interview of K Sivan with dd nation suggest something else
Where he quote " we will try to establish A link
With Vikram" does it mean Vikram had landed safely and it's just communication lost?
Some good info/analysis on the final events of the lander..........................

Assassin 2.0

New Member
Aug 13, 2019
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They WILL come and beg us for a Trade deal within a short time. Bastards, we'll do our style of arm twistin then, for everythin they've done since independence, interest compounded. Britain is gone. Once Economy is hit, the desert cult savages will take over Not So Great Britain burrough after burrough. There will be come a time when even Gibraltar seeks referendum along with Scotland and Northern Ireland.
This diplomatic eructation of the British Parliamentarians questioning the decision of the elected representatives of the people of India is not just a faux pas but a gaffe by a pigmy of a nation seeing its own breakup – British Occupied Northern Ireland and Scotland get freedom from the once ‘United Kingdom’!? It also gives traction to the machinations indulged in by Britain in partitioning India so that it does not become a great power in the future.
*india needed a strong party and a leader modi ji is a great leader he will shape new india he doesn't speak shit he don't ask for help. A National Power hinges on political “Will" india is becoming the nation which brits and many western countries feared that this country can out power us any day under Modi government our leadership is much much bigger and is having much stronger global image. than what was under congress control government or in my eyes top leaders are putin xi shemlae and Modi ji and somewhat french president.
Tho i don't like gandhi but still this quote is good. - “In a gentle way you can shake the World.” — Mahatma Gandhi

India should leave common wealth that day when we are biggest funder and strongest country because of which that group live and when we leave it that whole group will shatter like a piece of cards.
That group is a disgrace even nehru was against it.
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Oct 12, 2013
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Sorry for this long post via Facebook:


हम भारतीय मूल रूप से भावुक ही होते हैं..ये सब नार्थ साउथ..हिंदी गैर हिंदी..काऊ बेल्ट नॉन काऊ बेल्ट...दलित सवर्ण..अगड़े पिछड़े इत्यादि नैरेटिव हमको राजनीति रूप से बांटने की कोशिश मात्र हैं..लेकिन हमारे मन के सबकोंश्यस में छिपे विचार को ये खत्म नहीं कर पाते। हमारे चीजों को देखने का उनको समझने का तरीका "अपनेपन" के साथ जुड़ा हुआ है। इसरो के वैज्ञानिकों का हम रंग नहीं देखते, रूप नहीं देखते, उनकी भाषा, उनकी जाति, उनका राज्य नहीं देखते..हमें उनमें भारत माँ के सपूत ही दिखते हैं...यही भाव हमारा सेना और अर्द्धसैनिक बलों के जवानों को देख के रहता है..क्योंकि हम जानते हैं कि देश पहले है बाकी सब बाद में।

"विक्रम" को लेके हम सब भावुक हो रहे हैं..जो टेक्नोलॉजी समझता है उसका दुख अलग है..लेकिन जो नहीं भी समझता वो भी उतना ही दुखी है..क्योंकि बात जब देश की आती है तो सिर्फ "भाव" ही मायने रखता है..और ये "भाव" ही हम सबको पूरी दुनिया से अलग करता है।

"विक्रम" की बात करते करते हमारी आंखों में जो आँसू झलक आ रहे हैं उसकी एक वजह ये भी है कि "विक्रम" से हम सबका भावनात्मक तौर पर जुड़ाव परिवार के उस छोटे बच्चे जैसा हो गया है जो देश सेवा में हम सबसे लाखों किलोमीटर दूर चला गया है..अकेले ही..वो हमसे बात करने की कोशिश कर रहा है..पर हम तक उसकी आवाज़ नहीं आ पा रही है..हो सकता है वो अपनी पूरी कोशिश कर रहा हो..हो सकता है वो भी हमारी आवाज़ न सुन पाने की स्थिति में और परेशान हो..यही भाव है जहाँ मशीन और इंसान का भेद मिट जाता है..क्योंकि हम भारतीय ऐसे ही होते हैं..जिससे रिश्ता जुड़ गया उसे जन्मों जन्म निभाते हैं..

"विक्रम" हम सबके परिवार का सदस्य बन के चाँद पर गया है..जो हमारे आंसू हैं वो हमारी फिक्र के आंसू हैं..क्योंकि हम जानते हैं वो देश की सेवा के लिये..देश के कल के लिये हम सबसे इतनी दूर चला गया है..

यही भाव हमें सबसे अलग करता है..हम नारियल भी फोड़ते हैं और चाँद तक जाने की ताकत भी रखते हैं..

हाँ, हम भारतीय हैं..और हम जब भी करते हैं कमाल करते हैं.. [emoji3590]

Sent from my ONEPLUS A5000 using Tapatalk


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Sep 24, 2016
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There is no national shame in what has happened. China lost contact with their Jade Rabbit, Israel crashed their lander... it is par for the course.
Like I said we are the only nation other than USA to have our probes in both lunar and martian orbit simultaneously.

We should be proud. The European are on Mars but not moon and Chinese are on moon but not mars. Hehe.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
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Apr 29, 2015
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See in space landings, there are 2 basics:

1) Controlled descent and soft landing on Moon or another planet. This is one mission. The extended version is point 2.

2) Sample Return which is done by a small rocket over the top of the lander (which landed in point 1) where samples are loaded and sent back to earth which then navigates towards Earth and enters Earths atmosphere and falls in either ocean or desert with heat shield and parachuting techniques.

Now if you want to Land a rover, a manned mission and get them back from Moon, Mars, Asteroid, there is nothing outside of the above 2. Everything is covered in that.

Let’s look at the most challenging parts in both the cases:

In Number 1, remember the Moon itself is orbiting on its own axis along with orbiting the Earth. It’s not a stationary object. The lander has to land at a pre determined spot. Timing is everything. Firing of thrusters at the right time with the right level of power. Stopping them just before it reaches a height of few meters so that dust from the surface doesn’t pile up on the lander upon landing. These may look small in terms of time and complexity but they are make or break for a mission which happened with the Vikram lander.

In number 2, exiting the atmosphere of that body, achieving the necessary delta to exit the gravity, then getting into the right trajectory towards earth, requiring the correct delta to get captured in Earths orbit either by firing thrusters (not possible to carry enough fuel for this part) or using gravity assist of Earth, surviving entry into earths atmosphere, recovery of samples. There is no guarantee that samples would not be contaminated or damaged.

Number 1 is the basics of all manned and unmanned LANDINGS on any extra terrestrial body. If you cut short there, you are gonna fail miserably in future.

Remember this was our first landing attempted. US and Soviets have a long learning curve with many failures.

Just giving you an idea of the amount of challenges that would come in your plan of directly going to Sample return mission.
Let me summarize it briefly. Holding program back to conduct step one by one is uneconomical & redundant.

Applying your logic, Pragyan rover shouldn't have been sent with lander. There is no need to launch same robots again if a highly distinct component isn't added. Collect as much as information, data & research, whatever it takes for its development.


New Member
Mar 20, 2018
Comment section is filled with obnoxious , judgemental , supremacist people probably Americans self bloating over NASa(fair enough) thanx to Nazi engineers and op paperclip
I never read Youtube comments section. After you mentioned, I glanced at seems like mostly conciliatory and some funny snide remarks. But who cares!

I thought the video itself was quite decent. He was analytical and also very supportive of ISRO's Chandranyaan-2 achievement.


"Shaktimev Jayate" - Strength Alone Triumphs
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Sep 19, 2016
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Latest update from GOI:

Taking it to Twitter in a series of tweets, Principal Scientific Adviser Dr. Krishnasamy Vijay Raghavan decodes the journey of Chandrayaan-2 from now on:

  • Since the launch of Chandrayaan-2 on July 22, 2019, India and the world watched its progress from one phase to the next with great expectation and excitement.
  • The Chandrayaan-2 mission is very complex, and a significant technological leap from previous missions of ISRO. This brought together an Orbiter, Lander and Rover to explore the unexplored south polar region of the Moon.
  • This unique mission, aimed at studying not just one area of the Moon but also its exosphere, the surface and sub-surface in a single mission.
  • The Orbiter has already been placed in its intended orbit around the Moon and shall enrich our understanding of the moon’s evolution, map minerals, water molecules in the polar regions, using its eight state-of-the-art scientific instruments.
  • The precise launch and mission management has ensured a long life of almost 7 years instead of the planned one year.

  • Here is a list of cutting-edge science that will come from the orbiter from ISRO.
  • The Orbiter camera is the highest resolution camera (0.3m) in any lunar mission so far and has already started providing high-resolution images which will be immensely useful to the global scientific community.
  • Orbiter camera: The pictures I saw this morning were truly extraordinary. TMC 2 is a miniature version of the Terrain Mapping Camera used onboard the Chandrayaan 1 mission.
  • TMcv2’s primary objective is mapping the lunar surface in the panchromatic spectral band (0.5-0.8 microns), high spatial resolution(5m), swathe(20 km from 100 km lunar polar orbit). Data will give clues about the Moon's evolution, prepare 3D maps of the lunar surface.
  • CLASS measures X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) spectra to detect elements such as Magnesium, Aluminium, Silicon, Calcium, Titanium, Iron, and Sodium. The XRF technique will detect these elements by measuring the characteristic X-rays they emit when excited by the Sun's rays.
  • XSM observes the X-rays emitted by the Sun and its corona, measures the intensity of solar radiation in these rays, and supports CLASS. Provides solar X-ray spectrum in the energy range of 1-15 ke
  • XSM will provide high-energy resolution and high-cadence measurements (full spectrum every second) of solar X-ray spectra as input for analysis of data from CLASS.
  • Imaging Infra-red spectrometer (IIRS) has two primary objectives: i. global mineralogical and volatile mapping of the Moon in the spectral range of ~0.8-5.0 µm for the first time, at the high resolution of ~20 nm.
  • IIRS second objective: Complete characterization of water/hydroxyl feature near 3.0 µm for the first time at high spatial (~80 m) and spectral (~20 nm) resolutions.
  • One more from IIRS: will also measure solar radiation reflected off the Moon's surface in 256 contiguous spectral bands from 100 km lunar orbit.
  • Dual-frequency (L and S) synthetic aperture radar (SAR) will provide enhanced capabilities compared to Chandrayaan 1's S-band miniSAR in areas such as: L-band for greater depth of penetration (About 5m — twice that of S-band).
  • SAR: Circular and full polarimetry — with a range of resolution options (2-75 m) and incident angles (9°-35°) — for understanding scattering properties of permanently shadowed regions.
  • SAR: The main scientific objectives of this payload are: High-resolution lunar mapping in the polar regions. Quantitative estimation of water-ice in the polar regions. Estimation of regolith thickness and its distribution.
  • Chandrayaan Atmospheric compositional explorer 2 (CHACE 2) will continue the CHACE experiment carried out by Chandrayaan 1.
  • CHACE 2 is a Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer (QMA) capable of scanning the lunar neutral exosphere in the mass range of 1 to 300 amu with the mass resolution of ~0.5 amu.
  • CHACE 2's primary objective is to carry out an in-situ study of the composition and distribution of the lunar neutral exosphere and its variability.
  • Dual Frequency Radio Science Experiment (DFRS) To study the temporal evolution of electron density in the Lunar ionosphere.
  • DFRS: Two coherent signals at X (8496 MHz), and S (2240 MHz) band are transmitted simultaneously from satellite, and received at ground-based deep station network receivers.
  • The Vikram Lander followed the planned descent trajectory from its orbit of 35 km to just below 2 km above the surface
  • All systems and sensors of the Lander functioned excellently until this point. Tested and proved many new technologies such as the variable thrust propulsion technology used in the Lander.
  • Success criteria were defined for each and every phase of the mission and so far 90 to 95% of the mission objectives have been accomplished and will continue to contribute to Lunar science. notwithstanding the loss of communication with the Lander.
  • Project review teams made presentations to mission management, Chaired by Dr. Sivan right through the early hours of today onward. They are already addressing causes and learning from the events.
  • After a moment of despondency, it is back to work!! It is inspirational to see this characteristic of science in collective action. Kudos to ISRO.
This is a very tech mission. Now just imagine the amount of tech we lost on the lander. ISRO chiefs tears had lots of value which we now understand.
Amazing! This should be a pinned post somewhere on DFI.

