India's Air Defense System and its Capabilities


New Member
Sep 12, 2009
i agree, but such information if posted here will be already on google. we should not post such information


New Member
May 10, 2010
i agree, but such information if posted here will be already on google. we should not post such information
I beg to differ.Its here because its already on Google. you think our defence establishment is fool to let out the information to everyone.


DFI Technocrat
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Oct 10, 2009
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i agree, but such information if posted here will be already on google. we should not post such information
Trust me, incidents like the purulia arms drop tell our enemies much more about the gaping holes in our radar network than any google search or forum post ever will!


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Aug 17, 2010
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Range vs. Radar Horizon


Missile system engagement ranges are arbitrary figures. They represent the maximum range that a given SAM system can engage a target. They are not, however, fully representative of the missile's overall engagement envelope.


There are two factors which will limit a SAM system's engagement range: terrain and the radar horizon. Both of these limitations can limit the SAM system's engagement range at a given altitude. While terrain constraints can be limited by deployment strategies and by using mast-mounted or elevated radar systems, the radar horizon is always present.

The radar horizon is the maximum distance from an emitter emplaced at a given height at which it can view a target at a given altitude. This is a significant factor to understand when analyzing a SAM system as the radar horizon will determine which targets are detected and engaged at a given range. In other terms, the radar horizon is the point along the Earth's surface downrange from the SAM radar beyond which the radar may no longer continue to view a target at a given altitude. It should be noted that radar horizon and visual horizon are not identical. Due to the ability of radar waves to travel along the Earth's surface for a short distance beyond the visual horizon, the radar horizon figure will be greater than that of the visual horizon.


When the radar horizon values for a given radar are combined with the maximum and minimum engagement ranges and altitude figures for an associated SAM system, the true engagement envelope of that SAM system becomes clear. To illustrate this point, consider the S-300PM (SA-20B GARGOYLE) SAM system equipped with the 48N6D missile.

The S-300PM/48N6D combination possesses the following capabilities:
-Engagement range: from 3 to 200 kilometers
-Engagement altitude: from 10 to 27,000 meters

Postulating that the engagement radar is mounted at sea level, the radar horizon for 10 meters altitude, the minimum altitude at which the system can engage a target, is set at approximately 13 kilometers downrange from the radar set. Extrapolating this data indicates that a target must be at an altitude of no less than 2,352 meters (7717 feet) to be detected and engaged at the system's maximum range of 200 kilometers. When placed atop the 23.8 meter 40V6 mast assembly, the radar horizon at the minimum engagement altitude is set at approximately 33 kilometers, increasing to 39 kilometers if the taller 38.8 meter 40V6M mast assembly is employed. When the 40V6 or 40V6M are employed, the radar minimum engagement altitudes at maximum engagement range decrease to 1903 and 1787 meters (6243 and 5863 feet), respectively.

What this demonstrates is that the minimum altitude figure for a long-range SAM system is dependent upon the height of the emitter in conjunction with the radar horizon. Displaying the above information graphically provides an accurate estimation of the S-300PM's true engagement capabilities, illustrating the true minimum altitudes at which the system can engage a target across its entire engagement range:

The same graphic is provided below using Imperial measurements:


The graphics provided above are based on the data for the system when placed at sea level. Any measures taken to increase the height of the emitter, either by placing the engagement radar on a mast assembly or by siting it at higher altitude, will increase the radar horizon value for the minumum engagement altitude. To illustrate this point, consider the example of the Kaliningrad Oblast's five S-300PS batteries.

The five engagement radars are deployed with the following parameters:

Northeast: 248 feet above sea level, 40V6 mast
Northwest: 126 feet above sea level, 40V6 mast
Central: 34 feet above sea level, 40V6 mast
Southeast: 116 feet above sea level, radar at ground level
Southwest: 3 feet above sea level, radar at ground level

Integrating this data with the minimum engagement altitude of 25 meters for the S-300PS, the sites demonstrate the following maximum engagement ranges at the system's minumum engagement altitude:

Northeast: 62 kilometers
Northwest: 53 kilometers
Central: 45 kilometers
Southeast: 45 kilometers
Southwest: 25 kilometers

The following image depicts the engagement zones of the Kaliningrad Oblast's S-300PS batteries against targets at 25 meters altitude:

Superimposing range rings depicting the S-300PS's maximum engagement range of 90 kilometers over the range rings depicting the engagement ranges for minimum altitude targets illustrates how the emitter altitude and radar horizon figures have varying affects on a SAM system's engagement capabilities:


Understanging the affect of the radar horizon on a given SAM system is an integral part of comprehending the true effectiveness of that SAM system. Such understanding allows the analyst to determine blind zones in the engagement envelope where low altitude platforms may operate without fear of being engaged. Proper exploitation of these blind zones could impart a significant tactical advantage during an aerial campaign, highlighting the importance of a complete understanding of a SAM system's engagement capabilities across its entire range spectrum.


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Aug 17, 2010
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Rajendra is a passive Phased Array Radar

Rajendra is a passive Phased Array Radar developed by the Indian DRDO. It is a multifunction radar, capable of surveillance, tracking and engaging low radar cross section targets. It is the heart of the Akash Surface-to-air missile system and is the primary fire control sensor for an Akash battery.
Rajendra, multifunction phased array radar, is the primary sensor at battery level for Akash SAM system - an air defence system for the Indian Army as part of Integrated Guided Missile Development Programme (IGMDP). The radar has the capability to perform extensive search, track multiple targets and missiles, and to command and guide own multiple missile concurrently. The radar system, mounted on two tracked vehicles – Battery Level Radar (BLR) and Battery Control Center (BCC), is
available to tactical forces for all types of operations with matching mobility. The radar has the flexibility to work in Group or Autonomous mode, and it has UHF communication facility to support Group mode of operation.

Current status

The Rajendra Multi-Function Phased Array radar system, designed at the Electronics and Radar Development Establishment (LRDE), part of DRDO, is currently in production at Bharat Electronics Limited. This is named after India's First president Dr. Rajendra Prasad.

The Akash missile is believed to have tail G/H-Band beacon to assist tracking by engagement radar. Guidance system is inertial with mid-course command updates from Rajendra and semi-active radar seeker for terminal phase (final 3-4 seconds).

The LRDE is working on the Rajendra III radar for the Indian Army. Rajendra III is a slewable phased array radar based on the T-72 chassis. As of 2007, the BLR-III vehicle on T-72 chasis was ready for a track test. The Phased array antenna is fabricated at Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL), Ghaziabad. Collimated beam pattern and s/s cure for all 16 spot frequencies has been taken.

Current orders for the Rajendra and its derivatives are at least 32 units, considering the order for 2 Squadrons of the Akash system by the Indian Air force and the indent for 28 Weapon Locating Radars by the Indian Army.
The Indian Doppler Radar (INDRA) series of 2D radar

The Indian Doppler Radar (INDRA) series of 2D radars were developed by India's DRDO for the Army and Air Force. The INDRA-I is a is a mobile surveillance radar for low level target detection while the INDRA-II is for ground controlled interception of targets.

Contents [hide]
2.1 Features
3 Current status
3.1 Current operators
3.2 System characteristics
4 References
5 External links

INDRA-I is a 2D mobile surveillance radar for low level target detection. The radar is housed in two wheeled vehicles. Some of the main features are automated Track While Scan (TWS), integrated IFF and high scan rate for high speed target detection. The radar is produced by Bharat Electronics Limited and inducted into service. The INDRA-I was a landmark project for the DRDO, as it was the first large radar system designed by the organization and produced in number for the defence forces. The Indian Air Force operates thirty INDRA-I's whereas the Indian Army also has several.


It is a variant of INDRA radar for ground controlled interception of targets. The radar uses pulse compression for detection of low flying aircraft in heavy ground clutter with high range resolution and ECCM capabilities. The radar has been produced by Bharat Electronics Limited and is used by Indian Air Force and Army. Seven INDRA-IIs have been ordered by the Indian Air Force.

Fully coherent system
Frequency agility
Pulse compression
Advanced signal processing using MTD and CFAR Techniques
Track while scan for 2-D tracking
Full tracking capabilities for manoeuvering targets
Multicolour PPI Raster Scan Display, presenting both MTI and Synthetic Video
Integral IFF
Ease of transportation and fast deployment
The Central Acquisition Radar (3D-CAR) ROHINI & REVATHI variants

The Central Acquisition Radar (3D-CAR) is a 3D radar developed by DRDO for use with Akash SAM. The 3D CAR was developed as part of a program between DRDO and Poland's PIT to develop a family of mobile, S-Band 3D radars. The areas of cooperation were in developing the Planar Array and general architecture. The Indian variant is the 3D CAR, a medium range surveillance radar for Akash at Group level, intended to provide high mobility and comprehensive high and low level coverage. The Polish versions, are the TRS series of S Band mobile radars such as the TRS-17 and TRS-19. The original Indian (3D CAR) and Polish (TRS 17) radars shared the basic architecture and antenna but differed in terms of purpose designed transmitter/receivers, and signal processing equipment. The TRS series for instance can track 120 targets, while the Indian radar tracks 150.

India has further developed its 3D CAR into all new locally produced ROHINI & REVATHI variants. The ROHINI is the Indian Air Force specific variant whereas the REVATHI is for the Indian Navy. These replace the original joint development items such as the planar array antenna with new locally developed ones which are more capable than the original design. A third variant, known as the 3D Tactical Control Radar has been developed for the Indian Army and has cleared trials.


The Central Acquisition Radar (CAR) is a medium range high-resolution 3-dimensional surveillance radar. The Central Acquisition Radar has been designed by LRDE, a DRDO laboratory, and is produced by a joint venture between BEL, Larsen & Toubro , Astra Microwave and Entec. The radar employs a planar array antenna and provides simultaneous multi-beam coverage. It can handle 150 targets in track while scan mode.


The Rohini radar is mounted on a modified TATRA heavy truck and supported by a mobile auxiliary power unit. The TATRA is license manufactured by Bharat Earth Movers Limited (BEML).[1]


These features relate to the 3D CAR radar. Specifications for the Rohini, 3D TCR and Revathi are available in the links below.

Medium range 3D surveillance
S band operation
Surveillance Range up to 180 km
Covers elevation of up to 18 km in height
High altitude deployability
Deployment in less than 20 minutes
150 Targets in TWS
Array of ECCM features
Integrated IFF
Capable of detecting low altitude targets, and supersonic aircraft flying at up to Mach 3
Frequency agility and jammer analysis
[edit]Current status

BEL anticipates a requirement for 100 Rohini radars. BEL delivered the first ROHINI to the Indian Air Force on August 6, 2008. Around 20 radars can be manufactured annually.[2]

The ROHINI has a new Indian-developed antenna which is more advanced than that on the original CAR terms of power handling and beam forming technology.

Seven Rohinis were initially ordered by the Indian Air Force for their radar modernization program. The IAF then ordered 30 more radars after evaluation, making total orders 37 of the type.

The IAF has ordered eight Akash SAM squadrons, and the ROHINIs act as the central early warning system for an Akash squadron deployment.

The Revathi adds two axis stabilization for operation in naval conditions, as well as extra naval modes.

Two REVATHI radars were ordered by the Indian Navy for their P-28 Corvette program. Given that the Indian Navy intends to have up to 4-6 P-28 Corvettes, further orders are likely from the Navy as well.

A Revathi derivative is believed to be on the Shivalik frigate as well, which would translate to 3 additional radars as three ships of the Shivalik class are being made.

Additional orders are also expected from the Indian Army if they order the Akash SAM system.

The Indian Army is also expected to order another 3D CAR variant. The third Indian developed variant of the 3D CAR is known as the 3D TCR or tactical control radar, with a tracking range of 90 km. The radar has a lower antenna mount and is packaged in two vehicles instead of three for the Rohini. It can also feed data to a weapons station 20 km away. The radar cleared trials in 2008-09 and is expected to be ordered in numbers.

Overall, the 3D CAR program highlights India and DRDO's success in developing and manufacturing a modern 3D radar.
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New Member
Feb 17, 2009
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Kunal this with round for same gun it will be super capabilities for your air defence
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Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
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May 26, 2010
Hardened Air Cover With MR-SAMs & LR-SAMs

[FONT=&quot]If everything proceeds as planned, then the first strategic military-industrial joint sector partnership between India and Israel will soon witness its first success with the maiden test-firing in India of the Barak-2 surface-to-air missile. The Barak-2, also known as Barak-8 in Israel, will be available from 2013 in two versions--the 70km-range vertically-launched medium-range surface-to-air missile (MR-SAM) variant for the Indian Navy, and a 120km-range long-range (LR-SAM) variant for the Indian Air Force (IAF). Both variants are presently being co-developed by a consortium of entities that include India's Hyderabad-based Defence Research & Development Laboratory (DRDL), Bharat Electronics Ltd (BEL) and Bharat Dynamics Ltd (BDL) on one hand, and a consortium of Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) and TATA Advanced Systems, called NOVA Integrated Systems Pvt Ltd. The MR-SAM variant is also likely to be inducted into service by the Indian Army in future. The MR-SAM's critical design review was completed by early May 2008 and its DRDL-developed two-stage pulsed rocket motor was successfully test-fired earlier the same year. The first six sets of these rocket motors were shipped to IAI by the DRDL in July 2008 for further test and integration activities. Series production is due to begin in 2011 at the Hyderabad-based facilities of BDL and NOVA Integrated Systems. From the Indian side, the principal R & D players for both variants of the Barak-2 are the DRDL, Hyderabad-based Research Centre Imarat (RCI) and Advanced Systems Laboratory (ASL), and the Bangalore-based Electronics R & D Establishment (LRDE). Israeli companies participating in the joint venture are the MLM and ELTA Systems business divisions of IAI. While IAI/MLM is responsible for developing the guided-missiles along with the DRDL, RCI and ASL, IAI/ELTA will co-develop along with the LRDE and BEL the command-and-control system and related fire-control system (for both variants of the Barak-2).

[/FONT][FONT=&quot]It may be recalled that India and Israel inked the Barak-2 MR-SAM's joint five-year R & D contract--valued at US$556 million--on January 27, 2006, following 17 months of exhaustive negotiations. For extended ground-based long-range air defence India's Cabinet Committee on National Security on July 12, 2007 approved a $2.47 billion project to co-develop the LR-SAM variant. Subsequently, on February 27, 2009 India signed a $1.4 billion procurement contract with IAI for the Barak-2 LR-SAM, and this was followed in April the same year by a $1.1 billion contract for procuring the Barak-2's naval MR-SAM variant. In January 2009, TATA Advanced Systems and IAI entered into a military-industrial partnership for creating Nova Integrated Systems and pumped in an initial investment of $200 million. IAI held 26% and TATA 76% in the joint venture. NOVA Integrated Systems subsequently acquired an initial 30 acres of land [FONT=&quot]at the Aerospace and Precision Engineering Special Economic Zone (being developed by [/FONT][FONT=&quot]the Andhra Pradesh Industrial Infrastructure Corp) [/FONT][FONT=&quot]in Adibatla, near Hyderabad, with work on infrastructure development taking off in August 2009. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Current plans call for the Indian Navy to install between 36 and 48 Barak-2 MR-SAMs on board each of its three Project 15A Kolkata-class guided-missile destroyers (DDG) now being fitted out at Mumbai-based Mazagon Docks Ltd, as well as on board each of its seven planned Project 17A guided-missile frigates and the four Project 15B DDGs. On the other hand, the Barak-2 LR-SAM's launch customer will be the IAF, with the Navy opting for this missile for installation on board its first Indigenous Aircraft Carrier that is now being fabricated at Cochin Shipyard Ltd. The IAF has already committed itself to procuring an initial batch of nine Barak-2 LR-SAM squadrons.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]The vertical launch cell modules for the Barak-2 MR-SAM are now being developed by Mumbai-based Larsen & Toubro Ltd, with an eight-cell module weighing 1,700kg. The Barak-2 will make use of a novel nose-mounted dual guidance system: an active phased-array radar for guidance over the final 30km terminal phase of its flight; and a miniaturised, gimbal-mounted imaging infra-red seeker using an indium antimonide staring focal plane array operating in the 3 to 5 micron wavelength band. During the initial fly-out phase of flight, the Barak-2's seeker window will remain covered with a two-piece clamshell protection shroud. Metal bladders installed in the shroud will be inflated to eject the protective shroud before the combined seekers initiate target acquisition. High agility will be maintained through a tungsten jet-vane system for thrust vector control, combined with advanced electro-pneumatic control actuation systems and electro-pneumatic control actuation systems. The Barak-2 will also have a 60kg pre-fragmented warhead that in turn will use a laser-based digital proximity fuze. Service ceiling of the MR-SAM variant will be 16km, and 24 such missiles will be able to simultaneously engage 12 airborne targets. During its boost- and mid-course guidance phases, the SAM will use an integral data link to receive guidance cues from the shipborne EL/M-2248 MF-STAR S-band solid-state active phased-array multi-function surveillance, track and guidance radar developed by the ELTA Systems subsidiary of IAI.

[FONT=&quot]For the IAF's ground-based LR-SAM variant, command-and-control plus fire-control will be provided by a containerised system weighing only 1,300kg. Target search and tracking will be performed by a ground-based version of the MF-STAR, known as the EL/M-2258. On the other hand, the MR-SAM variant for the Army will make use of the motorised EL/M-2084 active phased-array multi-mode radar. Weighing about seven tonnes, the MF-STAR uses four flat, lightweight antenna arrays. For weapons guidance, the MF-STAR supports different operating modes, including mid-course guidance for active air defence missiles and illumination enslavement for semi-active air defence missiles, thus making dedicated guidance radar systems redundant. The radar also incorporates an automatic splash detection and measurement mode to support naval gunnery in maritime security and close-in defence roles. Current plans call for the Indian Navy to procure 500 Barak-2s, with the Army expected to procure up to 1,500 missiles. The IAF will be acquiring about 1,000 LR-SAMs.—Prasun K. Sengupta[/FONT][/FONT]

TRISHUL: Hardened Air Cover With MR-SAMs & LR-SAMs

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
New Member
May 26, 2010
spyder missile:
The SPYDER (Surface-to-air PYthon and DERby) is an anti-aircraft missile system developed by Rafael Advanced Defense Systems (with use of Czech Tatra chassis) and using surface-to-air versions of the Python 5 and Derby missiles, also made by Rafael Advanced Defense Systems. It is a quick reaction medium range missile system. SPYDER is capable of engaging aircraft, helicopters, unmanned air vehicles, drones and precision-guided munitions. It provides air defence for fixed assets and for point and area defence for mobile forces in combat areas.

Uploaded with

Indian Army's QR-SAM. The Times of India reports that India's Ministry of Defence has finally given the go-ahead for the army's INR 40 billion (about $820 million) Quick-Reaction SAM program. These mobile missiles would protect Indian maneuver elements like armored columns and troop concentrations, as well as important areas and installations. The Army seeks to equip 3 regiments with this contract, which is over twice the size of the IAF's 18 squadron purchase.

Indian Spiders, But Their are rumors IA using 6x6 tatras for the job..


New Member
Nov 25, 2009
Who is buying spyder system ? I thought IAF is procuring this to protect airfields and other vital installations.

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
New Member
May 26, 2010
Who is buying spyder system ? I thought IAF is procuring this to protect airfields and other vital installations.
It is been a test platform and if successful it will be in market, Many Asian, Middleast and African Countries use TATA, TATA is cheaper than MAN and Merc not to mention TATRA..

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
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May 26, 2010
Army's Air Defence Units Get More Fire Power

India after years of delay and neglect is finally adding much-needed teeth to the Indian Army' air defence units to guard against hostile aircraft, helicopters and drones attacking high-value targets.

India is planning to induct a wide array of radars and surface-to-air missile (SAM) which are valued over Rs 17,000 crore have been inked and several more are in the pipeline for the air defence artillery corps.

A major upgrade of the Army's air defence weapons is needed because over 70% India's existing inventory is obsolete or nearing obsolescence. The country's overall air defence may primarily be IAF's responsibility, but the Army too requires advanced surveillance, automation and weapon systems to ensure that it can detect and destroy any enemy aircraft much before they release their weapons.

While the IAF may be superior to it's Pakistani counterpart, the Pakistani Army air defence units across the border are much better equipped, with quick-reaction missiles and man-portable SAM's like laser-guided stingers and mistral.

To correct this technological imbalance, India has launched a massive procurement process for three types of SAM's - medium-range, quick-reaction and man-portable short-range missile systems - to replace the air defence corps' old Russian-origin Kvadrat, Strela and other systems.

These new weapons that will be inducted, will be in addition to the two regiments of indigenous Akash systems, with six firing batteries and hundreds of missiles each, ordered at a cost of Rs 14,180 crore. Deliveries of the Akash missile systems to the Indian Army will begin from March 2013 onwards. The IAF is also slated to get eight Akash missile squadrons out of which six of them will be based in the north-east to counter China valued at Rs 6,200 crore.

The 25-km-range Akash is designed to neutralize multiple aerial targets attacking from several directions simultaneously, including sub-sonic cruise missiles, in all-weather conditions.

Over and above the above mentioned acquisitions, another project worth Rs 750 crore is underway to upgrade about 50 Shilka anti-aircraft armoured vehicles, which are equipped with four 23mm automatic cannons each, and imported from Russia in the mid-1980's. Simultaneously, the Indian Army air defence units are also on course to induct about 30 three-dimensional tactical control radars, which can track airborne targets up to 90-km away and over 15 low-level light-weight radars, which can be used in mountainous terrain, for over Rs 1,500 crore.

With a massive budget for the financial year 2011-12, there are plenty of more weapons procurement programmes to be inked by the Indian Armed Forces. In the coming years, the Indian Army's air defence corp will be fully equipped with state-of-the-art weapons systems to counter any aggression from it's neighbours.

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
New Member
May 26, 2010

The modernized vehicle was displayed at Aero India, installed with a new 359 BHP Caterpillar main diesel engine and auxiliary power unit delivering 51 BHP, a pedestal mounted radar, thermal imager, daylight TV and laser rangefinder enabling the vehicle to operate in passive or 'emitting' search mode. The radar can detect targets at a range of 15km and track multiple targets at 9 km. The passive optronic sensor can operate independently of the radar detecting and tracking aerial targets as far as 8 km away. The four 23mm guns are effective at a range of 2,500 meters and altitude of 1,500 meters. The vehicle is fitted with two operator consoles, providing complete situational picture, in addition to target tracking for specific engagements. The system will be capable of receiving target cueing from remote sensors, such as air surveillance radar. The new system has an option to integrate missile systems in the future.

"‹ZSU-23/4 Upgrade


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Sep 24, 2011
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The modernized vehicle was displayed at Aero India, installed with a new 359 BHP Caterpillar main diesel engine and auxiliary power unit delivering 51 BHP, a pedestal mounted radar, thermal imager, daylight TV and laser rangefinder enabling the vehicle to operate in passive or 'emitting' search mode. The radar can detect targets at a range of 15km and track multiple targets at 9 km. The passive optronic sensor can operate independently of the radar detecting and tracking aerial targets as far as 8 km away. The four 23mm guns are effective at a range of 2,500 meters and altitude of 1,500 meters. The vehicle is fitted with two operator consoles, providing complete situational picture, in addition to target tracking for specific engagements. The system will be capable of receiving target cueing from remote sensors, such as air surveillance radar. The new system has an option to integrate missile systems in the future.

"‹ZSU-23/4 Upgrade
IMO, can't the guns be upgraded to 30mm, as it has more range and power ?
Also any news on what type of Radar it uses, and the Imaging system, products of DRDO ?

