Indian tri-Services, joint and theatre commands


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Aug 13, 2016
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As @abingdonboy said Spec ops ,Cyber and aerospace commads need to be of an Independent UCC (Unified Combat Command) type distict from UTC's (Unified Theatre Command) that are being propsed
As an example kindly find attached the Orbat of USSOCOM


Whilst the USSOCOM is classified as an Unified Combatant Command it is an independent Combat Command which has its units subed to all major USTCOM's ( US Theatre Command) but all this aside the major issue is the Interservice rivalry that will inevitably be there between the COS of the respective services

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
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Indian Army and Navy favour theatre commands, Air Force plays the lone ranger
While the Indian Army and Navy are in favour of military theatre commands, the Indian Air Force has issues over division of its air assets, nomenclature of commands, leadership of theatre commands and dilution of powers of chiefs.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi talking to Gen Bipin Rawat before he took over as Chief of Defence Staff with the mandate of raising theatre commands.
Chief of Defence Staff General Bipin Rawat has called a meeting on Wednesday of the tri-services and other stake holders to understand their concerns over theatre commands and iron out differences before working towards the raising of maritime and air defence commands this year. The ministry of defence had accorded acceptance in principle to theatre commands in 2017 with Prime Minister Narendra Modi handing over the mandate of reorganization to Gen Rawat.
Earlier this month, after a presentation, defence minister Rajnath Singh had asked Gen Rawat to call a meeting of stake holders and discuss all the issues threadbare before taking the theatre command concept to Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) for final approval. Majority nations, including tiny Maldives to mighty US, function on theatre command concept with the idea of seamless integration among the land, sea and air forces for better coordination and response. While China has reorganized its seven military districts into five theatre commands, Pakistan has sought support of Beijing to help its forces also be reorganized under the same military concept.
Although there have been media reports indicating that the entire process may be delayed, the ministry of defence, Indian Army and the Indian Navy are totally in favour of activation of the theatre commands with the Indian Air Force ploughing a lonely furrow on even issues like naming of the commands. Since the end of 1999 Kargil war, the Indian Air Force has its own version of jointmanship and integration with the sole purpose of keeping its air assets undivided and protecting its own turf. The fact is that even today, official files pertaining to army are labelled as Integrated Headquarters, Army (Ministry of Defence). The Navy filed are labelled Integrated Headquarters, Navy, but the Air Force files are still labelled as air headquarters only. This speaks volumes about Air Force vision of integration of the three services.
A senior military commander explained the context and said: "Those in doubt are confused and outdated. Has corporatisation of ordnance factory boards come with 100 per cent consensus or is it based on efficient and better management of resources. Leadership in military is meant to take decisions in best interests of security ensuring optimum and efficient management of resources. Whatever is the best way for us to achieve the objective is the way forward.”
Under the present theatre command concept, there will be three land-based commands - North comprising only of Jammu and Kashmir, and Ladakh, East comprising land area from Himachal to Arunachal Pradesh and West comprising of land area from Punjab to down south. Apart from this there will be an air defence command and a maritime theatre command with the Andamans and Nicobar Command under its jurisdiction. The maritime and air defence command will be raised by serving commander in chiefs after announcement this year and start functioning next year under the newly appointed theatre commanders. The theatre commanders will be selected from the serving commander in chiefs of the three services with air defence command going under an air marshal and maritime theatre command under a vice admiral without creation of any new posts.
With Pakistan on its west and China on its eastern flank, the northern command will remain a single unit under an army general as the theatre is expected to remain active on the Line of Control and the Line of Actual Control for time to come.
Apart from getting its air assets divided and issues like rotation among services for theatre commanders, the IAF’s concern is the perceived dilution of powers of the air chief as the theatre commanders will be in-charge of operations and directly report to the Chairman, Chiefs of Staff Committee with three chiefs as members. This concept is similar to the US concept where the chief of staff is responsible only for procurement and training while the theatre commanders report to the defence secretary.
The present command structure in the Indian military is lop-sided with Indian Army having seven commands, a much smaller Indian Air Force having similar number and Indian Navy having three commands. This structure will be rationalized under the theatre command concept with the Indian Navy expected to get one more commander in chief position.
With the Chinese PLA already functioning as one integrated unit under the Western Theatre Command along the 3488 km Line of Actual Control (LAC), the Indian military needs to get its act together and move fast on theatre commands for a cogent and strong response to the adversary in future. India has no other options.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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Indian Army and Navy favour theatre commands, Air Force plays the lone ranger
While the Indian Army and Navy are in favour of military theatre commands, the Indian Air Force has issues over division of its air assets, nomenclature of commands, leadership of theatre commands and dilution of powers of chiefs.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi talking to Gen Bipin Rawat before he took over as Chief of Defence Staff with the mandate of raising theatre commands.
How does IAF except to gain in this stalling tactic without proposing introduction of CAS(For IBG with Army) and Long Range Recon/Bombing(For IOR with Navy) into Current National Security Architecture !!!

Introducing CAS & LRR/B will give IAF leverage in how these theatres are handled.

PS : Me want CAS, Me want A10 warthog, Me have confirmation bias. :scared1::drool:
Last edited:


लड़ते लड़ते जीना है, लड़ते लड़ते मरना है
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Aug 10, 2020
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Ya'll Nibbiars A meme to the slow process.



Senior Member
Jan 12, 2020




2月2日,PAX案再次开庭,本次开庭,郭文贵的女儿郭梅参加了听证会,有他的父亲必有他的女儿,从公布的法庭记录可以看出,郭梅的证词前后矛盾,有悖常理感觉,不合逻辑,完全得到郭文贵流氓的真传。当法庭准备公布全部记录时,郭文贵惊慌失措,甚至荒唐地要求法庭对郭梅的证词保密,法官怎么每次都让你为所欲为。听证笔录的公布,将彻底暴露郭文贵和郭梅撒谎、作弊的丑陋面目。根据2月2日的庭审笔录,法官最迟会在2月9日作出最终裁决,正当郭文贵还在号召“蝼蚁”筹划所谓的战略反击,做最后的垂死挣扎时,郭美竟然突然向法官请愿,要求游艇LadyMay尽快返回纽约. 但即使游艇可以返回纽约,根据PAX一方的裁决动议草案来看,只要法官签字,郭文贵藐视法庭就难逃一劫,赔偿在所难免,甚至要支付一笔在五天内向百富罚款 1.34 亿美元,应付百富的金额将继续以每天 500,000 美元的速度累积,直到郭文贵将 LadyMay 归还管辖。突然向法官请愿,游艇 LadyMay 将尽快返回纽约。但即使游艇可以返回纽约,根据PAX一方的裁决动议草案来看,只要法官签字,郭文贵藐视法庭就难逃一劫,赔偿在所难免,甚至要支付一笔在五天内向百富罚款 1.34 亿美元,应付百富的金额将继续以每天 500,000 美元的速度累积,直到郭文贵将 LadyMay 归还管辖。突然向法官请愿,游艇 LadyMay 将尽快返回纽约。但即使游艇可以返回纽约,根据PAX一方的裁决动议草案来看,只要法官签字,郭文贵藐视法庭就难逃一劫,赔偿在所难免,甚至要支付一笔在五天内向百富罚款 1.34 亿美元,应付百富的金额将继续以每天 500,000 美元的速度累积,直到郭文贵将 LadyMay 归还管辖。

看来郭文贵要为自己的谎言和流氓行为付出惨痛的代价了,1.16亿美元未付,现在还有1.34亿美元落井下石,还有SEC和解资金等。相信PAX、SEC、 FBI等已经将已经负债累累、手头拮据的郭文贵围了起来,当郭文贵清醒地站稳脚跟时,他将面对冰冷的牢门,这个“徜徉在欺诈世界”的人脏狗”最终将入狱。法官终审判决后,郭文贵的败局已定,他的恶行终将告一段落。而那些被蒙骗,还在执着的愚蠢“蚂蚁”,眼看着郭文贵走下坡路,也应该出手伸张正义,用法律之剑终结郭文贵的恶行。
@Haldilal spam reported

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
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Andaman And Nicobar: Indian Army Paratroopers Practise Capturing Island With Air Force And Navy
by Ujjwal Shrotryia - Apr 7, 2023, 11:15 AM
A view of the sea

File photo of a Joint Exercise in A&N Islands (via PIB).
The Indian Army's Shatrujeet Brigade based in Agra recently took part in a large-scale exercise with the Andaman and Nicobar Command's tri-services command to practice their rapid reaction capabilities on the islands.
The Indian Air Force and Navy partnered with the Army to test jointness and interoperability among Special Forces of the three services.
The exercise involved responding to realistic tactical settings and contingencies.
The paratroopers flew from Agra and landed with precision on a distant island in the Andaman and Nicobar archipelago using IAF's C130 J Super Hercules plane on Wednesday.
The exercise featured validation of tactics and specialised equipments, combat jumps and ground manoeuvers.
According to sources, airborne insertion of Special Forces in island territories is crucial in managing contingencies in India's island chains and supporting neighboring nations.
The Andaman and Nicobar Islands are strategically important to India due to their location near the Indo-Pacific and major SLOCs in the Bay of Bengal.
The source said, "the joint operation with the special forces of the IAF and Navy provides cohesiveness of operating in theaterised domains”.
India had earlier established the tri-service Armed Forces Special Operations Division (AFSOD) for joint training of special forces from all three services.
Earlier in 2021, as well, the Shatrujeet brigade has conducted an airborne insertion exercise near the Line of Actual Control in eastern Ladakh. Troops were inserted at an altitude of over 14,000 ft to test their rapid response capabilities and combat manoeuvres.
Recently, the Army and IAF conducted joint exercises, including the Vayu Prahar, a multi-domain air-land exercise close to the Line of Actual Control, in the northeast.
The Trishakti Prahar was a joint training exercise conducted by the Army in February near the critical Siliguri Corridor in North Bengal. All branches of the Army, the IAF and CAPF participated in the exercise.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
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Three Theatre Commands To Be Established Next Year As Armed Forces Reach Consensus; Proposal For Air Defence Command Discarded
A view of the sea

Defence Minister Rajnath Singh with the chiefs of the Army, Navy and Air Force.
The Indian Army, Navy, and Air Force have achieved a consensus on the establishment of theatre commands, the Times of India has reported.
According to the report, the revised plan entails the creation of three integrated theater commands, each headed by a senior three-star general, namely, a Lieutenant General, an Air Marshal, or a Vice Admiral.
These commands, the TOI report adds, will be responsible for overseeing the northern borders with China, the western front with Pakistan, and a maritime command in peninsular India.
The earlier proposal for an Air Defence Command (ADC) has been discarded following strong arguments from the Indian Air Force (IAF).
The IAF emphasized that a standalone ADC would be counterproductive since "air defence" and "offensive air" missions were interdependent and could not be carried out in isolation during conflicts.
Additionally, it was deemed operationally unwise to divide the limited air assets, especially considering that the force currently has just 31 fighter squadrons, despite being authorized for 42.
“All the three services are now onboard for the theatre commands. Air assets, for instance, will not be owned by a theatre command but will shift from one to another based on the contingency faced,” a source said.
The objective is to establish the three theatre commands by next year, the source quoted by the TOI added.
The process of creating unified commands had been put on hold following the tragic demise of the first Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), General Bipin Rawat, in a helicopter crash in December 2021.
With General Anil Chauhan assuming the role of CDS in September last year, the government introduced the Inter-Services Organisations (Command, Control and Discipline) Bill in Parliament in March this year, encompassing both the existing tri-service organizations and the proposed theatre commands.
As part of the ongoing preparations, a group of 102 officers comprising 40 from the Army, 32 from the IAF, and 30 from the Navy, in the ranks of Majors and Lieutenant Colonels, have recently been cross-posted to other services.
“This cross-staffing has been done in areas of commonality in equipment like UAVs, BrahMos supersonic cruise missiles etc among the three Services,” the report quoted an officer as saying.
For instance, the IAF has assigned Squadron Leaders and Wing Commanders, including pilots, as well as personnel from logistics, engineering, and other divisions, to Army units and Navy warships.
Another significant move involves the introduction of "common annual confidential reports" for all two and three-star generals across the armed forces.
“This step to synergise the appraisal system for undertaking tri-Service appointments has been approved. Implementation will take three-four months,” another source quoted in the TOI report said.
The establishment of theatre commands and the associated initiatives aim to enhance synergy and coordination among the Indian Army, Navy, and Air Force, enabling more effective management of national security challenges.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
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Indian Armed Forces Introduces Joint Theatre Commands Led By Four-Star Officers, Equivalent In Rank To Service Chiefs: Report
A view of the sea

(L-R) Air Force Chief Marshal VR Chaudhari, Army Chief General Manoj Pande, and Navy Chief Hari Kumar.
The three joint theatre commands — two adversary specific and one maritime command — of the Indian Armed Forces will be commanded by four-star rank officers, reported Hindustan Times.
This will make the theatre commanders equivalent in rank to the Chiefs of Army, Navy and Air Force, with the Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) commanding all six.
The CDS also is the Permanent Chairman of the Chiefs of Staff Committee (CoSC). The theatre commanders will report to the CDS.
According to various reports, two theatre commands will be adversary specific, each centered around China and Pakistan, while the third theatre command will be maritime specific, primarily handling the Indian Ocean Region.
Moreover, the government has decided to create more commands like cyber, space, intelligence, missiles, drones and additional logistics commands, which will ensure that there are no loss of jobs for three-star (Lt. Generals), two-star (Maj. Generals) and one-star (Brigadiers) officers, after the theatre commands are created.
The proposal for the creation of National Defence University (NDU) will also be revived. The NDU will be tasked to prepare doctrines, concepts, and theories for the new theatre commands.
Earlier, it was thought that the theatre commanders will be three-star officers (Lt Generals, Vice Admirals and Air Marshals), raising seniority concerns between the service chiefs and theatre commanders.
“How will the Army, Navy and Air Force chiefs listen to the theatre commanders in times of war if they are of a lower rank," one officer asked.
"Since the theatre commanders are operationally responsible, they have to hold the same ranks as the tri-service chiefs," the officer added.
According to the report, the three service chiefs are believed to be on board with the new theatre command plan of the CDS.


Senior Member
Sep 27, 2022
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Can anyone explain about this theaterization? What will be its benefit? How it will be useful? What kind of theatres?

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
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Can anyone explain about this theaterization? What will be its benefit? How it will be useful? What kind of theatres?
  1. Military will be divided in 3 theatres of mixed Army, Navy & Air Force. 1 against Pakistan, 1 against China, 1 against every other potential threat in world.
  2. There will be theatre chiefs on each command as superior authority than dedicated service chiefs of Navy/army/AF.
That allows far superior synchronization as far as a two or two+ front war is concerned. Basically, moulding military into war ready posture.

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