Indian response to a Pakistani nuclear strike


New Member
Jan 5, 2013
doesnt matter a nuke will mean you will get nuked to so its an equal damage here...


New Member
Jan 5, 2013
u nuke pakistan will mean equal damage to the indian side i mean till amristar will probably be history as an effect of your think before you raze your country we dont have much to lose anyways.


New Member
Dec 20, 2012
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seems logical to make sure that Cousin C will ask the Cousin P, not to take punga with us or else both will be taken out. That way peace will be insured.
Except China has much less influence on Pakistan than the United States does. If you want someone to restrain 'Cousin P', why not aim your Agni-VIs at Washington and NYC?


New Member
Jan 5, 2013
Actually P and C will always be i think I needs a reality check;)


Phat Cat
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Feb 23, 2009
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highly unlikely that a nuclear strike will take place...its out of question...
Scenario building must take into account the impossibilities as well.


doesnt matter a nuke will mean you will get nuked to so its an equal damage here...

Indian Nuclear Policy has gone for a subtle yet significant shift. No first use against non-nuclear states afaik.

Basically, we initiate cold start, if we see Pakistan trying to press the nuclear trigger, we pip them and abandon cold start and instead nuke Pakistan extensively and decisively.

My addition to this policy is even more extreme: We not only nuke Pakistan, but also threaten to nuke any state which has helped Pakistan. ;)


u nuke pakistan will mean equal damage to the indian side i mean till amristar will probably be history as an effect of your think before you raze your country we dont have much to lose anyways.
Amritsar is about a dozen or two miles away from Lahore. Neither India will be nuking Lahore or Pakistan Amritsar.

If India does initiate a nuclear strike against Pakistan, as I said it'll be extensive and decisive, so that Pakistan cannot initiate any retaliatory measures.

Pakistan and India's nukes are at present in a disassembled state, but with SSBNs and SLBMs our nukes will be always in ready to fire mode.


Actually P and C will always be i think I needs a reality check;)
Indians and Chinese are not stupid


NRI in Europe
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Aug 10, 2009
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basically we haev enough troops to take punjab and sindh and they become part of india -
push-out and resetlle the hard cores and mullah pakjabis and sindhis to the other provinces
of (former ) pakistan as 2nd class citizens of their new lands

the other provinces, we help the nationals there
their freedom fighters, we support them
promise them independence
ask them to fight alongside us
for their freedom
we take all of the sindh coastal area plus 100%
of baluchistan coastal area
make all the new provinces now new countries
as land-based nations like a-stan
this is the deal we give them in return for guarantee of independence
if they dont accept, - we arm both the displaced pakis and nationals like usa did in other nations
and tell them their civil war will go on for decades at the very least
- if not , like israel-palestine it will go on for centuries
th displaced hard-core pakjabi mullahs and sindhis will become
like their palestinian "brothers" - who they have supported all these years
now they become one of them !

we dont need to use nules against pak
save them in case china decides to intervene
warn china that we would nuke their beautiful shanghai etc if they do
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New Member
Aug 15, 2010
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Except China has much less influence on Pakistan than the United States does. If you want someone to restrain 'Cousin P', why not aim your Agni-VIs at Washington and NYC?
The answer was already given by Sri A.P.J. ABDUL KALAM, when he said, if the need arises we can convert PSLV into an ICBM any time. America knows that India has the power and capability but because of our policy of friend and no foe, they are not bothered much.


New Member
Aug 15, 2010
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Chinese are not fools to have a bad relation with India as they would not like to waste years of hard work in developing their economy just for the sake of a small rouge and failed state of pakistan. If India nukes pakistan, it is advantage China, as there is no need of any wastage of money to keep India in control as both India and China will prosper only without pakistan. It is just because China supporting pakistan that India hates China and if there is no pakistan in the first place then there is no fight between India and China. We can have free trade and both the countries can have an equal share of resources from CAR. Both China and India can develop at even higher rate and the only common enemy would then be the NATO.If this happens India, China and Russia can rule the world together. This is the plan of the TRIANGULAR TREATY between India, China and Russia in the future and the days are near when the next step of whipping of pakistan is in its starting state.

Pakistan has been already lured into the trap by China according to the treaty and it is because of the American support the process is a bit slow.


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Aug 15, 2010
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Nuclear war to 'end civilization' with famine: Study

WASHINGTON: A nuclear war between India and Pakistan would set off a global famine that could kill two billion people and effectively end human civilization, a study said on Tuesday.

Even if limited in scope, a conflict with nuclear weapons would wreak havoc in the atmosphere and devastate crop yields, with the effects multiplied as global food markets went into turmoil, the report said.

The Nobel Peace Prize-winning International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War and Physicians for Social Responsibility released an initial peer-reviewed study in April 2012 that predicted a nuclear famine could kill more than a billion people.

In a second edition, the groups said they widely underestimated the impact in China and calculated that the world's most populous country would face severe food insecurity.

"A billion people dead in the developing world is obviously a catastrophe unparalleled in human history. But then if you add to that the possibility of another 1.3 billion people in China being at risk, we are entering something that is clearly the end of civilization," said Ira Helfand, the report's author.

Helfand said that the study looked at India and Pakistan due to the longstanding tensions between the nuclear-armed states, which have fought three full-fledged wars since independence and partition in 1947.

But Helfand said that the planet would expect a similar apocalyptic impact from any limited nuclear war. Modern nuclear weapons are far more powerful than the US bombs that killed more than 200,000 people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.

"With a large war between the United States and Russia, we are talking about the possible - not certain, but possible - extinction of the human race.

"In this kind of war, biologically there are going to be people surviving somewhere on the planet but the chaos that would result from this will dwarf anything we've ever seen," Helfand said.

The study said that the black carbon aerosol particles kicked into the atmosphere by a South Asian nuclear war would reduce US corn and soybean production by around 10 percent over a decade.

The particles would also reduce China's rice production by an average of 21 percent over four years and by another 10 percent over the following six years.

The updated study also found severe effects on China's wheat, which is vital to the country despite its association with rice.

China's wheat production would plunge by 50 per cent the first year after the nuclear war and would still be 31 percent below baseline a decade later, it said.

The study said it was impossible to estimate the exact impact of nuclear war. He called for further research, voicing alarm that policymakers in nuclear powers were not looking more thoroughly at the idea of a nuclear famine.

But he said, ultimately, the only answer was the abolition of nuclear weapons.

"This is a disaster so massive in scale that really no preparation is possible. We must prevent this," he said.

President Barack Obama pledged in 2009 to work toward abolition but said that the United States would keep nuclear weapons so long as others exist. Nine countries are believed to possess nuclear weapons, with Russia and the United States holding the vast majority.

Nuclear war to 'end civilization' with famine: Study - The Times of India

The world and China will not allow this to happen and pakistan, it is time to get rid of the rouge nation.


New Member
Aug 15, 2010
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China, in no way will they support pakistan if another war is to be fought between India and pakistan.

As far as pakistan is concerned, the game of cat and mouse is over and shut. There is no way out other than to give up KASHMIR.

As we talk the Americans are having a second thought about MODI's VISA to America, after seeing the results of four states in India, which favored BJP.

Even Americans may start thinking to support pakistan in any war now.

All the options for pakistan is near exhaustion and there is no way out and the time is only till the next General Election of India in May 2014.


New Member
Jan 9, 2012
highly unlikely that a nuclear strike will take place...its out of question...
u nuke pakistan will mean equal damage to the indian side i mean till amristar will probably be history as an effect of your think before you raze your country we dont have much to lose anyways.
doesnt matter a nuke will mean you will get nuked to so its an equal damage here...

something for anpardo ka tola like you:p:p

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ice berg

New Member
Nov 18, 2011
Under NAMO, India will not think twice before nuking Pak and anyone who tries to join on their behalf will meet same fate. pls recheck the population distribution of your country and our country and you will know who stands to lose more in case of nuke tradeoff between India & China. once you go nuke, the next step is even more nukes.
Maybe you will explain the rational of nuking China when you just received a nuke from Pakistan first.

Before checking the population distribution, you may check out the nuklear doctrines of China and India first.

ice berg

New Member
Nov 18, 2011
seems logical to make sure that Cousin C will ask the Cousin P, not to take punga with us or else both will be taken out. That way peace will be insured.
You tell me you always do what your cousins tells you to do? Right....


New Member
Nov 28, 2009
Cant be that blind?
Let me refresh your memory:

You telling me that in an event India received a nuke from Pakistan( unlikely as it wil be) you gonna nuke China. That is not jingoism?

So the Tolaha logic goes like this:
If I get pounched by P. Instead of hit back at P, I goes straight to Ps big cousin C and hit him in the stomach.
Yah, that is just everyday DFI logic.:pound:
I answer your queries by whooping your arse as I usually do. You then sulk and avoid broaching that thread altogether. The pattern has become so repetitive that it is not fun anymore! :yawn:

Instead of hit back at P, I goes straight to Ps big cousin C
Hallucinating again! Whosoever used the word "instead"! And it calls me "blind"! :tsk:

ice berg

New Member
Nov 18, 2011
China is best bet for us to make Pakistanis understand their actions and consequences.

Work on them say it nicely they may understand.
You saying that your cousin is responsible for your actions? Right...

The pakistanis fanboys may be irrational but the decision makers are hardly so.
Same as for India. Fanboys here can be irraitonal and talk about nuke this and nuke that like it is a toy, the decision makers in Delhi is hardly so
Thank god we have rational leaders. If for no other reason than self-preservation.

ice berg

New Member
Nov 18, 2011
I answer your queries by whooping your arse as I usually do. You then sulk and avoid broaching that thread altogether. The pattern has become so repetitive that it is not fun anymore! :yawn:

By whooping your arse you mean avoiding questions and come up imaginary self-proclaimed victories like you used to?:pound:
Hallucinating again! Whosoever used the word "instead"! And it calls me "blind"! :tsk:
You are trolling again son, I quoted you, you couldnt answer, you lost, again. :taunt1:


New Member
Nov 28, 2009
You are trolling again son, I quoted you, you couldnt answer, you lost, again. :taunt1:
No grandpa, nobody used the word "instead" until you did. Please do have your medications on time.

ice berg

New Member
Nov 18, 2011
No grandpa, nobody used the word "instead" until you did. Please do have your medications on time.
No, son, it is your who needs to take your daily medicine:
Indian response to a Pakistani nuclear strike is fairly straight-forward. What we do to China in case of a Pakistani nuclear strike is something that needs to be weighed in! The sole the purpose of the Chinese arming Pakistan with nukes (with the Koreans as cover) was to control India. The master is equally to be blamed for the actions of its poodle, if not more. And so, Indian actions against Pakistan has to be matched with its response against China. That's the reason we need to have enough nukes to destroy Pakistan while pushing China back by a few centuries.
Tolaha ↑

Is that you or your troll twin brother? And LMAO on the koreans part, muahhahaha. So much ignorance in one post is simple amazing, even for you.

