I don't think this is even remotely true, in fact I see the opposite. The IN has a long term plan and are executing it very well. Most of the issues they have are directly related to the babus and are not of their making.
Well this isn't strictly true is it?
The P-15A (based on the P-15 hull obviously) has a far higher indigenous content than its predecessor.
By the IN's own admission though they are still dependant on foreign tech and are actively working on this. By their own parlance, in "float", "move" and "fight" they are almost 100% on the "float" element, rather high in the "move" but not ideally placed but lagging in the "fight" segment (sensors and weapons) but as you can see from the diagram above they are indigenising the foreign "fight" segments (MF-STAR for example) and BARAK-8 is a JV as Miatri will be.
The IN has actively set a 90% target for all three segements within 10-15%. The IN is in a whole different league to the other services, do you ever here the other services openly bragging about "Make in India" and their plans to become fully self-sufficent?
You seem to be looking for reasons to attack the IN but are being very unfair and leaving yourself on shaky ground.