Indian Ballistic Missile Defense System

wild goose

New Member
Jun 15, 2009
In Test, Indian Air Defense System Is On Target

NEW DELHI - India's Prithvi Air Defence (PAD) system, which failed a test earlier this year, was more successful. July 26: A PAD interceptor missile struck an incoming target missile at an altitude of 15 kilometers, according to a scientist from the government's Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), which is developing the missile defense program.

Fired from Wheeler Island off the Orissa coast near Dhamra, the interceptor "destroyed an incoming ballistic missile - a variant of the Prithvi II that lifted off from Launch Complex-III of the Integrated Test Range at Chandipur-on-Sea." about 70 kilometers away across the sea, the scientist said.

In March, the PAD had failed a similar endo-atmospheric test when the target missile, a short-range Prithvi ballistic missile fired from a mobile launcher, deviated from its trajectory after traveling about 11 kilometers and fell into the sea, the DRDO scientist said.

The hypersonic interceptor missile did not receive the required command for takeoff from Wheeler Island during the March test, Defence Ministry sources said. But the DRDO scientist claimed the March test was not a failure as the interceptor missile's capabilities were not to blame.

The PAD system has undergone exo-atmospheric and endo-atmospheric tests. Its original Israeli-built Green Pine radar has been replaced with an indigenous system.

PAD Phase-I, which can kill an incoming ballistic missile at a height of 80 kilometers, is expected to be inducted into service in 15 months.
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New Member
May 10, 2010

some confusion in the pic

target missile should be yellow (since the trajectory has to be ballistic drop) whereas the AAD should be blue. since it change and programme to reach the target. What is strange is at the point of impact the Blue is destroyed into parts but yellow continued at same speed. BTW you can see the change of speed of blue to match yellow.

some else can throw light in absence of video ???
no yellow target is aad and blue is incoming missile
head on collision so interceptor travels in a specific path
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New Member
May 10, 2010
India's defense shield tested

Following a failed test earlier this year, India's fledgling ballistic missile defense system has run a successful launch, military officials say.

The successful test marks a significant step in India's bid to build a fully operation missile shield for key areas and installations in its terrain.

India's Defense Research and Development Organization said that a Prithvi interceptor missile managed to knock down a hostile missile at an altitude of about 9 miles. DRDO is developing the missile defense program.

The test, the fifth of the two-tier system, validated what The Hindu newspaper reported as "the endo-atmospheric layer of interception, when the ... (missile) achieved a kill of the Prithvi during the latter's terminal phase."

The launch was staged from Whealer Island off the coast of Orissa, 45 miles across the sea from Chandipur, over the Bay of Bengal where the previous hypersonic missile, veered off course and officials lost sight of it on monitoring radars, last March.

At the time, the missile deviated from its trajectory after traveling for about 20 seconds, failing to reach the required altitude of 68.3 miles. It instead reached about 43 miles before plunging into the Bay of Bengal.

An urgent investigation was launched to determine the cause of the subsystem failure and a new testing date was quickly assigned.

DRDO scientists have since then denied failure in the system, blaming instead its original Israeli-built Green Pine radar which was replaced with an indigenous system.

A DRDO scientist speaking to The Hindu, daily, said he expected the system to be operational in 2012 and the second phase four years later.

Should India succeed with its defense shield designs it will join Israel, Russia and the United States in both developing and owning such defense technology.

Although manufactured domestically, the system's tracking and fire control radars have been developed with Israel and France.

A follow-up interceptor test is said to be conducted in the endo-atmosphere in three months.

Air Marshal P.K. Barbora, said this week's mission proved that the nation was at the doorstep of having a full-fledged defense shield umbrella, "which is required considering the environment," The Hindu reported. He didn't elaborate.

Military officials say testing goals aim to obtain a kill probability of 99.8 percent by first intercepting enemy missiles outside the atmosphere and then tracking and destroying the so-called leakers, inside.

Bent on bolstering its military might, India announced plans recently to spend up to $30 billion on its military by 2012.

In recent months, for example, it inducted a long-range nuclear-tipped missile into its armed forces, unveiling, also, a defense spending budget spiked by 24 percent since last year.

The moves have Pakistan fretting, with leading officials billing India's drive a "massive militarization."


New Member
Jul 29, 2010
Experts say: The Indian anti-missile system can only be considered assembly

India was the country's 26 domestic anti-missile interceptor system test, said to be "very successful." Indian media a joy, but the outside world is relatively flat response, analysts generally believe that India is still low level of anti-missile interceptors.

26, a Chinese missile expert, said that India's anti-missile system in the current anti-missile system in the world in a "bottom" position. The test of a new air defense missile by the Indian army as "AAD" (advanced air defense systems), in use with the U.S. "Patriot" air defense missile system and Russia's S-300 series of air defense missile system similar, but technically roughly equivalent in the United States and Russia of the last century the level of the mid-80s.

The expert said that the Indian test antimissile systems that can only be blocked within a range of 1,000 km of tactical ballistic missiles, while China already has the long-range ballistic missile intercept technology. China's short-range ballistic missile has been fully achieved "solid" and the missile terminal head separation, or even use the mobile terminal measures such as penetration, India wants to deal with the existing type of missile interception system, I am afraid some powerless.

Second Artillery Command College Professor Shao Ling said that India claims to independent research and development, in fact, it's the AAD system, early warning radar from France, the interceptor missile developed by Israel to help. With so many things are imported from abroad, so the overall system compatibility will not be good.
Chinese "expert" view on India BMD


New Member
May 10, 2010
Chinese "expert" view on India BMD
Experts say: The Indian anti-missile system can only be considered assembly

India was the country's 26 domestic anti-missile interceptor system test, said to be "very successful." Indian media a joy, but the outside world is relatively flat response, analysts generally believe that India is still low level of anti-missile interceptors.

26, a Chinese missile expert, said that India's anti-missile system in the current anti-missile system in the world in a "bottom" position. The test of a new air defense missile by the Indian army as "AAD" (advanced air defense systems), in use with the U.S. "Patriot" air defense missile system and Russia's S-300 series of air defense missile system similar, but technically roughly equivalent in the United States and Russia of the last century the level of the mid-80s.

The expert said that the Indian test antimissile systems that can only be blocked within a range of 1,000 km of tactical ballistic missiles, while China already has the long-range ballistic missile intercept technology. China's short-range ballistic missile has been fully achieved "solid" and the missile terminal head separation, or even use the mobile terminal measures such as penetration, India wants to deal with the existing type of missile interception system, I am afraid some powerless.

Second Artillery Command College Professor Shao Ling said that India claims to independent research and development, in fact, it's the AAD system, early warning radar from France, the interceptor missile developed by Israel to help. With so many things are imported from abroad, so the overall system compatibility will not be good.
You can guess how reliable this article is. writer doesn't even know the RADAR that we are using for our missile defence . How can that fool comment on this. As per hims its french radar that we are using . We are using Green pine and Advance version of Green pine with increased range of 1500 KMS. At least we are not stealing the technology like them and our defence system is way ahead of them.
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New Member
May 10, 2010
one more for you .
Swordfish is an Indian Long range tracking radar specifically developed to counter ballistic missile threat. It will be a part of India's ballistic missile program. First testing of this radar was in March 2009. Main aim of the test was to validate the capabilities of the indigenously developed Swordfish Long Range Tracking Radar LRTR. "The missile to be hit will be fired from a longer distance than it was in the earlier test. DRDO tested whether the radar could track the incoming missile from that distance or not" said a member of the project.

Swordfish is an acknowledged derivative of the Israeli Green Pine long range radar, which is the critical component of that country's Arrow missile defence system. However, it differs from the Israeli system as it employs Indian Transmit Receive modules, signal processing, computers and power supplies. It is also more powerful than the base Green Pine system and was developed to meet India's specific BMD needs.


New Member
Dec 1, 2009
Thanks to Green Pine, India will know if a missile is hurling towards it but do nothing about it.

Our first line defence at borders must be the SAM's. Akash/Barak should the job in countering short range missiles and aircraft.

India has S-300 protecting all major cities but that is not enough to stop 2000 km range pak missiles. S-400 should do the job and India must acquire it if it has doubts and the current indigenous missile defence system will delay. the PAD and AAD will be the best ABM's ever made since scientists say it will be better than THAAD.


New Member
Feb 17, 2009
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for defence against cruise missile we need another cheap missile then to use costly AAD missile, better Akash II for that role.


New Member
Sep 8, 2009
The fact that the Chinese themselves have commented on India's missile shield shows that they are concerned by it.


New Member
Feb 17, 2009
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Well chines dont want there missile to be intercepted by our BMD system. It was more of cry then anything.


New Member
Sep 8, 2009
Hopefully, the day that we will have to actually use missiles will never come.

But if it does, I am much more confident of our chances of survival :emot159:

Rahul Singh

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Mar 30, 2009
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Any good SAM like Akash, MR-SAM, Maitri, Spyder will do job, all we need to do is place a chain of LLTRs along and around probable targets. After all anyway these sub sonic cruise missile are just target drone with no self defence capability. One shot will knock them out once they are pinned down in sky.


Mob Control Manager
New Member
Feb 12, 2009
The only problem with cruise missile is detection, once detected they can be taken down by variety of means, even an anti aircraft gun will do the job. or for that matter man pads can do the job effectively in some cases. We need a good system of sensors and seamless data transfers across the network, so we can detect these missiles as early as possible and direct the defenses to do the job (hint: net centricity).


New Member
Sep 5, 2009
Our first line defence at borders must be the SAM's. Akash/Barak should the job in countering short range missiles and aircraft.

India has S-300 protecting all major cities but that is not enough to stop 2000 km range pak missiles. S-400 should do the job and India must acquire it if it has doubts and the current indigenous missile defence system will delay. the PAD and AAD will be the best ABM's ever made since scientists say it will be better than THAAD.

Mate, we are talking about ballistic missile defense in this thread ! SAMs are for anti-aircraft roles, Akash is again a long-range SAM. Barak is an anti missile system for naval platforms mainly for defense against anti-ship missiles like the Harpoon and Exocet or against cruise missiles ! They can do nothing against a ballistic missile since they have a small range and very low power systems intended to take out small targets, not huge BMs. As for the S-300, India has only six such systems with around 27 missiles from Russia in 1995-96. Its hardly anything to protect all major cities, save a few big and important ones like Delhi and Mumbai !!


New Member
Sep 14, 2009
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Hopefully, the day that we will have to actually use missiles will never come.

But if it does, I am much more confident of our chances of survival :emot159:
you have to learn the basic thing

never underestimate your enemy


New Member
Jul 29, 2010
Mate, we are talking about ballistic missile defense in this thread ! SAMs are for anti-aircraft roles, Akash is again a long-range SAM. Barak is an anti missile system for naval platforms mainly for defense against anti-ship missiles like the Harpoon and Exocet or against cruise missiles ! They can do nothing against a ballistic missile since they have a small range and very low power systems intended to take out small targets, not huge BMs. As for the S-300, India has only six such systems with around 27 missiles from Russia in 1995-96. Its hardly anything to protect all major cities, save a few big and important ones like Delhi and Mumbai !!
When all the world is concerned about the threats of S-300 posed to modern western planes our dear MOD didn't deem to check on the newest S-400 and upcoming S-500 but rather went to check crappy Patriot PAC-3


New Member
Apr 11, 2010
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Missile Interceptor: The 'shielding' power

In present-day world, when the potency of missiles as destructive weapons has increased manifold, defending a nation from such threats has become the prime focus.

With an objective to counter incoming ballistic missiles carrying nuclear, chemical, biological or conventional warheads, some countries today have developed the capability to deploy ballistic missile defence shields, also known as missile interceptors.

Such weapons, called anti-ballistic missile (ABM) systems, are used to shield a nation from missile attacks.

The ABMs intercept and destroy approaching ballistic missiles even before they could reach their intended target. The missiles can be intercepted near the launch point (boost phase), during flight through space (mid-course phase), or during atmospheric descent (terminal phase).

Efforts have been made to develop two ABMs so far – short-range and long-range.

The main target of a long-range ABM is to track and destroy an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). However, not much success has been achieved yet in developing long-range ABMs that can defeat ICBMs.

The US's Safeguard system, which used the Spartan and Sprint missiles, was briefly operational during the 1960s.

Russia developed its A-35 anti-ballistic missile system which was later renamed as A-135 and is still operational. Both the long-range ABMs used nuclear warheads to destroy their targets.

The other variant of the weapon system, short-range ABMs, has been effectively developed and deployed by some countries successfully.

Three such short-range ABMs presently operational include – the Patriot surface-to-air missiles (operational in the US Army), the Aegis ballistic missile defense system (operational in the US Navy) and the Arrow missile (Israel).

Russia too has acquired similar capabilities by incorporating ballistic missile interceptor traits in some of the latest variants of its surface-to-air missiles likes the S-300 and S-500. While the S-300 air defence system is capable of destroying aircraft and cruise missiles and is being developed to target ballistic missiles, the S-500 system, designed to destroy ICBMs, is presently under development stage.

The next to follow is China which successfully tested its ground-based midcourse missile interceptor in early 2010. Like Russia, China too has few surface-to-air missiles with ABM capability.

With a dedicated ballistic missile defence programme in place, India today has built-up its capability to develop and deploy a multi-layered ballistic missile defence system which consists of two interceptor missiles – the Prithvi Air Defence (PAD) missile for high altitude interception (above 40 km), and the Advanced Air Defence (AAD) missile for lower altitude interception (below 25 km).

This programme received a major boost when both the PAD with 'exo' (destroying the target outside Earth's atmosphere) capability and the AAD with 'endo' (destroying the target inside Earth's atmosphere) capability at altitudes of 48 Km and 15 km respectively were test launched successfully on November 27, 2006 and December 7, 2006 subsequently.

The Defence Research and Development Organisation has so far conducted four successful tests of the indigenously developed anti-ballistic missile systems. With this, India has joined the elite club of nations – US, Russia, Israel and China.

Specifications Patriot-3 S-300(PM) Arrow 2
Origin USA Russia Israel
Launch weight 312 kg 1804 kg 1300 kg
Length 5.2 m 7.25 m 6.8 m - 7 m
Diameter 25 cm 50.8 cm 80 cm
Range 15 km 90 km 90 km
Propulsion: Single-stage solid propellant rocket motor Single-stage high thrust solid rocket motor Solid propellant booster rocket motor
Max Speed 5.0 Mach 1900 m/s 9.0 Mach
Warhead weight 90 kg 143 kg 150 kg
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