Indian Ballistic Missile Defense System


New Member
Jul 31, 2009
In the age of AWAC a missile can be detected even in its boost phase specially for a country with less geographic depth. But intercepting it in different phases has different advantages and disadvantages. Hope wiki can help a bit-

....Ballistic missiles can be intercepted in three regions of their trajectory: boost phase, midcourse phase or terminal phase.

Boost phase: intercepting the missile while its rocket motors are firing, usually over the launch territory. Advantages: bright, hot rocket exhaust makes detection, discrimination and targeting easier. Decoys cannot be used during boost phase. Disadvantages: difficult to geographically position interceptors to intercept missiles in boost phase (not always possible without flying over hostile territory), short time for intercept (typically about 180 seconds). Example: aircraft-mounted laser weapon Boeing YAL-1 (under development).

Mid-course phase: intercepting the missile in space after the rocket burns out. The coast period through space before reentering the atmosphere can be several minutes, up to 20 minutes for an ICBM. Advantages: extended decision/intercept time, very large geographic defensive coverage, potentially continental. Disadvantages: requires large/heavy anti-ballistic missiles, sophisticated powerful radar often augmented by space-based sensors, must handle potential space-based decoys.

Terminal phase: intercepting the missile after it reenters the atmosphere. Advantages: smaller/lighter anti-ballistic missile required, balloon decoys won't work, smaller, less sophisticated radar required. Disadvantages: very short reaction time, possibly less than 30 seconds, less defended geographic coverage. Possible blanketing of target area with hazardous materials in the case of detonation of nuclear warhead(s). .....

If we candevelop laser based interceptor it will possibly have better success rate than projectile based inteceptor as laser wont take any time to travel the distance to destroy the enemy missile at its boost phase of course you must have such radar to facilitate that.
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Nov 16, 2009
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^^^^^^^^^^^^ No doubt KALI (Kilo Ampere Linear Injector) being incorporated will be tested in next several years giving us the capability to kill the incoming missile in its boost phase itself. An idea was to house such KALI-5000 or KALI-10000 on IL-76 for the airborne use, likewise today we use AWACS on IL-76. A well co-ordinated formulation of AWACS & such airborne laser defense will fulfill our need to establish powerful Missile Defense.

Apart from developing & testing KALI, major work will be required to modify IL-76 including Turret assembly, air turbulence calibration etc.

It'll be interesting to see how soon we test & induct such system since only US operate such technology. We'll be hopefully only second country on planet to operationalise this tech.

Here is US comparable system

No doubt the LASER tech we'll operate will be different from that of US which uses chemical oxygen iodine laser (COIL) housed on Boeing 747 as YAL-1.
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New Member
Oct 2, 2009
which "moment we detect them"? As soon as it is launched? or as it gains altitude or as it enters space ? can the LRTR detect missile at low altitirudes and very high altitudes? it can only detect up to certain altitude and range, once the missile enters space @100km altitude above , we certainly need the help of satellite based sensors with a data link to LRTR!!!
very complex indeed!!! we need to detect endo as well as exo atmospheric missiles!!!A missile carrying a nuke , even if it falls in our territory at any range will definitely cause immense damage based on kiloton rating of the war head!!!
Dude honestly, why with all the doubt.

Swordfish is a target acquisition and fire control radar for the BMD system. The LRTR currently has a range of 600 km, which the DRDO plans to upgrade to 1,500 km by 2011.

Well you need to remember that the Swordfish radar is what is used to track the missiles once they come in range of BMD battery.

Missile launches and incoming missiles are detected by our radars operating in data link long before then.

The two-tiered BMD System consists of the PDV, which will intercept missiles at exo-atmospheric altitudes of 50–80 km; and AAD Missile for interception at endoatmospheric altitudes of up to 30 km. The deployed system would consist of many launch vehicles, Radars, launch control centers (LCC) and Mission Control Center. All these are geographically distributed and connected by a secure communication network.

Mission control center (MCC) is the software intensive system of the Ballistic Missile Defense. It receives information from various sources like Radars, Satellites etc which is then processed by ten computers running simultaneously. MCC is connected to all other elements of the System through a WAN. MCC performs target classification, target assignment and kill assessment. It acts as a decision support system for the commander. It can also decide the number of interceptors required for the target for an assured kill probability.

MCC after performing all the functions, assigns the target to Launch Control Center (LCC) of a battery. Launch Control Center (LCC) starts computing the time to launch interceptor based upon information received from Radar. This is decided based on the data received from radar, on the speed, altitude and flight path of the target. LCC prepares the missile for launch in real time, carries out ground guidance computation.

After the interceptor is launched, it is provided target information from the radar through a datalink. When the Interceptors closes on to the Target ballistic missile, it activates the Active Radar Seeker to search for target missile and guides itself to intercept the target. Multiple PDV and AAD interceptors can be launched against a target for high kill probability.
And if you are wonder about the PAD

In 2009, reports emerged of a new missile named the PDV. The PDV is said to be a two solid stage hypersonic anti-ballistic missile similar in class to the THAAD. The PDV is intended to replace the existing PAD in the PAD/AAD combination. It will have an IIR seeker for its kill vehicle as well. The PDV will replace the PAD with a far more capable missile and will complete the Phase 1 of the BMD system, allowing it to be operational by 2013. Whereupon Phase 2 development will take over for protection against missiles of the 5000 km class. The first test flight of the missile is expected in 2010. The PDV is designed to take out the target missile at altitude above 150 kilometers.
And yes we have data links, we had them for few years now, and we are know working on expanding our data links to as much assets as possible.

Including even the humble Jawan. (that is waht F-INSAS is about, putting the entire army on a digital network).

Anyway back on topic.
Since our primary threat is Pakistan, Our current detection systems will suffice for now. Are can scan well beyond Pakistan.

For possible threats such as China we are working on improving our BMD system and taking it to the next level.

Two new anti ballistic missiles that can intercept IRBM/ICBMs are being developed. These high speed missiles (AD-1 and AD-2) are being developed to intercept ballistic missiles with the range of 5000 km. The test trials of these two systems is expected to take place in 2011. The new missile will be similar to the THAAD missile deployed by the U.S.A. These missiles will have to travel at hypersonic speeds and will require radars with scan capability of over 1500 kilometers to successfully intercept the target.
# India is also planning to develop a laser based weapon system as part of its Ballistic Missile Defence to intercept and destroy missiles soon after they are launched towards the country. DRDO's Air Defence Programme Director V K Saraswat says its ideal to destroy a ballistic missile carrying nuclear or conventional warhead in its boost phase. Saraswat further added that it will take another 10–15 years for the premier defence research institute to make it usable on the ground.
And in case you are wondering.

WE have a few intelligence satellites in space already.

We are now working on more advanced satellites as that we can detect a launch as soon as it happens.


New Member
Oct 2, 2009
^^^^^^^^^^^^ No doubt KALI (Kilo Ampere Linear Injector) being incorporated will be tested in next several years giving us the capability to kill the incoming missile in its boost phase itself. An idea was to house such KALI-5000 or KALI-10000 on IL-76 for the airborne use, likewise today we use AWACS on IL-76. A well co-ordinated formulation of AWACS & such airborne laser defense will fulfill our need to establish powerful Missile Defense.

Apart from developing & testing KALI, major work will be required to modify IL-76 including Turret assembly, air turbulence calibration etc.

It'll be interesting to see how soon we test & induct such system since only US operate such technology. We'll be hopefully only second country on planet to operationalise this tech.

Here is US comparable system

No doubt the LASER tech we'll operate will be different from that of US which uses chemical oxygen iodine laser (COIL) housed on Boeing 747 as YAL-1.
A but optimistic are we.

By the way the KALi is not a laser.

"The KALI is not a laser weapon as commonly believed. It emits powerful pulses of electrons (Relativistic Electron Beams- REB). Other components in the machine down the line convert the electron energy into EM Radiation, which can be adjusted to x-ray (as Flash X-Rays) or microwave (High Power Microwave) frequencies.

This has fueled hopes that the KALI could, one day be used in a High-Power Microwave gun, which could destroy incoming missiles and aircraft through soft-kill (destroying the electronic circuitry on the missile). However, weaponising such a system has many obstacles to overcome."

In other words it s giant microwave cannon. You could call it laser as it does shoot concentrated beams of electrons.
But it really does not do what you would expect ta laser to do.

I has nothing in common with the "chemical oxygen iodine laser (COIL) housed on Boeing 747 as YAL-1." Which is a laser, in the IR spectrum.

In my opinion the COIL is much more feasible then a KALI weapon. It also takes a lot less energy to use then the KALI .

But i am no scientist. So who knows what the lab coats will come up wiith

Anyways, KALI is just an Indutrial tool right now, more than a decade away from weapons system if ever
Its current uses are.

he KALI has been put to various uses by the DRDO. The DRDO was involved in configuring the KALI for their use.

The X-rays emitted are being used in Ballistics research as an illuminator for ultrahigh speed photography by the Defence Ballistics Research Institute (DBRL) in Chandigarh. The Microwave emissions are used for EM Research.

The microwave-producing version of Kali has also been used by the DRDO scientists for testing the vulnerability of the electronic systems of the Light Combat Aircraft (LCA), which was then under development.

It has also helped in designing electrostatic shields to "harden" the LCA and missiles from microwave attack by the enemy as well as protecting satellites against deadly Electromagnetic Impulses (EMI) generated by nuclear weapons and other cosmic disturbances, which "fry" and destroy electronic circuits. Electronic components currently used in missiles can withstand fields of approx. 300 V/cm, while the fields in case of EMI attack reach thousands of V/cm.



New Member
Nov 25, 2009
India's Prithvi Missile System Fails Test

NEW DELHI - India's Prithvi Air Defence System (PAD) failed a test March 15 after a target missile veered off course.

A senior scientist at India's Defence Research and Development Organisaton (DRDO), where PAD was designed and developed, said the failed test does not indicate the system's capability, noting the interceptor never received its cue to launch because the target missile deviated from its course.
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The target missile, a short-range Prithvi ballistic missile was fired from a mobile launcher at the Integrated Test Range Complex-3 at India's missile testing site, Chandipur-on-Sea, in the eastern state of Orissa. It deviated from its trajectory after traveling about 11 kilometers and fell into the sea, the DRDO scientist said.

The interceptor, a hypersonic ballistic missile, did not get the required command for takeoff from Wheeler Island, about 70 kilometers from the testing site, an Indian Defence Ministry source said.

The test will be rescheduled soon, the source said.

The PAD system's exo-atomspheric and endo-atmospheric capabilities already have been tested.

The phase-I PAD, which can destroy an incoming ballistic missile at a height of 80 kilometers, is expected to be inducted into operational service in 15 months.

In the second stage, which has been initiated, incoming missiles with a range of more than 2,000 kilometers will be intercepted at a height of more than 120 kilometers.


Respected Member
New Member
May 20, 2009
You need to update your information. Before China USA, Israel and Russia and India successfully tested the capability to 'exoatmosphere missile interception. Here many of us are confused about AAD and PAD.

Prithvi Air Defence (PAD) is an anti-ballistic missile developed to intercept incoming ballistic missiles outside atmosphere (Exoatmosphere). Based on the Prithvi missile, PAD is a two stage missile with a maximum interception altitude of 80 km.

PADE (Prithvi Air Defence Exercise) was conducted on November 2006 in which PAD Missile successfully intercepted a modified Prithvi-II Missile at an altitude of 50 km. The Prithvi-II Ballistic Missile was modified successfully to mimic the trajectory of M-11 missiles.

On March 6, 2009 DRDO carried out a second successful test of PAD interceptor missile. The target used was ship launched Dhanush missile which followed the trajectory of a missile with range of 1500 km. The target was tracked by swordfish (LRTR) Radar and destroyed by PAD missile at 75 km altitude.

Advanced Air Defence (AAD)
is an anti-ballistic missile designed to intercept incoming ballistic missiles in endoatmosphere at an altitude of 30 km. AAD is single stage, solid fuelled missile.

On 6 December 2007, AAD successfully intercepted a modified Prithvi-II missile acting as an incoming ballistic missile enemy target. The endo-atmospheric interception was carried out at an altitude of 15 km.

On 15th March 2010, AAD interceptor missile test from the Orissa coast on Monday failed to materialize as the target missile deviated from its path.

You can just check wiki and other sources mentioned there if are not tracking India's missile test notification.
guy ,are you serious?
the lowest threshold of exoatmosphere midcourse interception is 80KM high.

all India's and Israel's the intercepton are less 80KM high and are all endoatmoshpere terminal-course tests

as for technic complication and sophinicaiton, terminal-course test and midcourse test are not in the same league.

terminal-course interception is a mature tech for not only all P5 ,but also for all big industrialized countries such as Japan,German..etc.

However, both mid-course and boosting-course are still unmature . Until now, only USA and China have succeeded in it. Morever, 50% + of USA's midcourse interception test failed.
for you reference

China's recent miscourse interception happened 1840KM high

for you reference
guy, here is a degestion from a academic journal. it is helpful for you understand somthing about the interception for ICBM.
however, it is in CHinese, so I have to translate it into english.

BTW,according to the journal ,at the hight of 75 KMs,ICBM has already entered into terminal phase.

booste phase is finished at the hight of 200KM. then the ICBM fly along mid-course phase.

During mid-course phase, the trajectory of ICBM is a parabolic curve. the starting point of the mid-course phase is at the hight of 200 KM and its trajectorypeak is about 1800 KM high. the finishing point of mid-course phase is about 80 KM high.

When mid-course phase is finished, the ICBMs is 80 KM hight and enter into "terminal phase".
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洲际弹道导弹助推段达到200公里左右既进入转弯中段飞行阶段,此中段弹道曲线为抛物线,始点高度200公里左右,最高点可达到1800公里 终点高度80公里,80公里以下为再入段.
if a missle has a range of over 10000KM(ICBM), its speed during its mid-course phase is very close to firstcosmicvelocity,that is 6-7 KM/second. With trajectory rises, the accelerated velocity of warheads go slower and slower. After reaching to the 1800-KM-high trajectorypeak ,ICMBs start flying down and their speed gets accelerated again. when its enter into terminal phase at the hight of 80 KMs, its speed even surpass firstcosmicvelocity a bit, that is 20-25 Mach.

for time being ,there are two estimates of CHina's mid-course interceptions,according to open news resource:

A: the interception distance is 1000+ KM and the hight of interception is 200-300 KM.

B: the itnerception distance is 2200+KM and the hight of interception is 500-600 KM.

Yankee's GBI has a interception distance of 7000+ KM and a availabe interception hight of 2000,because it is designed specially for the interception of ICBM.
China ASAT test in 2007 is about 860 KM high, so the interception high is not a problem to CHina.

What China tested in Jan 11th is in fact a mini GBI
TG这次的实验根据多方的目击者的描述和官八股实验队 以及各地相关单位的保障新闻报道, 可以确定有两个版本一个拦截距离在1000多公里 一个拦截距离在2200多公里,拦截高度也有两个版本一个是可能200到300公里 一个是500到600公里,这是根据拦截距离推算出拦截高度. 拦截时速在每秒6到7公里之间.

由于洲际导弹的弹道与运载火箭有本质的区别,运载火箭是往高了打,所以要超过第一宇宙速度,而洲际导弹追求快速进入空间最好在几十秒之内,所以追求发动机速燃技术 快速转弯横向向下抛物线投郑惯性加速度,所以一般不会达到第一宇宙速度,也不需要.

中段拦截有个最大优势可以多点步控,逐级拦截,上升段失败了,打高弹道段 高弹道段失败了 还可以打下降段.所以陆基,海基都很重要.

美国的GBI射程7000公里 拦截高度2000公里比较变态,就是这么考虑的. TG的这次实验属于迷你版的GBI 由于TG上次拦截卫星的高度是860公里,速度超过第一宇宙速度,也就是超过每秒7.5公里,所以打1000多公里的高点也不成问题. 还有一点就是能搞中段反导那么说明其发动机速燃技术 惯性导航技术 高速DSP处理器技术 姿规控发动机技术 壳体材料技术,高性能喷灌技术 大气层空气动力研究水平都达到了一个全新的高度,把这些东西用在战略导弹上其结果可以参考MD的弹道导弹攻击精度园概率偏差.
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New Member
Feb 16, 2009
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Badguy 8 countries have mid course interception capability, and one test by Chinese that is not verified by anybody does not prove anything.


Respected Member
New Member
May 20, 2009
Badguy 8 countries have mid course interception capability, and one test by Chinese that is not verified by anybody does not prove anything.
study more relative files and tell the difference "boosting-course, mid-course and terminal-course" first.

by now, only USA and China succeeded in it with KKV. success rate of Yankee's mid-course test is less 50% . and CHina did only once.

Russia did midcourse intercepiton tests with "bomb-explosion in space" during cold war. However, it has never did so with KKV .


New Member
Feb 16, 2009
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US have verified their test give a link that shows an outside source has verified the Chinese test before you sound the trumpets.


New Member
Dec 17, 2009
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US have verified their test give a link that shows an outside source has verified the Chinese test before you sound the trumpets.
Only thing from Chinese press I've seen is a picture of an exoatmospheric nuclear detonation. lol


Respected Member
New Member
May 20, 2009
US have verified their test give a link that shows an outside source has verified the Chinese test before you sound the trumpets.
well, here it is............

In Washington, the U.S. Defense Department said it had no notice before the Chinese test but that the United States does not consider it related to U.S. arms sales to Taiwan.

''We did not receive prior notification of the launch,'' Maj. Maureen Schumann, a Pentagon spokeswoman, said. ''We detected two geographically separated missile launch events with an exo-atmospheric collision also being observed by space-based sensors. We are requesting information from China regarding the purpose for conducting this interception as well as China's intentions and plans to pursue future types of intercepts


New Member
Feb 16, 2009
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No more off topic discussion this link says US is waiting for proof from China.


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New Member
May 20, 2009
frankly speaking, india's missle interception tech is still primitive.

1. the failure proves India's terminal-course interception tech is still not mature while USA's Patriot, Russia's S300/400 and CHina's HQ9 has been mass-produced and deployed for decades. Patriot,S300/400 and HQ9 all have the terminal-course interception capacity against short-range missles.

2.many key components of India's termianl-course interception system have to be imported ,such as gyroscope and solid-propellant rocket engines.

3. the size of India terminal-course interception is much bigger than USA's Patriot, Russia's S300/400 and CHina's tells us that India still has progressed quitely slowly in the miniaturizaiton of rokect propellants. I know, what India has r succeeded in is the terminal-course interception of short-range missle. it has not prove that India's terminal-course interception system can intercept mid-range or long range missles,as USA's SM3.

5. terminal-course interception tech is just tactic weapon and can hardly intercept ICBM. only mid-course and boosting-course interception tech are strategical weapons and can hold up ICBM.

However ,both mid-course and boosting-course interception tech are so expensive that I don't think other countries except USA and China can afford to the development of mid-course and boosting-course interception tech.
fact proves it that even Russia seems to have given up the development of mid-course and boosting-course interception after Soviet collapsed in 1992 and only USA and CHina succeeded in Mid-course interception and anti-satellite laser emperiments( anti-satellite laser is the key tech of boosting-course interception).
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New Member
Dec 11, 2009
i like the russian way better , fire a 1 M tonne nuke and wipe the s**t out of it :D

Talk about overkill :p
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New Member
Dec 11, 2009
gorgon and gazelle had 1 MT nukes dint they ?? .. but its said that they have removed them now...m not sure


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Dec 17, 2009
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They were removed, the only AD nuclear warheads are those for the S-300 at 20kt. The Gazelle only had a 10kt warhead.


DFI Technocrat
New Member
Oct 10, 2009
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gorgon and gazelle had 1 MT nukes dint they ?? .. but its said that they have removed them now...m not sure
Actually the first soviet ABM system the "ABM 1 galosh" system utilized by the soviets had a 2-3 Mt warhead, the same has been removed from operation.
the gorgons are reported to be armed only with high explosive yield warheads now, 32 systems remain operational

In early 1998, Russia announced that, in the interest of safety, it had removed the original nuclear warheads from its Gorgon interceptors replaced them with conventional high explosive warheads. Many had warned that if the Gazelle’s 1-megaton nuclear warhead was actually detonated above Moscow, its electromagnetic pulse would create havoc below, severely damaging all non-hardened electronic equipment. For instance, a blast at an altitude of 50 miles would affect a 500-mile radius, while a blast at 100 miles would affect a 900-mile radius. It is unclear, however, whether all of the Gorgons currently carry conventional warheads, or if some are still armed with 1-megaton nuclear warheads.(7)
the gazelle was supposed to have a 10kt warhead though that may also have been removed subsequent to 1998, 66 systems remain operational
In early 1998, Russia announced that, in the interest of safety, it had removed the original nuclear warheads from the short-range Gazelle interceptors. Many had warned that a low-altitude nuclear explosion would contaminate a 77-square-mile area, making Moscow virtually unlivable. On April 21, Col. Gen. Alexander Yesin, Deputy Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, stated that System A-135’s interceptors had been newly equipped with conventional high explosive warheads. It is unclear, however, whether all of the Gazelle interceptors currently carry conventional warheads, or if some are still armed with nuclear warheads.(10)

Ands yes NIL i totally agree the above are real badass systems:D


New Member
Oct 2, 2009
guy ,are you serious?
the lowest threshold of exoatmosphere midcourse interception is 80KM high.

all India's and Israel's the intercepton are less 80KM high and are all endoatmoshpere terminal-course tests

as for technic complication and sophinicaiton, terminal-course test and midcourse test are not in the same league.

The DRDO is developing a new Prithvi interceptor missile codenamed PDV. to replace the PAD . It will be a two-stage missile and both the stages will be powered by solid propellants. It will have an innovative system for controlling the vehicle at an altitude of more than 150 km. “We expect to have trials of this early next year,” the Scientific Adviser to the Defence Minister said.
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New Member
May 24, 2009
Just FYI, Geosynchrous orbit for many satellites are at 35,000 + km in atlitude. So 1800 really isn't farfetched.

