Indian Army Armored Vehicles


Laughing member
Senior Member
Nov 23, 2017
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Rajnath Singh ji have all the good intentions but I think he has been played by the Babudom
That's the point. "Babudom" pushes the pushes the policies & carries out operation... Ministers are just puppet representatives of people who thinks they're in charge.
It's like you buying a hotel chain. The existing managers still know & do the shit. You may tell them your profit targets & they suggest ways of getting there, but you don't know enough to directly interfere or everything will fall apart.

Nonetheless, while it suppresses the positive effects of a capable visionary ministers (unless he can get likeminded cooperative secretaries, which is why promoting pet dogs of politicians happened) it also mitigates the negative effect of dropouts & criminals that Indians often vote to power. 😐

Article also says that current local content is 40% not 90-100% as you said and will rise to 80% from onwards.
That's a good thing in this case. It might mean they're incorporating MS tech that we don't presently make indigenously.
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Laughing member
Senior Member
Nov 23, 2017
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These photos are from mid to late 80s, Drills are conducted and war games are held in these areas since long time, Army has its plans ..

T-55 and BMP-2 ( Note the soldiers are holding SLRs )


Senior Member
Feb 16, 2009
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I just found out, Russians themselves operate 24 onoy of the Sprut-SD light tank. They canceled a follow on order for them after one of them caught fire during a parade due to a fuel or oil leak. 🤣

And our fucking sellout whoresons are apparently at advanced stages of getting upto 100 of these new cannon fodders!
How else would you take forward the legacy of tin cans.

Tactical Doge

𝕱𝖔𝖔𝖑𝖘 𝖗𝖚𝖘𝖍 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖑𝖘 𝖋𝖊𝖆𝖗
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Aug 28, 2019
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New Mahindra Armoured Light Specialist Vehicle (ALSV) of 16th SIKH deployed in DR CONGO for UN Peacekeeping
Are these screenshots from some video,
If so
Can you post the link


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Oct 20, 2015
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Paramount and WMF vehicles undergoing trials in India
South Africa’s Paramount and Namibia’s Windhoeker Maschinenfabrik (WMF) are currently engaged in armoured vehicle trials in India.

A photo has emerged showing a Paramount Mbombe 4 armoured personnel carrier and Maverick internal security vehicle alongside a WMF Werewolf undergoing trials in India near Ladakh late last month.

The Mbombe 4 was badged as the Kalyani M4 – Kalyani Group is an Indian engineering, technology and manufacturing conglomerate that offers armoured vehicles, ammunition, defence electronics and artillery systems. One of its subsidiaries is Bharat Forge, which in February announced it was setting up a joint venture with Paramount Group to explore the indigenisation of defence systems in India, with a focus on protected vehicles and aerospace.

Paramount Group stated at the time that, “Building defence industrial eco-systems through strategic alliances have been the cornerstone of Paramount’s portable manufacturing model and we are excited to develop our defence and aerospace systems technologies and solutions through strong and long-term partnerships.

“We are pleased to partner with Bharat Forge Limited, a company that shares our philosophy of enabling local manufacturing through technology and skills transfer, the indigenisation of defence and aerospace technologies, and the creation of high value jobs that bolster economic growth.”

Bharat Forge and Paramount at the February DefExpo in India displayed the Kalyani M4/Mbombe 4 and Kalyani Maverick.

The vehicles, along with the Werewolf, are believed to be undergoing evaluation with the Indian-designed and built 8×8 Tata Kestrel (also known as the WhAP – Wheeled Armoured Platform) to meet an Indian Army requirement for a new armoured wheeled vehicle. The 25 ton WhAP has been seen undergoing various tests lately, including amphibious tests.

Indian media have reported that the Army is looking to acquire armoured vehicles for troop movement in the Eastern Ladakh area where Chinese forces have deployed in large numbers. The General Dynamics Land Systems Stryker is apparently among possible candidates.

In November 2019, the Indian Army issued requests for information for the supply of 198 wheeled armoured fighting vehicles, with a request for proposals scheduled for mid-2020. Locally manufactured vehicles are preferred under the Buy Indian initiative.

The requests for information mentioned the amphibious 8×8 solution “should be provided with high mobility, adequate armour protection and [an] armament configuration suitable to destroy enemy tanks and undertake local protection”. This includes twin anti-tank missiles.


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Oct 20, 2015
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Ordnance Factory Board showcases Yuktirath
The Ordnance Factory Board's Mine Protected Vehicle MkIII Yuktirath and the Light Armoured Multipurpose (LAM) vehicle are designed to provide protection against land mines

A number of private and public sector companies were given the contract for Mine Protected Vehicles. The Yuktirath Mine Protected Vehicle (MPV) MkIII is capable of negotiating all types of terrain, and can withstand an under hull blast of 35kg TNT and under wheel blast of 42kg TNT. It can also withstand a 7.62 Dragunov bullet on its hull and bullet resistant glass from a distance of 10m. Equipped with a Stabilised Remote Control Weapon System, the MPV has and enhanced capability to engage targets during day or night. It also features a self recovery winch at the front and rear.

The 210-litre fuel tank is fitted within the armour hull and has a range of 650km. The MPV has a maximum gradeability of 30 degrees and top speed of 50km/h. The Light Armoured Multipurpose (LAM) Yuktirath is a reconnaissance vehicle intended for deployment over all types of terrain as well as asymmetric warfare. It has real time surveillance capability, precision weapon system and mine and small arms protection. The LAM vehicle is equipped with a stabilised remote controlled weapon station for as 7.62/12.7 machine gun. The under hull can absorb impact from 10kg TNT, while the wheels can take up to 7kg. A level IV protection is designed to absorb higher impacts.


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Oct 20, 2015
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Delay in production of MPVs tarnishing reputation of VFJ
LONG delay in production of Mine Protected Vehicles (MPVs) is tarnishing the reputation and performance of Vehicle Factory Jabalpur (VFJ). VFJ is already struggling for its existence due to separation of core and non-core group of Ordnance Factories. Surprising is the fact that even after having adequate production orders, VFJ employees are toiling hard to get adequate workload due to absence of critical components. Lingering production of defence vehicles is adversely hampering the reputation of VFJ. VFJ has bulk of supply orders of Mine Protected Vehicles from different departments of Ministry of Home Affairs including Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), Assam Rifles, Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP), State Police Departments etc.

Vehicle Factory Jabalpur, Joint General Manager and Spokesperson A K Rai, while talking to ‘The Hitavada’ informed that the factory has adequate workload of Mine Protected Vehicles. The factory has current target of around 72 MPVs and future target of 330 MPVs for year 2020-21. MPVs production is getting suffered due to delay in supply of some essential components.

The Factory needs to fulfill necessary parameters before procurement of components from different supplies as per the Government guidelines. Efforts are being made for early procurement of component to streamline production of MPVs and its timely supply to customers. Sources informed that VFJ was importing some critical components for Mine Protected Vehicles but following guidelines of the Government of India, factory has obligation to procure components as per Make-in-India policy.

Changing traditional supplier of components leads to long delay in supply of components and delaying manufacturing and supply of MPVs to customers. On the other hand, factory employees are toiling hard to get adequate workload and facing huge financial losses due to absence of overtime and piecework.


तस्मात् उत्तिष्ठ कौन्तेय युद्धाय कृतनिष्चय
Senior Member
Aug 15, 2016
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in production of MPVs tarnishing reputation of VFJ
LONG delay in production of Mine Protected Vehicles (MPVs) is tarnishing the reputation
As if they had any reputation to begin with !


Senior Member
Feb 16, 2009
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i still don't understand why OFB creates things like these. These are just jugaads that military makes in wartimes themselves. even the EME makes things much better looking than these
To kill the enemies out oh sheer shock, I have not seen a more grotesque design. What the fuck goes through there minds when they sit to design stuff. We need a Nithin Gadkari for OFB.


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Oct 20, 2015
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Army's armoured thrust: Order placed for 250 mine proof vehicles to tackle terrorists
At a time when the armed forces along the borders and those tasked with internal security are at a high level of alert against terrorist strikes, comes a big boost. The Indian Army has, in one of the biggest ever orders placed, asked for about 250 Mine Protected Vehicles (MPVs). These vehicles, routinely spotted on the streets and highways of Jammu and Kashmir and states in North Eastern (NE) India, secure troops from Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) explosions and gunfire.

These MPVs, which can carry upto a dozen fully armed personnel, also have a provision for gun sights in bullet proof glass from where troops can take on targets outside. There is also a provision to install a rotating heavier gun on top of the vehicle.

Those operating MPVs say it helps them move cross-country across most terrain even while taking fire and hitting back at terrorists. A Bullet Proof (BP) bunker or BP vehicle has limits on mobility and security it can offer, when seen against an MPV.


From sources in the army and the Ministry of Defence (MoD), it was learnt that 'indent' or an order for acquisition had recently been placed with the Vehicle Factory Jabalpur (VFJ), which comes under the Ordnance Factory Board of the MoD. The delivery of these MPVs will begin by 2018. The army will use these vehicles in NE states apart from Jammu and Kashmir.

In Jammu and Kashmir, which is witnessing an escalation of violence and terror attacks, intelligence inputs indicate a presence of 409 terrorists of which 315 are operating in the Kashmir region and the rest in Jammu. Instances of mine/IED blasts in the state have significantly reduced on account of better roads and detection by security agencies. However, terrorist strikes have forced the army and Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs) deployed there to respond with MPVs.

The army and CAPFs have been using 'Casspir' MPV manufactured by the VFJ. The army, which was the first to use MPVs began doing so since the early 90s when it was tasked with tackling the first bout of insurgency in the Kashmir Valley.


Said a senior officer aware of the case, "While we are looking at replacing our existing fleet which is ageing, there will also be an enhancement of numbers. We have found these MPVs to be extremely useful. The ones we will now procure are the upgraded ones and have been finalised after several rounds of testing." For security reasons, the specifications pertaining to these MPVs were not shared. It was however, learnt that the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO)'s Vehicle Research and Development Establishment (VRDE) too was roped in for the project which will be handled by the army's Master General Ordnance branch. It was learnt that the VFJ has agreed to ramp up production to deliver 70 vehicles per year.

While private sector companies which are also manufacturing MPVs were considered, the army ultimately went in with the VFJ.

The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) under whom all the CAPFs function is also looking to equip the forces with MPVs. The process, however, has been bogged down on account of poor decision-making. The requirement of MPVs for the CAPFs is nearly 400 'at the very least'. The MPVs are required in states affected by Maoist insurgency as the insurgents have chosen the IEDs as their preferred weapon.

The OFB has developed a next generation MPV called the Modern Mine Protected Vehicle. The Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) has placed an order for twenty MPVs.

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