India US Relations


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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Anti-India cabal in US State Department manipulated online discourse on PM Modi: Ex US diplomat

Mike Benz, a former senior diplomat with the State Department of the United States of America, has claimed that biased elements in the US foreign policy establishment waged a campaign against Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the BJP in the run-up to India’s 2019 general elections.

According to Benz, despite PM Modi sharing excellent relations with then then US President Donald Trump, these elements within the administration, along with social media tech giants, influential think tanks and officials of the State Department were working together to paint PM Modi’s electoral success as the result of a “misinformation campaign”. The Sunday Guardian spoke to Benz. Edited excerpts:

Q: Can you share your professional background, including your stint with the State Department?

I was Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Communications and Information Technology at the US State Department from Fall 2020 through January 2021. I am the Executive Director of the Foundation for Freedom Online (FFO), a non-profit watchdog dedicated to protecting digital liberties and restoring the free and open Internet.

Previously, I was in charge of the cyber and “Big Tech” portfolios for the US State Department, where I served as Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Communications and Information Technology. That role included formulating and negotiating US policy on cyber issues as well as interfacing with private industry and civil society in the Big Tech space.

Prior to this, I served as a White House speechwriter for President Trump and advised on tech matters. Before that, I served as speechwriter to Housing and Urban Development Secretary Dr Ben Carson and was a policy adviser on economic development. Before my roles in the public sector, I practised business law for seven years as an attorney in New York, primarily representing technology companies and financial firms.

Q: Where were you posted and in what position when these alleged interferences occurred?

If you’re talking about US tech platforms interfering with the free flow of political information in India, that started before my time at the State Department. In late 2018/early 2019, the US-UK foreign policy establishment began a campaign to paint Modi’s political success as being the result of “misinformation” online. For instance:

BBC: Nationalism a driving force behind fake news in India, research shows (Nov 2018)

Time: How Volunteers for India’s Ruling Party Are Using WhatsApp to Fuel Fake News Ahead of Elections (January 2019)

Quartz: There’s no stopping fake news in India when the prime minister’s own app spreads it. (January 2019)

New York Times: India Has a Public Health Crisis. It’s Called Fake News. (April 2019)


“Misinformation” is a censorship predicate. When the US foreign policy establishment says a foreign country has a “misinformation crisis,” that is a cue to US tech companies to work with entities like the State Department’s Global Engagement Center or cut-out think tanks like the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensics Research Lab or counter-misinformation USAID fundees to censor the “misinformation” in that foreign country.

Q: What was the modus operandi that was put in play?

They censored chat apps like WhatsApp because Modi supporters were spreading pro-Modi messages there.

Poynter Institute: Inside WhatsApp’s battle against misinformation in India (Dec 2018)

BBC: WhatsApp blocks two million Indian accounts (July 2021)

The US foreign policy establishment leaned on Facebook, which owns WhatsApp, very heavily to limit the amount of WhatsApp messages that could be shared, which would therefore limit the amount of pro-Modi content that could circulate in India (Modi supporters disproportionately shared content on WhatsApp).

Like here, you can see in January 2019 WhatsApp started limiting sharing in India explicitly to stop Modi’s “misinformation” sharing:

CNN: WhatsApp tightens limit on the number of people you can share messages with (Jan 2019)

When I was at the State Department, I saw all these same think tanks like the “Atlantic Council” were inundating me and my policy peers with recommendations to promote censoring “misinformation” abroad in so-called “nationalist” or “authoritarian” governments. Modi’s name was always circulated in lists that hit my inbox of places where US tech companies should be more aggressively engaged in “content moderation” (meaning censorship).

Q: Which tech companies were involved in this? And why were they doing it?

Facebook, WhatsApp, YouTube, Twitter, and probably others, but I do not want to speculate beyond that.

Q: Were the US government agencies, including the State Department, aware of this interference to defeat BJP and Modi?

That was not my direct portfolio, so I cannot answer that. It would be surprising to me if the State Department’s Global Engagement Center was not talking to and placing pressure on US tech company liaisons to facilitate censorship of Modi/BJP in India. The State Department keeps close tabs on social media influence of political parties and when they are hostile to a foreign leader, they tend to let US tech companies know early and often.

Q: During that time, President Trump, who has an excellent equation with Prime Minister Modi, was in power. So how do you explain this dichotomy? Was the State Department and other agencies working independently against their boss (Trump)?

Yes. Trump had very little influence over the rank-and-file of the State Department. There were many pockets of rogue factions that simply never accepted Trump’s foreign policy and did not even pretend to accept Trump was their boss.

Q: Did you come across any evidence that suggests other India-based political entities were coordinating with these tech companies in order to impact BJP’s and Modi’s poll campaign?

Not directly, it wasn’t my direct portfolio. But I’m sure you can look up all the little counter-misinformation companies that popped up in India and see to what extent they got State Department or USAID funding.



Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
Anti-India cabal in US State Department manipulated online discourse on PM Modi: Ex US diplomat

Mike Benz, a former senior diplomat with the State Department of the United States of America, has claimed that biased elements in the US foreign policy establishment waged a campaign against Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the BJP in the run-up to India’s 2019 general elections.

According to Benz, despite PM Modi sharing excellent relations with then then US President Donald Trump, these elements within the administration, along with social media tech giants, influential think tanks and officials of the State Department were working together to paint PM Modi’s electoral success as the result of a “misinformation campaign”. The Sunday Guardian spoke to Benz. Edited excerpts:

Q: Can you share your professional background, including your stint with the State Department?

I was Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Communications and Information Technology at the US State Department from Fall 2020 through January 2021. I am the Executive Director of the Foundation for Freedom Online (FFO), a non-profit watchdog dedicated to protecting digital liberties and restoring the free and open Internet.

Previously, I was in charge of the cyber and “Big Tech” portfolios for the US State Department, where I served as Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Communications and Information Technology. That role included formulating and negotiating US policy on cyber issues as well as interfacing with private industry and civil society in the Big Tech space.

Prior to this, I served as a White House speechwriter for President Trump and advised on tech matters. Before that, I served as speechwriter to Housing and Urban Development Secretary Dr Ben Carson and was a policy adviser on economic development. Before my roles in the public sector, I practised business law for seven years as an attorney in New York, primarily representing technology companies and financial firms.

Q: Where were you posted and in what position when these alleged interferences occurred?

If you’re talking about US tech platforms interfering with the free flow of political information in India, that started before my time at the State Department. In late 2018/early 2019, the US-UK foreign policy establishment began a campaign to paint Modi’s political success as being the result of “misinformation” online. For instance:

BBC: Nationalism a driving force behind fake news in India, research shows (Nov 2018)

Time: How Volunteers for India’s Ruling Party Are Using WhatsApp to Fuel Fake News Ahead of Elections (January 2019)

Quartz: There’s no stopping fake news in India when the prime minister’s own app spreads it. (January 2019)

New York Times: India Has a Public Health Crisis. It’s Called Fake News. (April 2019)


“Misinformation” is a censorship predicate. When the US foreign policy establishment says a foreign country has a “misinformation crisis,” that is a cue to US tech companies to work with entities like the State Department’s Global Engagement Center or cut-out think tanks like the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensics Research Lab or counter-misinformation USAID fundees to censor the “misinformation” in that foreign country.

Q: What was the modus operandi that was put in play?

They censored chat apps like WhatsApp because Modi supporters were spreading pro-Modi messages there.

Poynter Institute: Inside WhatsApp’s battle against misinformation in India (Dec 2018)

BBC: WhatsApp blocks two million Indian accounts (July 2021)

The US foreign policy establishment leaned on Facebook, which owns WhatsApp, very heavily to limit the amount of WhatsApp messages that could be shared, which would therefore limit the amount of pro-Modi content that could circulate in India (Modi supporters disproportionately shared content on WhatsApp).

Like here, you can see in January 2019 WhatsApp started limiting sharing in India explicitly to stop Modi’s “misinformation” sharing:

CNN: WhatsApp tightens limit on the number of people you can share messages with (Jan 2019)

When I was at the State Department, I saw all these same think tanks like the “Atlantic Council” were inundating me and my policy peers with recommendations to promote censoring “misinformation” abroad in so-called “nationalist” or “authoritarian” governments. Modi’s name was always circulated in lists that hit my inbox of places where US tech companies should be more aggressively engaged in “content moderation” (meaning censorship).

Q: Which tech companies were involved in this? And why were they doing it?

Facebook, WhatsApp, YouTube, Twitter, and probably others, but I do not want to speculate beyond that.

Q: Were the US government agencies, including the State Department, aware of this interference to defeat BJP and Modi?

That was not my direct portfolio, so I cannot answer that. It would be surprising to me if the State Department’s Global Engagement Center was not talking to and placing pressure on US tech company liaisons to facilitate censorship of Modi/BJP in India. The State Department keeps close tabs on social media influence of political parties and when they are hostile to a foreign leader, they tend to let US tech companies know early and often.

Q: During that time, President Trump, who has an excellent equation with Prime Minister Modi, was in power. So how do you explain this dichotomy? Was the State Department and other agencies working independently against their boss (Trump)?

Yes. Trump had very little influence over the rank-and-file of the State Department. There were many pockets of rogue factions that simply never accepted Trump’s foreign policy and did not even pretend to accept Trump was their boss.

Q: Did you come across any evidence that suggests other India-based political entities were coordinating with these tech companies in order to impact BJP’s and Modi’s poll campaign?

Not directly, it wasn’t my direct portfolio. But I’m sure you can look up all the little counter-misinformation companies that popped up in India and see to what extent they got State Department or USAID funding.

This post needs to be saved and made as a sticky and contributed to all newsletters and media and forums.


Regular Member
Aug 19, 2019
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GameStop To Adani, How Americans Failed In Crashing Stock Market

The fellow is absolutely right...on Gamestop the common masses buying meeting up subreddit r/wallstreetbets brought up the share values of Gamestop and AMC to so much that the hedgefund shortselling the two stocks got bankrupted.. matlab "Banne Chaley the Choubeyji ban gai Dubeyji"
I hope common Indian Retail Share buyers overbuy Adani..aur is salle Hidenburg mc ki band baja do..


Regular Member
Aug 19, 2019
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Woke Imperium: The Coming Confluence Between Social Justice and Neoconservatism - The Institute for Peace and Diplomacy - l’Institut pour la paix et la diplomatie (

Woke Imperium: The Coming Confluence Between Social Justice and Neoconservatism
By Christopher Mott

Key Findings

  • The advocates of American primacy within the United States foreign policy establishment historically rely on prevailing ideological trends of the time to justify interventionism abroad. The new ‘woke’ face of American hegemony and projects of empire is designed to project the U.S. as an international moral police rather than a conventional great power—and the result is neo-imperialism with a moral face.
  • This is an iterative and systemic process with an internal logic, not one controlled by a global cabal: when the older rationalizations for primacy, hegemony, and interventionism appear antiquated or are no longer persuasive, a new rationale that better reflects the ruling class norms of the era is adopted as a substitute. This is because the new schema is useful for the maintenance of the existing system of power.
  • The rise of a ‘woke’ activist-driven, social justice-oriented politics—particularly among the members of academia, media, and the professional managerial class—has provided the latest ideological justification for interventionism, and it has become readily adopted by the U.S. foreign policy establishment. These groups now have an even greater level of symbiotic relationship with state actors.
  • Professional selection and advancement under these conditions require elite signaling of loyalty to ‘progressive’ universalism as the trending state-sanctioned ideology, which further fuels the push towards interventionism. This combination of factors encourages a new institutional and elite consensus around trending shibboleths.
  • The emerging hegemonic posture and its moral imperialism are at odds with a sober and realistic appraisal of U.S. interests on the world stage, as they create untenable, maximalist, and utopian goals that clash with the concrete realities on which U.S. grand strategy must be based.
  • The liberal Atlanticist tendency to push moralism and social engineering globally has immense potential to create backlash in foreign, especially non-Western, societies that will come to identify the West as a whole with niche, late-modern progressive ideals—thus motivating new forms of anti-Westernism.
Executive Summary
The primacist, interventionist wing of the United States foreign policy establishment—’the Blob’—has a long history of using prevailing moralist trends to serve as ideological justifications for expansionist and hawkish policies. From Presidents William McKinley and Woodrow Wilson on through the militant democracy promotion of the George W. Bush administration, this process often mutated to accommodate the de jour proclivities and entrenched biases of the policy-making class. The newest iteration of this process is the adoption of social justice causes and rhetoric as the explicit goals of the United States’ foreign policy. Such use and weaponization of the language of justice to advance the foreign policy objectives of the liberal Atlanticist Blob is particularly evident against regions and countries the West believes actively challenge the Liberal International Order (LIO) status quo or where it seeks to justify military and economic interventions on normative grounds.

Rather than a coordinated conspiracy directed from a central organization or even a conscious desire on the part of the participants however, this process of adopting, incorporating, and cultivating new rationales to sustain what is an idealist and internationalist strategic culture in the United States has become routinized. This entrenchment of systemic moralism in the American national security apparatus has been facilitated, and is at least partly driven, by a highly competitive professional class vying to secure their position in the system by using virtue signaling to demonstrate class solidarity to their higher ranks. This mimetic mechanism incentivizes pushing the envelope and chasing trending causes (normative mimicry)—but always in service of the imperial needs of the state where expansionism and primacy are viewed as the triumph of a universalized American conception of virtue over those forces which are viewed as being on ‘the wrong side of history’. Under such moralistic conditions, prudence, moderation, and narrower conceptions of interest—provisos of realism—could be effectively vilified as enabling oppression and injustice.

The current Wokeist incarnation of American globalist evangelism seeks not only to change the governments of other nations, but engineer their very cultures according to the Western progressive model. Its universalist framing of human values could be readily applied to violate or undermine the sovereignty of alternate political or cultural systems and justify those interventions for the domestic Western audiences in the name of ‘moral responsibility’.

This white paper seeks to elucidate the often hidden processes and mechanisms that have led to the consolidation of this “woke imperium” of moralistic cosmopolitanism: its historical roots, present day trends, and possible future evolution. It is also intended as a guide for advocates of realism and restraint: to help realists understand the nature of the resistance they are likely to encounter from certain sectors of the foreign policy establishment and their sympathizers as they try to realign U.S. foreign policy goals with more limited and concrete national interests.

Isse kehte hai Chanakya Neeti type Statecraft...these Gora Anglo Saxons know how to use moralism as a tool to subvert the enemy and make them their mental slave..
China in this regard is much more smart they know the badmasi of GAE and are equally haramzada ...hence use the same tactics on them ( case point : tiktok videos on America being stupid and cringe making the young Americans dumb and dumber while at the same time flooding their market with cheap illicit drugs to get their youth hooked on and die of overdose)...
Aur hum kya kar rahe hai ? Bas kari ninda..aur koi woke Desi-American politician banne par aadhi janta hilati hai..


Sikkimese Saber
Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
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Our overt relations with the United States are some of the best ever. There is so much close coordination and cooperation across the military and international geopolitical environment. However, a big concern for us is the constant probing and attempts to exploit fault lines within India.

What really scares me is about how the ex-US diplomat above revealed that the US STATE DEPT works directly with the DoD and the CIA, bypassing anything to do with the POTUS as was the case with Donald Trump. He would direct them but they would do everything to ignore his orders.

This is almost a similar situation to Pakistan, where the deep state has a different view with neocons and extremist imperialistic thinking commanders, officials and leaders are hand-in-glove with each other to create mayhem. This means even if someone magically convinced the POTUS and their VP of strengthening ties with the country, the deep state could just sweep them aside and continue their nefarious activities.

skunk works

Senior Member
Jul 25, 2022
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Website still looked under construction. Not much information on foreign policy. Wiki said he 'identifies as a hindu.'
Legit or Trojan horse?
Vivek Ramaswamy announces white house bid
CNN)Entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy announced on Tuesday that he's running for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination.

"To put America first, we need to rediscover what America is. That's why I am running for president," Ramaswamy wrote in a Wall Street Journal editorial. "I am launching not only a political campaign but a cultural movement to create a new American Dream—one that is not only about money but about the unapologetic pursuit of excellence."

Ramaswamy is a biotech and health care entrepreneur who has written two books, "Nation of Victims: Identity Politics, the Death of Merit, and the Path Back to Excellence" and "Woke, Inc.: Inside Corporate America's Social Justice Scam."

"We embrace secular religions like climatism, Covidism and gender ideology to satisfy our need for meaning, yet we can't answer what it means to be an American," Ramaswamy wrote in the Journal.

"The Republican Party's top priority should be to fill this void with an inspiring national identity that dilutes the woke agenda to irrelevance," he continued.

The editorial also called for securing the border, eliminating affirmative action and repealing civil service protection for federal employees.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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Website still looked under construction. Not much information on foreign policy. Wiki said he 'identifies as a hindu.'
Legit or Trojan horse?
Vivek Ramaswamy announces white house bid
frankly from my point of view, i am hoping the guy drops out before the primaries. one non-establishment disrupter called trump created enough variables in the flow of geo-politics, has triggered a sequence of events which we don't know how it will end and when they will end.

thankfully Indian public had already elected a practical thinking leadership before trump came into picture, and they handled the disruptions reasonably well and favourably.

i don't think we should be wishing for another set of disruptions.


Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
Anybody who still thinks that US is a beacon of law and order and rules based system - Please watch the below video and decide whether you want to keep that same opinion or not.

@Ylside why don't you watch this video and really decide whether Russia started this conflict or it was the US all along.


Regular Member
Jan 21, 2017
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Anybody who still thinks that US is a beacon of law and order and rules based system - Please watch the below video and decide whether you want to keep that same opinion or not.

@Ylside why don't you watch this video and really decide whether Russia started this conflict or it was the US all along.
Boss, on DFI atleast, you are preaching to the choir.


Sikkimese Saber
Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
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Casteism is barely visible outside very low-key villages and tribal areas of Bihar, Jharkhand and some backward towns of UP and Rajasthan.

Other than that, it's pretty much dead in the corporate world of India itself.

Then what is with this law in the US where most of the Indians don't concern themselves with caste?

Seems like deliberate laws to target entire Hindu community.

An ideal counter would be to mandate anti-Conversion Law across India as a counter. The missionaries will run to the CIA and the US State Department. I am very keen to see what the reaction would be to a tit-for-tat like that.

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