India US Relations


Senior Member
Feb 27, 2018
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In a word, no:). But with respect to the media and woke activists, India should ban the activists( which India probably has done for the most part) and kick out a large number of media outlets. Not all of them though. Just the ones that are repeatedly one sided, and the government should make it clear that is the reason. The gross imbalance in their reportage. It should be strong and steadfast in handling the fall out.
I agree completely. Designate them as "Foreign Propaganda Organisations " and give them the order of the boot. This government is bending over backwards while dealing with this scum and it hasn't helped one bit.

Chimaji Appa

Regular Member
Apr 10, 2020
I agree completely. Designate them as "Foreign Propaganda Organisations " and give them the order of the boot. This government is bending over backwards while dealing with this scum and it hasn't helped one bit.


Sikkimese Saber
Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
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@Bhumihar it is only through the destruction of America that the world can finally know a world peace.

A country formed of the dead bodies of 65 million native Americans shouldn't be allowed to exist in the first place.

America supports nations like Saudi UAE pakistan while bombing ME and preaching about democracy.

India with all its flaws has not even done 1% of the damage US has done to the world.
Bruh... you need to calm down on the emotions and start talking pragmatically here.

We are not discussing idealism. I don't like their politics either, but here we are. And right now, we are aligned with the geo-politically speaking.

Anthony Blinken's office might be much more realistic when dealing with us compare to, say, Kamala Harris or Biden who have a votebank of Islamists, certain types of rice-bags, feminists & homosexual SJWs. The job of the folks in the State Department is to ensure that they minimize the impact of local political brouhaha to the minimum on real foreign relations, aka delineating material for foreign and domestic consumption.

So how about we all discuss what is on the table rather than what should have, could have or would have, eh?

Let's see what we have in our hands and analyze how we can get the best mutually beneficial deals in an acceptable manner.

Getting idealistic is ridiculous in today's world. Why? Because we are not in a position to oppose the Americans. Yes, they are meddling in our internal affairs covertly, but that's a game two can play. Just because our idealistic fools are not doing their work properly, does not mean that the Americans would stop.

Even CIA and Mossad target each other behind their backs, despite Israelis literally owning the US.

In the meanwhile, we have to see our selfish interests too.

i) If Biden-Harris are condescending or pedantic towards us, we offer them something that is publicly glitzy and boosts Indo-US overall relationship publicly around the world.

ii) But at the same time, we hammer their troublemakers within our society by giving them absolutely no democratic voice. There are plenty of legal ways of doing it and I know some, pretty sure the higher-ups know all of it.

We are not doing the (ii) bit and that's where the problem is.

Singapore is awesome that way. They have a very pro-US policy internationally, but they bang the crap out of American deep-statists trying to bring "freedom & democracy" there.


Sikkimese Saber
Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
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View attachment 132146
Look at all those “coolies”. This is why US has awesome brain gain. India should emulate immigration policy to gain the best brains as well
A Korea/Taiwan-esque model is more suitable for India i.e., upskilling the people with a long-term plan. We have enough manpower to support national growth if the right skills are implemented. It might take time, but that is something we will have to bear if we want to retain democracy. Unlike most of the fellow Indians here, I am personally quite flexible about that aspect, similar to the East Asian countries. Everything is just a means to an end - the problem with India is that the "end" is not planned at all.

The country does not have the concept of 30-40 year plans and people in India don't have the integrity to honor such plans. That one small mistake when changed, will make a lot of difference without having to resort to the immigration model.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2020
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A Korea/Taiwan-esque model is more suitable for India i.e., upskilling the people with a long-term plan. We have enough manpower to support national growth if the right skills are implemented. It might take time, but that is something we will have to bear if we want to retain democracy. Unlike most of the fellow Indians here, I am personally quite flexible about that aspect, similar to the East Asian countries. Everything is just a means to an end - the problem with India is that the "end" is not planned at all.

The country does not have the concept of 30-40 year plans and people in India don't have the integrity to honor such plans. That one small mistake when changed, will make a lot of difference without having to resort to the immigration model.
India lacks clear vision


Sikkimese Saber
Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
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India lacks clear vision
The obsession of trying to copy the West has resulted in this kind of thinking. Debate, debate, debate, debate, questioning even the most commonly understood sensibilities. This crap did not exist in the India of the 90s, which was saner and had a more reasonable mindset despite economic challenges.

But ever since this perpetual-rebel socio-political model has come into the Indian ecosystem, it has only weakened the society as an institution of the country. Instead of following the natural course of progression, Indians have become quasi-whites long before reaching half their level of material prosperity. And that has been done purposely, starting with the rogue UPA regime between 2004 - 2014. That government & its media channels made sure that people are so engrossed in this new endless debate culture that the real stuff that should be questioned, was untouched.

Clear vision can only come when:
  1. There is a strong, decisive system in place - what is being labelled "authoritarian" today by liberal morons in India
  2. Focus - which can come only if all debates are kept for after the planning and ideation
  3. Self-confidence - to stop appeasing and dealing with the world as equals
The coconut Indian mentality especially in the urban swathes of the country is getting worse leading to what you say.

Only a benevolent iron fist would get things done.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2020
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More brain drain. India needs to fix immigration to encourage immigration into India of talent. New immigration bill for entrepreneurs in US

Image from iOS.jpg

Hari Sud

Senior Member
Mar 31, 2012
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Why is US afraid of China?

Is it supply chain disruption or the Wall Street pressure to retain the last two decades of US-China bonhomie of cheap but worthless products is the key reason. US failed to put the blame of Covid spread on China and all evidence was trashed. Last year, US took very mildly the Chinese clear threat of Taiwan invasion. For the same or similar reasons there is a huge cry about Russian invasion of Ukraine including US and other western countries rushed troops to the Russian border.

The gutless US Administration even allowed China to continue worthless winter Olympics without adequate snow. US could have boycotted it to make a point in Chinese belligerent behaviour.

Nay! …… no such action. The Wall Street profits will be affected hence no action.

Wake up America, if you not tame China today then tomorrow will be too late.


Sikkimese Saber
Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
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The recent trade statistics released for Indo-US bilateral trade seems to be a real booster. There is a huge improvement of 45% between 2020 and 2021. This only shows that we will further be commercially engaged with them more and more going down the road.

From a commercial perspective, that is a smart move. There is a lot to be learned from Americans here. They are unrivalled in many areas:
  1. Marketing & product communication
  2. Product development & commercialization
  3. Supply chains (in a democratic set up)
  4. International trade legislature
  5. R&D
  6. Industry-government synergies
Despite having capable products, we lag behind in most of these areas. While our govt. institutions produce stellar technical research (such as superconductors & advanced materials), most of this just sits in dusty files on the back shelf of some government academic archives.

When it comes to structuring, managing & industry engagement, India can vastly benefit from the American expertise here.

Forging stronger strategic ties under Biden-Harris would be an uphill task for Blinken, but there are definitely a lot of areas that we can develop close synergies together.


Sikkimese Saber
Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
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Made my stance clear on US relations: I would personally hate wokeness to infiltrate Indian Society. US has never been a trustworthy ally to anyone, keep that distance while doing beneficial business.
USA is not our girlfriend that needs to be reliable. They are our commercial and strategic partners. Our interests align for now and hence we support each other. The problem is when we do not act on our part of the deal and fail to create political leverage to compel them to do their bit on different occasions. Lobbying is legal in the US and we do not leverage it.

I see some folks here getting all idealistic and that is nothing short of being foolish. Wokeism is a threat to our culture & sense of balance that we retain while the Western society is going to the dumps. And for that, we need to find ways to ensure it does not creep in.

If the Japanese, Taiwanese, Koreans, etc. can manage to engage more with US and keep Wokeism at bay, we need to follow their path in ensuring that the right filters are in place to ensure meaningful engagement while keeping harmful elements out of the Indian society.

Rule #1: Team PM Modi needs to get a grip on the narrative.


Senior Member
Dec 11, 2020
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X post ---

The nature of Western Media’s coverage of socio-political developments in India has been questioned time and again by Indian Intelligentsia, including top journalists, academia and foreign issues experts. Given the topicality of the issue in the present times, India’s top institute for Media and Communication, Indian Institute for Mass Communication, has published a report ‘Analysis of Global Media Coverage of Events in India’ in the latest issue of its quarterly media journal Communicator. The report, written by Journalist & Media Analyst Amol Parth, endeavors to explain the alleged irrational global media coverage of socio-political developments in India through facts and figures. The report, through in-depth analysis of 3000+ India related Articles by global media, case studies & readership growth pattern, suggests that these questions about the Western Media’s coverage may have some legitimacy to them. The report quotes scientific papers, communication experts and journalists associated with these concerned Western media houses to explain how there is a natural tendency to prefer click bait journalism in order to garner more eyeballs which in turn helps grow their business. Senior Writer at New York Times David Leonhardt says, “Our healthy skepticism can turn into reflexive cynicism, and we end up telling something less than the complete story because we don’t weigh positive news and negative objectively.” Award winning American Podcaster Jay Acunzo says that it’s all about business, “Our media is addicted to growing ad revenue. The business model is the illness. Everything else is a symptom.” Declining demand for print compounded with stiff competition and limited space to grow in their own countries, these Western media houses have found India as a lucrative market with third largest English speaking population. Icing on the cake for them is India’s vast and varied demography which makes it a complex society with many potential fault lines which can be exploited. Exclusively for this report, data of Western media’s readership growth in India was procured from American media measurement agency Comscore. Analysis of the data indicates that the correlation between their digital readership growth in India and their sensational reportage is strong. Their readership in India has grown more rapidly in comparison to their growth globally. Among key findings of the report what stands out is that the case studies in the report indicate pattern of hit & run stories to catch eyeballs which means that most of their stories have exaggerated headlines with minimal substance in the story to support the doomsday prophecies in their headlines. Case studies in the report also expose the editorial prejudices of these media houses against India. Case in point is the New York Times cartoon which ridiculed India’s budget mission to Mars. Another New York Times report paints India’s decision to promote its indigenous textile industry as an obstacle in country’s growth. The report further investigated Western media’s local network in India and found that just one or two correspondents for covering a vast and diverse country like India also contributes to the lack of nuances, poor understanding of complexities and limited fact-checks in their reportage. The report elaborates upon the inability of foreign correspondents based in India to understand the complexities of Indian society, vibrancy of Indian democracy and nuances of governance structure. Comparative analysis in the report suggests that the values, the global media houses hold dear while reporting in their own countries, is lacking in their reportage on similar events in India. The report expresses concern that such coverage by Western Media driven more by their business interest and less by the pursuit of journalism hurts India’s image globally, putting India’s bilateral ties, multi-lateral relations and long-term economic interests at risk.


Senior Member
Sep 8, 2019
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Cross Post

with help from burqa butt @ wash poop no doubt ...

Tools & agencies of the American regime on full time propaganda overdrive.

The fagginton post has recently supported the crackdown on the dissenting Truckers protest in neighboring Canada.

Perchance, tools in the fappington post really need to take a long hard look in the mirror.


Sikkimese Saber
Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
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India doesn't have the soil for "a benevolent iron fist". Democracy is the only thing can keep India together.
Iron fist is not the same as a one-man tinpot dictatorship. It is about creating stronger institutions that are immune to external influence. This means curtailing some elements of "freedoms" for officials, media, newspapers, etc., such that there is a clear framework demarcating legitimate negative news from sabotage.

Singapore, Taiwan, Korea, etc., are democracies but there are elements built into the systems that would classify them the same as China, if they were not bending backward for the Americans.

I am talking about measures like that.


Sikkimese Saber
Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
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Pressure tactics. Unless we develop a counter-narrative, or even get a grip on our own narrative, the State Department will keep testing different pressure mechanisms.

Once the narrative is under considerable control, one of the two things would happen:

a) Either they try to entice with a Japan-like non-NATO alliance (subject to "falling in line")
b) They suddenly turn around, in the next 10 years, and brand us as CCP 2.0. Very much possible when (I pray so) Yogi Govt or Himanta Govt takes charge of the nation after PM Modi retires.

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