India US Relations


Senior Member
Nov 23, 2014
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watch this with patience . 2* speed . worth the time

Just watched it.. for people who like brief summaries:
NGO's still getting funding and active. GOI made some FCRA regulations and then backtracked or ineffective in controlling their activities.
Rest is all rona dhona that we are already aware of i.e. marxist -- foreign connections and ineptitude of BJP.

This should be in political gossip thread.

Detective Pennington

Regular Member
May 1, 2015
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Amreekunt coomers destroyed.
View attachment 97321
He's half right. Richard Spencer has been talking about this for a while. It's not that American conservatives can't stop it, it's that they have no real desire to do so. They don't actually have any deeper ambitions beyond having political power or making money. This is why center-right Republicans only dog whistled about illegal immigration but didn't actually do anything to stop it (cheap labor). Same with the whole stop the steal thing. It was all a giant grift to get money out of the aggrieved Republican base. Nick Fuentes et. all had no real desire for a coup. Trump himself threw his own supporters under the bus when he realized they went too far and actually put the whole overturn the election results thing into action on January 6th.

At least progressives want to change the world due to a misguided belief that we'll make the world a better more loving and equal and diverse place or whatever by implementing uncontrolled 3rd world mass immigration from Islamic shitholes or central america or wherever into highly developed western nations. Whereas for conservatives, America could be 95% non-white with most people wanting to destroy the concept of a unified white identity, implement a privilege/reparations tax just for being white or male or stright/cisgendered, and as long as the conservative elite could remain rich by exploiting the anger o the remaining 5%, they'd support it.


Senior Member
Sep 8, 2019
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Donald Trump sues Twitter, Facebook and Google

Addressing a news conference at his Bedminster, New Jersey golf course, Trump informed, “We’re demanding an end to the shadow-banning, a stop to the silencing and a stop to the blacklisting, banishing and cancelling that you know so well.”


Senior Member
Nov 23, 2014
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Donald Trump sues Twitter, Facebook and Google

Addressing a news conference at his Bedminster, New Jersey golf course, Trump informed, “We’re demanding an end to the shadow-banning, a stop to the silencing and a stop to the blacklisting, banishing and cancelling that you know so well.”
View attachment 98757
I think DT will settle outside court & fill his account with load of money.


Senior Member
Nov 23, 2014
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I think DT will settle outside court & fill his account with load of money.
Here is an alternate view:
Case is filled outside the jurisprudence to collect donations and it fall off in court proceedings. And then there will be outrage :lol:


Detective Pennington

Regular Member
May 1, 2015
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Donald Trump sues Twitter, Facebook and Google

Addressing a news conference at his Bedminster, New Jersey golf course, Trump informed, “We’re demanding an end to the shadow-banning, a stop to the silencing and a stop to the blacklisting, banishing and cancelling that you know so well.”
View attachment 98757
This basically amounts to nothing more than the usual Trumpian narcissistic rage. He's butthurt about being banned (understandably) and is lashing out. There isn't much the supreme court can do. These are private companies who have the right to declare rules for use of their platform, and if you violate their rules, they have the right to kick you off. Are those rights morally justified? No of course not, but within the current legal paradigm they are legally justified.

What should have happened is that congress should have introduced (and the president should have subsequently signed) a bill to regulate big tech social media platforms like public utilities (an internet bill of rights, if you will) given their sheer dominance over the alternative to mainstream corporate media information dissemination space. Styxhexenhammer666 has talked about this a few times. Trump had 2 whole years to get this done (2017-2019, when the repubs controlled all three branches of government), but as usual, neither he nor the American conservatives that make up the Republican party competently acted on this because they don't actually give a fuck. They don't actually care enough about the problem to take it seriously. They complained but didn't do shit as usual, because if they actually fix the problem there is nothing to complain about and thus nothing to appeal to the Repub base's anger about.

As a result, these guys basically got in bed with MSM networks and the Democratic party establishment to do their bidding, in exchange for anti-trust relief (which is why Biden pays lip service to breaking up big tech but won't actually do anything about it).
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Dharma Dispatcher
Senior Member
Nov 10, 2020
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He's half right. Richard Spencer has been talking about this for a while. It's not that American conservatives can't stop it, it's that they have no real desire to do so. They don't actually have any deeper ambitions beyond having political power or making money. This is why center-right Republicans only dog whistled about illegal immigration but didn't actually do anything to stop it (cheap labor). Same with the whole stop the steal thing. It was all a giant grift to get money out of the aggrieved Republican base. Nick Fuentes et. all had no real desire for a coup. Trump himself threw his own supporters under the bus when he realized they went too far and actually put the whole overturn the election results thing into action on January 6th.

At least progressives want to change the world due to a misguided belief that we'll make the world a better more loving and equal and diverse place or whatever by implementing uncontrolled 3rd world mass immigration from Islamic shitholes or central america or wherever into highly developed western nations. Whereas for conservatives, America could be 95% non-white with most people wanting to destroy the concept of a unified white identity, implement a privilege/reparations tax just for being white or male or stright/cisgendered, and as long as the conservative elite could remain rich by exploiting the anger o the remaining 5%, they'd support it.
At the end of the day the libtards were the real cuckservatives who believed in a slow retreat through libertarianism.


Senior Member
Mar 30, 2021
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Senior Member
Sep 8, 2019
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Incoming Chutiapa

Think tank coconuts are going to be disappointed, libtard journos will ask him whether he raised the point with modi, he will say yes. but won’t be mentioned in their official statement.

If it gets mentioned in official statement, it means Biden is firmly on chini camp. GoI will have to review their future US strategy accordingly. Since this is a Marxist talking point, we shouldn’t be surprised Marxist and maoists are collaborating with each other.
Some one should ask this Secretary-

What about the human rights of Blacks and Hispanics who are lodged into Penitentiaries all over the US in large numbers? Why race profiling of these two particular communities only?

What about the human rights of Red Indians who were massacared by the White Trash US Army back in 1800's?

What about the human rights of Asian-Americans who are physically attacked almost daily in Subways, Malls and Streets?

Sitting inside a Glass House and throwing stones on other's!
I would ask about the violation of free speech by big tech and how they are committing rights violations.
Police atrocities.
Discarding responsibilities and leading to dangerous situations for those they coopted in places like Afghanistan etc.
Not to mention how they used their vaccines to get national assets from other countries.

Hope our guys have the balls.
As we know such statements could be to the placate the fringe elements with the Democrat regime.

However, in case they become uppity & have the audacity to raise such issues, i am sure that the MEA has a stinging procedure for responding to the same.

Such things can get into statements with vague pronouncements like:-

"Both India & US are committed to a free world upholding the rule of law, right to dissent blah" etc.

No harm in above.

Anything India specific will not be there in a written form, it * might * be conveyed during meetings vocally & at which point EAM can run his standard response.


Now what we really need to be concerned is below:-

‘Who is running the country?’: Series of bizarre comments by US President Joe Biden sparks further concerns about his deteriorating mental health

While the US media continues to fawn over him and pamper him with soft questions, a series of incongruous comments have only served to fuel suspicions about Joe Biden's deteriorating mental health.

As citizens of the free world & American allies, we Indians are really worried about the health of POTUS. I hope EAM raises this with the Americans. Image that this is the status of the person who has his hands on the largest nuke arsenal in the world, in addition to other disruptive weaponry.

We are also concerned about systemic racism, denial of medial services to ethnic minorities, tech monopoly & general environment of enmity to dissent against the Biden regime. Recently the capitol police were given some more rights, this is concerning.

We are also concerned with Biden approval to go ahead with the bombing of Somalia, one of the poorest countries on the planet.

There are also allegation of corruption against the Biden family


All is not right in the VP office as well:-




Guess that the magic of Pappadams & paneer is fading.


Senior Member
May 20, 2021
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As we know such statements could be to the placate the fringe elements with the Democrat regime.

However, in case they become uppity & have the audacity to raise such issues, i am sure that the MEA has a stinging procedure for responding to the same.

Such things can get into statements with vague pronouncements like:-

"Both India & US are committed to a free world upholding the rule of law, right to dissent blah" etc.

No harm in above.

Anything India specific will not be there in a written form, it * might * be conveyed during meetings vocally & at which point EAM can run his standard response.


Now what we really need to be concerned is below:-

‘Who is running the country?’: Series of bizarre comments by US President Joe Biden sparks further concerns about his deteriorating mental health

While the US media continues to fawn over him and pamper him with soft questions, a series of incongruous comments have only served to fuel suspicions about Joe Biden's deteriorating mental health.

As citizens of the free world & American allies, we Indians are really worried about the health of POTUS. I hope EAM raises this with the Americans. Image that this is the status of the person who has his hands on the largest nuke arsenal in the world, in addition to other disruptive weaponry.

We are also concerned about systemic racism, denial of medial services to ethnic minorities, tech monopoly & general environment of enmity to dissent against the Biden regime. Recently the capitol police were given some more rights, this is concerning.

We are also concerned with Biden approval to go ahead with the bombing of Somalia, one of the poorest countries on the planet.

There are also allegation of corruption against the Biden family


All is not right in the VP office as well:-

View attachment 101674

View attachment 101675

View attachment 101676

Guess that the magic of Pappadams & paneer is fading.
All Democrats need is the invocation of 25th Ammendment and remove Prez Biden and install Commie-La Harris as the POTUS. That is the gameplan though.

Can Biden complete his full tenure? He acknowledged himself that he might die in office.



Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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As we know such statements could be to the placate the fringe elements with the Democrat regime.

However, in case they become uppity & have the audacity to raise such issues, i am sure that the MEA has a stinging procedure for responding to the same.

Such things can get into statements with vague pronouncements like:-

"Both India & US are committed to a free world upholding the rule of law, right to dissent blah" etc.

No harm in above.

Anything India specific will not be there in a written form, it * might * be conveyed during meetings vocally & at which point EAM can run his standard response.


Now what we really need to be concerned is below:-

‘Who is running the country?’: Series of bizarre comments by US President Joe Biden sparks further concerns about his deteriorating mental health

While the US media continues to fawn over him and pamper him with soft questions, a series of incongruous comments have only served to fuel suspicions about Joe Biden's deteriorating mental health.

As citizens of the free world & American allies, we Indians are really worried about the health of POTUS. I hope EAM raises this with the Americans. Image that this is the status of the person who has his hands on the largest nuke arsenal in the world, in addition to other disruptive weaponry.

We are also concerned about systemic racism, denial of medial services to ethnic minorities, tech monopoly & general environment of enmity to dissent against the Biden regime. Recently the capitol police were given some more rights, this is concerning.

We are also concerned with Biden approval to go ahead with the bombing of Somalia, one of the poorest countries on the planet.

There are also allegation of corruption against the Biden family


All is not right in the VP office as well:-

View attachment 101674

View attachment 101675

View attachment 101676

Guess that the magic of Pappadams & paneer is fading.
As citizens of the free world & American allies, we Indians are really worried about the health of POTUS. I hope EAM raises this with the Americans. Image that this is the status of the person who has his hands on the largest nuke arsenal in the world, in addition to other disruptive weaponry.


oh well!! The papadam was good while it lasted was the paneer


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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All Democrats need is the invocation of 25th Ammendment and remove Prez Biden and installing Commie-La Harris as the POTUS.

Can Biden complete his full tenure? He acknowledged himself that he might die in office.

Trmp Said hes gonna be REINSTATED in August.
ting ting di ting

Welcome to Umrican circus...


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Umrica needs a strong leader a true patriot to the land who can keep the Jihadis, the ching chong pooh and the commies at bay and work at a grass root level and do something for the benefit of common umricans like bring gun laws etc.

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