India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

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Jan 21, 2017
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Company is IGT technologies, i live in pitampura. Seems you still don't know how to expose such inbreds? I first talk to them very nicely and then take out their true faces. He also said we are just waiting for right opportunity (sounded like a bluff though). Here is another pilla i found on fb a couple of years back.View attachment 33631 View attachment 33632
Great. Start emailing these evidences from an ANONYMOUS email ID (with a VPN connection) to every possible Law Enforcement Agency. Delhi Police/CBI/NIA etc.. Nothing more that a common citizen can do. Also, as others have suggested, mail these to your company HR from an ANONYMOUS ID. You cannot have a defeatist attitude wrt such fuckers.


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Apr 13, 2013
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One Month After IAF’s Balakot Air Strikes Pakistan Finally Takes Journalists For A Tour Of The Target Site

The IAF’s Mirage-2000. (image via World of weapons/Facebook)

Close to Indian elections..with a week remaining..pakis want the Indian media to pick and puke their narratives.
Gafoorraaaa..this was expected


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Apr 13, 2013
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India gives Pak F-16 intel to US
South Block officials said on condition of anonymity that this evidence – call signs associated with PAF F-16s, and specific details of the AIM-120 Advanced Medium Range Air To Air Missile (AMRAAM) used by the intruding fighting falcons – were shared with the US through institutionalised intelligence channels.

New Delhi also knows the name of the pilot of the downed F-16 shot down by Varthaman, the officials said. Photographs of the recovered engine cowling of the F-16 downed in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir that were examined by IAF experts shows that it has nothing to do with Varthaman’s MiG-21-Bison, the officials added. While the photograph shows the recovered part without rivets, the MiG-21 engine cowling has rivets at multiple places, they said.

According to the South Block officials, while the Pentagon knows that F-16s were used by Pakistan and not the over-rated Chinese JF-17s, the downing of a fighting falcon by a lowly Fishbed, the NATO name of the MiG-21, is a bitter pill to for it to swallow both militarily and commercially.
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May 8, 2017
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Surprise surprise.. even The Print wallahs like Shekhar Gupta is posting good material verifying IAF claims of Balakot strike, 27th Feb actions and politely rubbishing ASPI claims that nothing happened.. forgive me if posted already or it's wrong thread for it.


Quarantined Abdul
Feb 16, 2019
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Pakistan's ISPR taught us how to play information operation: ex-Indian general

LONDON: Retired senior Indian military commander Lieutenant General (retired) Syed Ata Hasnain has praised Pakistani military's public relations wing, Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), for doing a phenomenal job in disseminating information, connecting with the masses and setting the correct narrative beyond just Pakistani sphere.

The former General Officer Commanding of Indian Army's 15 Corps (HQs Srinagar) was speaking at a seminar organised by International Institute of Strategic Studies (IISS) on the subject of “Civil Society in Jammu & Kashmir: democracy vs terrorism”. Rahul Roy-Chaudhry, Senior Fellow for South Asia, IISS, chaired the seminar, which included speakers Dr Shabir Choudhry, President Foreign Affairs Committee of United Kashmir Peoples National Party (UKPNP) and Nitin A Gokhale, Chief Executive Officer and Editor-in-Chief, Bharat Shakti, India.

Lt Gen (retd) Ata, one of India’s most decorated military officers, spoke about the ISPR in his opening remarks and then returned to discuss it various times during the questions and answers session. He retired in June 2013 as the military secretary, after 40 years of service in the Indian armed forces. In occupied Jammu and Kashmir, he served as the GOC 15 Corps, headquartered in Srinagar, from 2010 to 2012.

“I give full marks to Pakistan for the manner in which it has played out the information strategy. The ISPR has done an outstanding work for Pakistan,” he said in his speech, claiming that India started losing narrative in occupied Kashmir in the 90s and has not been able to wrest control.

The former Indian general said that in India “everyone knows what the ISI is but nobody knows what the ISPR is” and only military professionals know about the ISPR.

Ata said the aspect of hybrid warfare has not been understood in India and authorities in India have failed to grasp that “the hybrid can only be countered by hybrid and not by conventional means”.

He gave examples of Iraq and Afghanistan where the Americans have spent billions of dollars but failed to achieve the desired results. “Hybrid in Iraq and Afghanistan should have been fought by hybrid, but hybrid was fought by going conventional.”

The ex-general advised New Delhi to take a leaf out of Pakistan’s strategy and use information strategy.

He said India has made many mistakes in its military approach but one of the biggest ones has been about the “the Military-Civic Action (MCA)”.

“The MCA is not soft power. It’s not psychological. In 30 years, Indian has made many mistakes as far as its strategy is concerned but one of the major mistakes is to think that the MCA is a psychological operation, it’s information operation. It’s not,” Ata said.

“If anyone has taught us how to play information operation it’s the ISPR of Pakistan who have done it marvellously, I would like to give it back to them, always. Credit to them.”

Speaking about occupied Kashmir, he said, “From 2012 onwards Pakistan got upper hand and the change of the generation and social media made all the difference. We didn’t know how to carry the information side of things but Pakistan has done it extremely well.”

The former Indian general said that India has been thwarted in IoK by the rise of social media from 2010 onwards, adding that the new generation of Kashmiris used social media to promote “Azaadi” narrative and that has gone against India.

He agreed that the use of hard power had not worked in occupied Kashmir, adding that India would eventually come to give up the muscular power there.
Is paki news outlet credible enough to put here.

DJ ISPR is having a field day because Indian govt hasn't given proofs yet.

The day these videos are leaked, DJ ISPR will be sitting on donkey with his face blackened, along with NYT, RT etc mullahs.

India has right now traded to be ridiculed for action on ground. Pakis can only win social media wars, even that will be a defeat after all this is over.

Every time pakis get caught spewing lies. I understand the urge you have to let us believe your version because deep down inside you are skeptical too.


New Member
Mar 8, 2019
When can india pass acts like CAATSA....I mean we can keep it simple if a country wants access to indian market he has to leave pakistan.....Similarly in sports...If one wishes to play in IPL don't go for porky suckers league....

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Gaurav Rai

Tihar Jail
Apr 10, 2017
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When can india pass acts like CAATSA....I mean we can keep it simple if a country wants access to indian market he has to leave pakistan.....Similarly in sports...If one wishes to play in IPL don't go for porky suckers league....

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We can do in sports for cricket but for other sports it might be little difficult as we saw few days earlier after banning the pakistani and kosovo athletes how IOC responded. Its doable but difficult.


New Member
Oct 1, 2016
Surprise surprise.. even The Print wallahs like Shekhar Gupta is posting good material verifying IAF claims of Balakot strike, 27th Feb actions and politely rubbishing ASPI claims that nothing happened.. forgive me if posted already or it's wrong thread for it.
All thanks to col bhat who works in the print. Gupta is cashing on his satellite imagery reading expertise.


New Member
Mar 20, 2018
Is paki news outlet credible enough to put here.

DJ ISPR is having a field day because Indian govt hasn't given proofs yet.

The day these videos are leaked, DJ ISPR will be sitting on donkey with his face blackened, along with NYT, RT etc mullahs.

India has right now traded to be ridiculed for action on ground. Pakis can only win social media wars, even that will be a defeat after all this is over.

Every time pakis get caught spewing lies. I understand the urge you have to let us believe your version because deep down inside you are skeptical too.
I've heard Ata Hasnain say similar stuff on news the content is legit.

One reason ISPR is so successful is because the Paki masses are bred to eat shit out of the Army's hand.
On the flip side, India churns out free thinkers......that are unlikely to accept anything just because someone says it...Indian media is both skeptic and rowdy!! So, Indian information warfare will be more arduous than Pakis.

USSR also did the same to its people as Pakis did, while Americans were burning their own flags in protest. Ultimately US survived, USSR broke apart!

But I'll give credit to Ata Hasnain for pointing out the lacuna in the full spectrum war. Even if Indian information warfare doesn't match Pakis in putting out false stories, it could get aggressive in spreading the true stories at least. When in a vacumm people tend to believe the first thing fed to them....and more times something is said the more they believe

Shashank Nayak

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Nov 27, 2017
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Bullshit! Gen. V. K. Singh has no such issues. Unless you are a Congi bitch, you would never compare a great Gen. to a Paki ****** Chief.

Gen. V. K. Singh didn't bow down to UPA mafia and was thus harassed from every corner!
You need to calm down cunt... No one is comparing... I said Men have ambitions. and no one likes to be shunted out...


New Member
Mar 8, 2019
We can do in sports for cricket but for other sports it might be little difficult as we saw few days earlier after banning the pakistani and kosovo athletes how IOC responded. Its doable but difficult.
I only said cricket...We must flex our muscle where we have the potential....But cricket is also optics what about trade....Cant we ask people to clearly choose between 1.3 bn strong indian market and Some beggars

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Apr 13, 2013
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"The explosion appears to have been caused by a gas cylinder inside the car but this is based on preliminary examination of the car's wreckage," a police officer said.

"There was no loss of life... The driver of the car, who was the lone occupant, appears to have escaped," the officer said.

Edit: Deleted my previous comment cuz didnt want to add a conspiracy to it with guesses.


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Mar 24, 2019
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One of the biggest setback to credibility of india after balakot strike was sharing of fake video or images in social platform.. There were nemerous fake pics of dead bodies, videos of pakistani media hiding deadbody.. all of which proved to be fake.. There was also a video from a computer game showing missile hitting terrorist hideouts...This video was specifically mentioned by christine fair in her debate where se mentioned india lacks capability. There was also a constrution site pic shown as after effect of air strike.. And funny thing is it was shown by zee news..Sure the fake reportings did help garner the popular sentiment in favour of BJP among gullible masses... and raised the prospect of bjp in upcomming election .. but all these happened at the cost of prestige of our armed forces and our image in international areana .. I dnt knw either bjp it cell or volunters of hyper bhakts were behind all these.. It did more harm than good... I req all of u be careful before sharing any such containts .. prestige of Nation is more important than bjp winning the elction.


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Jul 11, 2011
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pashtoons - let Taliban khan support his extremism inside Pakistan and pashtonjabis will turn against the state for allahwallahis

Sindhis - for all their hard work they're exploited by pakjabis economically and their language and culture is being erased through Urdu and pakjabisim

Baloch - the pakjabis are replacing with them with Chinese and shitting all over their homes

Ahmadias- the country you wanted so much doesn't even consider you muslims much less you're not even humans by pakjabis

Shias - join the army so you can fight for the occupiers of mecca and medina, the salafists, to kill your shia brothers in Tehran who are the custodians of the tomb of Ali

All general ideas

Edit: there's also alot of older pakjabis that are mad that Urdu is overtaking Punjabi. They're mostly older people and the core to start resentment may not be there in a few years
First thing first - I am not Punjabi.

If one analysis things objectively and in detached manner certain evident things the Indians ignore :

* Punjabies, Pashtuns, and Sindhis did not ask for Pakistan. Pakistan movement was based in Bengal and Muslims of UP, Bihar and MP. Muslim league leadership and support came from there. Punjabis, Sindhis, Baloch etc did not dreamt of Ghazwa-e-Hind. That shit came out of UP - from - Bareilly, Lucknow and Darul Ul Uloom Deoband, Hyderabad and Bhopal. Making India a Muslim nation was their dream and not the idea of Punjabis or Sindhis.

* Areas of Western Pakistan (Now Pakistan ) were designated by the British as Pakistan. No referendum was conducted there nor they were asked. It was imperial decision and a fate accompli for them. KPK and Balochi people never knew what Pakistan was.

* Hordes of UP, Biharies, MP walas were thrust upon Punjab and Sindh. Punjabi and Sindhi land, water, resources, properties, business and most of all Government jobs were given to those Bhais of UP-Bihar- MP who dominated business, govt job, education system, and political leadership. They became new Naubabas of Pakistan.

* The Bhaya language - Urdu was thrust upon the population of Punjabies, Sindhis, Baloch and Bengalis - a language which was never theirs. Govt business being conducted in Urdu, Education system in Urdu meant that all jobs will be cornered by Bhaiyas - called Muhajir. It did happen that way.

* Ahmadis were rich businessmen, educated and professionals like doctors, Engineers. Naturally they dominated those jobs. They were aloofist and had a sense of superiority about them. This made them object of hatred ultimately leading to they being declared "Non- Muslims".

What was worst is that new ideas of Democracy, party politics, liberalism, Institutions was foreign to Punjabies, Sindhis and Pashtuns. Idea of election was foreign to Pashtuns, Baloch, Sindhis and other tribes of Pakistan. New democratic institution were created and led by Muhajirs (Bhayas of UP- Bihar). Those all became an object of ridicule and almost hatred. The institution, democracy and Parliamentary democracy therefore never took any shape or roots there. How could Punjabis, Sindhis and Pathans ever accept that some one from thousands of Km away - Bengal, will rule them ? That was alien to their mind, culture, tradition and history. That was bound to lead to breakup.

Today, whatever Ahmadiyas and Muhajirs are getting in Pakistan is less - very less. They deserve more harsh and tough treatment. Why only Bhutto and Zia - others amongst them like Musharraf need hanging. Why should they become overlords of a new nation called Pakistan - merely because of religion? They broke up India due to religious bigotry and killed millions of Hindus in India. Why should they be rewarded for that in Pakistan? They have committed "Kufra" and deserve much worse Punishment. Punjabis and Pathans in Pakistan have proved that their ethnicity, culture and language is more important that some one raising his ass along with them. Total failure of Muhajirs two nation theory.

Bengalis being in forefront of the partition mayhem got their punishment in pre-1971 days nicely and properly for their sins. Punjabis and Pathans of Pakistan are doing a good job in protecting their lands, their country, their property and culture.

Muhajirs and Ahmadis should be thrown into Arabian sea being the biggest bigots as they have no place to return back to India. Their punishment must be a deterrent for Jihadies such as those in Kashmir.


New Member
Nov 8, 2014
One of the biggest setback to credibility of india after balakot strike was sharing of fake video or images in social platform.. There were nemerous fake pics of dead bodies, videos of pakistani media hiding deadbody.. all of which proved to be fake.. There was also a video from a computer game showing missile hitting terrorist hideouts...This video was specifically mentioned by christine fair in her debate where se mentioned india lacks capability. There was also a constrution site pic shown as after effect of air strike.. And funny thing is it was shown by zee news..Sure the fake reportings did help garner the popular sentiment in favour of BJP among gullible masses... and raised the prospect of bjp in upcomming election .. but all these happened at the cost of prestige of our armed forces and our image in international areana .. I dnt knw either bjp it cell or volunters of hyper bhakts were behind all these.. It did more harm than good... I req all of u be careful before sharing any such containts .. prestige of Nation is more important than bjp winning the elction.
Seems you got your 72000 in advance...


New Member
Mar 28, 2019
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Hey Paki. Clear video has been shown by mainstream media like republic and others. No one is bothered about the filth you try to spew. Entire world (those who in the know-how) knows what has happened in Balakot . Your filthy country stands exposed and is about to be blacklisted. Only country you have by your side is terrorist supporter China, who is by the way making you filths their slave. Enjoy your slave life !

One of the biggest setback to credibility of india after balakot strike was sharing of fake video or images in social platform.. There were nemerous fake pics of dead bodies, videos of pakistani media hiding deadbody.. all of which proved to be fake.. There was also a video from a computer game showing missile hitting terrorist hideouts...This video was specifically mentioned by christine fair in her debate where se mentioned india lacks capability. There was also a constrution site pic shown as after effect of air strike.. And funny thing is it was shown by zee news..Sure the fake reportings did help garner the popular sentiment in favour of BJP among gullible masses... and raised the prospect of bjp in upcomming election .. but all these happened at the cost of prestige of our armed forces and our image in international areana .. I dnt knw either bjp it cell or volunters of hyper bhakts were behind all these.. It did more harm than good... I req all of u be careful before sharing any such containts .. prestige of Nation is more important than bjp winning the elction.
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