India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

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New Member
Jan 17, 2019
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One has to remember that the so called 'Mohajirs' were the MOST RADICAL ISLAMIC zealots that advocated for Pakistan - these were the UP/Bihari muslims influenced by the Deobandi flavor of radical Islam!

The so called 'Mohajirs' migrated to Pakistan and from DAY ONE defined Pakistan as 'hostile to India'!!! They ran the COMPLETE government during the initial days!
These so called 'Mohajirs' were the ones that banned raag 'Durga', raag 'Shiv Kalyan' from Pakistan Radio because they had Hindu names!

As it often happens in Pakistan a person/group suddenly attracts sympathy from others.....not because they're inherently deserving of it.....but because the smaller asshole gets persecuted by a bigger asshole! Which in the Mohajir's case were at the hands of the Pakjabis (and the same with Z.Bhutto & Zia - one asshole getting persecuted by a bigger asshole)!

Both the Pakjabi Chaurdrys (equivalent to erstwhile Indian Zamindar; who actually were the super rich in Pakistan as they owned the most fertile lands) and the Pakjabi military (who were the guns&muscle of Pakistan) HATED the dark skinned Mohajirs who weren't wealthy but controlled the governing of Pakistan (remember that most Mohajirs were well educated - teachers, lawyers, engineers etc). Pakjabi Chaudrys and Pakjabi military kicked the asses of Mohajirs and pushed them to a corner.

So, let's keep the context in mind before the outpourings of sympathy! Mohajirs were the ORIGINAL SINNERS!!!
Ditto for Ahamadiyyas. They were the most fervent voice in favor of an Islamic country, today they aren't even considered Muslims in the country they fought to create. They are actually considered Wajib ul Qatl.


New Member
Mar 24, 2013
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One Month After IAF’s Balakot Air Strikes Pakistan Finally Takes Journalists For A Tour Of The Target Site

by Swarajya Staff Mar 29 2019, 7:17 pm,

The IAF’s Mirage-2000. (image via World of weapons/Facebook)

A full month after Indian Air Force’s strike on Jaish-e-Mohammed’s terror base in Balakot, Pakistan authorities have finally taken journalists for a tour of the site, Indian Express has reported.

The journalists were taken on the tour on Thursday (29 March) and they proceeded to capture videos of the site. The report claimed that currently 300 students are present at the site which purportedly operated under the guise of a Madrasa. The zone is said to be protected by the frontier army of the Pakistani paramilitary force.

This guided tour by Pakistani authorities a month after the air strikes led many social media users to question whether the repair work at the site was finally complete.

The Indian Air Force had conducted the Balakot air strikes in the early hours of 26 February, in which around 200 to 300 terrorists are reported to have perished.


New Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Guy named LM I guess already tweeted it and baba retweeted it....That tweet specifically named which post targeted which one....Holy porky army fighting each other....

Sent from my Mi A1 using Tapatalk
A house divide in itself cannot stand.
Ik doing optics in balochistan..


Too much optics in media these days..too hard to believe.
I k mirroring PM Modi.
A nice media cover-up I see here

Something is burrrrrrrning


New Member
Mar 29, 2019
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Balakot - Time To View The Bigger Picture.

This is my first post here. I request the Mods to make this a thread and not restrict this to a message. I have been a lurker here, on BR and P_D_F. I have seen the mood change and discussions turn into hope rather than seeing the reality. This is my attempt, and I hope your's too and other Indian forums to start seeing the bigger picture and not get consumed by our own media and other anti-India forums.

For several years now WE, I, YOU and the billions in India and abroad had all hoped we could get a strong government that stands up for us and tackles a rogue state masquerading as a nation with terror as the only agenda. - BALAKOT STRIKE WAS "THE" ANSWER!!!

Even a Pakistani will agree that the Balakot strike was a daring, well-thought-out, calculated strike

Now Does it Really Matter That We Provide Proof????

First things first. We violated their sovereignty - unchallenged! The first step to drive home the reality that we will respond at our will. We will continue to do so every time you use terror on our soil.

but, Pakistan says we bombed trees. Indian media and some sections of our population are in doubt - they want proof!

Let's assume what Pakistan is saying is true - so what? How many often has our government sent a strong reply, made fool of their airforce like the way we did this. The message was we can and we will hurt you - Message was delivered loud and clear.

Furthermore, we announced to the world we surgically attacked Pakistan and took out a terror camp. Come one nuclear power attacked and violated another NUCLEAR power and the world remained silent. How often do we see this? This folks is where we already won the war!!!! doesn't matter what happened later, but in the eyes of the world -we did everybody a favor!

Pakistan literally never challenged the premise of the strike almost accepting the view of the world but got fixated in proving we hit only trees. - Strike 2!!!

Their super-duper air force was caught napping. When they did wake up, they chickened out and did not even attempt to chase the aircraft that created history that day - Strike 3

Contrast that to what Abhinandan did - chased the enemy! took the fight inside their home. A lesson Pakistanis got slapped with 1 Indian = Real warrior. 10 Pakistanis = still very chicken!

The strike done, it was very important to assess how Pakistan would respond.
Would it be Nuclear? Would it try to rally nations against India? All out war? Cause huge damage to India and its people? - Let's find out:

The Nuclear Blackmail: Fizzled out and escaped the scene like flushing water in my toilet. HAHA the countless dramabazi we were subjected to, and the threats were just -- DUD! Humiliation like never before to every Pakistani.

All Out War: After surrendering the nuclear option even they knew, all-out war against a superior nation was not a choice.

Targeting Business and Important Installations: This is where they really failed. How could they respond in such a way that India would never, ever think of violating their sovereignty again? Let's dissect this in this next section.

Pakistani Response was LAME!

Pakistan needed to respond in a way that they could prevent India from ever trying to repeat Balakot. Their response was so lame that Modi and the planners were vindicated that Pakistan is a nation of all talk that is super fearful to walk the talk. The icing on the cake was their statement that they misdirected their bombs on purpose. They risked their entire nation to war just to purposely drop bombs not to harm their enemy. LOL! Isn't this how losers talk?

Abhinadan Showed them How to Fight!

At Balakot Pakistanis were chicken to fight back. Our hero not only chased them away, he took the fight right into their living room and smacked the precious possession (F-16) of theirs to the ground smashing it to pieces.

- The fear was so great that they shut their airspace for so long.
- Cut the Internet and other services in fear that information could get out.
- They had paraded their Mirages before just to prove a point. When will they parade the sixteens?
- A Month and counting but no media taken inside the madrassa.

Two important things to watch out for -
1) Weapon sales to Pakistan.
2) FATF Black List
3) If Modi wins, we can anticipate article 35A to be abolished. The freedom fighters will rely heavily on Pakistan to plan another attack but does Pakistan have the balls to think jihad again after the thrashing it got?

As Patriotic Indians
There are still several questions to be answered but we should never undermine glorious victories and efforts. Answers will come, dont make your conclusions! it's been a month and we havent celebrated this victory enough - yet!

I once again request the moderators to make this a new thread. I do not have permissions to create a new thread.

Jai Hind!



New Member
Feb 22, 2019
Agree for the most part, but let's remember that Zia and Musharraf were Muhajirs too. So it may not be the same situation as Baloch or Pasthuns completely turning on Punjabis after they've been oppressed severely.
I think muhajirs will either be extremely nationialistic (30%) for Pakistan or be able to be bribed or manipulated to help civilize pakjabiland(70% of them). Some muhajirs will act like menial sepoys and be accepted like mushie or Zia but those are few and far between.

The concept of Pakistan was originated within Bangladesh but they were the first to break it in two, we just have to give our honest support to these brutalised and oppressed folks in pakiland and hope for justice.


New Member
Feb 22, 2019
What can be done to get Mohajirs against Pakistan Army? Mohajirs are the Muslim that went to Pakistan from India during partition thinking they are going to their promised land. However in Pakistan society their status is reduced to third class citizens.

Everyone please share your views how different sections of Pakistan society can be divided and what are the schematics involved. Please note multiple nails are required in Pakistani coffin. Who all can be those nails.
pashtoons - let Taliban khan support his extremism inside Pakistan and pashtonjabis will turn against the state for allahwallahis

Sindhis - for all their hard work they're exploited by pakjabis economically and their language and culture is being erased through Urdu and pakjabisim

Baloch - the pakjabis are replacing with them with Chinese and shitting all over their homes

Ahmadias- the country you wanted so much doesn't even consider you muslims much less you're not even humans by pakjabis

Shias - join the army so you can fight for the occupiers of mecca and medina, the salafists, to kill your shia brothers in Tehran who are the custodians of the tomb of Ali

All general ideas

Edit: there's also alot of older pakjabis that are mad that Urdu is overtaking Punjabi. They're mostly older people and the core to start resentment may not be there in a few years
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New Member
Apr 5, 2010
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Balakot - Time To View The Bigger Picture.

This is my first post here. I request the Mods to make this a thread and not restrict this to a message. I have been a lurker here, on BR and P_D_F. I have seen the mood change and discussions turn into hope rather than seeing the reality. This is my attempt, and I hope your's too and other Indian forums to start seeing the bigger picture and not get consumed by our own media and other anti-India forums.

For several years now WE, I, YOU and the billions in India and abroad had all hoped we could get a strong government that stands up for us and tackles a rogue state masquerading as a nation with terror as the only agenda. - BALAKOT STRIKE WAS "THE" ANSWER!!!

Even a Pakistani will agree that the Balakot strike was a daring, well-thought-out, calculated strike

Now Does it Really Matter That We Provide Proof????

First things first. We violated their sovereignty - unchallenged! The first step to drive home the reality that we will respond at our will. We will continue to do so every time you use terror on our soil.

but, Pakistan says we bombed trees. Indian media and some sections of our population are in doubt - they want proof!

Let's assume what Pakistan is saying is true - so what? How many often has our government sent a strong reply, made fool of their airforce like the way we did this. The message was we can and we will hurt you - Message was delivered loud and clear.

Furthermore, we announced to the world we surgically attacked Pakistan and took out a terror camp. Come one nuclear power attacked and violated another NUCLEAR power and the world remained silent. How often do we see this? This folks is where we already won the war!!!! doesn't matter what happened later, but in the eyes of the world -we did everybody a favor!

Pakistan literally never challenged the premise of the strike almost accepting the view of the world but got fixated in proving we hit only trees. - Strike 2!!!

Their super-duper air force was caught napping. When they did wake up, they chickened out and did not even attempt to chase the aircraft that created history that day - Strike 3

Contrast that to what Abhinandan did - chased the enemy! took the fight inside their home. A lesson Pakistanis got slapped with 1 Indian = Real warrior. 10 Pakistanis = still very chicken!

The strike done, it was very important to assess how Pakistan would respond.
Would it be Nuclear? Would it try to rally nations against India? All out war? Cause huge damage to India and its people? - Let's find out:

The Nuclear Blackmail: Fizzled out and escaped the scene like flushing water in my toilet. HAHA the countless dramabazi we were subjected to, and the threats were just -- DUD! Humiliation like never before to every Pakistani.

All Out War: After surrendering the nuclear option even they knew, all-out war against a superior nation was not a choice.

Targeting Business and Important Installations: This is where they really failed. How could they respond in such a way that India would never, ever think of violating their sovereignty again? Let's dissect this in this next section.

Pakistani Response was LAME!

Pakistan needed to respond in a way that they could prevent India from ever trying to repeat Balakot. Their response was so lame that Modi and the planners were vindicated that Pakistan is a nation of all talk that is super fearful to walk the talk. The icing on the cake was their statement that they misdirected their bombs on purpose. They risked their entire nation to war just to purposely drop bombs not to harm their enemy. LOL! Isn't this how losers talk?

Abhinadan Showed them How to Fight!

At Balakot Pakistanis were chicken to fight back. Our hero not only chased them away, he took the fight right into their living room and smacked the precious possession (F-16) of theirs to the ground smashing it to pieces.

- The fear was so great that they shut their airspace for so long.
- Cut the Internet and other services in fear that information could get out.
- They had paraded their Mirages before just to prove a point. When will they parade the sixteens?
- A Month and counting but no media taken inside the madrassa.

Two important things to watch out for -
1) Weapon sales to Pakistan.
2) FATF Black List
3) If Modi wins, we can anticipate article 35A to be abolished. The freedom fighters will rely heavily on Pakistan to plan another attack but does Pakistan have the balls to think jihad again after the thrashing it got?

As Patriotic Indians
There are still several questions to be answered but we should never undermine glorious victories and efforts. Answers will come, dont make your conclusions! it's been a month and we havent celebrated this victory enough - yet!

I once again request the moderators to make this a new thread. I do not have permissions to create a new thread.

Jai Hind!
The biggest takeaway is the game changer Balakot attack ... It is not only nailed the nuclear bluff of Pakistanis ... It has set a president that in future there will be more direct attacks on Pakistanis on account of their support to terrorism ...

Thanks for posting and do continue to post your views and opinions often in this forum ... we require nationalists like you more in this forum ...


New Member
Feb 22, 2019
One has to remember that the so called 'Mohajirs' were the MOST RADICAL ISLAMIC zealots that advocated for the creation of Pakistan - these were the UP/Bihari muslims influenced by the Deobandi flavor of radical Islam!

The so called 'Mohajirs' migrated to Pakistan and from DAY ONE defined Pakistan as 'hostile to India'!!! They ran the COMPLETE government during the initial days!
These so called 'Mohajirs' were the ones that banned raag 'Durga', raag 'Shiv Kalyan' from Pakistan Radio because they had Hindu names!

As it often happens in Pakistan a person/group suddenly attracts sympathy from others.....not because they're inherently deserving of it.....but because the smaller asshole gets persecuted by a bigger asshole! Which in the Mohajir's case were at the hands of the Pakjabis (and the same with Z.Bhutto & Zia - one asshole getting persecuted by a bigger asshole)!

Both the Pakjabi Chaurdrys (equivalent to erstwhile Indian Zamindar; who actually were the super rich in Pakistan as they owned the most fertile lands) and the Pakjabi military (who were the guns&muscle of Pakistan) HATED the dark skinned Mohajirs who weren't wealthy but controlled the governing of Pakistan (remember that most Mohajirs were well educated - teachers, lawyers, engineers etc). Pakjabi Chaudrys and Pakjabi military kicked the asses of Mohajirs and pushed them to a corner.

So, let's keep the context in mind before the outpourings of sympathy! Mohajirs were the ORIGINAL SINNERS!!!
Its good to know the history of their community. Thank you. :)

I think like all these people through history who became members of the vicious desert cult that loves violence and injustice have learned from karma and how much of a mistake it was. If we can show forgiveness to those that genuinely will fight the evil thats mohammedism then why not take them back into the fold even shivaji forgave Hindus that became Muslim.

Also the west which fought vicious world wars and murdered each other in the tens if not hundreds of millions forgive each other. Why isn't Germany and France not like india and Pakistan right now?


New Member
Feb 16, 2019
Country flag
Balakot - Time To View The Bigger Picture.

This is my first post here. I request the Mods to make this a thread and not restrict this to a message. I have been a lurker here, on BR and P_D_F. I have seen the mood change and discussions turn into hope rather than seeing the reality. This is my attempt, and I hope your's too and other Indian forums to start seeing the bigger picture and not get consumed by our own media and other anti-India forums.

For several years now WE, I, YOU and the billions in India and abroad had all hoped we could get a strong government that stands up for us and tackles a rogue state masquerading as a nation with terror as the only agenda. - BALAKOT STRIKE WAS "THE" ANSWER!!!

Even a Pakistani will agree that the Balakot strike was a daring, well-thought-out, calculated strike

Now Does it Really Matter That We Provide Proof????

First things first. We violated their sovereignty - unchallenged! The first step to drive home the reality that we will respond at our will. We will continue to do so every time you use terror on our soil.

but, Pakistan says we bombed trees. Indian media and some sections of our population are in doubt - they want proof!

Let's assume what Pakistan is saying is true - so what? How many often has our government sent a strong reply, made fool of their airforce like the way we did this. The message was we can and we will hurt you - Message was delivered loud and clear.

Furthermore, we announced to the world we surgically attacked Pakistan and took out a terror camp. Come one nuclear power attacked and violated another NUCLEAR power and the world remained silent. How often do we see this? This folks is where we already won the war!!!! doesn't matter what happened later, but in the eyes of the world -we did everybody a favor!

Pakistan literally never challenged the premise of the strike almost accepting the view of the world but got fixated in proving we hit only trees. - Strike 2!!!

Their super-duper air force was caught napping. When they did wake up, they chickened out and did not even attempt to chase the aircraft that created history that day - Strike 3

Contrast that to what Abhinandan did - chased the enemy! took the fight inside their home. A lesson Pakistanis got slapped with 1 Indian = Real warrior. 10 Pakistanis = still very chicken!

The strike done, it was very important to assess how Pakistan would respond.
Would it be Nuclear? Would it try to rally nations against India? All out war? Cause huge damage to India and its people? - Let's find out:

The Nuclear Blackmail: Fizzled out and escaped the scene like flushing water in my toilet. HAHA the countless dramabazi we were subjected to, and the threats were just -- DUD! Humiliation like never before to every Pakistani.

All Out War: After surrendering the nuclear option even they knew, all-out war against a superior nation was not a choice.

Targeting Business and Important Installations: This is where they really failed. How could they respond in such a way that India would never, ever think of violating their sovereignty again? Let's dissect this in this next section.

Pakistani Response was LAME!

Pakistan needed to respond in a way that they could prevent India from ever trying to repeat Balakot. Their response was so lame that Modi and the planners were vindicated that Pakistan is a nation of all talk that is super fearful to walk the talk. The icing on the cake was their statement that they misdirected their bombs on purpose. They risked their entire nation to war just to purposely drop bombs not to harm their enemy. LOL! Isn't this how losers talk?

Abhinadan Showed them How to Fight!

At Balakot Pakistanis were chicken to fight back. Our hero not only chased them away, he took the fight right into their living room and smacked the precious possession (F-16) of theirs to the ground smashing it to pieces.

- The fear was so great that they shut their airspace for so long.
- Cut the Internet and other services in fear that information could get out.
- They had paraded their Mirages before just to prove a point. When will they parade the sixteens?
- A Month and counting but no media taken inside the madrassa.

Two important things to watch out for -
1) Weapon sales to Pakistan.
2) FATF Black List
3) If Modi wins, we can anticipate article 35A to be abolished. The freedom fighters will rely heavily on Pakistan to plan another attack but does Pakistan have the balls to think jihad again after the thrashing it got?

As Patriotic Indians
There are still several questions to be answered but we should never undermine glorious victories and efforts. Answers will come, dont make your conclusions! it's been a month and we havent celebrated this victory enough - yet!

I once again request the moderators to make this a new thread. I do not have permissions to create a new thread.

Jai Hind!
Nice analysis. Please continue posting.


New Member
Jun 21, 2018
Country flag
Balakot - Time To View The Bigger Picture.

This is my first post here. I request the Mods to make this a thread and not restrict this to a message. I have been a lurker here, on BR and P_D_F. I have seen the mood change and discussions turn into hope rather than seeing the reality. This is my attempt, and I hope your's too and other Indian forums to start seeing the bigger picture and not get consumed by our own media and other anti-India forums.

For several years now WE, I, YOU and the billions in India and abroad had all hoped we could get a strong government that stands up for us and tackles a rogue state masquerading as a nation with terror as the only agenda. - BALAKOT STRIKE WAS "THE" ANSWER!!!

Even a Pakistani will agree that the Balakot strike was a daring, well-thought-out, calculated strike

Now Does it Really Matter That We Provide Proof????

First things first. We violated their sovereignty - unchallenged! The first step to drive home the reality that we will respond at our will. We will continue to do so every time you use terror on our soil.

but, Pakistan says we bombed trees. Indian media and some sections of our population are in doubt - they want proof!

Let's assume what Pakistan is saying is true - so what? How many often has our government sent a strong reply, made fool of their airforce like the way we did this. The message was we can and we will hurt you - Message was delivered loud and clear.

Furthermore, we announced to the world we surgically attacked Pakistan and took out a terror camp. Come one nuclear power attacked and violated another NUCLEAR power and the world remained silent. How often do we see this? This folks is where we already won the war!!!! doesn't matter what happened later, but in the eyes of the world -we did everybody a favor!

Pakistan literally never challenged the premise of the strike almost accepting the view of the world but got fixated in proving we hit only trees. - Strike 2!!!

Their super-duper air force was caught napping. When they did wake up, they chickened out and did not even attempt to chase the aircraft that created history that day - Strike 3

Contrast that to what Abhinandan did - chased the enemy! took the fight inside their home. A lesson Pakistanis got slapped with 1 Indian = Real warrior. 10 Pakistanis = still very chicken!

The strike done, it was very important to assess how Pakistan would respond.
Would it be Nuclear? Would it try to rally nations against India? All out war? Cause huge damage to India and its people? - Let's find out:

The Nuclear Blackmail: Fizzled out and escaped the scene like flushing water in my toilet. HAHA the countless dramabazi we were subjected to, and the threats were just -- DUD! Humiliation like never before to every Pakistani.

All Out War: After surrendering the nuclear option even they knew, all-out war against a superior nation was not a choice.

Targeting Business and Important Installations: This is where they really failed. How could they respond in such a way that India would never, ever think of violating their sovereignty again? Let's dissect this in this next section.

Pakistani Response was LAME!

Pakistan needed to respond in a way that they could prevent India from ever trying to repeat Balakot. Their response was so lame that Modi and the planners were vindicated that Pakistan is a nation of all talk that is super fearful to walk the talk. The icing on the cake was their statement that they misdirected their bombs on purpose. They risked their entire nation to war just to purposely drop bombs not to harm their enemy. LOL! Isn't this how losers talk?

Abhinadan Showed them How to Fight!

At Balakot Pakistanis were chicken to fight back. Our hero not only chased them away, he took the fight right into their living room and smacked the precious possession (F-16) of theirs to the ground smashing it to pieces.

- The fear was so great that they shut their airspace for so long.
- Cut the Internet and other services in fear that information could get out.
- They had paraded their Mirages before just to prove a point. When will they parade the sixteens?
- A Month and counting but no media taken inside the madrassa.

Two important things to watch out for -
1) Weapon sales to Pakistan.
2) FATF Black List
3) If Modi wins, we can anticipate article 35A to be abolished. The freedom fighters will rely heavily on Pakistan to plan another attack but does Pakistan have the balls to think jihad again after the thrashing it got?

As Patriotic Indians
There are still several questions to be answered but we should never undermine glorious victories and efforts. Answers will come, dont make your conclusions! it's been a month and we havent celebrated this victory enough - yet!

I once again request the moderators to make this a new thread. I do not have permissions to create a new thread.

Jai Hind!
Welcome to DFI trooper! Grab your gear and do your part and we'll keep you alive!



New Member
Mar 20, 2018
Its good to know the history of their community. Thank you. :)

I think like all these people through history who became members of the vicious desert cult that loves violence and injustice have learned from karma and how much of a mistake it was. If we can show forgiveness to those that genuinely will fight the evil thats mohammedism then why not take them back into the fold even shivaji forgave Hindus that became Muslim.

Also the west which fought vicious world wars and murdered each other in the tens if not hundreds of millions forgive each other. Why isn't Germany and France not like india and Pakistan right now?
If you look at history: Peace dawned between any two hostile countries only after one of them has been completely vanquished! It's very rare that one party just let go of India does.

Even though India aspires to be friends with Pakistan, every time India lets Pakistan off the hook to allow Pakis to save face it only emboldens them to growl harder. India needs to get Paki in the pincers and make sure ALL ITS RAUB is gone!!!

Gaurav Rai

Tihar Jail
Apr 10, 2017
Country flag
Its good to know the history of their community. Thank you. :)

I think like all these people through history who became members of the vicious desert cult that loves violence and injustice have learned from karma and how much of a mistake it was. If we can show forgiveness to those that genuinely will fight the evil thats mohammedism then why not take them back into the fold even shivaji forgave Hindus that became Muslim.

Also the west which fought vicious world wars and murdered each other in the tens if not hundreds of millions forgive each other. Why isn't Germany and France not like india and Pakistan right now?
Little offtopic question bro for you. I see you live in Canada, how is the khalistani current going on there specially for referendum 2020? Because here in Delhi it sure has gain some traction again and there is noticeable things happening already. Just now i had a heated argument with a khalistani supporter in office.


New Member
Jun 21, 2018
Country flag
Little offtopic question bro for you. I see you live in Canada, how is the khalistani current going on there specially for referendum 2020? Because here in Delhi it sure has gain some traction again and there is noticeable things happening already. Just now i had a heated argument with a khalistani supporter in office.
Tell that Khalistani to go fuck himself. Make his promotion impossible. Name and shame him else he will spread his tentacles.

Khalistani referendum 2020 has 0 traction in Delhi. I travel there frequently and have many friends there.
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New Member
Feb 22, 2019
If you look at history: Peace dawned between any two hostile countries only after one of them has been completely vanquished! It's very rare that one party just let go of India does.

Even though India aspires to be friends with Pakistan, every time India lets Pakistan off the hook to allow Pakis to save face it only emboldens them to growl harder. India needs to get Paki in the pincers and make sure ALL ITS RAUB is gone!!!
that's a very important point.

One side has to be defeated and accept that for there to be peace.

With the oldest and oldest continuous civilization I feel it won't be our people

That said either we fight and defeat pakiland as a single entity or we break it into manageable parts we can absorb on our own volition.


New Member
Apr 5, 2010
Country flag
Little offtopic question bro for you. I see you live in Canada, how is the khalistani current going on there specially for referendum 2020? Because here in Delhi it sure has gain some traction again and there is noticeable things happening already. Just now i had a heated argument with a khalistani supporter in office.
Just ask that Khalistani supporter what is their capital and will that includes Pakistani Punjab ...


New Member
Feb 22, 2019
Little offtopic question bro for you. I see you live in Canada, how is the khalistani current going on there specially for referendum 2020? Because here in Delhi it sure has gain some traction again and there is noticeable things happening already. Just now i had a heated argument with a khalistani supporter in office.
I haven't heard of any referendum 2020 til you mentioned it and I googled it. Canada should embarrased we allow separatist terrorists khalistanis who murdered hundreds of Canadians to run amok here.

A lot of khalistanis are trying to enter mainstream canadian politics and jagmeet Singh just won leader of our third biggest political party, the NDP. He refused to condemn the khalistani perpetrators of the air Canada bombing. Luckily he's shown himself to have the intellect and charisma of the terrorist supporter that he is and the NDP has lost not just from average Canadians but also from their most ardent longtime supporters in the farming areas


New Member
Jan 21, 2017
Country flag
Little offtopic question bro for you. I see you live in Canada, how is the khalistani current going on there specially for referendum 2020? Because here in Delhi it sure has gain some traction again and there is noticeable things happening already. Just now i had a heated argument with a khalistani supporter in office.
I am seriously beginning to question your company now :shock:. Where in Delhi do you live? In all my years in Delhi, I have yet to come across any overt Khalistani supporter. You do know that you can report such people to the Delhi police? I reported a Kashmiri in my college to DP. The policemen came and took him away for a day and then let him go. From what I could gather, he was give quite the treatment. All this was in the immediate post Pulwama scene. He then left for Kashmir and has not been back since. I would ask you to do the same. Destroy every deshdrohi.:india::india:


New Member
Feb 26, 2010
Little offtopic question bro for you. I see you live in Canada, how is the khalistani current going on there specially for referendum 2020? Because here in Delhi it sure has gain some traction again and there is noticeable things happening already. Just now i had a heated argument with a khalistani supporter in office.
Didn't you say sometime back that there were Pakis in your company? And now you say you are in Delhi?

Where exactly are you?


New Member
Mar 20, 2018
I haven't heard of any referendum 2020 til you mentioned it and I googled it. Canada should embarrased we allow separatist terrorists khalistanis who murdered hundreds of Canadians to run amok here.

A lot of khalistanis are trying to enter mainstream canadian politics and jagmeet Singh just won leader of our third biggest political party, the NDP. He refused to condemn the khalistani perpetrators of the air Canada bombing. Luckily he's shown himself to have the intellect and charisma of the terrorist supporter that he is and the NDP has lost not just from average Canadians but also from their most ardent longtime supporters in the farming areas
The 'hundreds of Canadians' murdered by Khalistanis has never bothered the conscience of Canadian government or its people because almost all of them were Canadian citizens of INDIAN DESCENT!

If the Khalistanis had murdered White Canadians, their asses would have been handed to them!

Even after the Kanishka bombing, Khalistanis murdered several Canadian journalists and politicians who spoke against Khalistanis - but none of the victims were White! As such Canadians tolerate them,even encourage them as a leverage against a foreign country.


New Member
Mar 28, 2019
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No offense, but your posts always seems to be coming from a victim type of mentality , a weakling who can't take any stance . At times it is paki supporter in your office and now it is khalistani

What's wrong? Where do you work?

Little offtopic question bro for you. I see you live in Canada, how is the khalistani current going on there specially for referendum 2020? Because here in Delhi it sure has gain some traction again and there is noticeable things happening already. Just now i had a heated argument with a khalistani supporter in office.
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