India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

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Mar 24, 2019
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High on alert ahead of elections: Lashkar, JeM activate local sleeper cells
New Delhi, Mar 25: The Indian Intelligence Bureau has warned of large scale attacks during the elections.

The report further warned that groups such as the Lashkar-e-Tayiba and Jaish-e-Mohammad would try and strike at the heartland and not just in Jammu and Kashmir.

Security forces bust JeM module in J&K

This is the third warning that the agencies have issued in the past four months. The IB warning also says that the Lashkar-e-Tayiba will look to activate its sleeper cells across the country. The warning specifies that the outfit will look to target states such as Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Karnataka ahead of the elections.

The Intelligence Bureau has sounded another alert in which it is stated that Lashkar-e-Tayiba is training its terrorists to launch sea borne attacks in India.

The maritime wing of the Lashkar-e-Tayiba has reported enhanced activity in the past couple of months, the IB reported. There is ample information and leads to suggest that a large number of its terrorists are being trained in deep sea diving in a bid to launch a massive attack in India, the IB further reported.

The report suggests that the Jaish-e-Mohammad too is working alongside the Lashkar to execute attacks in India. The two groups work in tandem in the Kashmir Valley.

The input which has been considered as an actionable one has prompted the Indian Navy to be on high alert. In addition to this the IB has also warned that a group of terrorists are waiting near the Leepa Valley, Dudhnihal and Kel to infiltrate into India.

The attack from the seas was witnessed during the 26/11 attack. This time around the alert suggests that the terrorists of both the groups are training hard in a bid to launch an attack on the Indian Navy. The threat looms large in the states of Gujarat and Maharashtra, an IB officer told OneIndia.

Several intelligence reports available with OneIndia state that the naval wing of these groups is handled by the Musa Company, which is the special services group of the Pakistan Army.

How virtual SIMs helped JeM carry out the Pulwama attack

The naval wing of these terrorist groups is not often used by terror groups. It is part of the surprise element, the reports state. Since 2004, it had become mandatory for every Lashkar-e-Tayiba recruit to undergo a certain amount of maritime training.

This apart, the terrorists also take part in classes on elementary flying. As part of the training programme, the first class is held in Thakot and then at Murdike. The training programme comes to a close at Karachi and each of these sessions is conducted by officers of the Musa company.

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must be the SURPRISE ELEMENT GAFOORA was Talking about
Well a 26/11 scale attack ll lead to cancellation of election and declairation of emergency with in hours... In next few days we ll be in a full scale war with pakistan .. And this time total brute force of india ll be used .. not some loc isolated dog fight... Hope better sense prevail ..
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New Member
Feb 25, 2019
The thread has become a royal mess with Pork BBQ, Kashmir reorganization and what not

Coming back to the thread topic, I just wanted to put forward my theory for the whats going on in the last few weeks

1. LoC - Army is going after the Pakistan Army and its terror organs with a determination. The Fire assaults are in my guess - attempts to destroy permanent structures that facilitate infiltration (which means less trouble this season at least). Secondary objectives include, giving it back good to the Pakis to break their morale and validate firing tactics and also to test the new intelligence gathering tools (drones, new satellites) by using them for damage assessment and spotting.

The theory that we are going to take over their posts - seems quite probable and likely, but right now is completely unconfirmed.

2. IB - Pakistan is aggressively probing the IB. Again a guess but its their fear of a missile strike rather than an actual one. Which is why they are sending drone after drone to get real time intel even if the drones are coming on a one way trip.

3. Navy - Its like sending a butcher to sit in front of the animal's cage and sharpen its blade. No threats, no sudden moves just plain intimidation by presence. But the Navy cannot maintain this posture beyond a few weeks so this will be toned down soon to allow crews to rest and maintenance cycles for the ships

4. Air Force - Pakistan is fearing further strikes. So its maintaining an aggressive posture. This has to be met with a similar posture from IAF to prevent any PAF misadventure. Simply its plain mutual distrust. Both sides are on high alert to discourage any attack by the other. One side will have to tone down soon - operations cannot be sustained at this tempo indefinitely.

The spring thaw is coming. If something has to happen it will happen in May or June. We might see a lull on our side before final prep is done. Then it can go either way depending on the prevailing situation. I am afraid the west might play spoilsport again but one can hope right ?


New Member
Mar 23, 2019
Well a 26/11 scale attack ll lead to cancellation of election and declairation of emergency with in hours... In next few days we ll be in a full scale war with pakistan .. And this time total brute force of india ll be used .. not some loc isolated dog fight... Hope better sense prevail ..
When we had a chance on 27th we didn't now India has to wait to for another terror strike to happen :frusty:


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Apr 13, 2013
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A chauhan

"अहिंसा परमो धर्मः धर्म हिंसा तथैव च: l"
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Oct 10, 2009
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High on alert ahead of elections: Lashkar, JeM activate local sleeper cells
New Delhi, Mar 25: The Indian Intelligence Bureau has warned of large scale attacks during the elections.

The report further warned that groups such as the Lashkar-e-Tayiba and Jaish-e-Mohammad would try and strike at the heartland and not just in Jammu and Kashmir.

Security forces bust JeM module in J&K

This is the third warning that the agencies have issued in the past four months. The IB warning also says that the Lashkar-e-Tayiba will look to activate its sleeper cells across the country. The warning specifies that the outfit will look to target states such as Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Karnataka ahead of the elections.

The Intelligence Bureau has sounded another alert in which it is stated that Lashkar-e-Tayiba is training its terrorists to launch sea borne attacks in India.

The maritime wing of the Lashkar-e-Tayiba has reported enhanced activity in the past couple of months, the IB reported. There is ample information and leads to suggest that a large number of its terrorists are being trained in deep sea diving in a bid to launch a massive attack in India, the IB further reported.

The report suggests that the Jaish-e-Mohammad too is working alongside the Lashkar to execute attacks in India. The two groups work in tandem in the Kashmir Valley.

The input which has been considered as an actionable one has prompted the Indian Navy to be on high alert. In addition to this the IB has also warned that a group of terrorists are waiting near the Leepa Valley, Dudhnihal and Kel to infiltrate into India.

The attack from the seas was witnessed during the 26/11 attack. This time around the alert suggests that the terrorists of both the groups are training hard in a bid to launch an attack on the Indian Navy. The threat looms large in the states of Gujarat and Maharashtra, an IB officer told OneIndia.

Several intelligence reports available with OneIndia state that the naval wing of these groups is handled by the Musa Company, which is the special services group of the Pakistan Army.

How virtual SIMs helped JeM carry out the Pulwama attack

The naval wing of these terrorist groups is not often used by terror groups. It is part of the surprise element, the reports state. Since 2004, it had become mandatory for every Lashkar-e-Tayiba recruit to undergo a certain amount of maritime training.

This apart, the terrorists also take part in classes on elementary flying. As part of the training programme, the first class is held in Thakot and then at Murdike. The training programme comes to a close at Karachi and each of these sessions is conducted by officers of the Musa company.

Read more at:

must be the SURPRISE ELEMENT GAFOORA was Talking about
Now after IAF air strike I can confidently say that they are simply underestimating Modi and Doval.

These two guys are experts in turning the negative events into positive ones.

GPL khayenge tab pata chalega :biggrin2::biggrin2:


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Jun 23, 2010
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F-16s involved - the AIM-120 wreckage is pretty damning. Initial claims that it was sold to Taiwan have been denied by Taiwan, and US-based experts have said that the overall sale package that include the missile covered both Taiwan and Pakistan, so the missile is likely to have been sold to Pakistan. HOWEVER, the AIM-120 is a long-range missile (over 100km / 60 mile) range and is not a missile that Pakistan would use in a close range encounter like the one that India claimed occured (India said they fired a R-73 heat seeking missiles, which has a 30km/20 mile range).

Actually, there is solid evidence that Pakistan has received 500 AIM-120C-5s from exactly the same contract, but from one of its 28+ lots (i.e. FA8675-05-C-0070/P00028).

With other words: no idea why is everybody only paying attention at the contract number, but not at the lot number.

Pakistan had a plan to retaliate by dropping bombs in Indian Kashmir. Mission profile: JF-17s as strike element crossing into Indian Airspace. F-16s were used as long-distance escort, using long-range AIM-120 missiles from safely deep inside Pakistani airspace. JF-17s dropped bombs just before the Indian Migs were in interception range. They turned round and burned hard for Pakistani space. The Mig-21s chased them hard and are faster than JF-17s, almost catching them before hitting the border. The Indian Wing Commander made the call to do a hot pursuit. That brought them in range to fire R-73 missiles . JF-17s used flares to evade the missiles but since the missiles still detonated close enough to the Pakistani planes that it looked like a kill to the Indian pilots. The JF-17 from a distance looks a lot like a F-16 and could be visually confused (more on this later).

There is no evidence the PAF actually attempted to 'retaliate'. And if, that would represent a major provocation: after all, the IAF attacked three terrorist camps in self-defence (i.e. in accordance with the UN Charta), it didn't attack Pakistani military facilities - like the PAF, supposedly, tried to do (which would be against the UN Charta).

There is no evidence the PAF used F-16s as some sort of 'long-distance escort'. All the available evidence (few videos taken from very far away, and actually showing just contrails) is showing multiple PAF formations approaching the LOC, and then turning away as the IAF interceptors appeared: these were taken from much too far away but to enable a clear identification of involved aircraft.

There is no evidence for any kind of 'pursuit' of PAF fighters by IAF inteceptors.

The Indians claim the air combat took place at altitudes of 7000ft and higher. That is confirmed by at least two videos showing what appears to be one of their aircraft going down in flames (i.e. doing so from quite a high altitude).

There is no evidence for JF-17s - or any other of involved aircraft - using flares.

There is only evidence that one of the IAF interceptors (specifically: a MiG-21UPG CU2328, from Srinagar-based No. 51 Squadron) crossed the LOC - for whatever reason. By doing so, the pilot of the aircraft in question has violated not only the Agreement on Confidence-Building Measures from 1989 (which dictate that neither side is supposed to even approach to less than 10km from the LOC), but also the standing ROEs of the IAF and the PAF, along which no aircraft are to be engaged unless they remain on their side of the LOC (which is why there was no massive missile-shoot-out in the case of the engagement on the morning of 27 February 2019).

According to official Indian sources, the pilot in question did so because up to three PAF aircraft have previously crossed the LOC. I.e. the MiG-21-pilot had the right to engage PAF aircraft which crossed the LOC.

No clear evidence in this regards has been provided by New Delhi, and no official statement by Islamabad in this regards is currently known to me. Thus, it's impossible to gauge which side is right and which is wrong (except to conclude that, given that Islamabad is lying in regards of its continuous support for jihadist terror groups, in regards of non-involvement of F-16s in this clash etc., it is far less reliable than New Delhi).

The Indian plane that got away would have brought with it electronic data showing that it was getting painted by the kind of radar that the F-16 carries.

That is possible. However, much more likely, F-16's 'electronic footprint' was captured by at least several of 'quite a few' of COMINT/ELINT/SIGINT-stations maintained by the Indian military intel in Jammu and Kashmir alone, not to talk about the IAF's ERJ.145 Natra AEW/AWACS-aircraft known to have been airborne east of Kashmir at the time of the clash.

Moreover, the finding of the AIM-120C-5-wreckage by the Indian Army troops deployed in Jammu and Kashmir is important because no other aircraft in PAF service - but F-16AM/BMs and F-16C/D Block 50s are compatible with that weapon (contrary to the mass of unofficial Pakistani claims, the JF-17 is NOT compatible with the AIM-120).

This, together with the easy-to-confuse misidentification of the JF-17 with an F-16, would have led India to be convinced that they were only fighting F-16s and not JF-17s like they actually were.

Nope. Electronic footprint of an F-16AM/BM or F-16C/D Block 50 is distinctly different than that of the JF-17 (equipped with a Chinese radar etc.).

As for the issue of why Pakistan initially claimed one pilot in custody and one in hospital, that is simple. ISPR at the time had 3 pieces on information to work into an immediate press release...

So, Islamabad was first 'very quick' to release info - and then didn't release any kind of info ever since (i.e. for at least three days)...except releasing videos of the arrested pilot (which is against the Geneva Convention)...?

Hm, sorry, that's not particularly convincing.

Note: User name: x_TC_x belongs to Tom Copper. Highlighted parts are his replies.

Link (Click)

So, the drama of denying role of F16 (With release footage of JF17 involvement) and recent release of photographs of mig21 missiles seems to suggest Pakistan is under increased pressure to own up F16 as part of ops and it indeed went down and it is trying to built counter narrative to try and ease pressure.
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Veteran Hunter of Maleecha
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Apr 7, 2010
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Doest explain the "sounds of firing/shots" heard..
interested in how they are going to cover that up...and make it into a "MYSTERY" :rofl::rofl:

Early hours a lot of information will come out as most of them are eager to put it up on the social media and Gafoora has NO control of it.
They are claiming gang war in Multan for loud noises! Gafoor and his nation of fools! :biggrin2:


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Apr 13, 2013
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F-16s involved - the AIM-120 wreckage is pretty damning. Initial claims that it was sold to Taiwan have been denied by Taiwan, and US-based experts have said that the overall sale package that include the missile covered both Taiwan and Pakistan, so the missile is likely to have been sold to Pakistan. HOWEVER, the AIM-120 is a long-range missile (over 100km / 60 mile) range and is not a missile that Pakistan would use in a close range encounter like the one that India claimed occured (India said they fired a R-73 heat seeking missiles, which has a 30km/20 mile range).

Actually, there is solid evidence that Pakistan has received 500 AIM-120C-5s from exactly the same contract, but from one of its 28+ lots (i.e. FA8675-05-C-0070/P00028).

With other words: no idea why is everybody only paying attention at the contract number, but not at the lot number.

Pakistan had a plan to retaliate by dropping bombs in Indian Kashmir. Mission profile: JF-17s as strike element crossing into Indian Airspace. F-16s were used as long-distance escort, using long-range AIM-120 missiles from safely deep inside Pakistani airspace. JF-17s dropped bombs just before the Indian Migs were in interception range. They turned round and burned hard for Pakistani space. The Mig-21s chased them hard and are faster than JF-17s, almost catching them before hitting the border. The Indian Wing Commander made the call to do a hot pursuit. That brought them in range to fire R-73 missiles . JF-17s used flares to evade the missiles but since the missiles still detonated close enough to the Pakistani planes that it looked like a kill to the Indian pilots. The JF-17 from a distance looks a lot like a F-16 and could be visually confused (more on this later).

There is no evidence the PAF actually attempted to 'retaliate'. And if, that would represent a major provocation: after all, the IAF attacked three terrorist camps in self-defence (i.e. in accordance with the UN Charta), it didn't attack Pakistani military facilities - like the PAF, supposedly, tried to do (which would be against the UN Charta).

There is no evidence the PAF used F-16s as some sort of 'long-distance escort'. All the available evidence (few videos taken from very far away, and actually showing just contrails) is showing multiple PAF formations approaching the LOC, and then turning away as the IAF interceptors appeared: these were taken from much too far away but to enable a clear identification of involved aircraft.

There is no evidence for any kind of 'pursuit' of PAF fighters by IAF inteceptors.

The Indians claim the air combat took place at altitudes of 7000ft and higher. That is confirmed by at least two videos showing what appears to be one of their aircraft going down in flames (i.e. doing so from quite a high altitude).

There is no evidence for JF-17s - or any other of involved aircraft - using flares.

There is only evidence that one of the IAF interceptors (specifically: a MiG-21UPG CU2328, from Srinagar-based No. 51 Squadron) crossed the LOC - for whatever reason. By doing so, the pilot of the aircraft in question has violated not only the Agreement on Confidence-Building Measures from 1989 (which dictate that neither side is supposed to even approach to less than 10km from the LOC), but also the standing ROEs of the IAF and the PAF, along which no aircraft are to be engaged unless they remain on their side of the LOC (which is why there was no massive missile-shoot-out in the case of the engagement on the morning of 27 February 2019).

According to official Indian sources, the pilot in question did so because up to three PAF aircraft have previously crossed the LOC. I.e. the MiG-21-pilot had the right to engage PAF aircraft which crossed the LOC.

No clear evidence in this regards has been provided by New Delhi, and no official statement by Islamabad in this regards is currently known to me. Thus, it's impossible to gauge which side is right and which is wrong (except to conclude that, given that Islamabad is lying in regards of its continuous support for jihadist terror groups, in regards of non-involvement of F-16s in this clash etc., it is far less reliable than New Delhi).

The Indian plane that got away would have brought with it electronic data showing that it was getting painted by the kind of radar that the F-16 carries.

That is possible. However, much more likely, F-16's 'electronic footprint' was captured by at least several of 'quite a few' of COMINT/ELINT/SIGINT-stations maintained by the Indian military intel in Jammu and Kashmir alone, not to talk about the IAF's ERJ.145 Natra AEW/AWACS-aircraft known to have been airborne east of Kashmir at the time of the clash.

Moreover, the finding of the AIM-120C-5-wreckage by the Indian Army troops deployed in Jammu and Kashmir is important because no other aircraft in PAF service - but F-16AM/BMs and F-16C/D Block 50s are compatible with that weapon (contrary to the mass of unofficial Pakistani claims, the JF-17 is NOT compatible with the AIM-120).

This, together with the easy-to-confuse misidentification of the JF-17 with an F-16, would have led India to be convinced that they were only fighting F-16s and not JF-17s like they actually were.

Nope. Electronic footprint of an F-16AM/BM or F-16C/D Block 50 is distinctly different than that of the JF-17 (equipped with a Chinese radar etc.).

As for the issue of why Pakistan initially claimed one pilot in custody and one in hospital, that is simple. ISPR at the time had 3 pieces on information to work into an immediate press release...

So, Islamabad was first 'very quick' to release info - and then didn't release any kind of info ever since (i.e. for at least three days)...except releasing videos of the arrested pilot (which is against the Geneva Convention)...?

Hm, sorry, that's not particularly convincing.

Note: User name: x_TC_x belongs to Tom Copper. Highlighted parts are his replies.

Link (Click)

So, the drama of denying role of F16 (With release footage of JF17 involvement) and recent release of photographs of mig21 missiles seems to suggest Pakistan is under increased pressure to own up F16 as part of ops and it indeed went down and it is trying to built counter narrative to try and ease pressure.
Absolutely.... They are Preparing the ground to PLAY THE VICTIM CARD .
They went on hyper drive before any press conferences happened in India post Balakot.

So, well!! may be USA is going to acknowledge something.


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Apr 13, 2013
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Near the mountains of the north, The lions are roaming in search of fresh meat of Markhors.

The LIONs..does he mean Sikh Regiment..
I dont have any bearing on the deployments..
I was just looking at the Insignia of LIONS in some of our regiments and I found 2 Kumaon and Sikh regiments with representation of lions in the insignia.
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Mar 24, 2019
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@SanjeevM and @Mikesingh have trying to make this very valid point many times.
They were quiet successful in info war given the huge mess they had to hide.. No way india could have hide something like balakot and use international media in their favour .. They have a all powerful army rulling over the country .. enabling them for rapid decision making.. As per our govt around 20k fake profiles were active in creating favourable narative in various social medias.. Imagine the way they spreaded their narative even people forgot most genuine qus why non of those international media was nt even allowed to go 100mtrs near the madrasa campus which is the most significant place in the whole story...not even police is allowed there.. They all jumped to conclusion.. To the extend that one of organisation said it was a botched operation without any prior knowledge of kind of weapon used..
but that does not make me sad.. Infact its a good way of keep retaliating with out going for full war... we ll keep hitting jihadis in future as well and they ll keep hiding with their info war.. Thats like a good neighbour :pound:
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Veteran Hunter of Maleecha
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Apr 7, 2010
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They were quiet successful in info war given the huge mess they had to hide.. No way india could have hide something like balakot and use international media in their favour .. They have a all powerful army rulling over the country .. enabling them for rapid decision making.. As per our govt around 20k fake profiles were active in creating favourable narative in various social medias.. Imagine the way they spreaded their narative even people forgot most genuine qus why non of those international media was nt even allowed to go 100mtrs near the madrasa campus which is the most significant place in the whole story...not even police is allowed there.. They all jumped to conclusion.. To the extend that one of organisation said it was a botched operation without any prior knowledge of kind of weapon used..
In India it was done by leftist Rags to create doubt, so that Modi does not benefit! Soon their propaganda and low caliber leftists were called out, and the Momentum changed! A JNU graduate, political journo or an arts professor writing on military issue is criminal and he will get discredited easily, this is what happened. We all know if these leftist rags publish, simply not to trust them!


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Apr 13, 2013
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India-Pakistan Dogfight: The Little Known Role Of A Woman Flight Controller

Well !! good

Since the radars at the control centre are capable of seeing the big picture in the sky unlike the individual planes (which have visibility of 60 degrees or thereabouts), the directions of the on-ground flight controllers became the byword for the Indian pilots. And sure enough, as the PAF package advanced towards the LoC, momentarily it appeared that the Indians were outnumbered but the woman officer and her colleagues at the flight control centre noticed that only three F-16s made a shallow ingress across the LoC, dropped a few laser-guided bombs on military targets close to the LoC and scrambled back without hitting their targets.

As the Pakistani fighters turned back, the Indian interceptors including Wing Cdr Abhinandan were in hot pursuit. Abhinandan reported a ‘lock’ on the F-16 and fired the R-73 short-range air-to-air missile fitted on the MiG-21 Bison. Even as he did that, the woman officer noticed the F-16s firing two missiles at the Indian aircraft in hot pursuit.

Taking a split second decision, she alerted both MiG-21 Bison pilots about the impeding threat. Wing Commander Abhinandan’s colleague took instant evasive action and initiated counter-measures and manoeuvred his way out of harm of the AMRAAM missile.

, however, was not so lucky. Even as he fired the R-73 and hit an F-16, the AMRAAM hit his plane too. Abhinandan was forced to eject.

He landed in enemy territory and was captured. Meanwhile, the F-16 also went down and two other parachutes were seen drifting inside Pakistani territory. The fate of the two Pakistani pilots is shrouded in mystery so far.All this was happening in a timeframe that was less than the time we take to read this article.An Indian analysis has also shown that when Pakistan launched the short retaliatory strike only three or four aircraft including three F-16s crossed the LoC and came only three or four km inside Indian territory before they were challenged by the IAF interceptors. As a senior IAF officer puts it: “While three or four aircraft came into Indian territory in an offensive mode, 21 aircraft were in the total package only for support. They were all trying to protect those three F-16 aircraft.”


*ahem *ahem
Someone is sharpening their claws in the info war room.(Imma loving it)

What do we know from this?

1) Our RADAR has the info that 3, f-16 came into our territory
2)Dropped BOMBS
3)didnt hit the targets
4)Scrambled back

Well!! so India has the radar signature of 3 f-16s inside our territory and also killing f-16
Mujra time for Gafoora!

Unlike pakis..India acknowledges everything

A post-event analysis of the air-to-air combat shows that besides the highest standard of training and disciplined displayed by the pilots, the contribution of the woman ground flight controller in Indian pilots winning the dog fight was significant. She is, sources say, likely to be conferred with a medal in the next round of awards that the IAF will announce.

Thats a solid confirmation
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