India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

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Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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i was expecting something like are blaming pakistan for everything.from bangladesh to kargil,from 2002 standoff to 2008 bomb blast,from pathankot to uri,this is insane lol.
This is the stated position of india, nothing to do with my opinion.


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Jan 31, 2016
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Solution to India pakistan problem is simple. Pakistan should declare that j&k is integral part of India and it would have nothing to do with it henceforth. It would also not support separatists and terrorists in any manner.
This would create a conducive atmosphere for further talks and lead to resolution of all other issues.


New Member
Mar 20, 2018
sir from my point of view,both armies should vacate entire kashmir and help kashmiri vacate your part,we vacate our part.that's it nothing else.pak and india can work together.we can still solve this problem.this will end all militancy all terrorism.
I see that you're arduously avoiding responding to my posts - too much of FACTS to handle? :)

The Pakis who want to appear nice always climb down from the mountain of hatred and try to create a false equivalence between India and Pakistan. This is quite disingenuous (better than the outright hatred nevertheless).

The fact is Indian actions and Pakistan actions have never been on the same plane! India has forever lived in a dreamland that Pakistan and India will some day become best friends - as such keeps extending sops all the time (giving away 80% of waters from Indus rivers AND giving billions of $$, in today's terms, to help Pakis build their canal system was just one small part of Indian largess). But Pakistan has continued to breed hatred among its population since their formative years....India on the other hand had PROHIBITED (for nearly 50 years) Indian movies, novels, magazine, news articles etc from calling Pakistan 'an enemy' or any pejorative despite the numerous wars Pakis waged against India!!!!


New Member
Mar 20, 2018
truth has many realities! bangladesh was painful and we will never forget it my friend.
Your answer to the above question will reveal how truthful you are!!!


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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Looks like something has happened in multan...
Multan flight being diverted to Lahore.....
was multan airport even open for flights today?
Screen Shot 2019-03-25 at 3.58.04 AM.png


New Member
Mar 24, 2019
I see that you're arduously avoiding responding to my posts - too much of FACTS to handle? :)

The Pakis who want to appear nice always climb down from the mountain of hatred and try to create a false equivalence between India and Pakistan. This is quite disingenuous (better than the outright hatred nevertheless).

The fact is Indian actions and Pakistan actions have never been on the same plane! India has forever lived in a dreamland that Pakistan and India will some day become best friends - as such keeps extending sops all the time (giving away 80% of waters from Indus rivers AND giving billions of $$, in today's terms, to help Pakis build their canal system was just one small part of Indian largess). But Pakistan has continued to breed hatred among its population since their formative years....India on the other hand had PROHIBITED (for nearly 50 years) Indian movies, novels, magazine, news articles etc from calling Pakistan 'an enemy' or any pejorative despite the numerous wars Pakis waged against India!!!!
i am not avoiding you.i have no's useless to talk when other party don't accept it's role and only blames you.sir it all started from bangladesh and we applied the same indian strategy on kashmir.bangladesh was our will never feel the same pain because india is still one country with no pieces.i am not running away from anything.i want solution.i don't blame india entirely.we also made mistakes but without conversation,we can't solve anything.actually i was reading interesting research paper about chinese sam systems.i want to answer you but i have nothing to say right now.may be write it another day.right now,i don't understand this theory of blaming pakistan for every single incident.


New Member
Feb 17, 2017
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Looks like something has happened in multan...
Multan flight being diverted to Lahore.....
was multan airport even open for flights today?
View attachment 33504
Unconfirmed reports about some incident at Multan Airport in Pakistan. Flights operations seem to have been suspended and motorway stopped. Some unverified reports of fire or blasts. No independent confirmation yet.

Some fire accident at Multan Airport. What can you expect in a terrorist nation
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New Member
Mar 20, 2018
i am not avoiding you.i have no's useless to talk when other party don't accept it's role and only blames you.sir it all started from bangladesh and we applied the same indian strategy on kashmir.bangladesh was our will never feel the same pain because india is still one country with no pieces.i am not running away from anything.i want solution.i don't blame india entirely.we also made mistakes but without conversation,we can't solve anything.actually i was reading interesting research paper about chinese sam systems.i want to answer you but i have nothing to say right now.may be write it another day.right now,i don't understand this theory of blaming pakistan for every single incident.
There you go again with creating false equivalency!!

Pakis always looked down upon Bengalis - because they were darker in skin color & shorter in height & had different cuisine! The racism led the Western Pakis to not consider Bengalis as equal citizens - as such they didn't want representation in national assembly according to population!
The reason why your first democratic election wasn't held for several decades after Independence was because everyone knew that Bengali population exceeded Western Pakis - and there was relentless coaxing to make Bengalis accept fewer seats in National Assembly than what their population would entitle them to.
(Also note that Pakistan was created not because Muslims were denied any rights, as Pakis are lied to by mullahs/army/politicians! But because Muslims felt they were higher than Hindus....they wanted to be the rulers.....didn't accept democracy! The best compromise Muslim league was willing to settle for was that Muslims, who were 25% of then population, should get 50% of ALL government positions - this was rejected by Indian Congress, and partition resulted. I state this historical fact to highlight that divisive mind and superiority complex doesn't stop at one level.....the evil will keep finding newer frontiers)

Bhutto got cocky and thought that he would win the national elections & even get Bengali support. When he lost, he refused to accept the people's mandate, asked Mujibur Rahman to relinquish his victory claim and then ordered the army to arrest him (Yes, the first democratically elected Prime Minister of Pakistan was put in jail by the loser). When the Bengalis rose against the injustice, Paki army massacred 3 million Bengalis. 10 million Bengalis fled to India to seek refuge. Of course, India intervened to liberate Bangladesh!!!

Contrast that with Kashmir:
Kashmiris enjoyed the highest per capita income in India until 1989. Kashmiris were lavished with excessive doles!
For 70 years India paid for 100,000 Muslims EVERY YEAR to fly to Mecca for Hajj (& also paid for their stay & food!). Yes, the famished Hindu majority paid for a small minority (most of whom didn't have money to travel to adjoining villages) to FLY FOR HAJJ IN THE MILLIONS!
Kashmir being 90+% Muslim, enjoyed out sized proportion of this generosity!!!
Not to mention building up of the infrastructure for Kashmir all came from rest of India....even today their transport is subsidized about 90%!!!
Yet, Kashmiris came under the drug of jihad and massacred Hindus & continue to bad mouth Indians. Also, it's only a small percentage of Sunnis who're radicalized. Significant chunk of Sunnis & most of Shias still prefer India. In Kashmir one can freely talk shit about India, but talking shit about Jihadi terrorists is met with swift execution!

To say that there is equivalence between Kashmir and Bangladesh is just a delusion that only Pakis believe.
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New Member
Feb 17, 2017
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if there is ever a war between india and pakistan in current situation, this guy natsecjeff will be one of the causes of the war... :) this idiot is mostly responsible for giving sleepless nights to pakistani twitteratis more than india.
This Jeffrey must have caused another billion Pakistani rupees loss to Pakistan besides our Baba causing another billion Pakistani rupees loss to Pakistan :pound:
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New Member
Feb 17, 2017
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Unconfirmed reports about some incident at Multan Airport in Pakistan. Flights operations seem to have been suspended and motorway stopped. Some unverified reports of fire or blasts. No independent confirmation yet.


New Member
Feb 17, 2017
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There you go again with creating false equivalency!!

Pakis always looked down upon Bengalis - because they were darker in skin color & shorter in height & had different cuisine! The racism led the Western Pakis to not consider Bengalis as equal citizens - as such they didn't want representation in national assembly according to population!
The reason why your first democratic election wasn't held for several decades after Independence because everyone knew that Bengali population exceeded Western Pakis - and there was relentless coaxing to make Bengalis accept fewer seats in National Assembly than what their population would entitle them to.
(Also note that Pakistan was created not because Muslims were denied any rights, as Pakis is lied to by mullahs/army/politicians! But because Muslims felt they were higher than Hindus....they wanted to be the rulers.....didn't accept democracy! The best compromise Muslim league was willing to settle for was that 25% of Muslim population should get 50% of ALL government positions - this was rejected by Indian Congress, and partition resulted. I state this historical fact to highlight that divisive mind and superiority complex doesn't stop at one level.....the evil will keep finding newer frontiers)

Bhutto got cocky and thought that he would win the national elections even get Bengali support. When he lost, he refused to accept the people's mandate, asked Mujibur Rahman to relinquish his victory claim and then ordered the army to arrest him (Yes, the first democratically elected Prime Minister of Pakistan was put jail by the loser). When the Bengalis rose agains the injustice, Paki army massacred 3 million Bengalis. 10 million Bengalis fled to India to seek refuge. Of course, India intervened to liberate Bangladesh!!!

Contrast that with Kashmir:
Kashmiris enjoyed the highest per capita income in India. Kashmiris were lavished with excessive doles!
For 70 years India paid for 100,000 Muslims to fly to Mecca for Hajj (& also paid for their stay & food!). Yes, the famished majority paid for a small minority (most of whom didn't have money to travel to adjoining village) to FLY FOR HAJJ IN THE MILLIONS!
Kashmir being 90+% Muslim enjoyed out sized proportion of this genorosity!!!
Not to mention building up of the infrastructure for Kashmir all came from rest of India....even today their transport is subsidized about 90%!!!
Yet, Kashmiris came under the drug of jihad and massacred Hindus & continue to bad mouth Indians. Also, it's only a small percentage of Sunnis who're radicalized. Significant chunk of Sunnis & most of Shias still prefer India. In Kashmir one can freely talk shit about India, but talking shit about Jihadi terrorists is met with swift execution!

To say that there is equivalence between Kashmir and Bangladesh is just a delusion that only Pakis believe.
Brother it is useless to show light to a blind person blinded by jihad brainwashing. Look at his replies. Shrugging off and not admitting Pakistani faults. There is no point wasting our energies on a jihadi. Let's ignore him and keep this thread for monitoring the current situation.

MODs can you please move the discussion with this Pakistani to a different thread? It's derailed.
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