India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

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Sanathan Pepe
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Sep 18, 2009
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And Pakistan also learned from the incident that it could retaliate by bombing targets inside Indian territory without a nuclear response or without India further upping the ante.
We never threatened a nuclear response. We have a no-first-use policy.

This scenario suits us, in which nuclear weapons are out of the equation. This scenario doesn't suit Pakistan, because in the conventional domain, India outguns Pakistan, and can outspend it many times over.

That just made things more dangerous between India and Pakistan since short and violent direct conventional conflicts just become more pallatable between them.
The Indian public much rather prefers this scenario to the one in which terrorists from Pakistan attack India with impunity under Pakistan's nuclear umbrella. Hundreds of terrorist attacks went unresponded because Pakistan brandished its nuclear bogey. Now that India guarantees a conventional response, terrorism will have to come down.

Every strike inside Pakistan weakens the Pakistani military in its public's eyes.


New Member
Mar 20, 2018
It's not about the 45 martyrs. India just discovered after 40 years of Pakistan's nuclear armament and 30 years of insurgency in Kashmir, that it can carry out a military strike inside Pakistan-proper without a nuclear response from Pakistan.

It doesn't matter that the Pakistani military responds to Indian strikes with a conventional or sub-conventional retaliation. We can handle that.

India has called Pakistan's nuclear-retaliation bluff, and now it can respond to every major terrorist attack on Indian soil with a conventional military response on Pakistani soil.

That is what makes February 2019 a monumental month for India. Not just revenge for 45 martyrs.

Pakistan is very scared, because the impunity they thought they had with their nuclear arsenal is now naught. Their insecurity is back to 1971-levels.

What's going to happen next is a mini arms race between India and Pakistan on conventional military hardware, such as UCAVs, recon UAVs, advanced infantry gear, stealth aircraft, AD, etc. India can outspend Pakistan in this department.

Put out one PR about ManPADS. UAV activity will drop like a rock.
Actually the nuclear bluff was called long back - The Kargil conflict!!!

Pakis had the gumption to occupy Indian territory right after both India and Pakistan publicly declared their nuclear status (even though each possessed the weapons covertly for a while) because Pakis strongly felt that India would NOT attempt to dislodge the occupiers (of the heights) for the fear of uncontrolled escalation leading up to a nuclear exchange! Pakis even calculated that the entire world community will strongly bear down on India to stand down, for the fear of escalation leading up to a nuclear exchange. That was the crux of the Paki Kargil plan!

However, their miscalculation was quite evident when Vajpayee famously told a fearful Clinton that Pakis can try their hand at nuclear bomb, and he would ensure that the entire nation of Pakistan will never see another sunrise! Vajpayee literally called Paki bluff.

After the Kargil war everyone in India was convinced that 'limited conflicts' was possible under the nuclear umbrella, even though Pakis would cry to the whole world that India should continue to endure the Pak sponsored jihadis because there was no room for 'limited conflict'!

Operation Parakram was also ordered under the nuclear umbrella! (it's another thing that India couldn't strike effectively due to long mobilization process). 'Cold start' was created, with the intention to engage in 'limited strike' under nuclear umbrella!

Unlike Vajpayee, Manmohan Singh succumbed to Paki/US blackmail and refrained from bombing Muridke after 26/11 (even though the military planners were quite confident of containing the escalation).

Despite all this what India felt was sacrosanct and inviolable was the LOC, the border and defense-but-no-first-aggression. It was felt that India would not violate these 'lines' in an aggressive role! The current airstrikes has proved that India won't give a shit for the LOC/border when its national security is at stake! That's what is making the Pakis shake in their boots. It seems the Balakot camp was deemed most secure as it was beyond POK, where Pakis could never conceive an Indian intrusion.


Sanathan Pepe
New Member
Sep 18, 2009
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Actually the nuclear bluff was called long back - The Kargil conflict!!!

Pakis had the gumption to occupy Indian territory right after both India and Pakistan publicly declared their nuclear status (even though each possessed the weapons covertly for a while) because Pakis strongly felt that India would NOT attempt to dislodge the occupiers (of the heights) for the fear of uncontrolled escalation leading up to a nuclear exchange! Pakis even calculated that the entire world community will strongly bear down on India to stand down, for the fear of escalation leading up to a nuclear exchange. That was the crux of the Paki Kargil plan!

However, their miscalculation was quite evident when Vajpayee famously told a fearful Clinton that Pakis can try their hand at nuclear bomb, and he would ensure that the entire nation of Pakistan will never see another sunrise! Vajpayee literally called Paki bluff.

After the Kargil war everyone in India was convinced that 'limited conflicts' was possible under the nuclear umbrella, even though Pakis would cry to the whole world that India should continue to endure the Pak sponsored jihadis because there was no room for 'limited conflict'!

Operation Parakram was also ordered under the nuclear umbrella! (it's another thing that India couldn't strike effectively due to long mobilization process). 'Cold start' was created, with the intention to engage in 'limited strike' under nuclear umbrella!

Unlike Vajpayee, Manmohan Singh succumbed to Paki/US blackmail and refrained from bombing Muridke after 26/11 (even though the military planners were quite confident of containing the escalation).

Despite all this what India felt was sacrosanct and inviolable was the LOC, the border and defense-but-no-first-aggression. It was felt that India would not violate these 'lines' in an aggressive role! The current airstrikes has proved that India won't give a shit for the LOC/border when its national security is at stake! That's what is making the Pakis shake in their boots. It seems the Balakot camp was deemed most secure as it was beyond POK, where Pakis could never conceive an Indian intrusion.
The Kargil conflict was a bona fide war with a different set of parameters, whereas Pakistan's sub-conventional warfare to achieve political objectives in India has a whole different set of parameters.

Pakistan managed to convince India that crossing the IB would invite a nuclear first strike. It's why 26/11 went unresponded in the military domain.

What changed now is we convinced ourselves that crossing the IB doesn't invite a nuclear response from Pakistan.

pankaj nema

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Oct 1, 2009
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The Pakistani Generals themselves dont
Want Escalation .

They have huge properties and businesses
Created by ill Gotten wealth

Why should India quietly accept these terror attacks from Pakistan

The fear of Retaliation will put a huge pressure
On Pakistan

They cannot plan and execute these terror
Attacks without Retribution


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Jul 7, 2017
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The Bakis fled at the very first sign of trouble when challenged by the IAF, lost the most elite fighter in their possession, missed even after firing 4-5 AMRAAMs, had to return our WC who actually downed their F16, and to save face, gave a response that they were trying to show off their capability. What were they trying to do, walk in a park? All their bravado is only in talking and showing off (through this, they try to push terrorism without inviting a response and also be gods in the eyes of the general populace). Now this bluff has been exposed.


New Member
Mar 20, 2018
The Kargil conflict was a bona fide war with a different set of parameters, whereas Pakistan's sub-conventional warfare to achieve political objectives in India has a whole different set of parameters.

Pakistan managed to convince India that crossing the IB would invite a nuclear first strike. It's why 26/11 went unresponded in the military domain.

What changed now is we convinced ourselves that crossing the IB doesn't invite a nuclear response from Pakistan.
Dude! You're just twisting words to justify your blurb!
Pakis officially conveyed through Bill Clinton that they would use nuclear bombs during Kargil conflict. Clinton called Vajpayee to stand down! Vajpayee literally dared Pakis to use their nuclear weapons and promised to wipe out the entire country of Pakistan in return!! Same threat was repeated after 26/11, again via US intermediaries (McCain), but this time Manmohan Singh didn't have the balls! Vajpayee even refused a ceasefire - said he would rain bombs & bullets on every Paki on Indian territory.

This IB & LOC construct in just a fiction you (and maybe few others) created! Pakis nuclear doctrine is for use of nuclear weapons when India occupies its territory (beyond LOC or IB is irrelevant; if they made such a distinction then it would be inviting India to take back POK with no nuclear threat!) or if Pakis feel overwhelmed in any way by Indian conventional forces (even without physically crossing LOC/IB!)

Limited conflict under nuclear umbrella was a well tried and accepted phenomenon in Indian military!!!
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Oct 10, 2014
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It's not about the 45 martyrs. India just discovered after 40 years of Pakistan's nuclear armament and 30 years of insurgency in Kashmir, that it can carry out a military strike inside Pakistan-proper without a nuclear response from Pakistan.

It doesn't matter that the Pakistani military responds to Indian strikes with a conventional or sub-conventional retaliation. We can handle that.

India has called Pakistan's nuclear-retaliation bluff, and now it can respond to every major terrorist attack on Indian soil with a conventional military response on Pakistani soil.

That is what makes February 2019 a monumental month for India. Not just revenge for 45 martyrs.

Pakistan is very scared, because the impunity they thought they had with their nuclear arsenal is now naught. Their insecurity is back to 1971-levels.

What's going to happen next is a mini arms race between India and Pakistan on conventional military hardware, such as UCAVs, recon UAVs, advanced infantry gear, stealth aircraft, AD, etc. India can outspend Pakistan in this department.

Put out one PR about ManPADS. UAV activity will drop like a rock.
Why are you guys wasting time with these Chinese trolls?


New Member
Mar 20, 2018

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
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Apr 29, 2015
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And Pakistan also learned from the incident that it could retaliate by bombing targets inside Indian territory without a nuclear response or without India further upping the ante.
That just made things more dangerous between India and Pakistan since short and violent direct conventional conflicts just become more pallatable between them.
Inside India or along LoC? The only thing Pakistan learnt here is that even if situation gets deescalated for now, Pakistan will be screwed after perpetrating another terror attack in India.
Hitting a random location on Indian side of LoC is more than enough to annoy people.
This scenario suits us, in which nuclear weapons are out of the equation. This scenario doesn't suit Pakistan, because in the conventional domain, India outguns Pakistan, and can outspend it many times over.
Neither of scenarios suits us. We are only worried about loss. Pakistan is going to get wiped out in both ways.


जय परशुराम‍।
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Oct 7, 2015
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If I can speculate ,Pakis didn't expect a long haul especially on overflight notams and Tensions ,they thought just like the old times there would be US mediation like after 26/11 ,just keep doing this and there would be fatigue in troops as well as general population
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