India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

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Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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Two lies the Western media is comfortable with.

Why have the media in the West reported highly skewed report about Balakot bombing? Not only that they produced highly unbelievable reports of a highly sophisticated F-16 being shot down by an unsophisticated MIG-21.

I believe in the first case, Lutyen Delhi’s politically biased media barons found that with federal elections shortly, the Pulwama bombing by Pakistani trained terrorists have offered Modi an unfair advantage. His angry reaction and retaliation shifted the public opinion in favor of Modi and BJP. This they thought will give Modi not only a clear majority, but probably two third majority in the upcoming elections. The Delhi based media correspondents of British and American press, who mostly are in touch with Indian Lutyen media barons in Delhi picked up the storyline from them. They en mass are the pro Congress Party and Anti Modi & BJP. In spite of major public outpouring of patriotism in India, the Indian media barons decided to find faults with IAF’s action by asking for proof of the bombing. That was the Congress Party official line. Previously they had a partial success after URI bombing in 2016. Although the public believed everything which the Army said happened in 2016, yet the Congress Party asked for proof. In this case again Pakistan came to their rescue and denied anything happened. The Congress Party for their political reasons chose to believe the Pakistani version. Even today in 2019, Pakistani denied that anything serious happened at Balakot, they even denied that immediately after midnight on the 24th of February anything of significance happened in the living quarters of terrorists and their trainers, except a few trees were bombed. Fifteen days later they were prohibiting any Indian and Western media correspondents to visit these living quarters. It is only that if they report real damage and casualties then Congress Party and the Western media will be proven to be biased.

As to the regard to the air clash over the LOC in Kashmir two days later in which one F-16 and one MIG-21 was shot down, the Western media chose to believe the Pakistani version of no F-16 shot down, although they admitted that the locals beat up the F-16 pilot so much that he died later. The Western media, which believes that western military hardware’s superiority that they could not believe that an inferior MIG-21 can shoot down a sophisticated F-16. But it did happen and any admittance of this major catastrophe for them would jeopardize billions of dollar sales of this major US export. Hence, they chose to go with the Pakistani line that only MIG -21 was shot down and F-16 was not in the fight. They backtracked a bit after part of the AMRAAM missile fired by the F-16 were found. Now Americans are a bit sheepish to admit that a F-16 has been shot down. Moreover the MIG-21 which India flew is not what was purchased in 1963 but a highly upgraded version which is an equal match to F-16.

The Western media has gone wrong in both these incidents. Now they do not know how to correct their lies where as in the first case they chose to believe the anti Modi version of Lutyen Delhi and in the second case again chose to believe the Pakistani version.
Western media does not care about what indians think, their viewership numbers are not linked to india.
people in the west do not care about this either, they are content with not knowing what happened to F-16.

but we definitely have to worry about lutyens media?

This stupid lady from CNN-IBN was the one who asked the AVM during tri-services press con whether india should be grateful to imran khan for letting abhinandan go...


New Member
Sep 2, 2013
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The western media is not "one entity" Though it is dominated by psudo liberal, fake news franchises. This is like a multi-headed monster who have the same agenda and same propaganda. Some of the major heads of this monster are NYT, CNN, BBC, Wash Post, NBC,ABC, Huffpost, Guardian etc. There are some other channels but they are not as widespread and popular.
A naive person watches many of the above mentioned news sites and conclude that if all of them are talking the same must be true.. In reality, this is a tactics to spread propaganda effectively. Many channels ..financed by same people...having the same agenda. Get it !
I like to know the whole besides the above ..I read RT, Sputnik international, Global times, Press TV, Tehran times, Al Jazeera, France 24 and of course many Indian news sites. Compare and get real facts.
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New Member
Feb 17, 2017
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The western media is not "one entity" Though it is dominated by psudo liberal, fake news franchises. This is like a multi-headed monster who have the same agenda and same propaganda. Some of the major heads of this monster are NYT, CNN, BBC, Wash Post, NBC,ABC, Huffpost, Guardian etc. There are some other channels but they are not as widespread and popular.
A naive person watches many of the above mentioned news sites and conclude that if all of them are talking the same must be true.. In reality, this is a tactics to spread propaganda effectively. Many channels ..financed by same people...having the same agenda. Get it !
I like to know the whole besides the above ..I read RT, Sputnik international, Global times, Press TV, Tehran times, Al Jazeera, France 24 and of course many Indian news sites. Compare and get real facts.
You are absolutely correct.

Here is a video on YouTube by Dr. Jerry Kroth on "Propaganda & Manipulation: How mass media engineers & distorts our perceptions, is a good one to understand what you just said. It's a beautiful video.


New Member
Feb 17, 2017
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Now the continuous drone sending and closing of air space means pakis are spooked about something
They need to shut down their airspace now eternally. They have given enough provocations. It will be paid back at place and time of our choosing. Pakistan should be very scared of India now.


New Member
Mar 20, 2018
Former Indian Supreme Court Justice Markandey Katju (basically a tool) praising Imran Khan as a scholar on Paki TV!!
Claims that even Pakis haven't realized how great a scholar IK is, but he's discovered it:)



New Member
Feb 22, 2019
China will not interfere because we are fighting a war against terrorism and Pakistani government is shielding terrorists and China doesn't want to stand shielding terrorists. China will be happy if we take back POK and provide better security to their CPEC investments in POK.
I'm guessing this is why China blocks mazhoor (spelling?) From the UN lists of terrorists. if india does manage to kill him or his associates in these strikes China would not be able to object to the UNSC if its designated terrorists...??


New Member
Sep 19, 2016
You are absolutely correct.

Here is a video on YouTube by Dr. Jerry Kroth on "Propaganda & Manipulation: How mass media engineers & distorts our perceptions, is a good one to understand what you just said. It's a beautiful video.
Thank you for this video, there should be a thread in this forum where different views/perspectives are posted.


New Member
Feb 17, 2017
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Aaj bhi neend haram rahi..... pakistan mei....... un ki aisi fati kyu hai :biggrin2:

All news channels are silent. Seems like routine flights. Enough to scare Pakistan to ensure they renew NOTAM for a lot of days. But if something do happen, it's good. Seeing the tweets, it seems like there are people on our side of the border who keep alerting their friends on the other side of any jet movements. If you look at the wording, it clearly means the journalist wanted to send an alert across border of jet movements. It needs to be investigated.

no smoking

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Aug 14, 2009
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From what I can make out is that the only reason we're hesitating from further escalation is because we are not sure in what capacity China is going to get involved, they might help out Pakistan in logistics and supply or straight up start shelling on our eastern border. If push come to shove, it is evident we wouldn't be able to handle a full two front war with a modernized Chinese military.
No, further escalation is never in India gov and India armed force's plan. Except keyboard warriors, no one wants to risk a full scale war for 45 deaths.


New Member
Feb 17, 2017
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No, further escalation is never in India gov and India armed force's plan. Except keyboard warriors, no one wants to risk a full scale war for 45 deaths.
Government & our Army are best to decide. We stand with our government & our forces. But let me clarify. It is not death of 45 soldiers that this is all about. This is about a lakh of people India has lost to terrorism sponsored by Pakistan. People have given up the patience. Government has to respect people's sentiments. We will bear no more terrorism on Indian soil sponsored by Pakistan. We are prepared for every consequences. Repressed emotions of public bled by terrorism are now out. This is a war against terrorism. I hope China will also stand will India in this war against terrorism.


Sanathan Pepe
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Sep 18, 2009
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No, further escalation is never in India gov and India armed force's plan. Except keyboard warriors, no one wants to risk a full scale war for 45 deaths.
It's not about the 45 martyrs. India just discovered after 40 years of Pakistan's nuclear armament and 30 years of insurgency in Kashmir, that it can carry out a military strike inside Pakistan-proper without a nuclear response from Pakistan.

It doesn't matter that the Pakistani military responds to Indian strikes with a conventional or sub-conventional retaliation. We can handle that.

India has called Pakistan's nuclear-retaliation bluff, and now it can respond to every major terrorist attack on Indian soil with a conventional military response on Pakistani soil.

That is what makes February 2019 a monumental month for India. Not just revenge for 45 martyrs.

Pakistan is very scared, because the impunity they thought they had with their nuclear arsenal is now naught. Their insecurity is back to 1971-levels.

What's going to happen next is a mini arms race between India and Pakistan on conventional military hardware, such as UCAVs, recon UAVs, advanced infantry gear, stealth aircraft, AD, etc. India can outspend Pakistan in this department.

Put out one PR about ManPADS. UAV activity will drop like a rock.


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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It's not about the 45 martyrs. India just discovered after 40 years of Pakistan's nuclear armament and 30 years of insurgency in Kashmir, that it can carry out a military strike inside Pakistan-proper without a nuclear response from Pakistan.

It doesn't matter that the Pakistani military responds to Indian strikes with a conventional or sub-conventional retaliation. We can handle that.

India has called Pakistan's nuclear-retaliation bluff, and now it can respond to every major terrorist attack on Indian soil with a conventional military response on Pakistani soil.

That is what makes February 2019 a monumental month for India. Not just revenge for 45 martyrs.

Pakistan is very scared, because the impunity they thought they had with their nuclear arsenal is now naught. Their insecurity is back to 1971-levels.

What's going to happen next is a mini arms race between India and Pakistan on conventional military hardware, such as UCAVs, recon UAVs, advanced infantry gear, stealth aircraft, AD, etc. India can outspend Pakistan in this department.

Put out one PR about ManPADS. UAV activity will drop like a rock.
And Pakistan also learned from the incident that it could retaliate by bombing targets inside Indian territory without a nuclear response or without India further upping the ante.

That just made things more dangerous between India and Pakistan since short and violent direct conventional conflicts just become more pallatable between them.


New Member
Sep 25, 2015
And Pakistan also learned from the incident that it could retaliate by bombing targets inside Indian territory without a nuclear response or without India further upping the ante.

That just made things more dangerous between India and Pakistan since short and violent direct conventional conflicts just become more pallatable between them.
we lose more in terrorists bombing,
so yeah we can live with it since it makes no diff.

BUT pakis now have to live with India bombing them as well.
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