India should Build vocational training centres for unemployed Kashmiris


NRI in Europe
Senior Member
Aug 10, 2009
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Imran khan was asked about the vocational training centres in china
for Uighur people and he replied saying that china is a breath of fresh air
to Pakistan ….. so why doesn’t India follow Chinas great example and build
vocational training centres for unemployed stone throwing kashmiri youth and remove
their frustration by giving them free vocational training just as china is giving its
Uighur people ….. the Muslim world cant complain just as they are not
complaining about chinas vocational training and Imran khan will have
more fresh air to breath.


Senior Member
Nov 29, 2011
We can't and we should not. Today, if we do that and violate the constitutional rights of the Kashmiris' then tomorrow we may have a government that uses the same precedent to violate the constitutional rights of other groups.

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

By Friedrich Gustav Emil Martin Niemöller


Laughing member
Senior Member
Nov 23, 2017
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vocational training centres for unemployed stone throwing kashmiri youth...
I said that once, but a bit differently.

Remove all stone-pelters by arresting & jail then for 5 years or so. Make them complete their student's courses in NIOS & IGNOU.. Vocational training in some industrial skill for the rest.

Try to get than jobs in Europe or Middle East. Same can be applied for Bangladeshi immigrants too.
It's a good way to get rid of surplus Muslims & keep India's population in check!


Senior Member
Feb 17, 2017
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I said that once, but a bit differently.

Remove all stone-pelters by arresting & jail then for 5 years or so. Make them complete their student's courses in NIOS & IGNOU.. Vocational training in some industrial skill for the rest.

Try to get than jobs in Europe or Middle East. Same can be applied for Bangladeshi immigrants too.
It's a good way to get rid of surplus Muslims & keep India's population in check!
That's a good idea. I was watching a program on TV during UP elections. They showed several villages where most Muslim family members were working in the middle east. Once they taste money, they invite more of their relatives in middle east. More Kashmiri youths go out to middle east, more will be competition among youth to get specialized skills for a good job in middle east. That is possible when terrorism is ended and they remove all article 35a and 370 so that more people can settle in J& K. Presently no one from outside wants to settle for lack of safety.


Senior Member
Nov 23, 2014
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Ok so now central govt. is supposed to provide free vocational training to keep young separatist happy. "Yeah bhi karke dekh lo". Valley can survive economically just by doing some simple things right like concentrating on tourism, leaving terrorism and inviting investment from rest of india (aka removing 35A for land rights for business owners). It is two way street and mollycoddling is not going to work with islamist.

But none of the simple things are inline with nizam-e-mustafa, so this is not going to fly in valley. We know what the problem is therefore kindly don't make it unemployment/education issue. There is nothing stopping the valley from prospering however this fixation with islamic theocracy/political islam is pulling it down. And the propensity of rest of indians for not calling it out is exacerbating the issue.


Regular Member
May 13, 2015
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This stupid special snowflake attitude needs to be dropped.

If acting like retards gives someone more and more special privileges guess what they are going to keep doing?

so why doesn’t India follow Chinas great example and build
vocational training centres for unemployed
china's camps - feed them pork, shaves their beards off, tell them to worship flag instead of quran, forces young women to marry han men, and gives them monetary aid of they do so.
Sounds like you have no idea of what happens there. Muzzie world doesnt speak up due to geo political compulsions.
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Senior Member
Sep 25, 2018
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This stupid special snowflake attitude needs to be dropped.

If acting like retards gives someone more and more special privileges guess what they are going to keep doing?

china's camps - feed them pork, shaves their beards off, tell them to worship flag instead of quran, forces young women to marry han men, and gives them monetary aid of they do so.
Sounds like you have no idea of what happens there. Muzzie world doesnt speak up due to geo political compulsions.
They are not even allowed to eat halal meat - China accuses this sort of practices as segregating the population and are “unsecular”

I agree with the Chinese on this.


Regular Member
May 13, 2015
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They are not even allowed to eat halal meat
Halal meat is pretty much discrimination and a forced takeover of the meat industry.

One of the requirements of Halal meat is that it should only be cut by a muslim. Now imagine if someone demands only Brahmin should cook....One is completely given a free pass by "liberals" , while the others will be the subject of editorials, activism and human rights discrimination reports. Tells you what these dishonest libturds are about.


Regular Member
Feb 16, 2019
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I am not in favour of taking away constitutional right of any Indian. But I believe that if the government takes all children from age 6 to 18 as a Foster Education method where Kashmiri Children are sent to Good and Pre-screened Families in rest of India for 1st to 12th education and they visit their families in Summer.

This will work 2 ways.
1. Break dependence on Mulla Madarasa that foster separatists.
2. Open their eyes to a vibrant culture of secular behavior in India.

It's a long game but something that will kill extremism from planting seeds of anger against Indian State. Along with this we need to start Mega Infrastructure projects in Kashmir that will open dual use benefits like roads that can become Landing strips, Rail transportation projects which can carry forces to border. This will give the local unemployed youth more stable source of income that keeps them away from stone pelting.

My 2 cents of thought.


Senior Member
Jun 21, 2018
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I am not in favour of taking away constitutional right of any Indian. But I believe that if the government takes all children from age 6 to 18 as a Foster Education method where Kashmiri Children are sent to Good and Pre-screened Families in rest of India for 1st to 12th education and they visit their families in Summer.

This will work 2 ways.
1. Break dependence on Mulla Madarasa that foster separatists.
2. Open their eyes to a vibrant culture of secular behavior in India.

It's a long game but something that will kill extremism from planting seeds of anger against Indian State. Along with this we need to start Mega Infrastructure projects in Kashmir that will open dual use benefits like roads that can become Landing strips, Rail transportation projects which can carry forces to border. This will give the local unemployed youth more stable source of income that keeps them away from stone pelting.

My 2 cents of thought.
It will worsen the problem. Simply do Xinjiang method.


Regular Member
Feb 16, 2019
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Where do u think ISIS most terrorists came from?

Most of them are born &brought up in EU(western educated not madrassa).So,stop this BS madrassas produces terrorists,educated muzzie is more dangerous than panchurwala abdul.

Solution: Govt can solve this problem easily by banning the book aka Terror manuel.
Dear Sir,
I can accept that what I am saying is not CHINA SOLUTION. But look at where the solution is needed. The Xinjiang Method works in Xinjiang because opposition get you a bullet in head and bullet charges forwarded to your family.
Also in Pakistan where military decides you Right to Life. If you disagree you simply disappear.
We are here to exchange possible opinions for betterment of India. Just ranting and raving is pointless as these ideas can't be implemented. Even my idea is borderline practical with all Liberals coming out of the bush if said on a Dias as a policy maker.
Think about it.


Regular Member
Feb 16, 2019
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This is the PROBLEM ...many idiots think Kashmir is different,Xinxiang is different,Arakkan(burma) is different,Palestine is different,isis is different,Let is different,Boko haram is different,Taliban is different and so on.

The Problem here is SOURCE CODE unless until all govt's BAN that disgusting book we are just doing make-up for gangrene and think 'we solved the problem'.:rofl:
Extremism is not different. India is different. Be it China, Myanmar or Pakistan it's a military controlled society. As far as Taliban in Afghanistan or Boko Haram in Nigeria they are in area where government doesn't work. Palestine under a supposedly Democratic IsreaI is also very much under military control.
Can you see India as such? Just look at possible scenario:- Violent demonstrations across the country just to oppose, a fire limited to Kashmir is spread across the country. You prove "Islam khatre me hai". Lead to mass extremist recruitment.
Think again. Don't let religious prejudices colour policy decision.


NRI in Europe
Senior Member
Aug 10, 2009
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china's camps - feed them pork, shaves their beards off, tell them to worship flag instead of quran, forces young women to marry han men, and gives them monetary aid of they do so.
Sounds like you have no idea of what happens there. Muzzie world doesnt speak up due to geo political compulsions.
No sir, I’m not advocating any of those cruel measures, but I think it’s
A good idea to let them know what china is doing and for the stone pelters only … let them Know what India is kind enough NOT to do …. Then give them. Job-related education and integrate them into the system in a smart way Eg one person in Tamil Nadu etc away fro Kashmir …end the Nehru inspired
370 …. One step at a time ….. problem is that every UPA governments a never took even the smallest
Steps in the right direction … some force and some compulsion has to
Be applied….. not to the extent of china, but indeed stone pelters
Can’t go Scott free …..moderate force and compulsion without going to the
Extremes of what china is doing.

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