India Launched Surgical Strikes Across LoC: DGMO 29/09/2016


New Member
Sep 19, 2016
The Garud team that went in was from the same 'Flight' that lost a comrade during Pathankot. IA and IAF drones were monitoring he pigs since they scrambled from the first strike. When comms pointed to the same handlers as Pathankot, Garuds were itching for payback, the honor of taking down those pigs were given to them. In terms of affect the first strike was devastating, just don' expect to hear anything about it. It was done quietly and well over 150+ enemy were killed, most likely pounded by arty. 3-4 major camps were set alight. These ae proper camps and were 12-20km deep into POK. The latest op killed the stragglers and survivors of the first attack. Many of them still had light burn injuries, shrapnel wounds etc.

* The SF HAHOed in from around 12-16 km away from LOC, they chose this method in order to sneak past major posts which were between 800m to 1.5km near the bigger launch pads. Alerting these posts would bring in PA in numbers and would complicate the mission. The goal was first and foremost to kill the pigs, any uniformed assholes who got in the way would be taken out. SF didn't kill any PA. PA were killed by Ghataks and infantry with quick RPO shots to the forward bunkers since they and the launching pads were close enough to have interference. SF took their sweet time getting in place. They were ghosts, they ensured the launching pads were surrounded, they recced the pads for some time, they waited for the late hours when the sentries were least attentive and majority of the pigs were asleep, all 3 major launching pads were taken at the same time. After the kills, they scoured the place for intel, they hit gold. This will be used in the next coming days/weeks to great effect.

* By the time the Ghataks began their op, SF was done and was stealthily inching back. Since the Ghataks were causing such a ruckus the PA mobilized a few BAT teams, Rangers, other posts in the area were re-enforced.

* Nearly a dozen other major piggy camps deeper (around 30-40km) in POK in various locations have started sending out pigs, intel puts this figure at around 450-600 (pigs, handlers, BATS), PA are mobilizing all the expendable pigs they can sacrifice before they chicken out. Piggy camps near Karachi are quite active. SSB, coast guard on high alert.

* More ops are expected, this thing will get hot before winter

I wonder from which front they have pulled off their troops from ?

pankaj nema

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Oct 1, 2009
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This is actually all planned by China to hamper India's economy
So you mean to say that we should Request for Peace From Pakistan

If Pakistan is so strong ; then it would have directly started a war
and not indulged in terror attacks

How long can you ignore such attacks

Darth Malgus

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Aug 24, 2016
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Pakistan and chinese investment of 51 Billion will now be in loss if this continues..
India is moving towards Kargil war
Considering the attacks on CPEC which are undergoing, i doubt this project will continue for more than 1 year...

pankaj nema

New Member
Oct 1, 2009
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Pakistan and chinese investment of 51 Billion will now be in loss if this continues..
CPEC is all BS ; just hot air to massage their egos

You need to read more about CPEC

India is moving towards Kargil war
Kargil was not a war ; they sneaked in when we were not there

Secondly we were not allowed to cross the LOC ; or else we would
have won in Two weeks


NRI in Europe
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Aug 10, 2009
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both of you were right in your opinions as written in your earlier posts and actually i lacked info before writing my post

the hard evidence i was looking for is available on some of the newshour videos ( and also elsewhere ) and it is mostly in the form of the panic of the packland system ( which they are trying hard to hide )

their ability to hide it got the better of me when hours before this i was reading their online news but after watching broader news sources then the truth became more obvious to me

so , frankly, i regret one or two pints of my past and also recognise that
your posts were more accurate than mine !
Best regards,
addendum ;- may i add, well done to PM Shri Modi, NSA ( Mr Doval ) and of course, all our men and women in the armed Forces !
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raheel besharam

New Member
Sep 24, 2016
Ok Uri avenged, what about pathankot attacks? We need one more operation.....bhakts are saying 150+ dead loll....paki casualties are somewhere around 20ish

Darth Malgus

New Member
Aug 24, 2016
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Ok Uri avenged, what about pathankot attacks? We need one more operation.....bhakts are saying 150+ dead loll....paki casualties are somewhere around 20ish
200 commandos go in and you expect enemy causalities to be 20 ? Why do you people have to underplay enemy causalities just to make a hit on "Bhakts"....utterly disgusting....

looks like libtards are slowly coming out of the woodwork ........

Darth Malgus

New Member
Aug 24, 2016
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to be honest since the day I joined I had doubt on him.
Many more here, they are all in the Pro army band wagon now...Wait for a week they will slowly surface like a unsinkable turd in a toilet... I still remember posts 1 week back were folks here were blaming Army to be stupid, incompetent and corrupt and playing politics over Uri deaths...
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Maulana Rockullah
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Aug 12, 2009
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Below words sounds familiar... ohh it was India which used to say that and now Pakis stole our words.At one time they deny no Surgical strikes happened and then releasing these nervous statements and crying before UN.No one wanna listen to Terrorist Pakis which gave shelter to OBL.:lol:

There are limits to our restraint: Pakistan tells India

UNITED NATIONS: Pakistan's U.N. envoy asked the president of the United Nations Security Council on Thursday to informally brief the body on the country's escalating tension with neighboring India and said she will discuss it with U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon on Friday.

Indian officials claimed elite troops crossed into Azad Jammu Kashmir on Thursday and killed suspected militants preparing to infiltrate India and carry out attacks on major cities.

Pakistani U.N. Ambassador Maleeha Lodhi told Reuters she met with New Zealand's U.N. Ambassador Gerard van Bohemen, who is president of the 15-member Security Council for September.

"I brought to his attention the dangerous situation that is building up in our region as a result of Indian provocation," she said. "Our call to the international community is avert a crisis before there is one."

India's U.N. mission was not immediately available to comment.Van Bohemen said he told the council on Thursday that Lodhi had visited him to raise concerns about the situation with India. "I briefed the council on her approach," he said."Pakistan is showing maximum restraint but there are limits to our restraint if India continues with provocations," Lodhi said. "Right now our effort is just to tell everyone 'this is what's happened so far, watch this space because it's a very dangerous space'."

She said there had already been "ominous signs of unusual movement" along the border with movements of troops and tanks and credible reports of Indian evacuations of some areas.

Darth Malgus

New Member
Aug 24, 2016
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Below words sounds familiar... ohh it was India which used to say that and now Pakis stole our words.At one time they deny no Surgical strikes happened and then releasing these nervous statements and crying before UN.No one wanna listen to Terrorist Pakis which gave shelter to OBL.:lol:

There are limits to our restraint: Pakistan tells India

UNITED NATIONS: Pakistan's U.N. envoy asked the president of the United Nations Security Council on Thursday to informally brief the body on the country's escalating tension with neighboring India and said she will discuss it with U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon on Friday.

Indian officials claimed elite troops crossed into Azad Jammu Kashmir on Thursday and killed suspected militants preparing to infiltrate India and carry out attacks on major cities.

Pakistani U.N. Ambassador Maleeha Lodhi told Reuters she met with New Zealand's U.N. Ambassador Gerard van Bohemen, who is president of the 15-member Security Council for September.

"I brought to his attention the dangerous situation that is building up in our region as a result of Indian provocation," she said. "Our call to the international community is avert a crisis before there is one."

India's U.N. mission was not immediately available to comment.Van Bohemen said he told the council on Thursday that Lodhi had visited him to raise concerns about the situation with India. "I briefed the council on her approach," he said."Pakistan is showing maximum restraint but there are limits to our restraint if India continues with provocations," Lodhi said. "Right now our effort is just to tell everyone 'this is what's happened so far, watch this space because it's a very dangerous space'."

She said there had already been "ominous signs of unusual movement" along the border with movements of troops and tanks and credible reports of Indian evacuations of some areas.

They should send Dossiers our way....

raheel besharam

New Member
Sep 24, 2016
200 commandos go in and you expect enemy causalities to be 20 ? Why do you people have to underplay enemy causalities just to make a hit on "Bhakts"....utterly disgusting....

looks like libtards are slowly coming out of the woodwork ........
whatsapp journalism

yes bhakts
r u indian or paki? ...........................................

this is not the time to divide indians
all r united against this whatsapp journalism of overstating the figure.....i just read some bhakts spreading figures as high as 300 is this our soldier is under pak custody and we are spreading these forwarded messages

Darth Malgus

New Member
Aug 24, 2016
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whatsapp journalism

yes bhakts
Libtards seems to have lost their brains, Some of the information has been quoted and written by Army men themselves in articles including G.D Bakshi. IF you don't trust them, change your flags to a Paki flag. against this whatsapp journalism of overstating the figure.....i just read some bhakts spreading figures as high as 300 is this our soldier is under pak custody and we are spreading these forwarded messages
So the person who pulled the 20ish claim form his ass is complaining about 300 :lol: Whatsapp journalism more credible then the shit you are sprouting...

Darth Malgus

New Member
Aug 24, 2016
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it's time to get back POK guys!!! Bharat mata ki Jai ... Compensate the loss in economy by Not leaving the territory.. we capture.
Pray for all soldiers ....
Before getting PoK we need to weed out filth in our own country first...


Maulana Rockullah
New Member
Aug 12, 2009
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Just watching IBN7 and they are reporting that some news suggest that Pakis are feeling so humiliated and insulted that they might give Tactical Nukes to Terrorists to attack India.

We all know that Pak Army is pussy enough not to fight Indian Army directly.

Now if this is a correct news then Pakis are literally putting Pakistan on fast track destruction and Balkanization.

