India China LAC & International Border Discussions

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Flying Dagger

Senior Member
Sep 26, 2019
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Also, it would take 100 of them to ferry 200 Chinkies across..
Number isn't the issues for Chinese though. It is actually a pretty futuristic cheap solution like we have seen in sci fi movies James Bond style.

Gyrocopter aren't much expensive either to build and infact we can have some for policing antirioting etc. in India, also for rapid troops deployment in a small scale. During war time unless they can take some hits will be not much useful. May be in future.

Flying Dagger

Senior Member
Sep 26, 2019
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CCP definitely care about their image
Why do you think they are acting as retards worldwide?
Because their image has taken a huge dip worldwide due to virus
And you think they would have released it worldwide like that and then came up with big ng spree of companies economically hit by it?

It was an opportunity they grabbed and created.


Senior Member
Dec 12, 2015
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UN itself will unravel now.
All arms treaties and trade treaties will go one by one. WTO is not far away.

We are stepping into remarkable chaotic times.


Regular Member
Oct 13, 2010
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Alright, coming out of radio silence after more than a year now.

The recent India-China standoff has everyone hooked especially folks of our ilk but am unable to make sense of China's steps. Can a guru help us understand why China is doing what it is doing?

  • Learning India's response/tactics and see what India can bring in terms of resources to counter it so that they can better prepare for the actual showdown?
  • Create a precedence, harp on that event to show India as an aggressor and retaliate telling it's audience that it's only acting in self-defense? (Like broadcasting documentary on CCTV)
  • Genuinely wanted to bully India down and salami slice as it has been doing in some of the past incidents?
  • Grossly miscalculated India's resolve and nature of response?
  • Preempted India's move on GB/PoK and save the day for Pakis and protect it's own CPEC investments?
Just too many questions but not a single answer makes sense in understanding China's recent moves.
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Jul 11, 2011
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Their pullback is "sudden and complete" because they want to get India to un-ban TikTok before the US and EU can try to ban it. Right now a market the size of India banning it makes TikTok's position in the west untenable.

TikTok is the only successful chicom SM platform (data source) that has managed high market penetration outside China.

A ban in India will inevitably lead to a ban in the US and EU, and that would be an incalculable strategic loss to China, more so because no future Chinese SM or IoT platform will be trusted in the west or India (that's 3/4th of China's data industry TAM).

This is why Ambani said "data is the new oil." India is the Saudi Arabia of data.
Chinese have realized their vulnerability in Galwan valley.. They want to cacate it before IA ans IAF start filling that killer valley with explosive.

Having failed to capture Indian Road at Galwan - Shyok confluence as also retain PP14. there is no further use being there..
Ghosts of dead Indian and Chinese soldiers have started haunting them. Galwan is now a valley without Joy... but full of dead soldiers cry...

Water is also increasing at fast rate.... One cloud burst and they had it..

Then Chinese must have read my post on DFI on creating an artificial lake upstream and flood Galwan valley ... :yo:


Senior Member
Feb 16, 2009
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Half of his tweet are always exaggeration. There might have been night time air activity for sure . But HEAVY i doubt and over Finger 8 i highly doubt .He just elevates every situation to Red alert level to get few thousand likes and followers .
LOl its like how I wrote my history exams while I was in school. Grand first paragraph whatever I know in second para, second para would repeat for multiple questions, fiction in the last para. Standard three paragraph answer.


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2016
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Well as far as India is concerned Xi will realise that he has bitten off more than he can chew.
Harward has published a 70 page report on comparative strength of India and China. In that report, they say that 2.25 lakh Indian soldiers are ready to take on china, 3000 soldiers are ready with tanks, 1000 soldiers are ready with 100 Brahmos missile in Arunachal parades. India has deployed its air force in advance landing ground. India 's Sukhois and Mirage are fully capable of take off from that terrain.

On the other hand, china has its to pull its forces from Xinjiang and Tibet which is not desirable or easy for China. Above 1000 chinese missiles are not good enough to damage India decisively. High chinese airfields are not suitable for most of Chinese planes except J10. India can deliver decisive blow to China in case of conflict in Laddakh.

fire starter

Tihar Jail
Jan 14, 2020
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Chinese have realized their vulnerability in Galwan valley.. They want to cacate it before IA ans IAF start filling that killer valley with explosive.

Having failed to capture Indian Road at Galwan - Shyok confluence as also retain PP14. there is no further use being there..
Ghosts of dead Indian and Chinese soldiers have started haunting them. Galwan is now a valley without Joy... but full of dead soldiers cry...

Water is also increasing at fast rate.... One cloud burst and they had it..

Then Chinese must have read my post on DFI on creating an artificial lake upstream and flood Galwan valley ... :yo:
what do u think about the buffer zone.


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2016
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This India China conflict has totally exposed the paper dragon. Now their propagandist must be very busy in devising face saving and might have bribed medea across the world to save face. Since our government doesn't have big propaganda budget, it is duty of people like us to expose china on social media and not let them withdraw in dignified manner. They have done misadventure and hence their humiliation is due.i will continue to do that all public platform. I have done that a lot on Pakistan defense forum as well.


Sanathan Pepe
Sep 18, 2009
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Alright, coming out of radio silence after more than a year now.

The recent India-China standoff has everyone hooked especially folks of our ilk but am unable to make sense of China's steps. Can a guru help us understand why China is doing what it is doing?

  • Learning India's response/tactics and see what India can bring in terms of resources to counter it so that they can better prepare for the actual showdown?
  • Create a precedence, harp on that event to show India as an aggressor and retaliate telling it's audience that it's only acting in self-defense? (Like broadcasting documentary on CCTV)
  • Genuinely wanted to bully India down and salami slice as it has been doing in some of the past incidents?
  • Grossly miscalculated India's resolve and nature of response?
  • Preempted India's move on GB/PoK and save the day for Pakis and protect it's own CPEC investments?
Just too many questions but not a single answer makes sense in understanding China's recent moves.
1. Learning India's response/tactics and see what India can bring in terms of resources to counter it so that they can better prepare for the actual showdown?

Unlikely, this has been a learning experience for India, too, and besides tactics and chains of command are always subject to change. Moreover, China has lost the element of surprise, and gave New Delhi enough stimulus for massive equipment acquisitions, overcoming inventory shortages, and personnel reforms across the board. I'd go as far as to say that India has been stimulated enough to raise even more Mountain Strike corps facing China.

2. Create a precedence, harp on that event to show India as an aggressor and retaliate telling it's audience that it's only acting in self-defense? (Like broadcasting documentary on CCTV)

So far, China has done a piss-poor job with both information warfare and global narrative management. Nobody in India is intimidated, the top Indian print- and television media are right-of-center and BJP-pliant; and India's decision to ban Chinese social media platforms is a crippling blow to their IW capabilities. Thanks to US hostility toward China, western media is largely neutral, and China's mediabucks aren't succeeding at creating an anti-India narrative.

3. Genuinely wanted to bully India down and salami slice as it has been doing in some of the past incidents?

This is the likely explaination. They wanted to take advantage of the fact that most of the world, especially the Modi administration, had its hands full with COVID-19, and wanted to deal a military defeat (or territorial loss), which would destroy the BJP politically. In the initial stages of this engagement, they even partially succeeded in creating this narrative through their proxies in India's opposition parties and pliant sections of the media.

4. Grossly miscalculated India's resolve and nature of response?

Oh yes. This stunt will haunt China. They've kicked India out of its strategic slumber, made it both a military- and economic belligerent, and more importantly, cut themselves off from a 1.3 billion-strong data-mine. They've also potentially triggered the collapse of TikTok in the US and EU.

5.Preempted India's move on GB/PoK and save the day for Pakis and protect it's own CPEC investments?

India taking action on PoK became less likely after COVID-19. Besides, Chinese aggression has had the opposite effect. Not only will India complete an all-weather, black-topped road to DBO, but also eventually set up a Joint Base at DBO, complete with an Army garrison, an ITBP post, and a paved all-weather runway that can serve as an IAF FOB rather than an ALG. This will be very problematic for the Karakoram highway. Also, I doubt this has changed India's capability or resolve to strike PoK at the next Pakistani miscalculation. India's strategic message to Pakistan is "be very afraid of India, because it's not afraid of China."


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2016
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Once again Modi has proved that his a decisive and invincible leader whether it is armed conflict or election, Modi is Invincible. You cannot defeat Modi. There is one rule without any exception. Whosoever has tried to mess with Modi, whether they are from Indian politicians or leaders of other opponent countries, they are marginalised, humiliated and over a period of time have become irrelevant. It has happened with Sonia and Rahul and many leaders of BJP itself It has happened with Imran Khan and now it is happening with Xi. Modi se panda mat lo.

I remember what Modi's mother had told in an interview when he became PM. She said that my son is innocent. He has no sin in his heart. He will become world leader one day. I remember what Jashoda ben had told when he became CM of Gujarat. She said that her husband will become PM one day. CM chair is too small for him. Modi's stature as a world leader will rise beyond any one in the world after this conflict.


Sep 7, 2015
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UN itself will unravel now.
All arms treaties and trade treaties will go one by one. WTO is not far away.

We are stepping into remarkable chaotic times.
The most important I feel would be to India to go back to the UN and withdraw the UN resolutions on Kashmir. 'Naa rahega baans naa bajegi bansuri'!!

But that is unfortunately easier said than done as there is no provision (as far as I know) to withdraw a UN Resolution. The 'trigger termination'—that is, a clause that authorizes a country other than the Council to terminate all or part of the resolution is applicable only to Resolution 2231, the Iran nuke deal. But even that is problematic as it can be vetoed by a member of the permanent 5.

So it seems we're stuck till the end of days with Nehru's folly of running to the UN, unless amendments are made to this law.


Sep 7, 2015
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Once again Modi has proved that his a decisive and invincible leader whether it is armed conflict or election, Modi is Invincible. You cannot defeat Modi. There is one rule without any exception. Whosoever has tried to mess with Modi, whether they are from Indian politicians or leaders of other opponent countries, they are marginalised, humiliated and over a period of time have become irrelevant. It has happened with Sonia and Rahul and many leaders of BJP itself It has happened with Imran Khan and now it is happening with Xi. Modi se panga mat lo.
You forgot to mention Oli of Nepal who is on his way out for taking panga with India!
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