India China LAC & International Border Discussions

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Sep 5, 2015
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IA response to the video making rounds.
:rofl: :rofl:
So much for keeping Chinese in good humor !!
As echoed by many independent observers, it's getting difficult to understand the Chinese motive when they are getting entrenched in the disputed region. Certainly, a lot of Chinese investment in India may go haywire if this escalates to Border skirmish; they will equally suffer on economic front even if they capture some piece of land through military action.
For India part, I feel they are hoping for some miracle just like one happened in Doklam which may lead to deescalation; hence there is no saber rattling ("Muh-Tod Jawab") from politicians to military commanders as we often see on Paki front. They are acting meek and docile just to not let things go downhill further.



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Jan 22, 2020
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Don't underestimate the Chinese. They will occupy the forward positions in our land even in winter due to ego or wanting to teach us a lesson. Would the Pakistanis have vacated the heights in Kargil that they annexed because of winter. No. We drove them out.
Regaining our positions now from the Chinese would be an expensive proposition in terms of manpower needed and effort. They are already well entrenched. The obvious option is to open alternative pressure points for the PLA and negotiate a mutual withdrawal from current positions.
There is a risk of escalation and war but what options do we have?. If we allow the Chinese to alter the status quo what example are we setting. Is it OK for any neighbour to usurp our land?. We will be demoralising our army also.

If diplomacy can resolve the matter and the PLA goes back, very good.
But what are the chances of success in the diplomacy. Will it work at all?.

Hard decisions will have to be made sooner or later. The Corona Virus bogey cannot freeze us into fear and inaction. Russia lost a quarter of it's population in the war against the Nazis. We should be ready for sacrifices if needed.

How do we pressure China to restore status quo ante?. I doubt if even the US has leverage over China.

Diplomacy does not mean we give them more concessions. It should mean that we first formally call to cut down on imports so that it hurts their economy. Second, we also capture land elsewhere. Once these two are done, then trade one piece of land with another. Next, ask them to balance the trade else we reduce imports even more.

Both these need to be done immediately, not months from now. And these steps have to be done demonstrably and visibly. Drive home the point that India knows how to go for the jugular. Chinese are just 2-bit human beings, and can be browbeaten and cowed down like any others.

China will use its proxies in India, like the commies, the anti-gvt media, Congress and sundry parties, to drum up constant noise in the public. But due to the corona blessing, these nuisance entities in India cannot take out public rallies- they can only be vocal online, or in some media. The gvt doesnt have to be scared that it will lose majority anytime, so it can safely ignore all such nuisance for the next few months. Just plan on how to teach the Chinese a lesson or two, show them how two can play the same game.

Imagine the adrenaline rush, and the morale booster it will give every Indian, the patriotism it will arouse both in the civil and military, if India grabs a few 100sqKM of Chinese land, and then sets the terms of diplomacy.

And no, China will not go for an all out war with India- it has many other fronts to defend against; besides, India is no more a pushover. And yes, if necessary, play up the real or imaginary Modi-Trump "friendship" to put mental doubt among the chinese. If MAD is the way to go, then so be it. It helped US-Russia maintain peace in the cold-war, and it may be resurrected here today. Panchsheel nonsense is just that, pure nonsense when the other party is China or Pak.

Gautam Sarkar

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Apr 24, 2019
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Oct 19, 2019
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If only theck could provide Camoflauged Rucksacks and Gun this would have been perfect.

This is a serious issue which the Army has ignored for long.
Depression when in isloation and away from family is real.
I feel depressed when I'm alone in my college room, it must be way worse for them.
At times like these booze, comrades,desh prem and Chicken soup are the only things that can keep the spirits high.

Luckily in a interview one year ago army gave assurance that steps are being taken to attend to Troops mental Health.

Jat regiment and Gurkha were stationed there during doklam.
As far as depression and mental health issues are concerned then I would like to tell you that faugees hate filling that Dus number form( few of our serving members would understand). It's taken as a matter of shame.


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Dec 10, 2016
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Seems they are Assam Rifles. ITBP AR and IA
Hmmmmm ..I would say Ladakh scouts coz that's their territory.

Some are ITBP,Regulars,some have RR type of aggression.

See a guy in white overall coming towards the end trying to kick the PLA soldier and then rushes to throw stones...doesnt look a regular from inf battalion.. didnt listen to the officer much and just kicked the PLA soldier.

RR attitude ie haha.

cereal killer

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May 14, 2020
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:rofl: :rofl:
So much for keeping Chinese in good humor !!
As echoed by many independent observers, it's getting difficult to understand the Chinese motive when they are getting entrenched in the disputed region. Certainly, a lot of Chinese investment in India may go haywire if this escalates to Border skirmish; they will equally suffer on economic front even if they capture some piece of land through military action.
For India part, I feel they are hoping for some miracle just like one happened in Doklam which may lead to deescalation; hence there is no saber rattling ("Muh-Tod Jawab") from politicians to military commanders as we often see on Paki front. They are acting meek and docile just to not let things go downhill further.

Our leadership needs to grow up some balls. Sick & tired of this defeatist attitude. Give the Chinese a bloody nose. Shoot these f***ers next time they cross the LAC without warning.


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Apr 4, 2019
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Too late.. video making rounds in hongkong and taiwan.. Well they did nt ask whn they released video of dokhlam standoff whn one of their guy was kicking frm back like a coward...
Oh? What are the HK and Taiwanese saying?
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