India-China 2020 Border Dispute - Military and Strategic Discussion

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Assassin 2.0

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Aug 13, 2019
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LAC standoff | India, China hold fifth round of Corps Commander-level talks
On 2nd August
India-China border tension: Brigade commander-level meeting underway
ANI | Sep 1, 2020, 13:11 IST

This itself shows how poorly talks have failed.


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Jan 28, 2018
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Do we have detailed google earth analysis of Depsang intrusion. Sorry ever since I become active haven't seen much about Depsang and its analysis. If there is any discussion please point to that.


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Dec 25, 2016
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After seeing so much of coverage given to SFF in last few days and ignoring other sword arms of IA , I was getting little irritated but then after reading Gen V P Malik tweet i got the message, India want's to send message to bat shit eaters about the khampa warriors they can unleash more like breaking a mental barrier



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Jun 18, 2020
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Do we have detailed google earth analysis of Depsang intrusion. Sorry ever since I become active haven't seen much about Depsang and its analysis. If there is any discussion please point to that.
Not visible on Google Earth. No map


New Member
Jan 28, 2018
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After seeing so much of coverage given to SFF in last few days and ignoring other sword arms of IA , I was getting little irritated but then after reading Gen V P Malik tweet i got the message, India want's to send message to bat shit eaters about the khampa warriors they can unleash more like breaking a mental barrier

View attachment 58056
Its open threat to unleash long term disturbances in Tibet area. Such highly trained soldiers can unleash hell If they are allowed to go for kill and unleash unrest in Tibet.

Assassin 2.0

New Member
Aug 13, 2019
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LAC standoff | India, China hold fifth round of Corps Commander-level talks
On 2nd August
India-China border tension: Brigade commander-level meeting underway
ANI | Sep 1, 2020, 13:11 IST

This itself shows how poorly talks have failed.
He deliberately chose this picture.

Anyways guys keep meme related stuff to meme section it becomes difficult to catch up with real news as thread keeps on rolling. There are different threads for every topic.


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Jun 17, 2020
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I sincerely believe that people here should maintain decorum and talk about the situation in a mature manner.

I have been visiting this site for a few weeks and I rarely post but to an outsider, the immature jokes and trolling look very unprofessional. Any merit that existed even in constructive posts are overshadowed by the tone used. Then there is also the name-calling which is quite prevalent here and I have also noticed a lack of perspective. This site tends to be Indian-oriented, any differentiating opinions are not to be seen anywhere (whatever the reason may be). The only difference in opinions I have noticed is when it is favourable to India, only that much variation is allowed if I were to summarize my experience here.
Don't pass value judgements. Add value to the ongoing discussions if you can. Yes this forum is India-centric. No, we will not tolerate any anti-India discourse here. If you can't stand the jingoistic memes, I would humbly ask you to retreat to your Reddit cocoon R/India.


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Jun 18, 2020
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I really am very uncomfortable about so many veterans discussing strategies on Twitter. I think we are giving our enemies enough hint about our way of thinking.Do US vets also do this

Are PLA veterans also present on Weibo?


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Jul 22, 2020
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I sincerely believe that people here should maintain decorum and talk about the situation in a mature manner.

I have been visiting this site for a few weeks and I rarely post but to an outsider, the immature jokes and trolling look very unprofessional. Any merit that existed even in constructive posts are overshadowed by the tone used. Then there is also the name-calling which is quite prevalent here and I have also noticed a lack of perspective. This site tends to be Indian-oriented, any differentiating opinions are not to be seen anywhere (whatever the reason may be). The only difference in opinions I have noticed is when it is favourable to India, only that much variation is allowed if I were to summarize my experience here.
Agree with you on most parts and not gonna lie I am partly guilty too, but for "different perspectives" if you mean discussing our neighbors' strategies and interests sorry I don't think this forum will cut it, anyways for such opinions and analysis you can always visit PDF or SDF where you get to see the other side too, it simply won't happen on DFI for obvious reasons.


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Sep 5, 2020
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I don't understand why people here are emphasizing so much on the way the Indian Defence Minister Rajnath Singh conducted himself during the SCO meeting in front of the Chinese Defence Minister Wei Fenghi.

If the way people behaved reflected how powerful a country is then the popular pictures of Rajnath Singh gesturing his hands in a bold way would make India appear stronger, at least economically while China would look weaker because of the way their Defence Minister presented himself but that's not the truth as China's economy is several times larger.

I believe that any gestures made during any meeting can be taken in any way and aren't a reflection of the ground reality.


New Member
Aug 29, 2020
I don't understand why people here are emphasizing so much on the way the Indian Defence Minister Rajnath Singh conducted himself during the SCO meeting in front of the Chinese Defence Minister Wei Fenghi.

If the way people behaved reflected how powerful a country is then the popular pictures of Rajnath Singh gesturing his hands in a bold way would make India appear stronger, at least economically while China would look weaker because of the way their Defence Minister presented himself but that's not the truth as China's economy is several times larger.

I believe that any gestures made during any meeting can be taken in any way and aren't a reflection of the ground reality.
You need to lighten up man, this part of the world is pretty mercy shown sitting behind the internet....all sorts of judgements, punishments and vengeance will be served. Just enjoy, do not try to reform, your odds are pretty low with billion going against another billion in this war fought right here.


New Member
Jun 17, 2020
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I don't understand why people here are emphasizing so much on the way the Indian Defence Minister Rajnath Singh conducted himself during the SCO meeting in front of the Chinese Defence Minister Wei Fenghi.

If the way people behaved reflected how powerful a country is then the popular pictures of Rajnath Singh gesturing his hands in a bold way would make India appear stronger, at least economically while China would look weaker because of the way their Defence Minister presented himself but that's not the truth as China's economy is several times larger.

I believe that any gestures made during any meeting can be taken in any way and aren't a reflection of the ground reality.
China economy big vro, China big missile vro, India 3rd world vro, shiver vro, dhoti shiver vro, India dirty vro, Chinaman 9 feet tall vro, Indians wuss vro, Dil Dil Porkistan vro, Rajnath only acting vro, Chinaman angry vro, We are fked vro. Dhoti shivering vro.


New Member
Jun 18, 2020
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I don't understand why people here are emphasizing so much on the way the Indian Defence Minister Rajnath Singh conducted himself during the SCO meeting in front of the Chinese Defence Minister Wei Fenghi.

If the way people behaved reflected how powerful a country is then the popular pictures of Rajnath Singh gesturing his hands in a bold way would make India appear stronger, at least economically while China would look weaker because of the way their Defence Minister presented himself but that's not the truth as China's economy is several times larger.

I believe that any gestures made during any meeting can be taken in any way and aren't a reflection of the ground reality.
Yet another person who has brought economy in a military forum.
US has 10 times the economy of Russia. Do you really think that alters military dynamics between the 2 nations.🙄
Are we going to throw USD notes on each other ?
Won't attack Pak because we have much to lose. Won't fight China because they have a bigger economy.
This is extremely pathetic mentality exhibited only by Indians.


New Member
Sep 5, 2020
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China economy big vro, China big missile vro, India 3rd world vro, shiver vro, dhoti shiver vro, India dirty vro, Chinaman 9 feet tall vro, Indians wuss vro, Dil Dil Porkistan vro, Rajnath only acting vro, Chinaman angry vro, We are fked vro. Dhoti shivering vro.
I fail to see how this contributes positively.


New Member
Jul 22, 2020
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I don't understand why people here are emphasizing so much on the way the Indian Defence Minister Rajnath Singh conducted himself during the SCO meeting in front of the Chinese Defence Minister Wei Fenghi.
Gestures and attitude convey resolve and firmness to the enemy and is an essential tool for negotiations, ever heard of posturing, it is what China has been doing all this time, not that India was not doing it but we were not seeing the kind of doublespeak that the Chinese side where engaging in from our MEA, of late they have started doing that and our DM's gestures was very apt and necessary message has been conveyed(pls refer to the NDTV article I posted earlier).The economy argument is utter nonsense when it comes to stand-offs of this nature and only shows lack of insight or knowledge or something even sillier what folks here refer to as "Dhoti Shivering"

Assassin 2.0

New Member
Aug 13, 2019
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I don't understand why people here are emphasizing so much on the way the Indian Defence Minister Rajnath Singh conducted himself during the SCO meeting in front of the Chinese Defence Minister Wei Fenghi.

If the way people behaved reflected how powerful a country is then the popular pictures of Rajnath Singh gesturing his hands in a bold way would make India appear stronger, at least economically while China would look weaker because of the way their Defence Minister presented himself but that's not the truth as China's economy is several times larger.

I believe that any gestures made during any meeting can be taken in any way and aren't a reflection of the ground reality.
When india fought against Pakistan our economic conditions were very poor or only marginally better than Pakistan in 1965 war Pakistanis had better tanks aircraft and what not but still we manged to defeat them in 1962 india had better airforce than Chinese but because of our policies we didn't used the asset. Likewise in current conflicts india do have capabilities to give Chinese a real hell be it in land based contact warfare or by using airforce the only place were we lack is rocket force but I'm sure work on that will also happen.

Chini economy is so huge still they are suffering to Capture Arunachal Pradesh or take actions against our new positions on LAC having bigger economy than india will not give Chinese a free road to ride in.
India is having a hugee trade deficit against China so it's in our hands to twist and turn the nob.
RM Is aggressive just because one simple reason he is confident on capabilities of IA and the new strategic heights which we have captured.
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