IAF Mi-17V5 Crashed Near Coonoor (Tamil Nadu)-CDS Onboard


New Member
Feb 27, 2013
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Dear members,
All I can say is that today is a very sad day in our history many good souls who have given everything for the nation has been lost, as a grieving nation, we should not start the blame game and also in anger start abusing one another, keep our emotion control and not indulge in political ranting. Post what is relevant and show solemn respect. If you someone from the neighbours also see this threat in sleuth they should see that we are a resilence nation and even in times of sorrow, we stand united. Thank you.

Angel of War

New Member
Nov 14, 2021
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Fking import lobby is already running articles in NDTV saying V5 is very safe. Where’s this benefit of the doubt when an ALH crashes?

ALH has actually proven itself ridiculously crash-safe and survivable. Rarely does anyone die if a ALH crashes

Also you wouldn’t think it but there’s ~2X the number of ALH in service as V5s yet the latter crash far more regularly and almost always take all onboard

4 crashes for a fleet size of 150. ALH has 17 crashes for a fleet size of 300


Golgappe Expert
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Oct 2, 2018
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Fking import lobby is already running articles in NDTV saying V5 is very safe. Where’s this benefit of the doubt when an ALH crashes?

ALH has actually proven itself ridiculously crash-safe and survivable. Rarely does anyone die if a ALH crashes

Also you wouldn’t think it but there’s ~2X the number of ALH in service as V5s yet the latter crash far more regularly and almost always take all onboard

This is not a comparison of ALH vs. Mi-17 or AW101. AW101 is specially made for this purpose, ofc it will be better. ALH, debatable.

But, tell me, your claim of Mi-17V5 crash, how many actually crashed due to technical failure ? All Mi-17V5 crashes to date is due to either unfortunate circumstances or pilot error, including this one.

If you ram an AW101 or Dhruv nose-first into a hill, it will meet the same fate.


New Member
Sep 13, 2010
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Crashed 4 km from my home. The truth is known but cannot be made public at this juncture. CCS meet soon.

I don't know why the fuk the chopper was given the go-ahead to fly into the hills when the weather was pretty bad. It's covered with mist and drizzles much of the time.

Bottom line: Poor visibility could have been the cause of the accident.

Altitude of crash site - 5000 ft. Near Kateri village. Thickly forested. The chopper was seen flying way lower than usual. Clearance 7000 ft but flying far lower.
Most of the time helos operate VFR basically look out and avoid terrain visually (yes they have onboard systems to aide) so if cloud base is low they’ll have to operate below that

If the weather was this poor it’s even more damning in terms of flight preparation and clearances, for such flights there should be margin on top of margin applied.

Such an appalling loss to India

