Welcome to DFI,..........Jay
could you tell more about you???????
wow you guys are nice and welcoming bunch here. More about me- well I tend not give too much information on the net. But I was born in Bombay ( yes I will always call it that
) - studied through high school and then left for the US. as I have indicated I'm from Atlanta. An astute student of politics albeit American politics. I cannot profess to know anything about Indian internal politics. although, I like the direction in which the congress party is headed, in the bigger scheme of things ( economically, world stage ) vs scams . I like the young Gandhi and actually see him being more pragmatic, even when its is not political correct to be so and in some cases detrimental to his political aspirations. Honestly, a true patriot is one who looks inversely before pointing fingers always at " foreign" entities. And oh I'm a bleeding heart liberal...
wow , you got me to say a lot... hope this suffices for now ? Cheers