Global Think tank discussions on India & neighbourhood


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Apr 24, 2016
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Christine Fair on her findings on Lashkar-E-Taiba.

If you could focus on the fact based empirical data she espouses and ignore her sjw'y nonsense on Trump and his wall and other offtopic hearsay she regurgitates you'll see how important a role women play in LeT especially during funerals and such.

Maybe we can circumvent this by giving the Kashmiri women more opportunities and state benefits that'll steal them away from their homes and away from the military aged males and deprive the useless, jobless men bent on jihad, of a structure.



Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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Nothing major.. all is well in india as per ratings agencies...
Indian Economy 2019: Make or Break



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Jan 2, 2018
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Maybe we can circumvent this by giving the Kashmiri women more opportunities and state benefits
Giving more resources to someone doesn't change their political views. They just eat it and get fat. Mullis are no less fanatics. We'll end up creating more Aasia Andrabis.

Here's an archive footage of Yasin Mailk receiving a hero's welcome by the mullis of the family :

Yakoob Menon's educated, english-speaking wife asking him to be let go :



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Jan 2, 2018
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Interesting to see the Whites be saying "the West" "the West" as an allegory for "us Whites". Trying very hard to steer the narrative away from "us Whites vs you", they keep saying "our democratic value system vs the world".

Still very colonial connotations to what they say.



Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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Interesting to see the Whites be saying "the West" "the West" as an allegory for "us Whites". Trying very hard to steer the narrative away from "us Whites vs you", they keep saying "our democratic value system vs the world".

Still very colonial connotations to what they say.

What is the alternative word to “the west”?


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Jan 2, 2018
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What is the alternative word to “the west”?
There's no alternative word, the categorization is accurate from the point of view of both sides. The West = White Christian countries.

I'm not saying they should use another term, but pointing out the survivalist clash of races, kind of like when the Neanderthals clashed with Homo Sapiens from another land and became extinct. After all the niceties are exchanged, it still boils down to that base animal instinct of grabbing maximum resources and killing other races, no matter what sugar coating we use.

He was speaking of "our values". What values? democracy? India and Japan has that too, but they are not included in his club. Christian values? Mexico and Brazil has it but they are not included in the club either. He just didn't want to say "our race" so he keeps alternating between "democratic values" and "the Western world" to signal that Asian and South American democracies are not included in their club. That's how the Whites view the world, in racially segregated terms. It is only us people who do the whole "vasudhaiva kutumbakam" thingy.
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Apr 24, 2016
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Some sobering facts on how geopolitics is functioning near and not so near India.

Giving more resources to someone doesn't change their political views. They just eat it and get fat. Mullis are no less fanatics. We'll end up creating more Aasia Andrabis.

Here's an archive footage of Yasin Mailk receiving a hero's welcome by the mullis of the family :

Yakoob Menon's educated, english-speaking wife asking him to be let go :

For this particular moment in time, completely agree.

But we have to go somewhere when the period comes when IA has extensively removed most of the pakis and their slaves in the valley.
Liberalizing the general populace is the only way it seems to immunize them against paki radicalism tactics(like the ongoing Op. Tupac) that may come after a successful cleanup of Kashmir.

Something important leftists have taught us is once you get the people dependent on the government, their will for autonomy kind of weakens.

This is exactly why mujjis threaten kashmiris to leave government jobs, or not participate in government schemes, housing, schooling facilities and the like, coz people will only listen to the pakis if they are absolutely desperate which is what the mujjis want them to be i.e. desperate.

I mean, if you have the option to live an easy life why even bother taking the exhausting option of picking up an AK.


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Jan 2, 2018
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Liberalizing the general populace is the only way it seems to immunize them against paki radicalism tactics(like the ongoing Op. Tupac) that may come after a successful cleanup of Kashmir.
That was the plan when India became independent. They tried to prop up moderate/secular Muslims to serve as role models for Indian Muslims to gravitate towards. Instead of the Muslims falling for it, the Hindus fell for the churan of secularism out of nowhere. It's like putting out a rat-poison bar overnight and next morning you wake up to find that instead of the rat, your pupper has eaten it.

Babri and 2002 was a major strategic reset in the collective Hindu mindset. Now some course correction is going on.

I mean, if you have the option to live an easy life why even bother taking the exhausting option of picking up an AK.
All the Indian recruits who went to ISIS were STEM graduates with full time MNC jobs. Sheila Rashid, Umar Khalid, and Rana Ayub are also educated, well off people.

Osama was an educated and insanely wealthy person. This is his family photo :

The partition of India wasn't executed by a poor illiterate bearded devout Muslim, but a pork-eating, wine-drinking foreign-educated Jinnah. Most of the people in Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood are rich people. Saddam's Baath was also primarily wealthy people. Saudi Wahabbis are also wealthy people. All of these people have to lead a good life, yet the chose to give it up and screw up the world. Political views are education and class-agnostic. Political Islam is a form of fascism. It doesn't see rich or poor.
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Apr 24, 2016
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38:14 onwards
Christine Fair and Amrullah Saleh rip Napakistan a new one.

Interesting thing she says; that instead of looking towards Balochi militants India should maintain its cleaner record of not supporting terrorist organizations and develop other assets for leadership(terrorist leaders being groomed and festered in pakistan) decapitation. :hmm:

And for the IA to undertake efficient COIN ops our police(RAF) have to be trained and equipped far better like the European police and their far more advanced crowd control tactics.


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Jan 2, 2018
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38:14 onwards
Christine Fair and Amrullah Saleh rip Napakistan a new one.

Interesting thing she says; that instead of looking towards Balochi militants India should maintain its cleaner record of not supporting terrorist organizations and develop other assets for leadership(terrorist leaders being groomed and festered in pakistan) decapitation. :hmm:

And for the IA to undertake efficient COIN ops our police(RAF) have to be trained and equipped far better like the European police and their far more advanced crowd control tactics.
Everything she says must be taken with the context that she is Killary's left hand. Killary mata is speaking to us through this possessed body. They are not keen on letting India decapitate Pakistan. They just want to use India as a stick to beat Pakistan when it refuses to obey Murica, but not kill them permanently. Murica has stuck its fingers into Afghanistan; No one invited them, they didn't seek our permission before coming. Now it has become a liability for them, so they are lobbying India to step in and take the flak for their failure.

They are begging India to send troops to Afghanistan. The moment the first soldier steps foot, they will put the burden of all of Murica's war crimes on India. They've broken the Afghan nation, let them rebuild it, or issue formal apology to the world for their intervention before expecting others to step in and help them mid way through their disaster.


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Apr 24, 2016
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Everything she says must be taken with the context that she is Killary's left hand. Killary mata is speaking to us through this possessed body. They are not keen on letting India decapitate Pakistan. They just want to use India as a stick to beat Pakistan when it refuses to obey Murica, but not kill them permanently. Murica has stuck its fingers into Afghanistan; No one invited them, they didn't seek our permission before coming. Now it has become a liability for them, so they are lobbying India to step in and take the flak for their failure.

They are begging India to send troops to Afghanistan. The moment the first soldier steps foot, they will put the burden of all of Murica's war crimes on India. They've broken the Afghan nation, let them rebuild it, or issue formal apology to the world for their intervention before expecting others to step in and help them mid way through their disaster.
While I understand that she leans democrat and has been espousing sjw talking points more so recently.
We should consider her findings on pakistan separately and not dismiss them in an adhominemesque manner.
She has a deep insight into PA, has been there and been in terrorist infested places in napakistan to study them and she is absurdly anti-pakistan.

Unfortunately for us, we never wanted US interference and then their destruction of Afghanistan in the first place but now that they are there, we need them to maintain some semblance of a security apparatus in Afghanistan so that we can exercise our soft power status in the same and how will we do that when Trump has basically been Obama on overdrive, backing out of the Iran deal, then pulling out troops in Afghanistan.
At this rate Afghanistan will be run by paki proxies and the pentagon leaders are still not seeing pakistan as an enemy and continue to use the same carrot stick formula that is just not working.

Also, by 'developing assets to kill pakistani terrorists(LeT, HuJI, etc) being used against India', I'm pretty sure she means covert assets(plausible deniability) being run from Afghanistan after it is relatively stable that is, and not Indian troops.


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Jan 2, 2018
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India's nuclear doctrine (has discussion about no first use and India's option of massive retaliation)



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Jan 2, 2018
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the pentagon leaders are still not seeing pakistan as an enemy and continue to use the same carrot stick formula that is just not working. your logic is to co-operate with them and encourage more of that?

This "we were wrong, our policy makers are stupid" is a drama by US think tanks to insulate themselves from criticism by separating the think tanks from policy makers. What is the credibility of these think tanks if their own government don't listen to them? and our government is supposed to formulate our policy based on a foreign think tank lobby? Who funds these think tanks? they are official mouthpieces of the CIA, and claiming that "those other stupid people sitting in pentagon messed it, but I am clean, so buy my snake oil".

The US supported Pakistan in the past knowing very well that the Mujaheedin fallout will move to Kashmir, today they try to placate you by saying "ohh no no..we didn't anticipate that..we didn't mean it, we were naive back then, Pakistan fooled us, now we know how wrong we were to trust them..". It's all hogwash. The US deliberately allowed Pakistan to acquire nuclear weapons because they saw the rising power differential between India and Pakistan and they feared that if India does cold start, their pet dog will get killed. Today they tell you that China nuclear-armed Pakistan. Did the CIA not know that Pakistan was diverting their "war on terror" funds to build the nuke? they allowed it because it suited them. The biggest supporter of Pakistani economy and defense industry is the US.

This logic of co-operating with the US now is the same thing Indian National Congress gave in 1940's when they said "if we co-operate with Britain then they will see us as friends and give us our independence". "If we co-operate with UN then they will give us Kashmir"..and later, "if we co-operate with China then we will get the UNSC seat" and now.."if we co-operate with US then our Afghan policy will be taken care of". We expect others to take care of our interest, and somehow pretend to be surprised when that doesn't happen. US and Indian interests don't align, they want to stem the rise of Asia. They want to hit Iran, while India wants Iranian oil. They want to hit Russia, while Russia is the biggest defense supplier of India. They want to give foreign aid to Pakistan while they are our biggest enemy. And we are supposed to take policy diktats from them?

These are not your friends. Pakistan was created as a buffer by the West to stop India from expanding its influence into Central Asia. Read between the lines, she's not encouraging you to eliminate terrorists, she's indirectly telling you to LIMIT your anti-Pakistan activities to sub-conventional level so that we don't do anything beyond eliminating terrorists (indirectly threatening us not to use conventional options like cold start). This goodwill is the same way Indians cryptically say "aagli baar aoge toh khaana jarur khake jaana", meaning "aaj daawat nahi milegi". Ask her on Twitter if she supports a free Baluchistan. If not, there's no need to take sermons from her. India has the Northern Alliance with Iran and Russia, we don't need a foreign power from another hemisphere to tell us how to shape our backyard policy, especially after they themselves created the mess. They aren't part of the solution. They are the problem. Having a think tank allows them to speak with a forked tongue. This witch says something else and Pentagon does something else. Which version do you believe? If the Pentagon isn't on the same page as her then she should go back and convince them before expecting us to take them seriously.
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Living in Post Truth
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May 31, 2017
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Agree with @Haldiram on this. C.Fair suggesting us to keep threshold below conventional level is to allow US to keep using Pak services against Talibans. She suggests us not to romance with Baloch orgns coz they are not disciplined, and kill teachers sometimes. As if Americans care so much for educating Pakistanis. They have destroyed more schools and hospitals in Syria than Baloch could in a lifetime. The real reason is that if we embolden Balochis the Pak army will have to divert resources there and it will weaken the so called WoT in Afg'stn. Then pakis will demand more money from the Americans and they wl have to pay. Every US president pumped more money after bad expecting some results. For 16 yrs the status quo was mantained. Atleast now the boat is being rocked. No heavens will fall when Trump pulls the plug. Afg is already destabilised as much it could. Lets see what Russians and NA do now.


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Jan 2, 2018
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Agree with @Haldiram on this. C.Fair suggesting us to keep threshold below conventional level is to allow US to keep using Pak services against Talibans. She suggests us not to romance with Baloch orgns coz they are not disciplined, and kill teachers sometimes. As if Americans care so much for educating Pakistanis. They have destroyed more schools and hospitals in Syria than Baloch could in a lifetime. The real reason is that if we embolden Balochis the Pak army will have to divert resources there and it will weaken the so called WoT in Afg'stn. Then pakis will demand more money from the Americans and they wl have to pay. Every US president pumped more money after bad expecting some results. For 16 yrs the status quo was mantained. Atleast now the boat is being rocked. No heavens will fall when Trump pulls the plug. Afg is already destabilised as much it could. Lets see what Russians and NA do now.
She's talking about rebuilding Afghanistan on the same day her country is destroying Venezuela. If someone asks her, again she will no..that's idiot Trump's policy, they're all stupid people in the CIA, I am pristine. Somehow, all Americans are Teflon coated. Nothing sticks to them. They're always clean. Everyone else is dirty and needs a white person to teach them how to behave. All critique of their national policy is directed to "one idiot president" so that the nation can keep its hands clean. If Bush was such an idiot, why didn't Obama reverse his policy and call troops back from Iraq and Afghanistan? these policies are made with great forethought.

America literally has nowhere else to make a naval base in Asia overlooking Central Asia. They can't do it in China, or India, or Iran. Only Pakistan remains. If Balochistan and Sindh are gone, America loses its entire Asia pivot strategy. That's why these think tanks are out there peddling their administration's unsolicited advice.

Indians must have one thing clear, power is never given, it is taken. At no point has India gotten anything of any real significance without a lot of birthing pain, be it Bangladesh liberation or nuclear weapons, or space program. All our future gains will also come at the expense of currently dominant powers, so we should anticipate the pain and prepare accordingly. If Americans are saying that Indian policy is wrong (because it doesn't favor their interests), we are going in the right direction. In another video C.Fair was lamenting that Indian bureaucrats don't even provide her an appointment to meet any policy makers while Pakistan was so generous in arranging vehicles to take American NGO workers to the borders and show their side of the story. Bitch, that's because Pakistan is your paid client state. India is a free country.

She thinks she's so woke, going to another country and telling that Indian embassy in Iran is "doing a lot more than just issuing passports". If you speak about Indian core interests in a nonchalant way, don't expect a red carpet welcome.

She says Pakistan is not an occupier in Balochistan : "There is no innocent party in Balochistan"


