France: Chechen Teen Beheads Teacher shouting Allah Hu Akbar, Macron calls it Islamic Terror Attack


Maulana Rockullah
Senior Member
Aug 12, 2009
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Its not the religion thats the problem mate, its the people who dont understand it who we have a problem with. We have so many good people around us especially in India. Our very beloved Abdul Kalam sir is a Muslim, did you ever feel threatened by his appearance, speech or body language? Just because of a few maggots, lets not defame a religion.
Be it not ! I am not defending anyone here, its just that lets not go down to a level where we need to generalize a whole group of people with actions of a few, it kinda makes us look freaked out ! We are not !
That's a reverse logic.

The "religion" you are talking about is basically a EXTREMELY INTOLERANT VIOLENT INHUMAN Political Cult with stone age brutality masquerading under the garb of religion. The latest example of a Muslim beheading a defenseless 70 year old woman inside a Church PROVES it yet yet yet x 1,000,000,000 times again in last 1400 years.

About Kalam... how many of Kalam India has? There are many dubious reports about Kalam also but I won't derail this thread as I created it.

Important thing is that Muslims don't accept Kalam as a Muslim! :lol: So one "good" Muslim can't change the image of 1.7 Billion! He is NOT a image of "Good Muslim" for Muslims. But..... if Muslims can become like Kalam then it would be great but that's only a pipe dream. Even if Muslims can be like 50% of Kalam, it would be good.

btw are you a Muslim? :hmm:

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Senior Member
Feb 28, 2016
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That's a reverse logic.

The "religion" you are talking about is basically a EXTREMELY INTOLERANT VIOLENT INHUMAN Political Cult with stone age brutality masquerading under the garb of religion. The latest example of a Muslim beheading a defenseless 70 year old woman inside a Church PROVES it yet yet yet x 1,000,000,000 times again in last 1400 years.

About Kalam... how many of Kalam India has? There are many dubious reports about Kalam also but I won't derail this thread as I created it.

Important thing is that Muslims don't accept Kalam as a Muslim! :lol: So one "good" Muslim can't change the image of 1.7 Billion! He is NOT a image of "Good Muslim" for Muslims. But..... if Muslims can become like Kalam then it would be great but that's only a pipe dream. Even if Muslims can be like 50% of Kalam, it would be good.

btw are you a Muslim? :hmm:

View attachment 64728
The "Moderate Muslims" you see are those who do not have the cojones required for blade, bomb and gun jihad( and seeing how in Europe they kill only defenseless budda-buddi in Churches, I think the cojones are very small ) so these "moderates" instead shill for their Ghazi brothers in faith online, or in academia or in media houses, or perhaps they fund such ideologues and the Mosques that produce such True Muslims.

The shilling is intended to befool or gaslight the intended kaafir audience, which they do get, especially the kuffar woman, who is not kept in check by her male folk. ( unlike our pious hijabis mashallah )


लड़ते लड़ते जीना है, लड़ते लड़ते मरना है
Senior Member
Aug 10, 2020
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Ya'll Nibbiars The spokeperson of the MD of TwitterFrance. The account of ex Malaysian PM ChedetoOffical must be immediately suspended. If not, Twitter would be an accomplice to a formal call for murder.
Feb 16, 2009
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France Church Attacker A 21-Year-Old Tunisian Migrant: Inquiry Sources

So this Maghrebi gets off the boat, and directly goes to do jihad?

Original source is Reuters

Beware the article contains spintastic "they are jihadis because they are poor and have no jobs"

Tunisia apparently has no problems of Jihad at home, I guess they are an export only economy.
poor boy must be having trouble adjusting the liberals will say


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2016
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btw can any of our RAW agents on that accursed defense forum of the Padosi Mulq tell us what is their opinion of this? are they dancing while screaming allah hu akbar? are they doing mental contortions to prove that this is not Saccha Islam? The Nation wants to know!


Senior Member
Oct 12, 2020
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No such thing as "Islamist", it is a term invented to falsely distinguish the beheading pro jihadi and the average Abdul.
There are only Muslims.
or momin for "believer" if you want to use the Arabic term.

As things stand today Islam will be victorious in various countries starting from 200 years in the future for cuck euro gora countries, 600 years for our country, and 1000+ for Chingchongistan.

If the kaffirs behave like cattle and sheep, the kasai momineen will slaughter them like cattle and sheep
Yup, all momins are doing their part in turning Dar-al-Harb to Dar-al-Islam. We had better not sit by, or a hundred years down the line, Sharia will be the Indian constitution.


Maulana Rockullah
Senior Member
Aug 12, 2009
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If we look at it from a Indian self-interest perspective, Europeans along with Americans have been blocking a real conversation on this topic from happening for almost three decades now.
It is effecting us too, europe sponsored NGOs and News media have been for decades demonising us Indians for having the same debate.
so now we can wait and see how they go about debating this.
Very good point! West is blinded by Liberalism Feminazism Leftist shit!

One of the big change we saw in Indian media since last 6 years is about open discussions/debates about the Islamic terrorism or else in CONGI time they would instead put Hindus in jail under so called "saffron terrorism" charges!!! There is a rise of nationalism and unity which was buried under 1000 years of foreign oppression and the damage done to Indian culture specially under Italian mafia rule.

I remember one of the best debates I saw having Sambit Patra about Illegal Babri structure. There was some so called bald muslim scholar saying there needs to be hospital/school etc there instead of temple. Sambit said why not make a school/hospital at Macca/Medina? That scholar's face was kinda in shock! :lol:

India has it's own demographics and history and our approach is different. These debates are seen by masses and very slowly people are realizing lot of things.

Here are the TRUE colors of Maulanas which rule their masses, if they can slap a woman on TV then you can imagine what they do in their homes to women. :eek1: :eek1: :eek1:

@WarriorIndian: How come these Maulanas ruling the Muslim masses and got huge support?


Senior Member
Jun 20, 2020
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Its not the religion thats the problem mate, its the people who dont understand it who we have a problem with. We have so many good people around us especially in India.

Our very beloved Abdul Kalam sir is a Muslim, did you ever feel threatened by his appearance, speech or body language? Just because of a few maggots, lets not defame a religion.
Individual people can be nice but Islam is rotten to the core, I am dropping some redpills in the next
comment, read that.

Muh ottoman, f**king greek converts.

Dhimmis: nah bro. Don't blame Islam bro. All religions equally bad/all religions teach peace (depending on whether or not the dhimmi is an enlightened atheist).

Absolute state of these clowns who think Islam is being "defamed." Islam does a pretty good job of defaming itself. You have the internet just look up online what it thinks about you.

One Kalam is supposed to wash away the sins of an entire cult and all it's followers who have taken its teachings to heart.
Yeah, exactly, people use all sorts of mental gymnastic to either save their arse, appease M community or M community trying that to deny the issue with Islam as a religion which is more like a cult.

i wish i was born an indian muslim so that i could convert to an atheist or some dharmic religion and insult my parents and i also will be able to get a shield against islamophobia because of that not that i care if they say i hate islam because what is so bad about that notion.
In many countries leaving Islam is akin to writing your death sentence, i have read enough from ex-muslims to know that even in India there's no guarantee that you will be safe if you left islam.

I read a french newspaper 2 days ago : 150 turkish imams in France are paid by the Turkish government as functionnaries.... just incredible.
I expected someone to point out at the influence of SA/Turkey/Iran among Indian Muslims, many Muslim orgs which operate under their behest like Zakat Foundation etc.
There's news about SA and Turkey undergoing turf war to control the Keralite Muslims.

pakistani's in Peshawar
Inbreds acting like inbreds also which inbred made that flag with shitty aspect ratio?

Delhi riot? if yes, then what's the outcome?
Many Hindus died and lots of bad press plus loss of state election.

btw can any of our RAW agents on that accursed defense forum of the Padosi Mulq tell us what is their opinion of this? are they dancing while screaming allah hu akbar? are they doing mental contortions to prove that this is not Saccha Islam? The Nation wants to know!
Proly the later part, using mental gymnastics to proly blame joos for that or maybe french people.


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2016
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Article goes in detail about how the attack took place.
Relevant part quoted.

Estrosi said that, as police were detaining the attacker, "he kept shouting on a loop, 'Allahu Akbar'." The Arabic phrase means God is Greatest. The attacker carried on shouting the phrase even after he was shot and wounded by police, Estrosi said.
inb4 he was mentally unstable.


Senior Member
Oct 12, 2020
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btw can any of our RAW agents on that accursed defense forum of the Padosi Mulq tell us what is their opinion of this? are they dancing while screaming allah hu akbar? are they doing mental contortions to prove that this is not Saccha Islam? The Nation wants to know!
They want the government to nuke France and recall their ambassador. Still haven't figured out that they don't have an ambassador or missiles that can hit France.
That, and the collosal shitshow that is the pakistani parliament, with half of its seats empty, and the other half Barking MuDi FacIsT, JuStIcE for KaShMiR, and of course, Recall ambassador from France..

Damn, that country is something else.


Senior Member
Jun 20, 2020
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Very good point! West is blinded by Liberalism Feminazism Leftist shit!

One of the big change we saw in Indian media since last 6 years is about open discussions/debates about the Islamic terrorism or else in CONGI time they would instead put Hindus in jail under so called "saffron terrorism" charges!!! There is a rise of nationalism and unity which was buried under 1000 years of foreign oppression and the damage done to Indian culture specially under Italian mafia rule.

I remember one of the best debates I saw having Sambit Patra about Illegal Babri structure. There was some so called bald muslim scholar saying there needs to be hospital/school etc there instead of temple. Sambit said why not make a school/hospital at Macca/Medina? That scholar's face was kinda in shock! :lol:

India has it's own demographics and history and our approach is different. These debates are seen by masses and very slowly people are realizing lot of things.

Here are the TRUE colors of Maulanas which rule their masses, if they can slap a woman on TV then you can imagine what they do in their homes to women. :eek1: :eek1: :eek1:

@WarriorIndian: How come these Maulanas ruling the Muslim masses and got huge support?
I don't trust these mullas since they are paid by the media houses but i don't think they are lying.


Maulana Rockullah
Senior Member
Aug 12, 2009
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I don't trust these mullas since they are paid by the media houses but i don't think they are lying.
These people can't be paid for telling what they preach and follow.

These people are not common muslims but got important seats in their orgs which represents their kaum. The BASIC reason they are called on debates and they get exposed.

Good work by media here.


Senior Member
Jun 20, 2020
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Article goes in detail about how the attack took place.
Relevant part quoted.

inb4 he was mentally unstable.
I saw her pic, calling that a knife would be a joke, it was a f**king sword and he almost chopped the head off since it was just dangling to the body, very pitty sight, i didn't save the pic nor i will share it to respect the dead.


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2016
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These people can't be paid for telling what they preach and follow.

These people are not common muslims
but got important seats in their orgs which represents their kaum. The BASIC reason they are called on debates and they get exposed.

Good work by media here.
They are theologians and clergy.
They have massive influence on a religious populace.
Feb 16, 2009
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