Failed Terrorist State of Pakistan: Idiotic Musings

Chandragupt Maurya

Tihar Jail
Jun 23, 2020
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The inbreeding depression in Pakistanis because of Centuries of consanguineous marriages is now irreparable
the genes have become permanent so even if they marry outside their family inbreeding depression will continue because entire Pakistan suffers from Inbreeding depression
Which means Pakistanis will continue to become more and more dumb with each passing generation 😔


Maulana Rockullah
Senior Member
Aug 12, 2009
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He sounds like a incestuous pedo!!! Problem is that these people have incestuous pedo tenancies in their DNA due to generations of inbreeding so they try to justify it. Science has proven why marriage in family is a nature's disaster and the way Muslims behave like low IQ zoombies refusing to accept SCIENCE, FACTS and LOGIC and behave like monsters! :dude: :

It's possible for them to marry their own sisters. Read the story of Muslims named Kabil and Sabil who fought with each other to marry their real sister(SICK!!!) :tsk: 🤢

Also see my below post and link which tells that how even Pakis have started to find why they are having low height and IQ.



Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
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News: Pakistan opposes India’s demand for UNSC seat
“The world does not want a fascist state as a permanent member of the Security Council.”
Comment section:
Only Pakistan deserves the permanent seat of UN alongwith US, China, France, Russia and Britain as only Pakistan can balance power with these nations...


Sikkimese Saber
Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
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Thread: India’s Test of Hypersonic missile and implications for Pakistan

Link of another OpEd left by OP in comments.

And much more.
While much of it sounds rubbish, the patronizing narrative of the Arms Control Association is very annoying. These idiots think that we are developing hypersonic missiles for Pakistanis. These neo-liberal imperialist types continue to de-hyphenate us from China and ensure that India's strategic narrative remains associated with Pakistan; just as the imperialist whites had wanted to remain after 1947.

But it is better that they keep it that way; gives us room to maneuver and test more advanced offensive and defensive capabilities vis-a-vis China and even the P5. It is obvious that in 10-15 years' time, we will be in the exact same position that China is today. We may continue to push our credentials as a balanced and democratic nation, but the West won't care. They will see us with the same disdain that they see China today.; especially the Anglo-Saxons. Germany and France may remain indifferent because they couldn't care less about who dominates Asia as long as that country doesn't expand with brute military force and pose a tangible threat.

But expect the UK and USA to change their tones completely by then. Irrespective of which party is in power, they will change their deep-state narrative that will be very unfavorable for us. If Japan and South Korea haven't thrown off the yoke around their necks by then, they might pressure them to limit their technological cooperation with us. We need to be ready to defend against a larger power.

As such both the UK and the USA leave no stones unturned to target us on the basis of faith and culture through their covertly funded churches and "freedom of religion" NGOs.
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Sikkimese Saber
Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
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Mentality of Pakistani bureaucrat is same as the worthless worm in a gutter
Not much different from our lawyers and bureaucrats either. If you see the kind of crap that Nirbhaya rapists' lawyer had spoken, you would be shocked. It might be his constitutional duty to defend whoever his client is, but the man AP Singh said stuff that would make even the hardened Islamist's blood boil.

I haven't seen a more perverted man than this guy. Pakistani bureaucrats and officers seem to have a more liberal mindset than scum like these.


Senior Member
Dec 26, 2016
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Not much different from our lawyers and bureaucrats either. If you see the kind of crap that Nirbhaya rapists' lawyer had spoken, you would be shocked. It might be his constitutional duty to defend whoever his client is, but the man AP Singh said stuff that would make even the hardened Islamist's blood boil.

I haven't seen a more perverted man than this guy. Pakistani bureaucrats and officers seem to have a more liberal mindset than scum like these.
That is the kind of bullshit equivalence that allows others to sling mud at India.
Our lawyers and bureaucrats did not come out with this kind of crap.
In fact most of the lawyers refused to even represent those rapists, and spoke out against that jackass who did eventually agree and made those comments.

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