See that is the question? Why do they need separate marine infantry why couldn't US army lend them an infantry when required.
Same goes for air support.
The same marines were fighting terrorists on land in Afghanistan nothing naval about it.
I think this is just US military's way to maximize budget and keep expanding military.
yes now marines are becoming very redundant if you look at it closely.
they are also dumping their heavy equipment are sort of becoming a very light infantry force.
i dont understand the purpose of the marines now.they were originally made to be specialized naval infantry used for port adn beach shore seizure.their equipment now does not have the heavy firepower that can be used to take a facility like a port that is under medium enemy occupation.
india should not follow the way of the contemporary US Marines.they should follow the path of the chinese Expeditionary force which consists of meaty help of mechanised soldiers that are more like the usa marines of old.