DRDO, PSU and Private Defence Sector News


Designated Cynic
New Member
Jul 12, 2014
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All I am saying a better planning and money distribution could have solved most of our basic issues.
that statement is true for almost everything any govt in any part of the world on most topics.


New Member
Jul 8, 2011
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Weight170 kg275 kg
Length3.9 m4.5 m
Diameter178 mm225 mm

Current UVLM is 1m x 1m. Most probably the upcoming UVLS will also have similar dimensions, so chances are both missiles i.e VL-SRSAM and MRSAM can be quad-packed in it.
Really??!! If that's the case, they could even hexa-pack the VL-SRSAMs!!


New Member
Aug 12, 2015
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What myopic? Could you care to explain. All I am saying a better planning and money distribution could have solved most of our basic issues.
Ofcourse. But before going ahead I would like @mods to kindly note that if suited fit, they can move this to relevant thread as its going to be political in nature. So, let me quote your message here against which I made the first comment.

I am not talking about buying shiny super expensive toys. Even the basic kits are unavailable for the forces. Ex: Army- Even in the 2020s, our Army have inferior kits than Hamas and Mexican cartel. Buying decent rifles, body armor kits doesn't cost in gold unlike some fancy Apache. Its all about proper planning. Army don't have howitzers for three decades even when we have multiple indigenous platforms. If made in India, they will not only provide army with modern weapons but will also generate lot of jobs.

Airforce: Haven't bought indigenous helicopters, not enough planning if MMRCA fails, Air refuelrs, AWACs, transport AC. All of these programs have recurring start and stop problem which no one is able to solve.

Navy: No vision for P75I,76, destroyers post P15B. They want 2nd AC, but don't have enough auxiliary ships.

A lot of above problems could simply be solved with proper planning & vision without spending tonnes of money. Its not about resource deficiency.
At first lets understand that neither Hamas, nor Cartel is under a democratic government nor a part of any such arrangement, neither their man power is 1.4 million which is greater then population of most European counties.

Now coming to CAPEX and OPEX for services. First we have to understand how it works. Government don't decide on the amount by themselves before budget. Its the forces who give their requirement to MoD based on which MoD submit report to MoF. But MoF decides on what percentage out of what has been asked would have to be provided. So they budget gets cut at the nip even before it makes its way to forces and MoD has absolutely nothing to do with it.

Now let’s talk about some other aspect apart from finance. People in this forum is quick to bring Arjun saga as never ending tests and trial against T-90. However, let me bring into your notice the role played by some other ministries in failure of the project. During operation Parakram, it took us 3 month to mobilize troops from central command to forward area. One of the role played in this delay is by IR. So is it a job of MoD or services to uplift the IR infra? Same is the case with Road and Highway.

When IA said that Arjun could not navigate with current weight through bridges, then people here started making fun of them. However, they were oblivious to the fact that we were using PMSs at that time which could only support up to 60-ton max whereas IA has been provided with 65-ton tank. Means for order of Arjun, they would have to seek fund for additional bridges too. You think MoF would entertain the additional fund request for bridges for a MBT or would grant fund for an already inducted 55 tonner.

Let us take the case of INSAS now. Design wise it is a very good and reliable weapon. However, issue occurred in its production variant. Now most people would disagree with me on this, but the main culprit for this and almost all the OFB issues was the state government of WB. OFB headquarter and its top echelon was based out of Calcutta, which was under CPM governance. Now state government plays a huge role in appointment of posts of CMD or Directors of any PSU/DPSU. Therefore, what is the role played by services here in INSAS being a below par weapon system?

Now let us consider howitzer case. IA has said in 1999 itself that they want a new gun post Kargil. Lots of them has been tested in between 2007 to 2013. But it was single vendor condition which stopped ATHOS to be ordered. Remember that Dhanush and ATAGS was nowhere during this 6 years. So whose fault it was?

Now lets come to Airforce. IAF in late 70s said that they need a fighter to replace Mig-21s. But we undertook the project of LCA without proper augmentation of domestic industry? So whose fault was it?

Regarding AWACS and Refueller, I do not know whether you know it or not, but the file for same has been playing ping pong in between many ministries for last 2 decades. That’s the reason why IAF and MoD is coming up with new and new proposal for that. Same is the case with almost all IN projects except strategic ones.

Now as we could see, almost all the project delays are because of MoF instead of MoD. But other ministries too are equally responsible. For example if I want to establish a small factory for making propellant I would have to first take a trade license from Ministry of trade and commerce and ministry of Industry, then a clearance from ministry of environment. Then comes ministry of law from which I have to get a clearance. These are all easy parts right now, which would be completed in approx. 6 month. Then comes the toughest part, getting all of these from respective state government where I would be setting up the industry. The tussle between state and central government is well known in India. So I would only invest in any defence or engineering project, if I do get guaranteed return. My primary lookout would be my ROI instead of Chinese threat. Now blaming services for not ordering a product, which exists, only on paper rather than as a prototype is pure stupidity. It is not job of MoD or services to look after my business if I can’t solve my issues. We have suffered a lot in doing so with OFB.

Now as you could see that MoD and services are least to be blamed for the fiasco here. Then who is to be blamed exactly?

The answer is, we, the citizens of India. We do not decide our vote on national security issues. We decide them based on social and economic issues. The economic issues too is solely based on government providing subsidies and price and tax cut. You have mentioned that setting up private industries would create job, you have forgot to take into account the fact that in India job means government job. Private jobs are literally not counted as job. So no matter how many industry you as govt set up in a state, what matters most is how many government job you have created. Your winning or losing the next election depends on that.

So when you know that what would help you in winning the next election, you would work towards it or some other project, which would not even be considered by a common person before voting?

Where would you channel your funds? Towards giving subsidies or towards helping entrepreneurs set up industry, which would make your opposition shout siphoning of taxpayers money for individual gain?

I can see that I've written an essay for a reply, but there is a need for us to understand the root cause of our problem. Because only we could solve it.


New Member
Jun 3, 2022
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GoI and DRDO is yet to tap potentials of NRIs working in Western tech companies unlike China.

One question, is it possible to modify and arm current Swift with SANT type missiles for SEAD roles?

It already is a working prototype with internal bay and sensors so yes and I think Ada chief or someone did say on def expo that they will talk to forces to get Swift inducted too.


New Member
Jun 3, 2022
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Only silver lining with that monetory loss is that once developed, AMCA is gonna beat this <5 gen aircraft in major aspects.
Looking at how things are going for Russia I doubt if this will be reality anytime soon pulling out from this project was the best decision we ever made we were not co developers for Russia just a fat cash cow

