Claim: Karnataka home to 2nd covert N-site, drone testing


New Member
Mar 25, 2010
Well, we have plans for a 2nd enrichment plant there.
Read this. It is known to everyone in the world. I posted an analysis of what this means in 2012 right here.
Chitradurga set to host Uranium enrichment plant

Just to reiterate. This facility is intended to be a commercial enrichment facility with IC-5 centrifuges made of carbon fiber. TC11 or TC12 of the UNESCO models. This will fuel our nuclear power plants and can also feed the military if required. This facility is unlikely to be under international safeguards. This is India's answer to the Enrichment denial game at the NSG. We have had this low key game on and off. RMP will pale in comparison to the scale of this plant. RMP being completed in the pictures above suggests, we now are producing the centrifuges to feed this monster. That's why all this hoopla.

Once we have this plant is up and running the ENR denial will end. This is the end goal and end game. It will however be expensive for us to do this, but it must be done. Without fissile material cutoff and Pakistan's run away nuclear build up we will need this sooner rather than later.

The US isn't paying money to the ISIS types for Indian reporting anymore, because, they don't want to create panic in the senate and other places. The plan is to let India do what it wants in the nuclear space, within limits. They do make noise about MIRV and such other details, as they know that those signal Global ambitions as opposed to regional ones. That will have to be timed with our economic rise. Interesting times. Next 15 years will be a Arthashatra vs Art of War.

