Chinese Culture and Society Megathread


लड़ते लड़ते जीना है, लड़ते लड़ते मरना है
Senior Member
Aug 10, 2020
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Ya'll Nibbiars Has China always hated Indians? Or did the hate start after they viewed India as being subservient to Raj? I remember an old Bruce Lee film Fist of Fury? not sure, where a sikh man was guarding entry to a club for whites only in HK who stopped Lee from entering.

Bhagwaan Uvacha.


लड़ते लड़ते जीना है, लड़ते लड़ते मरना है
Senior Member
Aug 10, 2020
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Ya'll Nibbiars India was a colony of British. Indians did not have choice of overruling British masters at that time. But portraying something expecting like this is nothing but a sick. I guess they have more of a contempt than hatred. Well deserved thanks to The Chacha. It will take a few more years/ decades for them to take us seriously and worthy of respect. I won't blame them, but our leaders like The Chacha, who offered UNSC to them on platter for nothing. One thing that I have noticed of both Arabs and Chinese. They will respect you if you respect yourself. Of course, this is based on my limited experience. That's exactly the same case with others as well. When you read what Nixon thought about our leaders or recently what Obama thought about MMS / RG, this is obvious. You get what you deserve.

Bhagwaan Uvacha.


Senior Member
Dec 29, 2010
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Why does China consistently beat India on soft power?

China’s hard-power advantage over India — economic power plus military power — is well known. Less understood is its soft power advantage. Soft power is getting others to do what you want by persuasion. Soft-power theorists suggest that the ability to persuade rests on the power of attraction. We in India may think we are more attractive than China. The numbers show otherwise.

Joseph Nye, the political scientist who gave us the notion of soft power, suggests that it consists of foreign policy, cultural and political influence. Foreign policy influence comes from the legitimacy and morality of one’s dealings with other countries. Cultural influence is based on others’ respect for one’s culture. Political influence is how much others are inspired by one’s political values. Soft power is difficult to measure. Fortunately, the Lowy Institute in Australia has produced various measures which correspond roughly to foreign policy influence, cultural influence and political influence.

In diplomatic influence, overall, India ranks sixth and China ranks first among 25 Asian powers, which include the US (given the US’s huge diplomatic, military, and economic presence in Asia). Lowy further distinguishes between diplomatic networks, multilateral power, and perceived foreign policy leadership, ambition and effectiveness. On networks, India nearly matches China in the number of regional embassies it has but is considerably behind in the number of embassies worldwide (176 to 126). Multilaterally, India matches China in terms of regional memberships, but, crucially, its contributions to the UN capital budget are completely dwarfed by Chinese contributions (11.7 per cent to 0.8 per cent of the total). In surveys of foreign policy leadership, ambition, and effectiveness, China ranks first or fourth on four measures while India ranks between fourth and sixth in Asia.

Lowy’s overall measure of cultural influence ranks India in fourth place and China in second place in Asia. Lowy then divides cultural influence into three elements, of which “cultural projection” and “information flows” are the most important.

Lowy’s overall measure of cultural influence ranks India in fourth place and China in second place in Asia. Lowy then divides cultural influence into three elements, of which “cultural projection” and “information flows” are the most important.

Having lived for a decade in Southeast Asia, my sense is that the “whole story” is even worse for India than the numbers reveal. In no conversation about international affairs, regional geopolitics, global and Asian economy and technology, and even contemporary culture (art, music, literature, fashion) is China absent. The same cannot be said for India. You can’t have soft power if you’re not even in the conversation. When India is in the conversation, confidence in its regional ambitions, economic, military, and diplomatic capabilities, and cultural and political fit with Southeast Asia are thought to be low — as clearly documented in the State of Southeast Asia Survey Reports issued annually by the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies in Singapore.

Except for South Asia, this is the case all over the world. China evokes awe; India evokes silence, a polite shake of the head, or exasperation. Classical India may stand head-to-head with classical China in the regard it garners, but contemporary India has been left a distance behind. Until we recognise that, we can’t do much about it.


外交影响力方面,总体而言,在包括美国在内的25个亚洲大国中(鉴于美国在亚洲的外交、军事和经济存在巨大,所以囊括了美国),印度排名第六,而中国位列第一。洛伊研究所进一步区分了外交网络、多边力量和公认的外交政策领导力、雄心和效力。在外交网络方面,印度的地区大使馆数量几乎与中国相当,但在全球的大使馆数量上却远远落后于中国(中国有176 个,而印度有126个)。而在多边力量方面,印度在地区成员资格方面与中国相当,但至关重要的是,印度对联合国会费的贡献(占总体的0.8%)与中国的贡献(占总体的11.7%)相比,完全是小巫见大巫。在对外交政策领导力、雄心和效力的调查中,中国在四个指标上排名第一或第四,而印度在亚洲排名第四至第六。
文化投射方面,印度的报纸和电视/广播在国外谷歌搜索方面得分更高。它(印度)还输出更多的“文化服务”(定义为“旨在满足文化利益或需求的服务”)。中国则在其他几项指标上做得更好。例如,在全球品牌 500 强榜单中,印度只有 9 个,而中国有 73 个。就联合国教科文组织世界遗产数量,印度有 37 个,中国有 53 个。如果把很高的摩天大楼也算作是一种威望的衡量标准,那么中国在其主要金融中心拥有156座,印度则只有44座。印度护照的信誉程度也落后了,中国公民可以免签证前往74个国家,而印度公民只能免签证前往60个国家。

信息流方面,2016至2017年,印度的高等教育机构仅接收24000名亚洲留学生,而中国接收了225000名。至于游客人数,在2017年中,印度接待亚洲游客500万人次,而赴中国的亚洲游客共有 4100 万人次,在25 个亚洲国家中排名第一。就国际游客总数,印度接待了1700万人次,而中国接待了6300万人次。





Maharaj samudragupt

Kritant Parashu
Oct 9, 2020
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Why does China consistently beat India on soft power?

China’s hard-power advantage over India — economic power plus military power — is well known. Less understood is its soft power advantage. Soft power is getting others to do what you want by persuasion. Soft-power theorists suggest that the ability to persuade rests on the power of attraction. We in India may think we are more attractive than China. The numbers show otherwise.

Joseph Nye, the political scientist who gave us the notion of soft power, suggests that it consists of foreign policy, cultural and political influence. Foreign policy influence comes from the legitimacy and morality of one’s dealings with other countries. Cultural influence is based on others’ respect for one’s culture. Political influence is how much others are inspired by one’s political values. Soft power is difficult to measure. Fortunately, the Lowy Institute in Australia has produced various measures which correspond roughly to foreign policy influence, cultural influence and political influence.

In diplomatic influence, overall, India ranks sixth and China ranks first among 25 Asian powers, which include the US (given the US’s huge diplomatic, military, and economic presence in Asia). Lowy further distinguishes between diplomatic networks, multilateral power, and perceived foreign policy leadership, ambition and effectiveness. On networks, India nearly matches China in the number of regional embassies it has but is considerably behind in the number of embassies worldwide (176 to 126). Multilaterally, India matches China in terms of regional memberships, but, crucially, its contributions to the UN capital budget are completely dwarfed by Chinese contributions (11.7 per cent to 0.8 per cent of the total). In surveys of foreign policy leadership, ambition, and effectiveness, China ranks first or fourth on four measures while India ranks between fourth and sixth in Asia.

Lowy’s overall measure of cultural influence ranks India in fourth place and China in second place in Asia. Lowy then divides cultural influence into three elements, of which “cultural projection” and “information flows” are the most important.

Lowy’s overall measure of cultural influence ranks India in fourth place and China in second place in Asia. Lowy then divides cultural influence into three elements, of which “cultural projection” and “information flows” are the most important.

Having lived for a decade in Southeast Asia, my sense is that the “whole story” is even worse for India than the numbers reveal. In no conversation about international affairs, regional geopolitics, global and Asian economy and technology, and even contemporary culture (art, music, literature, fashion) is China absent. The same cannot be said for India. You can’t have soft power if you’re not even in the conversation. When India is in the conversation, confidence in its regional ambitions, economic, military, and diplomatic capabilities, and cultural and political fit with Southeast Asia are thought to be low — as clearly documented in the State of Southeast Asia Survey Reports issued annually by the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies in Singapore.

Except for South Asia, this is the case all over the world. China evokes awe; India evokes silence, a polite shake of the head, or exasperation. Classical India may stand head-to-head with classical China in the regard it garners, but contemporary India has been left a distance behind. Until we recognise that, we can’t do much about it.


外交影响力方面,总体而言,在包括美国在内的25个亚洲大国中(鉴于美国在亚洲的外交、军事和经济存在巨大,所以囊括了美国),印度排名第六,而中国位列第一。洛伊研究所进一步区分了外交网络、多边力量和公认的外交政策领导力、雄心和效力。在外交网络方面,印度的地区大使馆数量几乎与中国相当,但在全球的大使馆数量上却远远落后于中国(中国有176 个,而印度有126个)。而在多边力量方面,印度在地区成员资格方面与中国相当,但至关重要的是,印度对联合国会费的贡献(占总体的0.8%)与中国的贡献(占总体的11.7%)相比,完全是小巫见大巫。在对外交政策领导力、雄心和效力的调查中,中国在四个指标上排名第一或第四,而印度在亚洲排名第四至第六。
文化投射方面,印度的报纸和电视/广播在国外谷歌搜索方面得分更高。它(印度)还输出更多的“文化服务”(定义为“旨在满足文化利益或需求的服务”)。中国则在其他几项指标上做得更好。例如,在全球品牌 500 强榜单中,印度只有 9 个,而中国有 73 个。就联合国教科文组织世界遗产数量,印度有 37 个,中国有 53 个。如果把很高的摩天大楼也算作是一种威望的衡量标准,那么中国在其主要金融中心拥有156座,印度则只有44座。印度护照的信誉程度也落后了,中国公民可以免签证前往74个国家,而印度公民只能免签证前往60个国家。

信息流方面,2016至2017年,印度的高等教育机构仅接收24000名亚洲留学生,而中国接收了225000名。至于游客人数,在2017年中,印度接待亚洲游客500万人次,而赴中国的亚洲游客共有 4100 万人次,在25 个亚洲国家中排名第一。就国际游客总数,印度接待了1700万人次,而中国接待了6300万人次。




You ever need human bodies for anything then wait for a indo pak war comrade.
All the POWs will ve sent to you.


Senior Member
May 30, 2009
Google should be sued for allowing Chinese Communist Party (CCP) propaganda and lies to be posted on youtube by CCP media and bots.


Senior Member
May 30, 2009
NDLB Reports From Yulin, June 20-21, 2021
YULIN IS 365 DAYS! ⚠ WARNING ⚠ GRAPHIC CONTENT No Dogs Left Behind Reports from Yulin: evening of June 20/day of June 21, 2021 (delayed for security purposes). NDLB, activists and allies came into Yulin and were met with intense surveillance. NDLB founder Jeffrey Beri acted as decoy to allow the team to EXPOSE the illegal dog trafficking, EXPOSE the reckless slaughtering, and address the LACK OF food and safety laws. NDLB hopes to be able to shut them down and, as a result, save countless lives. The world needs to SCREAM LOUDER to HELP US SHUT THEM DOWN!
Southern China has always had a tradition of dining on dogs—people from other parts of the country even joke that Southerners will eat anything with legs but the dinner table. But despite becoming more prosperous in the 1990s, Yulin has maintained the unique tradition of holding a canine banquet every summer. Animal rights activists across China and the rest of the globe have increasingly condemned the Dog Meat Festival, calling for an immediate stop to eating man’s best friend. They say the dog meat trade is illegal, unregulated, and cruel. Many claim that numerous dogs that end up in cooking pots are stolen pets or diseased strays. In 2013, the Yulin festival gathered so much negative press that this year, the local government denied the Summer Solstice dog-eating tradition ever even existed. But that hasn’t stopped locals from celebrating—nor has it stopped die-hard activists from flooding the town to try to rescue dogs before the slaughter. VICE Reports headed to Yulin this year to get to the bottom of the most controversial festival in China.


Senior Member
Oct 3, 2016
They are going to form a Girl Super Group out of Chinese, Korean and Japan!

Can you tell who's Chinese, Korean or Japanese? lol



Regular Member
Jul 21, 2021
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Hope they are not already posted,
If you have time, consider watching these videos,
These videos give a good overview regarding china.



Senior Member
Sep 5, 2020
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China's Gorgeous Undercover Propagandists!
Beautiful, headstrong and part of the Chinese government! These pretty propagandists are lying to you!
You have no idea the extent the CCP goes to make propaganda videos.

‘’here they have actually gone as far as faking a family of an Indian girl “Ruchi” marrying a Chinese man “Odin” and having a baby “Ivan” that looks nothing like them and a fake mother in law to glorify Chinese superiority. This is clearly an attempt by the CCP to prevent Indians from going berserk with their anti-China hate like boycotting Chinese goods.
Notice how “Ruchi” lives in China but is able to post on YouTube. The vlogs are made so authentically that a weak mind will never realize these are CCP propaganda. The first video especially with the poor acting is a dead giveaway.

in another video, “Ruchi” actually shows the inside of a CCP government office and claims how everything is very neat and clean and efficiently run. It is absolutely insane the amount of money and effort the CCP is spending to brainwash weak minds.

here’s another equally realistic looking blog but one you can see is a complete fake. The entire family story is cooked up and you can see that the people are paid actors complete with a husband, wife ,baby ,mother in law pattern (same as in ”Ruchi” video) to show how Indians and Chinese are blissfully marrying and living together. There are a few more I found with the same patterns - husband, wife, baby, mother in law all looking completely unnatural and fake.
once gain all these “families” are able to freely post their vlogs on YouTube from within the great firewall of China.

and you can see a lot of weak minded Indians lapping it up. Not a single soul has questioned how fake everything is and how impossible it is for people in China to post videos on YT.

these are dangerous and such propaganda must be brought to the attention of the Indian government and Indian media to counter it.


Senior Member
Oct 3, 2016
You have no idea the extent the CCP goes to make propaganda videos.

‘’here they have actually gone as far as faking a family of an Indian girl “Ruchi” marrying a Chinese man “Odin” and having a baby “Ivan” that looks nothing like them and a fake mother in law to glorify Chinese superiority. This is clearly an attempt by the CCP to prevent Indians from going berserk with their anti-China hate like boycotting Chinese goods.
Notice how “Ruchi” lives in China but is able to post on YouTube. The vlogs are made so authentically that a weak mind will never realize these are CCP propaganda. The first video especially with the poor acting is a dead giveaway.

in another video, “Ruchi” actually shows the inside of a CCP government office and claims how everything is very neat and clean and efficiently run. It is absolutely insane the amount of money and effort the CCP is spending to brainwash weak minds.

here’s another equally realistic looking blog but one you can see is a complete fake. The entire family story is cooked up and you can see that the people are paid actors complete with a husband, wife ,baby ,mother in law pattern (same as in ”Ruchi” video) to show how Indians and Chinese are blissfully marrying and living together. There are a few more I found with the same patterns - husband, wife, baby, mother in law all looking completely unnatural and fake.
once gain all these “families” are able to freely post their vlogs on YouTube from within the great firewall of China.

and you can see a lot of weak minded Indians lapping it up. Not a single soul has questioned how fake everything is and how impossible it is for people in China to post videos on YT.

these are dangerous and such propaganda must be brought to the attention of the Indian government and Indian media to counter it.

Wow! If a Chinese-Indian couple and their kid are dangerous to India then you are saying that Indians need to be fed with HATE of Chinese only!

A couple and kid interacting with Chinese grandma is a pretty weak propaganda technique.

Even if it were propaganda how would this help China or hurt India? All it gains is a little human to human perspective.

Basically what you are saying is that we should not see each other as human and anything that touches on that is dangerous for Indians!

BTW, how do you "fake" a Chinese-Indian baby!!!


Regular Member
Sep 8, 2020
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Good wishes to her and family afterall its her choice to marry in Chinese family . Problem is her portrayal of China as "all ok" "lovey dovey " country like its a paradise . Its not like Indians are North Korean that haven't set foot outside the country we have a huge population spread out we have seen much better places and are living there. Even a very sought after country "Japan" has its disadvantage and Youtubers present in Japan show the actual reality behind all that manga and cultural craze with a big disclaimer .
We can't expect the Chinese ones to show that and thats ok they actually cant , some tried but twisted it, afterall they have to earn there. We don't basically want people get a false idea of China and get stuck when reach there .These types of videos do have an effect on some sections.
Wow! If a Chinese-Indian couple and their kid are dangerous to India then you are saying that Indians need to be fed with HATE of Chinese only!

A couple and kid interacting with Chinese grandma is a pretty weak propaganda technique.

Even if it were propaganda how would this help China or hurt India? All it gains is a little human to human perspective.

Basically what you are saying is that we should not see each other as human and anything that touches on that is dangerous for Indians!

BTW, how do you "fake" a Chinese-Indian baby!!!


Senior Member
Oct 3, 2016
Good wishes to her and family afterall its her choice to marry in Chinese family . Problem is her portrayal of China as "all ok" "lovey dovey " country like its a paradise . Its not like Indians are North Korean that haven't set foot outside the country we have a huge population spread out we have seen much better places and are living there. Even a very sought after country "Japan" has its disadvantage and Youtubers present in Japan show the actual reality behind all that manga and cultural craze with a big disclaimer .
We can't expect the Chinese ones to show that and thats ok they actually cant , some tried but twisted it, afterall they have to earn there. We don't basically want people get a false idea of China and get stuck when reach there .These types of videos do have an effect on some sections.
I doubt Indians will get a false idea of China being positive. LOL. 95% of all Indians I come across on SM (Twitter, Youtube, IG, forums) quote negative stories on China!

Very few friendly Indians toward China despite the tiny number who married Chinese and posted about it.

So you have nothing to worry about! Indians are and will remain overwhelmingly negative about China and Chinese :)

I see you have SNH or AKB48 Team SH as your avatar

My favorite 48 subunit is 7Senses!



Regular Member
Sep 8, 2020
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Honestly those 95per Indians don't represent every section of Indian Society. Its a fact that number of people having Internet connectivity has increased but they don't have interest and browse the same topics as those 95 per does. I know many people who work there . Lower middle class and some middle too.
Few years back people were even unaware of the CCP even if they knew communist rule they took it lightly. China was more famous here for mass manufacturing and cheap goods even lauded for the different thinking in product design although despised for bad products and flooding our market but still people bought it . I personally didn't took Boycott Chinese product seriously in past i had some what positive outlook for China .
But man did CCP fk big time ,
I see you have SNH or AKB48 Team SH as your avatar

My favorite 48 subunit is 7Senses!

Border disputes and killing our soldiers now its all down the drain. I won't say people have negative outlook now for China rather they have seen the actual reality . I hope people remember it for years to come though they forgot the past of Chinese attack .

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