Chinese Culture and Society Megathread


Senior Member
Feb 4, 2021
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Can you imagine the impact of so many Chinese divers? Entire ecosystems eaten, with the mermaids biting anything that moves and things that don't. Octopi with chunks taken out of them, dismembered fish, coral reefs with petite bite marks.
like this?

Chinese might eat Mermaids doubt they are mermaids. Judging by Star Wars the PM interpretation of Atlantis few would likely want to be Atlanteans anyway.



Senior Member
May 30, 2009
The real "cultural values" of Chinese Communist Party and its CCP bot followers:
How China mocks the Covid-19 crisis in India, using pictures of cremations & its own rocket launch
As Chinese media openly mocks India’s battle against Covid-19, Shekhar Gupta explains what led them to using India’s Covid crisis as a means to promote their propaganda, how the country jailed a large number of journalists in Wuhan, and why the Chinese love Trevor Noah, in ep 740 of #CutTheClutter.

Adding insult to injury after Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was the one to attack India with the Wuhan Institute of Virology - created bioweapon virus in the first place. CCP was the one that helped spread the virus throughout the world by covering up its existence while allowing international travel of Chinese carriers of the virus to India, US and other countries.
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लड़ते लड़ते जीना है, लड़ते लड़ते मरना है
Senior Member
Aug 10, 2020
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The real "cultural values" of Chinese Communist Party and its CCP bot followers:
How China mocks the Covid-19 crisis in India, using pictures of cremations & its own rocket launch
As Chinese media openly mocks India’s battle against Covid-19, Shekhar Gupta explains what led them to using India’s Covid crisis as a means to promote their propaganda, how the country jailed a large number of journalists in Wuhan, and why the Chinese love Trevor Noah, in ep 740 of #CutTheClutter.

Adding insult to injury after Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was the one to attack India with the Wuhan Institute of Virology - created bioweapon virus in the first place. CCP was the one that helped spread the virus throughout the world by covering up its existence while allowing international travel of Chinese carriers of the virus to India, US and other countries.
Ya'll Nibbiars when is posted this @sunshine nibba said it's fake then why all the media are reporting this?. Its not the first time China mocked India. No suprise many Statw owned media have mocked India previously. And posting like China is donating but in most case we are purchasing. And just a part percatnge of our world wide purchases.


Tihar Jail
Feb 9, 2021
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Ya'll Nibbiars when is posted this @sunshine nibba said it's fake then why all the media are reporting this?. Its not the first time China mocked India. No suprise many Statw owned media have mocked India previously. And posting like China is donating but in most case we are purchasing. And just a part percatnge of our world wide purchases.
You can go to Xinjiang by yourself
Don't watch the edited video, watch the full video.
Xinjiang attracts more than 20 million tourists a year.
Don't reprint false news from Taiwan.

For example, the original title was a song of homesickness sung by 10 people in a county who went to the army and left their families.The video was posted on Weibo by the local government.

The Taiwanese media misrepresented the recruits as being forced to leave for the China-India border, crying in fear.

And the Three Gorges Dam has collapsed every year for 20 years.


लड़ते लड़ते जीना है, लड़ते लड़ते मरना है
Senior Member
Aug 10, 2020
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You can go to Xinjiang by yourself
Don't watch the edited video, watch the full video.
Xinjiang attracts more than 20 million tourists a year.
Don't reprint false news from Taiwan.
View attachment 88313
For example, the original title was a song of homesickness sung by 10 people in a county who went to the army and left their families.The video was posted on Weibo by the local government.

The Taiwanese media misrepresented the recruits as being forced to leave for the China-India border, crying in fear.

And the Three Gorges Dam has collapsed every year for 20 years.
Ya'll Nibbiars I already knew about this and I was the first person th tell on the forum about this. So you can give what ever exusea but the state owned media is not behaving resales are they some kind of papperazi or a celebrity colum and not just related to this particular cjdent in the past they have mocked and hurt the Indian feelings. Through the official channels. And so no one can forget about that mocks video released in 2017 through the Chinese state owned media. Atleast the Indian state media don't go into this trolling and mocking.


Senior Member
May 30, 2009
Ya'll Nibbiars when is posted this @sunshine nibba said it's fake then why all the media are reporting this?. Its not the first time China mocked India. No suprise many Statw owned media have mocked India previously. And posting like China is donating but in most case we are purchasing. And just a part percatnge of our world wide purchases.
Common people in mainland China don't even have access to this forum, only Chinese Communist Party (CCP) propagandists do, and CCP propagandists lie and cover up the truth about CCP's misdeeds; that is their job. We all have seen how a CCP propagandist (using multiple user ids) creates many propaganda posts after any post that reveals the truth about the CCP's evil actions, so as to divert attention away from the evil actions of the CCP. Here is another source for the news I posted above:
Grim Image of India Prompts Debate Over China’s Swaggering Propaganda
An official social media post contrasting Beijing’s successes with its neighbor’s coronavirus woes drew a backlash from some, who called it callous.

Even in China, where propaganda has become increasingly pugnacious, the display was jarring: a photograph of a Chinese rocket poised to blast into space juxtaposed with a cremation pyre in India, which is overwhelmed by the coronavirus. “Chinese ignition versus Indian ignition,” the title read.
The image was quickly taken down by the Communist Party-run news service that posted it. But it has lingered as a provocative example of a broader theme running through China’s state-run media: Official channels and online outlets often celebrate the country’s success in curbing coronavirus infections, while highlighting the failings of others. Other comparisons in recent months include depicting crowds of shoppers or jubilant partygoers in China versus desolate streets and anti-lockdown protests abroad.
The example contrasting China with India was posted on Saturday on Weibo, a popular social media service, by a news service of the ruling party’s powerful law-and-order commission. The post drew a backlash from internet users who called it callous, and it was taken down on the same day.
But it has kindled debate in China about attitudes toward India, and the tensions between Beijing’s nationalist rhetoric at home and its efforts to promote a humbler, more humane image abroad.

The controversy created an unusual rift between two of China’s most voluble nationalist media pundits. Hu Xijin, the chief editor of The Global Times, an influential party newspaper, condemned the post for damaging China’s standing in India, while Shen Yi, an academic in Shanghai, derided critics with a coarse term that means something like “pearl clutchers.”

“Can so-called expressions of sympathy for India achieve the anticipated outcome?” Mr. Shen said in one of his online responses to Mr. Hu. China, he suggested, should be more relaxed about flexing its political muscle. “Where can an 800-pound gorilla sleep?” he wrote. “Wherever it wants to.”

Chinese leaders have expressed sympathy and offered medical help to India, and the controversy may soon pass. But it has exposed how swaggering Chinese propaganda can collide with Beijing’s efforts to make friends abroad.
“You’ve had this growing tension between internal and external messaging,” said Mareike Ohlberg, a senior fellow in the Asia Program at the German Marshall Fund in Berlin who studies Chinese propaganda. “They have an increasing number of interests internationally, but ultimately what it boils down to is that your primary target audience still lives at home.”

The Chinese news outlet that put out the image is among a plethora of party-backed media operations that have stepped up efforts to promote government policies, burnish the image of the top leader Xi Jinping, and hit back against foreign critics of the Communist Party.
In principle, the online operations answer to the Communist Party’s Department of Propaganda and its legions of censors. In practice, the outlets may buck at constraints as they compete to demonstrate their dedication and influence, Ms. Ohlberg said. The demand for images and reports that draw a big public following “incentivizes people to put out messages that grab attention rather than smooth things over diplomatically,” she said.
Officials at the Chinese Foreign Ministry have also increasingly put out tweets, social media posts and speeches that vigorously defend Beijing, especially against Western criticisms of the government’s draconian policies in the far western region of Xinjiang and the crackdown in Hong Kong. This combative style, widely described as “wolf warrior” diplomacy, has won praise at home, but drawn anger abroad.
In France, the Foreign Ministry summoned the Chinese ambassador to Paris in April last year after his embassy’s website wrote that French nurses had abandoned residents in nursing homes, a claim the government denied.

In Australia, Prime Minister Scott Morrison held a news conference late last year to demand an apology from China after Zhao Lijian, a Chinese foreign ministry spokesman, posted a doctored image on Twitter that depicted an Australian soldier holding a knife to the throat of an Afghan child.

India and China also exchanged bitter criticisms last year after their troops fought on a disputed border, leading to deaths of soldiers on both sides. But Mr. Xi and Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India quickly doused those tensions, and last week, Mr. Xi expressed condolences over India’s latest outbreak. China has recently offered to send medical support, including speeding up orders of oxygen equipment.

Despite the friendly diplomatic gestures, India is widely regarded in China as an example of the flaws of democratic systems, said Zhiqun Zhu, a professor at Bucknell University in Pennsylvania who has studied China’s “wolf warrior” diplomats.
India’s image as a poorer, unruly country was sometimes used in China to “defend a more centralized and authoritarian rule,” he wrote by email. He added, “Many Chinese believe that India has joined the West to counter China’s rise in recent years.”
Under normal circumstances, the Chinese social media post would have provoked public anger in India. But many Indians are preoccupied with the crisis, said Madhurima Nundy, assistant director of the Institute of Chinese Studies in Delhi who is an expert on public health.
“There is too much happening now in India which is distressing, so the primary anger is directed towards the government” in Delhi, Dr. Nundy said. “The anger and distrust that emerged last year against China, because of Covid and compounded by border tensions, has dissipated in light of the present crisis.”


Senior Member
Dec 29, 2010
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Common people in mainland China don't even have access to this forum, only Chinese Communist Party (CCP) propagandists do, and CCP propagandists lie and cover up the truth about CCP's misdeeds; that is their job. We all have seen how a CCP propagandist (using multiple user ids) creates many propaganda posts after any post that reveals the truth about the CCP's evil actions, so as to divert attention away from the evil actions of the CCP. Here is another source for the news I posted above:
Common people in India don't even have mobile phone to this forum, only rich guys do ...

My conclusion comes from following article:

Covid must force India to face up to its secret shame

Sixty per cent of the population — 800 million people — live, or more accurately survive, in abject poverty and are forced into invisibility. The harshness of caste boundaries and endemic social segregation means they are the downtrodden of the earth and it matters not if they live or die.

Admire you have mobile phone to go online, which brands for Indian members to come to this forum, i guess 70% of them are using Chines brands, since now they are with 70% share in India now.

My conclusion comes from following article:



Senior Member
Feb 27, 2019
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Common people in India don't even have mobile phone to this forum, only rich guys do ...

My conclusion comes from following article:

Covid must force India to face up to its secret shame

Sixty per cent of the population — 800 million people — live, or more accurately survive, in abject poverty and are forced into invisibility. The harshness of caste boundaries and endemic social segregation means they are the downtrodden of the earth and it matters not if they live or die.

Admire you have mobile phone to go online, which brands for Indian members to come to this forum, i guess 70% of them are using Chines brands, since now they are with 70% share in India now.

My conclusion comes from following article:

you know what....there are 2 things here..

A) we don't hide our poverty still no one dies of hunger in any of indian cities.
B) We don't indulge in gross human right violation like Mao and CCP did iniitally and now winnie the pooh is doing with Uighurs.
C) we don't backstab like china have done multiple times in Leh and NEFA
D) we don't brutally suppress protests like hong kong...
E) we don't have bat eating and Covid bio weapon producing labs in india..

Whole china is summed up in few memes below




Senior Member
May 30, 2009
Common people in India don't even have mobile phone to this forum, only rich guys do ...

My conclusion comes from following article:

Covid must force India to face up to its secret shame

Sixty per cent of the population — 800 million people — live, or more accurately survive, in abject poverty and are forced into invisibility. The harshness of caste boundaries and endemic social segregation means they are the downtrodden of the earth and it matters not if they live or die.

Admire you have mobile phone to go online, which brands for Indian members to come to this forum, i guess 70% of them are using Chines brands, since now they are with 70% share in India now.

My conclusion comes from following article:

I have already replied to your post in China economy thread here:

Chinese Communist party is using outdated standards to measure the poverty line. If it uses the same standards as India, then it has just as many people below the poverty line.
But then there are the tens of millions of slaves in Chinese prisons and concentration camps who are not even counted in any statistics due to censorship, policing, and state media control, and are forced to work for free in concentration camps, tortured and killed for their organs. These include minorities such as Uyghurs, Tibetans, Mongolians imprisoned unjustly, Chinese protestors and political prisoners, Falun Gong members, etc. I have posted about them in other threads in this forum itself, all you have to do is a search.


Regular Member
Jan 10, 2019
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Common people in India don't even have mobile phone to this forum, only rich guys do ...

My conclusion comes from following article:

Covid must force India to face up to its secret shame

Sixty per cent of the population — 800 million people — live, or more accurately survive, in abject poverty and are forced into invisibility. The harshness of caste boundaries and endemic social segregation means they are the downtrodden of the earth and it matters not if they live or die.

Admire you have mobile phone to go online, which brands for Indian members to come to this forum, i guess 70% of them are using Chines brands, since now they are with 70% share in India now.

My conclusion comes from following article:

No wonder Chinese are called propaganda idiots,
60% where did you get this figure - Is it the same where that Xinjiang genocide is definitely not happening?
21.9% is the correct figure according to UN report.

And yes johnq is correct, CCP internet is fully restricted.

If not why can't I search about the Tiananmen Square massacre by CCP while I am in china?


Senior Member
May 30, 2009
The best example of Chinese Communist Party "culture" is how they are raising the prices of medical supplies and drug precursor components (APIs) that they usually export to India at much lower prices. The CCP is doing this after cancelling China state run Sichuan airlines cargo flights to India which delayed essential supplies to India (which CCP charged 40 percent more, plus 20 percent extra transportation fees) along with creating a bottleneck for the transportation of API supplies for which Sichuan airlines was a regular carrier (several flights a day) by cancelling Sichuan airlines flights (even though there was no pilot/crew changeover in India, meaning no risk to the crew).
See this post:
This shows Chinese Communist Party's malicious intentions towards India.

The Sichuan airlines suspension has created a two-fold problem. The first and more immediate one is that there are delays in emergency supplies which were needed in India yesterday, such as supplies for patients on oxygen, as many patients in India have died due to lack of oxygen supplies. In this case supplies are being rerouted and will eventually get there, but the delays mean that there will also be additional delays by the time the supplies reach the hospitals, and many patients may not survive by then.

Thankfully India is getting supplies from other countries, but even these supplies have to be rerouted through other destinations, which are leading to delays.

Corona: China stopping medical supplies to India, USISPF claims
Story Highlights USISPF said - China is a big hurdle in the battle of Corona USISPF India to give 1

  • USISPF said – China is a big hurdle in the battle of Corona
  • USISPF India to give 1 lakh oxygen concentrators
  • USISPF proposal, India gets vaccine from US
When India is plagued by the second wave of Corona and only the scene of destruction is being seen everywhere, now the whole world is also coming forward to help India. If oxygen is being supplied from a country, then oxygen tankers are being ordered from somewhere. Every country is helping India on its behalf. America, the superpower of the world, has also come with India in this difficult time. All the necessary help is also being provided from their side.
USISPF said – China is a big hurdle in the battle of Corona
In this episode, Mukesh Aghi, CEO of US business group USISPF, while talking to Aaj Tak has told that one lakh oxygen concentrators will be given to India on their behalf. At the same time, by the end of May, India will get 31000 thousand oxygen concentrators from the USISPF. He has emphasized that in this difficult time, America stands with India and every kind of help will be given. But on behalf of Mukesh Aghi it has also been told that the whole world wants to help India, but China is becoming a big obstacle in it.
USISPF India to give 1 lakh oxygen concentrators
In the interview, Mukesh has stated that a shipment sent by the USISPF was intercepted from the Chinese side. At that time, it was argued that from China, cargo aircraft with India were banned. But due to this attitude of China, many medical items could not be supplied to the country in time.
Now the CEO of USISPF is also pointing this way and considering China as a major obstacle in this battle of Corona. It has been informed by the CEO that there is a plan to bring 1000 oxygen concentrators to India through Japan.
By the way, before this, help has been offered by the American merchant group. It has been claimed by the USISPF that in the Corona era, India is going to get help on a large scale very soon. At the same time, oxygen will be supplied to every state in the country, where it is most needed.
Delhi has also been included in this list. At the same time, many other US companies have been appealed by the USISPF to deliver everything from ICU beds to N-95 masks to India in this difficult time. Confidence has been expressed that India is going to get a big relief by May.
India gets vaccine from US: USISPF
It is known that at this time the USISPF is not only sending the necessary medical supplies to India, but a proposal is also being made in front of the Biden government on their behalf. It is being said that India should be given a vaccine on a large scale. On the other hand, if he is not able to do so due to the Defense Production Act, then at least 20 million doses of vaccine should be left for India. When the production of the vaccine increases in India by the end of the year, then it will be returned.

Chinese carrier Sichuan Airlines stopping flights may hit pharma imports, says industry
Citing that the decision by the Chinese owned airlines suspending its cargo services to India for 15 days "worrisome", the Indian Drug Manufacturers' Association (IDMA) has written to the external affairs ministry to intervene.

The second longer term problem is because much of the APIs were being transported by the Chinese airlines earlier through direct routes (many flights per day), and the suspension can hit these long term supplies for the drug industry by creating bottlenecks:

India urges China to clear bottlenecks on key pharma raw-material
The Pharmexcil director-general Ravi Uday Bhaskar wrote to Indian Ambassador in China Vikram Misri for an immediate intervention in the backdrop of the decision of the Chinese state-owned Sichuan Airlines to suspend its cargo services to India for 15 days following the second wave of Covid-19.

Pharmexcil fears that the decision of the Chinese airlines would have cascading effects on the entire supply chain, leading to a shortage of essential medicines for not just for India’s domestic needs but also adversely affect its pharmaceutical exports to meet the global needs in the time of the pandemic.
And after creating these problems for the Indian people, the Chinese Communist Party mocks India's suffering as shown in the post above:
The real "cultural values" of Chinese Communist Party and its CCP bot followers:
How China mocks the Covid-19 crisis in India, using pictures of cremations & its own rocket launch
As Chinese media openly mocks India’s battle against Covid-19, Shekhar Gupta explains what led them to using India’s Covid crisis as a means to promote their propaganda, how the country jailed a large number of journalists in Wuhan, and why the Chinese love Trevor Noah, in ep 740 of #CutTheClutter.

Adding insult to injury after Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was the one to attack India with the Wuhan Institute of Virology - created bioweapon virus in the first place. CCP was the one that helped spread the virus throughout the world by covering up its existence while allowing international travel of Chinese carriers of the virus to India, US and other countries.
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Senior Member
May 30, 2009
For Hindi-speaking viewers:
Xi Jinping की Lab में 15 हजार Killer Coronavirus | China | Bhuwan | India Oxygen Crisis
After spreading its Wuhan Institute of Virology-created bioweapon virus to India and the world, Chinese Communist Party is celebrating.
For reference:
TND EXCLUSIVE: Classified study found COVID-19 could have originated in Chinese lab
A classified study of the origin of SARS-CoV-2 conducted a year ago by scientists at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, the Department of Energy’s premier biodefense research institution, concluded the novel coronavirus at the heart of the current pandemic may have originated in a laboratory in China, Sinclair has learned. Read more:
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