China takes umbrage at plan for ISRO station in Vietnam

Indx TechStyle

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Apr 29, 2015
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China takes umbrage at plan for ISRO station in Vietnam

India’s plan to activate a new data reception and tracking station in Vietnam has been criticised by a Chinese think-tank, terming it an attempt by India to “stir up trouble” in the disputed South China Sea region to serve its own ends.
The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has set up a Data Reception and Tracking and Telemetry Station in Ho Chi Minh City, which will be activated soon and linked with another station in Biakin, Indonesia, state-run Global Times quoted reports from India as saying.
India also has a satellite tracking station in Brunei. Reacting to the report, Gu Xiaosong, a researcher of the Southeast Asian studies at the Guangxi Academy of Social Sciences told the daily that
“India has no territorial disputes with China in the South China Sea. It wants to stir up trouble in the region to serve its own ends, which is to counterbalance China’s influence.”
Complicating surf war
It clearly indicates India’s attempt to complicate the regional dispute, the researcher has said.
The news comes close on the heels of the
Foreign Ministry’s criticism of Vietnam’s protest over China landing its first flight on a newly build artificial island.
“India toeing U.S., Japan line”
India has been calling for freedom of navigation and over-flight in the South China Sea which Chinese officials say echo with the stand of the United States and Japan.
China, which has objected to U.S. naval ships and planes going close the waters of its artificial island in the South China Sea, has no problem with freedom of navigation.
Peaceful resolution mooted
India has also been advocating peaceful
resolution of the dispute.
China states that the dispute over South China Sea with Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan should be resolved through direct consultations between parties concerned.

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