China denies declaring war on Christians after mega-church is razed


The Chairman
Apr 17, 2009
China denies declaring war on Christians after mega-church is razed

Communist Party officials deny the controversial demolition of a church in China's 'Jerusalem' is designed to discourage Christianity amid fears of nationwide clampdown on religion

The Sanjiang church in Wenzhou, a wealthy coastal city in Zhejiang province with one of China's largest Christian populations, was reduced to rubble on Monday night

Communist Party officials have rejected claims they have launched an orchestrated campaign to slow the spread of Christianity in China, after demolition teams razed a church in a city known as the "Jerusalem of the East".

The Sanjiang church in Wenzhou, a wealthy coastal city in Zhejiang province with one of China's largest Christian populations, was reduced to rubble on Monday night after excavators spent the day tearing parts of the building down.

Congregants accused the provincial government, which is controlled by Xia Baolong, an ally of Xi Jinping, the Chinese president, of promoting an orchestrated anti-church campaign in order to slow Christianity's rapid growth.

China could be set to become the world's largest Christian congregation by 2030, a leading expert told The Telegraph earlier this month.

Officials denied the demolition was an attack on Christianity on Tuesday and vowed to "aggressively push on" with a campaign against illegal buildings.

"There are many Christians and we give a lot of respect to freedom of religion," a government propaganda official told the state-run Global Times newspaper.

However, in an address to Communist Party members earlier this year a senior official for religious affairs complained that Christianity's growth had been "too excessive and too haphazard." Monday's demolition sent a chill through China's Christian community, now thought to number anywhere between 23 million and 100 million people. Some church leaders and academics fear Beijing may be paving the way for a nationwide campaign targetting the officially illegal "house church" movement that refuses to accept Communist Party oversight.

The government would continue to protect "legal religious venues" but would "aggressively push on with the demolition of illegal buildings in accordance with the law," the state-controlled Zhejiang Daily newspaper warned on Tuesday.

Chinese Christians reacted angrily as photographs showing the crippled church spread.

"They have gone too far. Countless worshippers are shedding tears of sorrow tonight," one Protestant leader from Wenzhou said after virtually the entire church structure came crashing down on Monday evening. "It is outrageous and utterly unjust." Chen Yilu, the head of the Nanjing Union Theological Seminary, took the unusual step of speaking out against the government's "crude and hard-line" handling of the situation.

The church's demolition would damage the Communist Party's image and harm "social stability", he predicted.
The Zhejiang Daily defended the demolition, claiming church leaders had been given the chance to demolish "illegal" parts of the building themselves but had "failed to live up to their commitment".

Congregants had "spread online rumours" about the church's destruction and "incited illegal gatherings inside this illegal building," it claimed.

The propaganda official claimed the demolition was part of a wider campaign against "illegal constructions". More than 43 million square feet of illegal structures had so far been torn down "including factories and Buddhist temples." The destruction of Sanjiang church, which had taken years to build and was designed to hold several thousand worshippers, showed authorities were "treating everyone equally", the official added.

China denies declaring war on Christians after mega-church is razed - Telegraph


china claims to be a tolerant Nation that allows all religions to flourish.

Here is an example of China's tolerance to religion!


Senior Member
Nov 9, 2009
Country flag
Re: China denies declaring war on Christians after mega-church is raze usual, some idiot was happy to accept the Western meida's brain wash again and bad mouth china without basic understanding about the some people. learn some Chinese first then talking about China...

Authorities had approved the construction of the Sanjiang church in Wenzhou city within an area of 1,881 sq metres but the finished building was roughly four times that size, state media reported.
this is the reason..... the builder promised to dismantle the over sized part.and the deadline is 31 Mar...finally nothing happened. then the necessary action was taken. and five officers were punished for the misconduct coz the continuous supervision failed in the past 4 months,..

this is an example of China's tolerance to Law Breaking

this is just a part of legal action against the illegal construction to protect the limited Land Resources ...from Jan to Mar, around 863,954 sq meters illegal buildings were torn down , the religions related part is about 13,060.2 Sq meters...LOL...

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no smoking

Senior Member
Aug 14, 2009
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Re: China denies declaring war on Christians after mega-church is raze

Well, you are wrong.
They are not idiots, they just choose to only look at the part that may fit their needs.


The Chairman
Apr 17, 2009
Re: China denies declaring war on Christians after mega-church is raze

One cannot help but use western media reports since China never reports on such news.

After all, it can harm 'stability and harmony' that China revels in.

If reported it could cause chaos in China.

If there was illegal construction, then how come it was not stopped in time, as it is done for other such illegality?

no smoking

Senior Member
Aug 14, 2009
Country flag
Re: China denies declaring war on Christians after mega-church is raze

One cannot help but use western media reports since China never reports on such news.

After all, it can harm 'stability and harmony' that China revels in.

If reported it could cause chaos in China.
That is wired because I found plenty of news related to this event, of course in Chinese on Chinese newpaper:

温州永嘉拆除违法宗教建筑 三江基督教堂违建8000平米被拆-观察者网


永嘉县三江教堂已被拆除 - 福音时报--基督教资讯门户网站

Why don't someone just admit:"sorry, I don't know."

If there was illegal construction, then how come it was not stopped in time, as it is done for other such illegality?
Haven't you read the information provided by Shiphone? There are lots of other illegal constructions were torn down in the same period. Religion related buildings are only a part of it.

no smoking

Senior Member
Aug 14, 2009
Country flag
Re: China denies declaring war on Christians after mega-church is raze

One cannot help but use western media reports since China never reports on such news.

After all, it can harm 'stability and harmony' that China revels in.

If reported it could cause chaos in China.
That is wired because I found plenty of news related to this event, of course in Chinese on Chinese newpaper:

温州永嘉拆除违法宗教建筑 三江基督教堂违建8000平米被拆-观察者网


永嘉县三江教堂已被拆除 - 福音时报--基督教资讯门户网站

Why don't someone just admit:"sorry, I don't know."

If there was illegal construction, then how come it was not stopped in time, as it is done for other such illegality?
Haven't you read the information provided by Shiphone? There are lots of other illegal constructions were torn down in the same period. Religion related buildings are only a part of it.


The Chairman
Apr 17, 2009
Re: China denies declaring war on Christians after mega-church is raze

That is wired because I found plenty of news related to this event, of course in Chinese on Chinese newpaper:

温州永嘉拆除违法宗教建筑 三江基督教堂违建8000平米被拆-观察者网


永嘉县三江教堂已被拆除 - 福音时报--基督教资讯门户网站

Why don't someone just admit:"sorry, I don't know."

Haven't you read the information provided by Shiphone? There are lots of other illegal constructions were torn down in the same period. Religion related buildings are only a part of it.
Why does not one say - Sorry, I don't know?

What would you say if I pointed you to Hindi. Bengali or Tamil newspapers for what you want to know.

What are the so called illegal constructions? That should be mentioned, shouldn't it?

If a news report states the Pollution Levels in China are Killing Many. Should it also not mention how many and why? Would one want to know if ALL of China is affected or some particular area?

Vague generalities are used to avoid the truth and that does no good for the information of the reader.


The Chairman
Apr 17, 2009
Re: China denies declaring war on Christians after mega-church is raze

That is wired because I found plenty of news related to this event, of course in Chinese on Chinese newpaper:

温州永嘉拆除违法宗教建筑 三江基督教堂违建8000平米被拆-观察者网


永嘉县三江教堂已被拆除 - 福音时报--基督教资讯门户网站

Why don't someone just admit:"sorry, I don't know."

Haven't you read the information provided by Shiphone? There are lots of other illegal constructions were torn down in the same period. Religion related buildings are only a part of it.
Why does not one say - Sorry, I don't know?

What would you say if I pointed you to Hindi. Bengali or Tamil newspapers for what you want to know.

What are the so called illegal constructions? That should be mentioned, shouldn't it?

If a news report states the Pollution Levels in China are Killing Many. Should it also not mention how many and why? Would one want to know if ALL of China is affected or some particular area?

Vague generalities are used to avoid the truth and that does no good for the information of the reader.

no smoking

Senior Member
Aug 14, 2009
Country flag
Re: China denies declaring war on Christians after mega-church is raze

Why does not one say - Sorry, I don't know?

What would you say if I pointed you to Hindi. Bengali or Tamil newspapers for what you want to know.
I would say "sorry, I don't know" instead of making another funny accusation.

What are the so called illegal constructions? That should be mentioned, shouldn't it?
Well, in Shiphone's information, these were mentioned. Someone just don't want to read it.

Vague generalities are used to avoid the truth and that does no good for the information of the reader.
Well, information is always there. It is no good for anyone if he just choose not to read it.


Regular Member
Dec 2, 2013
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Re: China denies declaring war on Christians after mega-church is raze

The fact is China don't like Muslims and Christians. China do not have a problem with other religions.

However, when look at it at from another angle, Islam and Christianity are perhaps the discriminating and divisive among all other religions. These two religions are capable of dividing up a family, a community, and a country. Why? Only they deserve to be in heaven and non-believers goes to hell. A person are condemned to hell merely because he/she don't believe. Both religion have a inferiority complex god who needs to be constantly obeyed and believed-in. In the modern context, their GOD is an authoritarian dictator. When you don't obey a dictator just because you don't believe in him, he will condemn you to the jail or worse death. Sounds like the so called Muslim and Christian god, doesn't it?

With that said, the bottom line is China do not like or more accurately, do not encourage Islam and Christianity because it will divide-up the population.

Throughout the history of South Asia and East Asia, before the coming of Christianity and Islam, there have been not one single war in the name of religion. Yes, there were wars....but never religious wars. Perhaps the greatest human massacre was in the conquest of India by Muslims centuries back. Christians almost wiped out the entire indigenous population of the Americas and Australia. China was lucky they blocked Christianity and killed tens of millions of Muslims and chased them off China during the 18th & 19th century.
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The Chairman
Apr 17, 2009
Re: China denies declaring war on Christians after mega-church is raze

I would say "sorry, I don't know" instead of making another funny accusation.

Well, in Shiphone's information, these were mentioned. Someone just don't want to read it.

Well, information is always there. It is no good for anyone if he just choose not to read it.
What is there not to know.

It is in the international media space.

Including what Shiphone has said.

The issue that China claims is a bland term 'illegal' construction which have been demolished.

What are those?

Now have a look at these photos of the Church:

The felled Church

So, it appears from the above photos that the whole Church is an 'illegal' construction?

I marvel at your justification!
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Tihar Jail
Dec 15, 2012
Re: China denies declaring war on Christians after mega-church is raze

The fact is China don't like Muslims and Christians. China do not have a problem with other religions.

However, when look at it at from another angle, Islam and Christianity are perhaps the discriminating and divisive among all other religions. These two religions are capable of dividing up a family, a community, and a country. Why? Only they deserve to be in heaven and non-believers goes to hell. A person are condemned to hell merely because he/she don't believe. Both religion have a inferiority complex god who needs to be constantly obeyed and believed-in. In the modern context, their GOD is an authoritarian dictator. When you don't obey a dictator just because you don't believe in him, he will condemn you to the jail or worse death. Sounds like the so called Muslim and Christian god, doesn't it?

With that said, the bottom line is China do not like or more accurately, do not encourage Islam and Christianity because it will divide-up the population.

Throughout the history of South Asia and East Asia, before the coming of Christianity and Islam, there have been not one single war in the name of religion. Yes, there were wars....but never religious wars. Perhaps the greatest human massacre was in the conquest of India by Muslims centuries back. Christians almost wiped out the entire indigenous population of the Americas and Australia. China was lucky they blocked Christianity and killed tens of millions of Muslims and chased them off China during the 18th & 19th century.
Not to mention Taiping rebellion that killed 20 millions led by fanatical Christian.


Regular Member
Dec 2, 2013
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Re: China denies declaring war on Christians after mega-church is raze

Not to mention Taiping rebellion that killed 20 millions led by fanatical Christian.

Mark my words...Western Europe is going to be divided in the not so near future into Christian and Muslim nations. Muslim populations are getting bigger and bigger in Europe. Two of the most discriminating and intolerant religions in the world, living side by side, the outcome is inevitable.


Defence Professionals/ DFI member of 2
Sep 28, 2011
Re: China denies declaring war on Christians after mega-church is raze

china claims to be a tolerant Nation that allows all religions to flourish.

Here is an example of China's tolerance to religion
Surely the razing was a building code issue. :rolleyes:


Defence Professionals/ DFI member of 2
Sep 28, 2011
Re: China denies declaring war on Christians after mega-church is raze


Mark my words...Western Europe is going to be divided in the not so near future into Christian and Muslim nations. Muslim populations are getting bigger and bigger in Europe. Two of the most discriminating and intolerant religions in the world, living side by side, the outcome is inevitable.
The Spanish Inquisition hasn't been around for centuries.


Regular Member
Dec 2, 2013
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Re: China denies declaring war on Christians after mega-church is raze

The Spanish Inquisition hasn't been around for centuries.
Doesn't mean its not going to come back again. Fanaticism and liberalism comes in cycles. Some cycles take centuries. When there is a threat to Christianity, Christian fanaticism will come just as Islamic fanaticism when Islam is threaten.
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Regular Member
Dec 2, 2013
Country flag
Re: China denies declaring war on Christians after mega-church is raze

What is there not to know.

It is in the international media space.

Including what Shiphone has said.

The issue that China claims is a bland term 'illegal' construction which have been demolished.

What are those?

Now have a look at these photos of the Church:

The felled Church

So, it appears from the above photos that the whole Church is an 'illegal' construction?

I marvel at your justification!
Just an observation... Why do they have to build a church with Western architecture? The problem here is that Christianity is almost always promoted with an European face.

If the Roman Catholic Church allowed Alessandro Valignano in the 14th century to adopt local customs into Christianity in China, just like Buddhism with Chinese customs and folklore, the results would be so different.
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Tihar Jail
Apr 30, 2014
Re: China denies declaring war on Christians after mega-church is raze

Just an observation... Why do they have to build a church with Western architecture?
Religion and culture go hand in hand. A hindu temple built in USA even by white converts would follow traditional Nagar and Dravidian styles rather than Gothic European or Roman styles as latter are inextricably linked with Christianity for centuries.


Tihar Jail
Apr 30, 2014
Re: China denies declaring war on Christians after mega-church is raze

Not to mention Taiping rebellion that killed 20 millions led by fanatical Christian.
It was"younger brother of Jesus" doing that. Also, toll seems to be higher than 20 millions, some sources say it was 30 million. Chinese Communist party also owes its existence to pockets of Christianity in East Asia.


Tihar Jail
Dec 15, 2012
Re: China denies declaring war on Christians after mega-church is raze

It was"younger brother of Jesus" doing that. Also, toll seems to be higher than 20 millions, some sources say it was 30 million. Chinese Communist party also owes its existence to pockets of Christianity in East Asia.
Historians now estimate 50 million demographic loss if you include indirect deaths and those who were not born due to the wartime conditions. Sadly China is becoming increasingly Christian but mark my words: just like Taiwan, the Chinese will milk the Korean and western missionaries for money and benefit and will ditch Christianity within a generation or two.

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