China accuses West of hindering Syria peace efforts, repeats call for non-military so


The Chairman
Apr 17, 2009
China accuses West of hindering Syria peace efforts, repeats call for non-military solution

BEIJING — China said Saturday that the West should be blamed for obstructing a diplomatic and political solution to Syria's crisis because it advocated regime change, dismissing criticism by the United States and others that China and Russia have hindered peace efforts.

China and Russia have repeatedly used their veto power at the U.N. Security Council to block strong Western- and Arab-backed action against Syrian President Bashar Assad. Moscow is a key ally of Assad, and China cites its stance against military intervention.
On Saturday, China said it voted in the true interest of the Syrian people, and, in its strongest rhetoric so far regarding the civil war, accused Western nations of sabotaging peace efforts by advocating regime change.
"The countries with such acts and remarks should rethink what role they have played and who indeed has been the obstacle in resolving the Syrian crisis," Long told a news conference, arranged unusually with just a few hours' notice.
Western nations' stance on Syria is driven by their geo-political interest while China has no ulterior motive but respects the will of the Syrian people in deciding the country's future, another foreign ministry official, Wang Kejian, a deputy director of north African and west Asian affairs, told reporters.
The news conference followed a written statement by the ministry that said criticisms of China by some Western nations are contrary to the facts and ill-intended.
China accuses West of hindering Syria peace efforts, repeats call for non-military solution - The Washington Post
China is ballistics over the West's attempt to what it feels 'regime change'.

Is what is happening in Syria a West sponsored activity or is it a genuine uprising.

It is understandable that China would be against all uprising since it has two troubled regions in its own country that are also tinderboxes requiring a mere spark.

However, China should not forget that before accusing the West, it needs to ponder about the assistance given to uprising elsewhere, even if they pretend to be holier than thou!


The Chairman
Apr 17, 2009
Re: China accuses West of hindering Syria peace efforts, repeats call for non-militar

Taking that Maitra is right and the US is the source of the uprising as correct, there are a few questions that requires clarification.

Is the AQ there or is it a fig leaf?

Or is it being used as a 'strategic asset' by the unwashed Saudi pretenders to the Saudi throne?

If indeed there is the AQ operating, then should the West not take them on since they are a greater threat to the US and the West than anything else?

If they are not taking the AQ on first, then what could be the reason?

Is Assad more dangerous than the AQ?
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The Chairman
Apr 17, 2009
Re: China accuses West of hindering Syria peace efforts, repeats call for non-militar

The video is not working.

I take your word for it,

But what about the other questions raised?

Fig leaf of the Saudis?

Acceptable by the West?

Assad more dangerous than AQ?

Or what?

What is your opinion?

Quite a bugger's muddle.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Re: China accuses West of hindering Syria peace efforts, repeats call for non-militar

The video is not working.

I take your word for it,

But what about the other questions raised?

Fig leaf of the Saudis?

Acceptable by the West?

Assad more dangerous than AQ?

Or what?

What is your opinion?

Quite a bugger's muddle.
I just checked. The video is working here. Perhaps you need to update your Java Plugin.

Anyway, I'll respond in blue:

Fig leaf of the Saudis?
The petro-dollar flush Saudi Sheikhs have too much money and nothing to do. As the idle mind is the devil's workshop, they have taken it up to themselves to spread Wahhabism and Salafism worldwide. Notice the fire in the Sufi Shrine in Kashmir, the attacks on the Sufi shrines in Timbuktu, the attacks by the FSA in Shia shrines in Syria. There is a pattern. This is a golden opportunity to establish another Wahhabi/Salafi butcherhouse in Syria.

Acceptable by the West?
Acceptable by some in the West, because, (1) it rids an ally of Iran, (2) gives a wide open field to have missiles targeting Russia, (3) keeping the Saudis happy so that the oil keeps flowing, (4) staging ground for a war on Iran and eventual control of their oil.

Assad more dangerous than AQ?
I don't think so. Assad does not have megalomaniac designs, but Al-Qaida wants global Islamic Emirate based on Wahhabi/Salafi extremism.

Or what?
Despite much provocation for the last 18 months, Assad still hasn't used his chemical weapons. Turkey needs a solid punch on its face for its duplicitous role.

What is your opinion?
Destroy the FSA and the imported Arab and Turkoman Al-Qaida mercenaries.
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