Burger boys and the India-US Relations

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Senior Member
Nov 23, 2014
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That's what I'm saying. Trump has his ideological preferences unlike previous leaders. And the way we backstabbed him, I'm wondering if he would take it personally and try to thrash us along with China. He still has a large support base among common white folks and can become lifeline of Rep. again too.

If it was like 5-10 years ago, India's action would have been forgotten. But due to incidents in past 2-3 years, hyphenation of India with US allies and China, pulling up of India in woke politics, labeling of BJP as fascist throughout global left, critical (medical) supplies to US, protests (Indian) coverage in US and mix up of Indo US politics due to China factor, we are going to get an undue attention in American politics. And not a positive attention in any way.

Indian left has earned a lot of sympathy in west in recent past.
His ideological preference = himself (ego). That is why maintaining good 1-1 relationship & massaging ego works. Biden has whole left eco to keep happy & that includes what not.. . Trump is 1 mostly man show.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
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His ideological preference = himself (ego). That is why maintaining good 1-1 relationship & massaging ego works. Biden has whole left eco to keep happy & that includes what not.. . Trump is 1 mostly man show.
Let's see. Snubbing him was indeed a hit to his ego. And who knows who will PM of India after 2024 if Trump comes back to power.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
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^^ No doubt he will be little mad but he goes through much more vitroil at home and Just to remind you: Trump has said pretty nasty stuff about India as well. Its anyones guess what can happen o_O
That's what I'm saying, if he could hunt down China, he would have come to hound us already.

Wondering what he's going to do next time. BJP first tried to engage with him personally beyond his Presidential capacity even in election campaigns what shouldn't have been done. Then, totally snubbed him when he lost. I'm wondering how will he deal with India if he returns to power next time.


Senior Member
Mar 2, 2019
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Let's see. Snubbing him was indeed a hit to his ego. And who knows who will PM of India after 2024 if Trump comes back to power.
i think he is smart enough to understand that it was in our best interest to help him come to power but other than that it becomes necessary to not antagonize the administration that is going to take the reins since that didn't happen. Modi didn't hold out long on congratulating Biden even under the cloud that the us election was unlike Bolsonaro, another chum of Trumps did but i don't think he will hold that against us. Modi helped him during his campaign which is something i'm not sure any other indian premier has ever done.


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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That's what I'm saying, if he could hunt down China, he would have come to hound us already.

Wondering what he's going to do next time. BJP first tried to engage with him personally beyond his Presidential capacity even in election campaigns what shouldn't have been done. Then, totally snubbed him when he lost. I'm wondering how will he deal with India if he returns to power next time.
Trump went against the advice of many election managers..for example, screwed up the visa issues at that crucial time and created confusion in the minds of many voters.
well! rule of the game is dont add too many vectors when you dont have time to defend it categorically.

Hari Sud

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Mar 31, 2012
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Supply Chain Politics between the U.S and China.

The fact that diplomats from the U.S. and China met in Alaska recently, as has been pointed out, was full of acrimony and was a non starter. Later, President Biden in his first press conference of his presidency declared that during his watch, nobody is going to surpass US economically, militarily, technologically or in any other way. He warned both Russia and China, but more specifically China that they are better advised not think of outsmarting US in any way. It is the Chinese who over the past three years have been vocal about their economic prowess and their military might. Their economic prowess lies in the cash flow generated by exports to the US and Europe.

Initially, Chinese exports were motivated by the western desire to transfer the smoke stack industry to underdeveloped China. There were other political and international considerations also but the West preferred China. They provided the money (about a trillion dollars of FDI) and the technology and the Chinese provided the labor and the feedstock. A huge array of “Chinese-made” consumer goods have emerged in the US and Europe. From 1998, under Presidents Clinton/Bush/Obama, they also opened their markets for Chinese products without any quota or import duty. These goods were cheap compared to locally made hence the public got hooked to these. The US & China trade deficit in 2017 amounted to about $400 billion per year with Chinese importing next to nothing but exporting only. That surplus cash went into building their infrastructure and military. With that prosperity they began to pick up fights in their neighborhood. They claimed the dormant contentious islands near Japan and then spoke of re - conquering Taiwan. Later they gave notice to Philippines, Vietnam and all nations in South China Sea that they have a historic but dubious claim to the islands far away from China coast. To support their claim they built a few islands in the sea and posted their navy as well as bombers to intimidate the little nations. Which is why the United States came into the picture. Not only that, Chinese picked up a fight with India in the Himalayas, first in 2018 then in 2020.

In the meantime, the Chinese began bidding for intermediate products in the supply chain for US as well as Europe at much cheaper rates. This drove the existing suppliers out of business and established Chinese as the sole suppliers. In 2017-18, they accounted for approximately 30 per cent of the supply chain. This is bad news, which should have been noticed early on, but western governments were asleep. The Wall Street knew about it and encouraged it as it generated higher profits and sent the numbers zooming up. This enormous trade surplus for China continued to grow. Now they were draining western money for cheap but poor quality products.

The 2016 US Presidential elections brought a conservative President Trump to the top. He and his top trade advisors wished to deal with the Chinese trade surplus sooner than later. It imposed duties on $400 billion of Chinese merchandise arriving in the U.S. - in two phases. When he was in the midst of dealing with China, political complications at home for him (impeachment) raised its head. The impeachment fell through, but it consumed presidential attention away from China and trade matters. This turmoil was a Chinese gain. They were overjoyed. Then the Covid pandemic interfered in 2020 but demand for cheap Chinese products never abated.

The new President Joe Biden, contrary to expectations, is restarting to deal with Chinese belligerence again. Some indications of the diplomatic meet in Alaska available did not bid good for the Chinese. His pronouncements in first press conference are a warning and if carried out, then Chinese trade heyday are over and Chinese military prowess will be checked.

Where are we, two months after Joe Biden inaugurated:

1. The trade surplus in Chinese favor is still growing.

2. To put an end to Chinese intimidation, a military alliance called QUAD on NATO lines is in progress.

Trade could only be dealt with if multiple sources of consumer products are created to kill the Chinese monopoly. It is a five-year project with India, Vietnam and Bangladesh that are about to supply consumer products and become important suppliers of the supply chain.

Militarily, the Chinese have too much confidence. Their power is limited with copied and reverse engineered technology. They already suffered a setback in the Himalayas when India rose and told them to get lost. Vietnam and the Philippines all did the same. To re-assure, the US revamped a decade old the idea of four countries - Japan, Australia, India and US (QUAD) pull together their naval and other military resources and confront China. The idea is to force China to leave the North and South China Sea and return to its coasts. It is a novel idea. Its success is mainly based on resources that the US and Japan could put forward. The next three years, with other nations becoming consumers and intermediate goods suppliers, will determine the outcome. That will reduce Chinese cash intake. These steps can make a difference.


Dharma Dispatcher
Senior Member
Nov 10, 2020
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Every institution is mostly destabilized right now in america. They will be soon be destroyed from within in 1 or 2 decades but the question is which power is gonna grab the spoils.
The communism which started in the 1920’s in eurofags has infiltrated them completely. Unis are pumping retarded zombies, intiatives have been take away from saner and replaced them with marxshit bureaucratically controlled bodies.In united bastards states the natural bodies of administration which are traditionally elected by the sheep at large or appointed by elected leaders of society are actively substituted by bodies of marxists cucks. After having successfully destroyed the cultural milieu, the leftists have now set their eyes on their family, the last bastion of social order and continue to vehemently attack it as a result the family unit is also screwed and degraded severely.

This is exactly what happens when you are born without a history or father or culture or anything other than stolen money like the united states of bastards. They dont have any culture to back that screwed arse in these terrible times.

"No way to identify if babby born is boi or gal is the new horseshit by their outlets" :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

No wonder that all non Dharmic lands getting devoured by this marxshit gender trash.


That being said amreeka is fucked lads.


Senior Member
Mar 2, 2019
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The communism which started in the 1920’s in eurofags has infiltrated them completely. Unis are pumping retarded zombies, intiatives have been take away from saner and replaced them with marxshit bureaucratically controlled bodies.In united bastards states the natural bodies of administration which are traditionally elected by the sheep at large or appointed by elected leaders of society are actively substituted by bodies of marxists cucks. After having successfully destroyed the cultural milieu, the leftists have now set their eyes on their family, the last bastion of social order and continue to vehemently attack it as a result the family unit is also screwed and degraded severely.

This is exactly what happens when you are born without a history or father or culture or anything other than stolen money like the united states of bastards. They dont have any culture to back that screwed arse in these terrible times.

"No way to identify if babby born is boi or gal is the new horseshit by their outlets" :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

No wonder that all non Dharmic lands getting devoured by this marxshit gender trash.

View attachment 83710

That being said amreeka is fucked lads.

this video highlights why this delayed pushback from white nationalists won't really work without much clarity. they are a confused bunch to begin with but this makes it worse.


Senior Member
Mar 30, 2021
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Did anyone else noticed that America movies from last dacade or more are mostly about some post-apocalyptic settings where heroes from past nostalgic comic book, TV show or movie come to save the world. I mean almost every Hollywood movie and web series has this same trope.

IMO Maybe Americans are subconsciously admitting their bleak future and at subconscious level they know that only way to save their future is to recreate past successes.

“Every film is the result of the society that produced it. That’s why the American cinema is so bad now. It reflects an unhealthy society.”

― Jean-Luc Godard
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