Authoritarian State of Canada


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Jul 4, 2013
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No, it is called removing semi trucks that were illegally blocking roads and bridges in an effort to destroy Canada.

No fascism in Canada.
Perhaps the script and reality don't match.
What did the the Oracle in the Matrix warn Neo and the machines (Oracle is a program/machine) about? Without Morpheus WE are lost. :D
So, if Canada does it, its removal of illegal road block. If India does it, its suppression of freedom of expression, fascism etc etc...
Not to mention, nice meddlesome lectures from Canadian leaders.


Senior Member
Feb 4, 2021
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So, if Canada does it, its removal of illegal road block. If India does it, its suppression of freedom of expression, fascism etc etc...
Not to mention, nice meddlesome lectures from Canadian leaders.
:) Well, I don't see fascism in India. I see people who are so in love with democracy that they cast a vote for a seat that has sometimes has 3 million voters.

I know that Justin offended almost all of India. He did something far worse than saying somebody was fascist. He stoked Sikh separatism, when India and Indians want Sikh inclusion.
I shouldn't blame him I should blame his handlers, writers, and such. What we see happening in gov't is the BIG production part. One guy isn't doing it all. He is just the face. (perhaps there is another hidden entity that is trying to stoke fascism).
In the vast majority we're not fascists and your not fascists. :)


Senior Member
Sep 25, 2015
:) Well, I don't see fascism in India. I see people who are so in love with democracy that they cast a vote for a seat that has sometimes has 3 million voters.

I know that Justin offended almost all of India. He did something far worse than saying somebody was fascist. He stoked Sikh separatism, when India and Indians want Sikh inclusion.
I shouldn't blame him I should blame his handlers, writers, and such. What we see happening in gov't is the BIG production part. One guy isn't doing it all. He is just the face. (perhaps there is another hidden entity that is trying to stoke fascism).
In the vast majority we're not fascists and your not fascists. :)
Not really sure how to respond to that.
I understand you mean well BUT that's really not right.

I respect everything you said except about your PM.
NO, he cannot be absolved of the blame. He primarily was the face of Canadian govt's antagonism against us. From stoking the sikh militancy to outright support to anarchism in India, he was at the forefront.
What's worse is that he just just became the monarch of Canada with complete support of your judiciary, media and parliament.
The open shameless double standards displayed are at epic level.
YOU and people of Canada may forgive him but we Indians are under no obligation to do so.

FYI, this turd is your PM and is basically your face to the rest of the world.
How we view him reflects how we view Canadians & the recent cop out by your civil society to this turd is absolutely nauseating and it reflects in how we view you.


Senior Member
Jul 4, 2013
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:) Well, I don't see fascism in India. I see people who are so in love with democracy that they cast a vote for a seat that has sometimes has 3 million voters.

I know that Justin offended almost all of India. He did something far worse than saying somebody was fascist. He stoked Sikh separatism, when India and Indians want Sikh inclusion.
I shouldn't blame him I should blame his handlers, writers, and such. What we see happening in gov't is the BIG production part. One guy isn't doing it all. He is just the face. (perhaps there is another hidden entity that is trying to stoke fascism).
In the vast majority we're not fascists and your not fascists. :)
Damn it... I was expecting a post with a moral lecture from you.


Cheeni KLPDhokebaaz
Senior Member
Jun 5, 2017
Need to do world freedom and farmer solidarity conference, invite farmers from Canda, Netherlands, Murica have them narrate their sob story.
Publish resolution.
Blare it on Wion, Times Now, Republic World.
Make Documentaries.
Invite MEA officers.
Invite Buisness Correspondents that deal with Canada.
Make UN resolution.

Guess it's too difficult for 80 IQ pajeets


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Sep 16, 2017
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Aug 19, 2009


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Feb 4, 2021
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He warned those in custody they will "never walk out of here".

Tweeting about the town-sized prison, he wrote: "At dawn, in a single operation, we transferred the first 2000 members to the Centre for the Confinement of Terrorism (CECOT). ...."


Now that is the start of real authoritarianism.


Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009

View attachment 194981
He warned those in custody they will "never walk out of here".

Tweeting about the town-sized prison, he wrote: "At dawn, in a single operation, we transferred the first 2000 members to the Centre for the Confinement of Terrorism (CECOT). ...."

View attachment 194982

Now that is the start of real authoritarianism.
This kind of punishment should only be reserved for the worst of the worst. However this is not sustainable. It will not work in the long run. We have seen this type of prison and it doesn't work and cost way more. This new president has no clue how to run a prison. He will be inviting a prison riot in no time.


Senior Member
Feb 4, 2021
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This kind of punishment should only be reserved for the worst of the worst. However this is not sustainable. It will not work in the long run. We have seen this type of prison and it doesn't work and cost way more. This new president has no clue how to run a prison. He will be inviting a prison riot in no time.
A riot might be the idea then the guards will have to use "self defence".

extreme quick lethal efficient justice system reminds me of the novel "Starship Troopers" Think the world had become a global fascist military/police state.


Sikkimese Saber
Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
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View attachment 194981
He warned those in custody they will "never walk out of here".

Tweeting about the town-sized prison, he wrote: "At dawn, in a single operation, we transferred the first 2000 members to the Centre for the Confinement of Terrorism (CECOT). ...."

View attachment 194982

Now that is the start of real authoritarianism.
A simpler and more effective method of dealing with terrorists is the China-model. It works wonders especially when used within reasonable limits depending on how severe the threat of terrorism and gangster violence is.

I am personally a big proponent of capital punishment for hardened criminals who have case for extreme violence, brutality and are criminally beyond redemption.


Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
A simpler and more effective method of dealing with terrorists is the China-model. It works wonders especially when used within reasonable limits depending on how severe the threat of terrorism and gangster violence is.

I am personally a big proponent of capital punishment for hardened criminals who have case for extreme violence, brutality and are criminally beyond redemption.
Please elaborate about the China model.


Senior Member
Jan 9, 2022
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This kind of punishment should only be reserved for the worst of the worst. However this is not sustainable. It will not work in the long run. We have seen this type of prison and it doesn't work and cost way more. This new president has no clue how to run a prison. He will be inviting a prison riot in no time.
Bukele (El Salvador president) is a chutiya crypto bro but he is very hard on crime. El Salvador has highest murder rate and he is actually making murder rates trend down. West keeps criticizing his approach, but he is very popular with people because of harsh anti crime policies.

This is why i think western liberal commentators are chutiya. They expect people of different societies with different problems to elect government with same policies as in rich industrialized western countries.
That won't happen, people will elect whoever works on solving local problems, whether it is Duterte in Phillipines with his encounters, Yogi in UP with bulldozer model or Bukele in El Salvador.


Senior Member
Apr 17, 2014
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Bukele (El Salvador president) is a chutiya crypto bro but he is very hard on crime. El Salvador has highest murder rate and he is actually making murder rates trend down. West keeps criticizing his approach, but he is very popular with people because of harsh anti crime policies.

This is why i think western liberal commentators are chutiya. They expect people of different societies with different problems to elect government with same policies as in rich industrialized western countries.
That won't happen, people will elect whoever works on solving local problems, whether it is Duterte in Phillipines with his encounters, Yogi in UP with bulldozer model or Bukele in El Salvador.
Liberals turn into the worst authoritarians when they are directly effected .. reference .. the origin of this thread.


Regular Member
Jun 2, 2022
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Bukele (El Salvador president) is a chutiya crypto bro but he is very hard on crime. El Salvador has highest murder rate and he is actually making murder rates trend down. West keeps criticizing his approach, but he is very popular with people because of harsh anti crime policies.

This is why i think western liberal commentators are chutiya. They expect people of different societies with different problems to elect government with same policies as in rich industrialized western countries.
That won't happen, people will elect whoever works on solving local problems, whether it is Duterte in Phillipines with his encounters, Yogi in UP with bulldozer model or Bukele in El Salvador.
There's a chinese comment that aptly summarizes western situation & its views on democracy, "West didn't become rich because it's a democracy, it became a democracy because it's rich."

The west—europe, US, Canada, Australia and others, by the end of WW2, they're industrialized and had tiny but relatively prosperous and educated population.

One of the dumbest mistakes India made was to become a democracy right after independence. Perhaps a reasoning might be that Indians just gained independence after foreign rule and want to 'rule' themselves. But the majority were illiterate and the nation was extremely poor.

A more centralized and authoritarian system, while still giving people power to elect representatives when needed—similar to CCP's model, would've served us much better in running the country efficiently.

Think about it, what did becoming democracy even serve? The bureaucracy was inefficient but babus can't just be fired. The nation was run with incompetence. The democracies Nehru adored and wanted to emulate—US—despised us and supported Pakistan despite us being a democracy. Politicians turned to voting blocs and began minority appeasement at the expense of majority.

There is nothing so great about democracy that helped India. In fact, India reached its position today despite the democracy, not because of it.


Senior Member
Feb 4, 2021
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There's a chinese comment that aptly summarizes western situation & its views on democracy, "West didn't become rich because it's a democracy, it became a democracy because it's rich."
Chinese understand control do they understand democracy?

You hit on the cause better than the Chinese.

The west—europe, US, Canada, Australia and others, by the end of WW2, they're industrialized and had tiny but relatively prosperous and educated population.
(bold is done by me)
Industrialists vs farmer land owners and cottage industry.

Industrialists profit from sales, Mass production requires many sales which requires a wealthy populace. Industrialists thus benefit from having rich, informed efficient skilled workers. So they make their workers rich.

Farmer landowners, profit from control of food sales. Mass poverty means food is a larger part of the economy. Cottage small scale industry needs only a few sales to rich land owners.

UK, USA, France, Germay, Sweden .... were indeed all industrialized.

Industrialization lead to democracy and liberalism because of the need to make many sales. Rich populace gains more and more power.


Regular Member
Jun 2, 2022
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Chinese understand control do they understand democracy?

You hit on the cause better than the Chinese.

(bold is done by me)
Industrialists vs farmer land owners and cottage industry.

Industrialists profit from sales, Mass production requires many sales which requires a wealthy populace. Industrialists thus benefit from having rich, informed efficient skilled workers. So they make their workers rich.

Farmer landowners, profit from control of food sales. Mass poverty means food is a larger part of the economy. Cottage small scale industry needs only a few sales to rich land owners.

UK, USA, France, Germay, Sweden .... were indeed all industrialized.

Industrialization lead to democracy and liberalism because of the need to make many sales. Rich populace gains more and more power.
I will give credit where it's due. The statement I quoted was indeed made by a chinese person, I didn't come up with it.

And to answer the query, yes. I think Chinese do understand democracy. But differently than how west or India does. Rather than call it democracy, they understand Meritocracy.

Any chinese can join the CCP. It's a long, arduous journey to the top and most won't even reach it. There are big people who have power and influence within the party, so their descendants have an edge—which is common anywhere else.

Correct me if I'm wrong, an unqualified person can't just barge into an important position in China. Unlike Rahul Gandhi of India who just inherited his mother's party and contested to be Prime Minster of the country without any prior qualifications, the CCP guy needs to climb the ladder for decades.

There is nepotism in CCP too, and corruption as well. But people are accountable. At least in the middle and lower levels. Perform or Perish. Chinese development story owes a lot of its credit to how the provinces functioned and especially how the mayors of aspiring cities competed to get more investment and meet the targets. It's a wonderful record of proper, even if strict, governance can achieve.

Industrialists vs farmer land owners and cottage industry.

Industrialists profit from sales, Mass production requires many sales which requires a wealthy populace. Industrialists thus benefit from having rich, informed efficient skilled workers. So they make their workers rich.

Farmer landowners, profit from control of food sales. Mass poverty means food is a larger part of the economy. Cottage small scale industry needs only a few sales to rich land owners.

UK, USA, France, Germay, Sweden .... were indeed all industrialized.

Industrialization lead to democracy and liberalism because of the need to make many sales. Rich populace gains more and more power.
Precisely. The reason democracy gained such support was that a skilled workforce benefited the capitalists. I might be cynical in saying this, but the world hasn't really changed much in terms of power dynamics. There are still kings that rule, but they aren't crowned nor do they have the thrones. The populace don't even know them. Compared to younger democracies, west has an entrenched group of capitalists. They control the key sectors of the nation and wield extreme power and influence.

People vote, pick one person or another. But it doesn't matter much. The ones behind the curtain remain the same. It's just a democracy in name. At very ground level, it perhaps is a democracy. But overall, it's just a big lie. The blue pill for the masses.

I still can't fathom how the people in the US voted for Biden. This old man can't even finish a sentence without stuttering, worse, he goes on tangents and talks nonsense. He belongs to an old age home, not white house. Sometimes, I wonder if it's an elaborate prank? Are the americans just playing along?

Throughout history, there have always been a tiny group of people wielding enormous power, wealth and influence. The packaging changed to a more acceptable form but the content is the same.

The wealth inequality today is far higher than any other time. So is the amount of control the elite have over the masses. It's just that most people are having their basic needs met thanks to industrialization and won't rebel.

With such view, I obviously don't have any love for democracy or hate for a more authoritarian rule. The way a country governs itself is just a means to an end and not an end in itself. But west successfully and must I say, brilliantly weaponized 'democracy'.

The only good thing about democracy is the common man thinks he is free and the one under an authoritarian regime is much more cautious of the red lines.


Regular Member
Aug 19, 2019
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There's a chinese comment that aptly summarizes western situation & its views on democracy, "West didn't become rich because it's a democracy, it became a democracy because it's rich."

The west—europe, US, Canada, Australia and others, by the end of WW2, they're industrialized and had tiny but relatively prosperous and educated population.

One of the dumbest mistakes India made was to become a democracy right after independence. Perhaps a reasoning might be that Indians just gained independence after foreign rule and want to 'rule' themselves. But the majority were illiterate and the nation was extremely poor.

A more centralized and authoritarian system, while still giving people power to elect representatives when needed—similar to CCP's model, would've served us much better in running the country efficiently.

Think about it, what did becoming democracy even serve? The bureaucracy was inefficient but babus can't just be fired. The nation was run with incompetence. The democracies Nehru adored and wanted to emulate—US—despised us and supported Pakistan despite us being a democracy. Politicians turned to voting blocs and began minority appeasement at the expense of majority.

There is nothing so great about democracy that helped India. In fact, India reached its position today despite the democracy, not because of it.
"he bureaucracy was inefficient but babus can't just be fired"...
That was Nehru's and Indira's innovation ..insert govt in everysphere of life.. They took a Western Parliamentary system and married it with Soviet style State control..Hence you got an inefficient system where the everyone is for himself and self-serving.. Politician became short sighted and election focussed, Babus become corrupt and inefficient, Businessmen became slymy and non-productive.
Result- Decades on slow growth and a impovrished nation.
Things started to look good after 1990s LPG Reform. Had Lal Bahadur Shastri stayed alive ..he would have opened the market long time ago in the 60's but then Soviets and its KGB had another plan ...

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