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Dec 24, 2015
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Also ramjet missiles have more ir signature and can be detected way earlier by the MAW sensors of the enemy aircrafts....
I don't know.
A classical missile has a huge IR trace the 5 to 10 first seconds when the engine is burning, and no more after.
A ramjet has a less signature at the beginning (the booster is smaller than a classical engine) but burn all the travel.
So probably yes.


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Aug 12, 2015
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Here are my calculations on NEZ
AIM-120A: 10-20 km(shot down helicopter at 10 km)
AIM-120B: around 30 km
AIM-120C: around 35 km depending on variant
AIM-120D:70 km(50 percent increased range)
Meteor; 90+ km(three times more the NEZ of AIM-120B)
R37E Archer:60 km=("can take on 12 G targets at 30 km, 60 km with 60+- radar")

NEZ PL-12: 45 km look-up for RCS 3m2 target
NEZ R-27RE: 35 km for type F-16 target
NEZ KS-172/R-27AE: Lock-on range of targets with RCS = 5m2 : 25 km
NEZ R-77: has the 9B-1348E active seeker head, which is stated to have a 16km range against RCS=5m2.
NEZ AIM-120D (AIM-120C8): F-22 AIM-120C8 active Terminal guidance radar seeker of the equipment performance, its small target of RCS is 0.3 square meters can be intercepted at the 12-kilometer, RCS for MiG-31 from 15 to 17 square metres of such large goals can be intercepted at 45 to 50-kilometer.
NEZ SM-6 (rumor): SM-6 max range to 600-700km and NO ESCAPE ZONE to 150km against all known aircraft (excluding SR-71)

No one could calculate the NEZ of any AAM and its a closely guarded secret from designers. We could only speculate it from what is available in open source and taking some base line.

The NEZ range you quoted for R-77, just double it. Its practically around 30 km for a target range of 80Km. In head on chase the missile and target would approach each other. So a missile fired at a target 80 km away would meet it long before it enters the 30 km range.

But then again it depends on how capable the missile is to evade the CM deployed by the target. 16km is a safe bet where the missile would sustain its thrust to counter maximum evasive maneuver. But in case of Astra, take the target as a dumb one and firing at a range of 110km, its NEZ against such a target would be 80km at max.


New Member
Dec 24, 2015
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I don't know.
A classical missile has a huge IR trace the 5 to 10 first seconds when the engine is burning, and no more after.
A ramjet has a less signature at the beginning (the booster is smaller than a classical engine) but burn all the travel.
So probably yes.
add in all case the IR trace of the aerodynamic friction. Mach 3.5 to 4.5, even in high altitude light air may be important.


Defense lover
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Aug 23, 2017
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Sir, What would be the current range of Astra in comparison with the R-77, R-77-1 and the AIM 120C5


Defense lover
New Member
Aug 23, 2017
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Sir, What would be the current range of Astra in comparison with the R-77, R-77-1 and the AIM 120C5
Then sfdr based astra will have 150 km range...........

Is not it........


New Member
Apr 8, 2016
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@porky_kicker how you compare astra wilth r77.......
And ............ other s...
I have always maintained comparison of weapon systems is a exercise in futility

Vital parameters will always remain classified or downgraded.

Figures given by OEMs are always obscure with respect to operational conditions which facilitates the overall capability and performance spectrum especially peak performance. So forget about any comparison.

Effectiveness of a missile is dependent on multitudes of both intrinsic and extrinsic factors.

Also differences of opinion will factor in , eg what is more important range to target or range of NEZ inorder to determine effectiveness of a AAM.

So its futile to go down this path.

Long story short I have very little info on astra and same for r77
Last edited:


New Member
Aug 12, 2015
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I have always maintained comparison of weapon systems is a exercise in futility

Vital parameters will always remain classified or downgraded.

Figures given by OEMs are always obscure with respect to operational conditions which facilitates the overall capability and performance spectrum especially peak performance. So forget about any comparison.

Effectiveness of a missile is dependent on multitudes of both intrinsic and extrinsic factors.

So its futile to go down this path.
Moreover AIM and R series are matured platform with field deployment and usage. The seeker of R series is better then AIM in many respect.


New Member
Apr 8, 2016
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Moreover AIM and R series are matured platform with field deployment and usage. The seeker of R series is better then AIM in many respect.
Importantly the operational tactics associated with these missiles are very mature , vetted and still evolving .

Hardware is simply the means to allow tactics , and tactics is the final means to an end (kill).


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Aug 9, 2014
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Successful indigenous design and development of the Astra coupled with Akash Mark 2 SAM, signposts the maturity of the Indian weapons industry in mastering cutting-edge missile technologies

India has successfully developed the ‘Astra’, its first all-weather Beyond Visual Range (BVR) Air-to-Air Missile (AAM) and leaped into a group of few nations that have a weapon system of this capability and performance. The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) initiated concept studies for developing an indigenous AAM in the 1990s. The Government of India sanctioned the Astra project in March 2004 with a budget of 995 crore. The Hyderabad-based Defence Research & Development Laboratory, a Missile System laboratory under the DRDO was designated as the design and development (D&D) agency for the Astra missile. During its development, the design of Astra missile went through several iterative changes for improving its control, guidance and propulsion systems as also reduction in weight. Ground testing of the Astra began in December 2012 and the missile was cleared for captive flight trials on the Su-30MKI combat platform in April 2013. The first Astra missile was launched from the Su-30MKI in May 2014 and so far, 27 missiles have been test fired to ascertain and validate its performance.

The Astra is designed to carry 15 kg high explosive prefragmented warhead, which is activated by a Radio Proximity Fuse. The missile has good Electronic Counter-Countermeasure (ECCM) to enable unconstrained operation in an Electronic Countermeasure (ECM) environment. The Astra Mark 1, which successfully completed the trials recently, has a maximum head-on launch range of 100 km, a speed of 4.5 Mach and is cleared for launch up to an altitude of 20 km (66,000 ft). The Astra could be launched either by the mother aircraft or fired in buddy mode. The extensive and rigorous trials have successfully validated the Astra missile’s warhead capability, its maximum launch ranges against both head-on and manoeuvring targets, its long-range target engagement capability, clear missile-separation at supersonic speeds, launch under high ‘g’ forces and multiple missile launches at multiple targets. During the trials, the Astra missiles were launched across the entire flight envelope of the Su-30MKI and all of these successfully engaged, hit and destroyed all assigned manoeuvring and non-manoeuvring aerial targets besides meeting with all mission objectives.

After launch, the Astra initially uses ‘Inertial Mid-Course Guidance’ through a secure data-link from the mother aircraft followed by ‘Active Radar Homing’ from its seeker head for terminal guidance. To absorb delays in the development process of the indigenous active radar seeker, it was decided to develop the Astra missile with Russian ‘Agat 9B1103M’ active radar seeker for terminal guidance. The entire D&D of Astra including the firing trials up to the year 2017, were conducted with the Russian active radar seeker. The decision to use the Russian seeker for D&D and trials phases was a very prudent one as it enabled concurrent engineering and development of both, the missile and its active radar seeker independently. The Indian Ku-band active radar seeker was developed by DRDO and is now fully functional. This form-fit indigenous seeker has now been installed on all Astra missiles. Thus, today India has its first indigenously developed BVR AAM with indigenous active radar seeker. The Indian Air Force (IAF) being satisfied with Astra’s development and performance, is in the process of placing initial order for 100 missiles in the prototype version on the manufacturer Bharat Dynamics Limited (BDL). Induction of this wapons system into the IAF will commence later this year.

Performance and kill ranges of the Astra Mark 1 is slightly better than the BVR AAM currently employed by our adversaries. The Astra is already integrated on the Su-30MKI and the IAF will certainly integrate this weapons system with the upgraded Mirage 2000, the MiG-29, light combat aircraft Tejas and may be with the Rafale jets that are expected to start arriving in September this year. The Astra is the first Beyond Visual Range, Air-to-Air Missile that is designed, developed and manufactured by the Indian aerospace industry. Its successful induction will greatly boost the BVR combat capability of the IAF.

After the successful development of the Astra Mark 1, the first BVR AAM, the IAF and DRDO have already started the process to develop Astra Mark 2, an improved version of Astra Mark 1. The Astra Mark 2 will have a head-on launch range of over 100 km along with the capability for ejector launch. It is certain that the Astra Mark 2 will be one of the best BVR AAM capable of outperforming all current BVR AAM except the European Meteor that is coming with the 36 Rafale fighters.

Successful indigenous design and development of the Astra BVR AAM coupled with Akash Mark 2 SAM, signposts the maturity of the Indian weapons industry in mastering cutting-edge missile technologies as also helping the ‘Make in India’ campaign and reinforcing national defence.


New Member
Sep 24, 2016
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Successful indigenous design and development of the Astra coupled with Akash Mark 2 SAM, signposts the maturity of the Indian weapons industry in mastering cutting-edge missile technologies

India has successfully developed the ‘Astra’, its first all-weather Beyond Visual Range (BVR) Air-to-Air Missile (AAM) and leaped into a group of few nations that have a weapon system of this capability and performance. The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) initiated concept studies for developing an indigenous AAM in the 1990s. The Government of India sanctioned the Astra project in March 2004 with a budget of 995 crore. The Hyderabad-based Defence Research & Development Laboratory, a Missile System laboratory under the DRDO was designated as the design and development (D&D) agency for the Astra missile. During its development, the design of Astra missile went through several iterative changes for improving its control, guidance and propulsion systems as also reduction in weight. Ground testing of the Astra began in December 2012 and the missile was cleared for captive flight trials on the Su-30MKI combat platform in April 2013. The first Astra missile was launched from the Su-30MKI in May 2014 and so far, 27 missiles have been test fired to ascertain and validate its performance.

The Astra is designed to carry 15 kg high explosive prefragmented warhead, which is activated by a Radio Proximity Fuse. The missile has good Electronic Counter-Countermeasure (ECCM) to enable unconstrained operation in an Electronic Countermeasure (ECM) environment. The Astra Mark 1, which successfully completed the trials recently, has a maximum head-on launch range of 100 km, a speed of 4.5 Mach and is cleared for launch up to an altitude of 20 km (66,000 ft). The Astra could be launched either by the mother aircraft or fired in buddy mode. The extensive and rigorous trials have successfully validated the Astra missile’s warhead capability, its maximum launch ranges against both head-on and manoeuvring targets, its long-range target engagement capability, clear missile-separation at supersonic speeds, launch under high ‘g’ forces and multiple missile launches at multiple targets. During the trials, the Astra missiles were launched across the entire flight envelope of the Su-30MKI and all of these successfully engaged, hit and destroyed all assigned manoeuvring and non-manoeuvring aerial targets besides meeting with all mission objectives.

After launch, the Astra initially uses ‘Inertial Mid-Course Guidance’ through a secure data-link from the mother aircraft followed by ‘Active Radar Homing’ from its seeker head for terminal guidance. To absorb delays in the development process of the indigenous active radar seeker, it was decided to develop the Astra missile with Russian ‘Agat 9B1103M’ active radar seeker for terminal guidance. The entire D&D of Astra including the firing trials up to the year 2017, were conducted with the Russian active radar seeker. The decision to use the Russian seeker for D&D and trials phases was a very prudent one as it enabled concurrent engineering and development of both, the missile and its active radar seeker independently. The Indian Ku-band active radar seeker was developed by DRDO and is now fully functional. This form-fit indigenous seeker has now been installed on all Astra missiles. Thus, today India has its first indigenously developed BVR AAM with indigenous active radar seeker. The Indian Air Force (IAF) being satisfied with Astra’s development and performance, is in the process of placing initial order for 100 missiles in the prototype version on the manufacturer Bharat Dynamics Limited (BDL). Induction of this wapons system into the IAF will commence later this year.

Performance and kill ranges of the Astra Mark 1 is slightly better than the BVR AAM currently employed by our adversaries. The Astra is already integrated on the Su-30MKI and the IAF will certainly integrate this weapons system with the upgraded Mirage 2000, the MiG-29, light combat aircraft Tejas and may be with the Rafale jets that are expected to start arriving in September this year. The Astra is the first Beyond Visual Range, Air-to-Air Missile that is designed, developed and manufactured by the Indian aerospace industry. Its successful induction will greatly boost the BVR combat capability of the IAF.

After the successful development of the Astra Mark 1, the first BVR AAM, the IAF and DRDO have already started the process to develop Astra Mark 2, an improved version of Astra Mark 1. The Astra Mark 2 will have a head-on launch range of over 100 km along with the capability for ejector launch. It is certain that the Astra Mark 2 will be one of the best BVR AAM capable of outperforming all current BVR AAM except the European Meteor that is coming with the 36 Rafale fighters.

Successful indigenous design and development of the Astra BVR AAM coupled with Akash Mark 2 SAM, signposts the maturity of the Indian weapons industry in mastering cutting-edge missile technologies as also helping the ‘Make in India’ campaign and reinforcing national defence.
All reports indicate it's better than aim 120c5.
Which means paki are outranged by Astra mk1 itself.

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Tihar Jail
Aug 5, 2019
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All reports indicate it's better than aim 120c5.
Which means paki are outranged by Astra mk1 itself.

Sent from my C103 using Tapatalk
Better in which regards??There are a lot more to a BVRAAM (or any other type of guided missile for that matter) that just range you know.


New Member
Sep 24, 2016
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Ya.......then..why only 100 ordered by iaf

Again why it is said it .will be in prototype Stage.....
What will be different in production variant
Reports say maturity of platform will take some more time. Also 100 are being order in the prototype form itself according to report above.

100 is not small order for a brand new air to air missile. If will grow into thousands with time and maturity.

Also for now it's only integrated with su30. So integration with other platforms will take some time and more orders will follow.

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New Member
Sep 24, 2016
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Better in which regards??There are a lot more to BVRAAM (or any other type of guided missile) that just range you know.
Well these are defense journo pointing out better. Astra has latest Ku band indegenios seeker which might be a generation ahead of what is in the old aim 120 c5 or r77.

R77 itself has better seeker than aim120 c5 and Astra seeker is an improvement over that.

More details will emerge in due time.

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Defense lover
New Member
Aug 23, 2017
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Reports say maturity of platform will take some more time. Also 100 are being order in the prototype form itself according to report above.

100 is not small order for a brand new air to air missile. If will grow into thousands with time and maturity.

Also for now it's only integrated with su30. So integration with other platforms will take some time and more orders will follow.

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My question is....whts the difference between the prototype variant and series production variant

Again my next the missile get mature.


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Sep 24, 2016
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My question is....whts the difference between the prototype variant and series production variant

Again my next the missile get mature.
Prototype are hand crafted. Each prototype is different and parts aren't interchangeable. Production version is smooth and can be mass produced in factories as tolerance is established.

Missile gets mature by testing longer on platform. In various scenarios.

Overtime strength and weaknesses of actual operation of missile are known and remedies applied. Also full spectrum of actual performance is known which improves doctrine of missile use.

Su30 with astra needs war game with other platforms and missile to iron out everything.

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Defense lover
New Member
Aug 23, 2017
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Prototype are hand crafted. Each prototype is different and parts aren't interchangeable. Production version is smooth and can be mass produced in factories as tolerance is established.

Missile gets mature by testing longer on platform. In various scenarios.

Overtime strength and weaknesses of actual operation of missile are known and remedies applied. Also full spectrum of actual performance is known which improves doctrine of missile use.

Su30 with astra needs war game with other platforms and missile to iron out everything.

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Thanks..a matured reply..............
Bdw the r77 we use does not a have a single kill till now


New Member
Sep 24, 2016
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Thanks..a matured reply..............
Bdw the r77 we use does not a have a single kill till now
Well honestly su30 platform has not been engaged in proper air to air battle untill now. And that is the most potent platform for r77 so no kills. Anyway most air to air kill till date are wvr iirc.

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Defense lover
New Member
Aug 23, 2017
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Well honestly su30 platform has not been engaged in proper air to air battle untill now. And that is the most potent platform for r77 so no kills. Anyway most air to air kill till date are wvr iirc.

Sent from my C103 using Tapatalk
Bdw western bvrs and wvr s are morr killing
Than ..... Russian fighter s

