Armed Rebels Attack pedestrians on London Bridge


Senior Member
Feb 17, 2017
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If UK want to really fight their religious rebels, they should first ban religious conversions. I saw a documentary long back on BBC, named "My brother the Islamist". They showed how Islamist leaders are getting frustrated, drug addict, neglected British Christian citizens to get converted to Islam. Brain wash them, Make them preachers, and later convert them as terrorists. This documentary came in 2011. Still Britain didn't learn.

It's not pluralism or democracy values that is guiding them, it's oil and business they are getting from Muslims world that's making their response low.

I hope UK start condemning terrorists attacks in Kashmir on a daily basis and leave its policy of appeasement.

An Angry Potato

Regular Member
Aug 14, 2016
British PM says "Need to snoop on internet usage of citizens now".I have very deep conspiracy theory
She is basically calling for snooping on everyday lives of normal british citizens. Reminds me of 1984 by George Orwell. "war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength"


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2015
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British PM says "Need to snoop on internet usage of citizens now".I have very deep conspiracy theory
These people dont have Any Morality ..................they destroyed western families with the help of feminism , then they invited millions of Jehadi and now they want to establish a Police state which will get all the power to control the common public even their thoughts .You see, that made it completely 'legal' for the government to: Spy on you, enter your home without a warrant, and detain you indefinitely.

if they are doing this in western countries then they will do it in rest of the world .



Senior Member
Feb 15, 2014
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Feeling guilty for the schadenfreude...but then, can't feel sorry for stupidity also


Regular Member
Apr 28, 2017
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>Be British

>wake up to the azaan in the morning.

>reach office late because hundreds mOslems are busy reciting namaz on the main road.

>walk on the pedestrian while returning.

>get mauled by van driven by mOslem
>media says Islam says is a peaceful religion
>complain to police about gangs of mOslem men raping young girls
>get arrested for hate speech against mOslems
>take daughter to Ariana Grande concert
>mOslem blows up
>media says Islam says is a peaceful religion
>travel by London metro.
>mOslem blows up.

>media says Islam says is a peaceful religion.

>mOslem blows up.

>media says Islam says is a peaceful religion.

>mOslem blows up.

>media says Islam says is a peaceful religion.

>mOslem blows up.
> mOslem blows up.


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2015
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REPORT: Unarmed London Police Officers Fled from Terror Attack
By Tribunist Staff on June 4, 2017

Witnesses to the knife attacks at Borough Market in London reported that, while people were being stabbed by the attackers, unarmed community police officers fled from the scene, leaving the patrons of the restaurant and other pedestrians to resort to other means in order to defend themselves and the people being assaulted.

An eyewitness report released by The Guardian on Twitter, and covered by Guardian reporter Lisa O’Carroll stated, “Witnesses said they saw two men stabbing people outside the well-known Roast restaurant in Borough market. A chef from the nearby Fish restaurant said: ‘I saw two guys with big knives downstairs outside Roast. They were stabbing people. The police were running away, they were community police. They were normal officers, they were running away.’”

The statement from the chef continued, “The guy with the knife was killing two people. We were shouting ‘stop, stop’ and people threw chairs at them. Police came and shot straight away.”

O’Carroll reported on another statement where another staff member from Fish said, “I saw two people in Breadhead bakery, they had blood on them, they were civilians,” continuing, “I never expected to see this happen here.”

Our reporter at Borough Market in London has these eyewitness reports

— The Guardian (@guardian) June 4, 2017

Six people have been confirmed killed in the attacks at Borough Market and London Bridge. Three male suspects were shot and killed by police, an action Mark Rowley, the Metropolitan police assistant commissioner said was completed within the first eight minutes after the initial emergency call was received.

An additional 30 people were injured during the attacks and taken to five London hospitals for treatment. Other individuals with injuries were also treated at the scene.

None of the injured or the individuals deemed responsible for the assaults have been named, and police currently believe that all of the perpetrators have been killed, though investigations are still ongoing.


Mera Bharat mahan
Senior Member
Mar 19, 2016
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REPORT: Unarmed London Police Officers Fled from Terror Attack
By Tribunist Staff on June 4, 2017

Witnesses to the knife attacks at Borough Market in London reported that, while people were being stabbed by the attackers, unarmed community police officers fled from the scene, leaving the patrons of the restaurant and other pedestrians to resort to other means in order to defend themselves and the people being assaulted.

An eyewitness report released by The Guardian on Twitter, and covered by Guardian reporter Lisa O’Carroll stated, “Witnesses said they saw two men stabbing people outside the well-known Roast restaurant in Borough market. A chef from the nearby Fish restaurant said: ‘I saw two guys with big knives downstairs outside Roast. They were stabbing people. The police were running away, they were community police. They were normal officers, they were running away.’”

The statement from the chef continued, “The guy with the knife was killing two people. We were shouting ‘stop, stop’ and people threw chairs at them. Police came and shot straight away.”

O’Carroll reported on another statement where another staff member from Fish said, “I saw two people in Breadhead bakery, they had blood on them, they were civilians,” continuing, “I never expected to see this happen here.”

Our reporter at Borough Market in London has these eyewitness reports

— The Guardian (@guardian) June 4, 2017

Six people have been confirmed killed in the attacks at Borough Market and London Bridge. Three male suspects were shot and killed by police, an action Mark Rowley, the Metropolitan police assistant commissioner said was completed within the first eight minutes after the initial emergency call was received.

An additional 30 people were injured during the attacks and taken to five London hospitals for treatment. Other individuals with injuries were also treated at the scene.

None of the injured or the individuals deemed responsible for the assaults have been named, and police currently believe that all of the perpetrators have been killed, though investigations are still ongoing.
God save the Queen..........................................

Anirbann Datta

Eternal Flame
Senior Member
Apr 8, 2016
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so much for this shitty poLOLytical correctness!! dump it in river thems or whatevr gutter they may find!! or else be ready to observe the great DUBTI NAAIA of GB go down to the hell...

lesson for us Indians:

kick those copy paste versions of the EU/US SWJ/Fembot/pollitically rotten correctness (like BD/AR/ etc etc) to gurtter and we must adhere to our traditional social structure, Or the fate of our future generation surely will reciprocate same out come.

what ever country got this correctness shit(like EU nations/ Germany/ US) got their society made as CHAKKA!!!


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Aug 18, 2010
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Absolutely. I went through her Twitter feed, it almost feels like a 'alt-fact' propaganda platform.

Regarding her political career, I looked up demographics of Corby and Asians only make up a measly 1.4% of the population. Pakistanis, even less obviously, so her doing for this votes does not seem likely. The Jordan connection is something to be looked into though.
Louise Mensch is better known in the UK as Louise Bagshawe, a "chick-lit" novelist who stood for election in Corby as a Conservative and won the seat in the 2010 election. She was one of the "Cameron Babes" who seemed to be destined for greater things (also among them is one called Priti Patel). However she became controversial when she admitted that as a student she had taken drugs and they had "messed with her head" in her words.

She resigned as a MP in 2012 and moved to New York with her husband Peter Mensch, so as a non UK resident she is not eligible to be a MP even though she is still a British citizen and has a vote.

PS. I am not sure why she has Muslim sympathies as she has a reputation for being a rabid Catholic bigot.
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Jul 4, 2013
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Revealed: One London Bridge killer was Pakistani-born father who hid the fact he hated Western values by making out he was a 'nice guy' to neighbours before carrying out attack claimed by ISIS

Barking, London has high percentage of Paki's. Looks like they were true to their Islamic views performing taqiya on everyone including their own.
Man, I have Muslim friends. This sort of betrayal by other Muslims does cause me to have latent distrust on their honesty. This is not a good thing.
Muslim as a community must take some stern action to demonstrate that they are the ones who identify crackpots and prevent such elements. They should also be the front line in fighting against Islamic radicals. Else all their condemnation and outrage seems like taqiya.
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Regular Member
Apr 28, 2017
Barking, London has high percentage of Paki's. Looks like they were true to their Islamic views performing taqiya on everyone including their own.
Man, I have Muslim friends. This sort of betrayal by other Muslims does cause me to have latent distrust on their honesty. This is not a good thing.
Muslim as a community must take some stern action to demonstrate that they are the ones who identify crackpots and prevent such elements. They should also be the front line in fighting against Islamic radicals. Else all their condemnation and outrage seems like taqiya.
This community of Pakistanis which the UK cultivated as a vocal asset to use as a stick against India is now biting them back. Every time Indian groups tried to raise awareness about Kashmir Pandit genocide, there would be highly organized counter-protest by UK Muslims. This was micromanaged by UK intel agencies.

Make no mistake, even that Anjum Chowdhary is an MI6 asset. He is there as a honey trap to make sure that he remains the most visible jihadi to the people of UK, so that whenever a new kid wants to join the global jihad, in his naivety, he is likely to contact the most popular jihadi face he knows and in the process get trapped by the intel agencies. At the same time, the intel uses Anjum Chowdhary to lash out against countries like India and Israel, while enjoying the protection of UK agencies, under the garb of 'freedom of expression'.

At the same time, the Christian organizations in the UK get to use Anjum Chowdhary as a whipping boy to consolidate and justify UK nationalist/racist opinion by keeping the 'South Asians' on a backfoot.

So, with just one person, they are able to consolidate their nationalist base, they are able to keep their brown population under their toes by guilt trapping them as being Anjum supporters.

[Someone] must make it expensive for them to carry on this little arrangement. The moment the UK 'freelance jihadis' start falling in love with their own legends and start making lone wolf attacks, it becomes difficult to keep going on with the fake appeasement project. Which UK nationalist group, no matter how racist, is going to support Pakistan over India now, after so many law and order incidents?

[Someone] must do the same with Canadian Khalistanis. Their intel has systematically cultivated an angry breed of Khalistanis and deliberately allowed the the freedom to move, collect funds, recruit, have propaganda channels, carry weapons and overlooked their transgressions with the larger goal of using them as an asset against India. If there were to be a [law and order incident] in Canada which can be traced back to Khalistanis, it would shift public opinion against them and the agencies would find it hard to continue allowing massive Khalistani rallies which are presently in great swing in Canada. If the intel agencies take action against them, then it would pit them against their own asset which they have fed and cultivated over the decades. They would fall in the same pit they had dug for India.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Muslim as a community must take some stern action to demonstrate that they are the ones who identify crackpots and prevent such elements.
I understand why you wrote the rest of your post and I don't disagree with your sentiments.

I think I have heard this "Muslim community must take some stern action" over an over again.

I wonder why people who ask these questions continue to live in denial when in fact, there are many Muslims who are laying down their lives fighting against Jihadis.

The question to be asked is, who is the root cause of this problem? Who created, funded, and tried to use these extremist groups for their geopolitical goals? Who has been doing this since 1979? We only attack the foot soldiers, live in denial, and fail to identify the real culprits.

Coming to stern action, here are the people from the Muslim community who sacrificed their lives, while doing exactly what you said - stern action:

Please don't mind me saying this - more and more Muslims will continue to die fighting Jihadi terror, and we will probably continue to ask why people from the Muslims community don't take stern action.


Senior Member
Jul 4, 2013
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I understand why you wrote the rest of your post and I don't disagree with your sentiments.

I think I have heard this "Muslim community must take some stern action" over an over again.

I wonder why people who ask these questions continue to live in denial when in fact, there are many Muslims who are laying down their lives fighting against Jihadis.

The question to be asked is, who is the root cause of this problem? Who created, funded, and tried to use these extremist groups for their geopolitical goals? Who has been doing this since 1979? We only attack the foot soldiers, live in denial, and fail to identify the real culprits.

Coming to stern action, here are the people from the Muslim community who sacrificed their lives, while doing exactly what you said - stern action:

Please don't mind me saying this - more and more Muslims will continue to die fighting Jihadi terror, and we will probably continue to ask why people from the Muslims community don't take stern action.
You are probably right. But, atleast I don't see any changes to the dangerous parts of Islam that cause so much doubt. For ex: the definitions of Kafir, the inhuman treatment that is supposed to be meeted out them if they don't accept their faith, the blasphemy laws, the inequality in genders.
I mean there are a whole host of things that require modernization. The few friends I have already follow some parts. But till I see actions like those taken to cleanse Hindu traditions, I will always have that lurking doubt.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
You are probably right. But, atleast I don't see any changes to the dangerous parts of Islam that cause so much doubt. For ex: the definitions of Kafir, the inhuman treatment that is supposed to be meeted out them if they don't accept their faith, the blasphemy laws, the inequality in genders.
I mean there are a whole host of things that require modernization. The few friends I have already follow some parts. But till I see actions like those taken to cleanse Hindu traditions, I will always have that lurking doubt.
I agree with everything.

Modernization and reform happened in all religious societies, including Muslim societies, but they were dragged back to the stone ages by vested interests. It is easy to spread chaos with brainwashed zombies. Educated and enlightened people are not easily misled.

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